Friday, 6 December 2013

5.09-Awesome Alexander

Last episode the 7 original contestants were surprised to see Kirby Wise come in, and then promptly realised that the game wasn’t going to end as quickly as they thought it would. Immediately after her entrance, the mission started to not eat the pancakes, which only Alexander and Kirby succeeded in, earning 241/542 points. At the execution ceremony, Harry Johns was ultimately executed. Who will join in next?

Matthew: “Immediately after my season of the Smole finished filming, I scrambled to watch all the episodes of preivous seasons of the Smole to find out the winners’ strategies. Which is what everyone should be doing, but no, they rather settle for 4th place. Anyway, Victor won with his journal, but only a genius will be able to pick out relevant information. This isn’t foolproof, as proved many times, for example Kirby last season. I don’t know what strategy Dennis had, so forget about him. Fiona won by adopting a different persona and fooling everyone with it, which will only work if one was a great actor. And Romeo won by depending on himself. So, I think I’ll go with Fiona’s method, seeing as how effective it proved. It’s an intense game here as in Season 3, so it should fit perfectly. Plus, I’m an actor!”

Kirby: “So, I’m thinking of eliminating all those easy targets first. All those seasons with few players.”
Matthew: “You mean Season 2 and 3?”
Kirby: “Exactly.”
Matthew: “To be safe, we should try to sway as many people as possible. I might be able to affect Diana’s decision.”
Kirby: “I may be able to sway Alexander.”

Diana: “Sigh. See? Without me, this house is a mess. Others are getting sick.”

In comes Katrina Pala, next contestant!

Guy: “Oh, another one.”

Diana: “Who are you thinking of swaying first? I say get rid of the stronger ones to make our lives easier.”
Scarlett: “I prefer competition to prove I’m the best. I rather remove the weaklings.”


The next mission is to go to the soccer field and play soccer, like in Season 4. The “kicker” has to kick 3 goals in and the goalkeeper has to catch 3 balls to advance. The winner earns an exemption. Anyone who does not win 3-0 will also earn 10 points for the team, so this is worth 140 points.

Scarlett: “I’m not playing first, so I’ll revise my journal.”

Diana-0, Apollo-1

Guy-1, Alexander-0

Diana: “No! That’s the second save!”

Alexander: “Ha! Beat that!”

Katrina: “Go Apollo….nevermind.”

Alexander: “I’m on fire!”

Alexander: “Yeah! I win!”
Kirby: “Awesome Alexander!”

These are the losers. Fortunately they each earned 10 points for putting up a fight. The winners also earn 10 points.

Matthew: “Too bad!”
Alexander: “I’ll still beat you flat!”

Alexander: “That Matthew acted all cocky because he did this mission before. I really lost my face.”

Katrina-0, Diana-1.

Scarlett: “This is really not my thing.”

Diana: “Yes! My second goal!”

Alexander-0, Matthew-2.

Diana: “Yes! I win!”
Apollo: “Wow, she’s scary. But that’s only 40 points as of now.”

These 2 lost. Unfortunately no points were added for losing terribly.

Diana: “Just let me win Scarlett!”

Kirby: “You go Kirby! Beat that cocky Matthew!”

It’s starting to rain. Let’s hope it ends quickly.

Scarlett-3, Diana-0.
Matthew-2, Kirby-2.

Again, the loser bleachers. At least 20 points are added from Kirby and Matthew.

It’s the finals between Matthew and Scarlett. Who will win the exemption?

Matthew: “I’ll win this for my fans!”

Katrina: “Matthew…how ruthless!”
Guy and Alexander: “Go Matthew! Win it for us guys!”

Scarlett: “Ha! The score is even now!”

Everyone’s disappointed with Matthew.

Scarlett: “Hey, let’s swap positions. This final kick will determine all.”
Matthew: “Fine by me. I’d like to see you in action.”

Matthew: “NO! This is so embarrassing!”

Scarlett: “Beat that!”
Kirby: “You won it for us girls!”
Diana: “Scarlett, wow!”
Guy: “Good job Scarlett. I underestimated you.”
With that, another 20 points are added, so this mission is 80/140, or 321/682 points. I don’t like the number, so I’ll round it off to 320/680 points. Sorry for rounding down, but the total is rounded down too.


Kirby: “Alex love…”
Alexander: “What is it baby?”
Kirby: “Tell me, who do you think the Mole is?”
Alexander: “Do we have to do that? Well, I think it is that Guy Forrest.”
Kirby: “Smart choice! I feel the same! Thanks love!”

Matthew: “So Guy, don’t feel sad.”
Guy: “I’m not. You know, I find Scarlett really suspicious.”
Matthew: “Scarlett? No! I’ll tell you the truth. The Mole is actually moi.”
Guy: “Are you trying to trick me? Because that is blatantly stupid. Who will admit that they are the Mole?”

Kirby: “Matthew and I did our jobs, to convince Guy and Alexander to vote for someone who we know is not the Mole. I also invited Katrina to join our coalition. We will dominate this! And now I see that Apollo has his use.”

Kirby: “Why are you staring into his eyes?”

Diana: “They’re beautiful….um, nothing, no reason.”

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