After Nancy was announced as the first to be executed, she
has been banished to the corner room. Who will be next? Who is the Mole? With
50/80 points, will the Mole continue the sabotage?

Dolly: “Hello? Police? I suspect there’s a robber on my lot?
How do I know? Well, there’s this creepy music playing and I’m a light sleeper
and I suddenly woke up, so…what was that?”

Twyla: “Ugh! Stupid alarm!”
Phillip: “Stupid burglars! Can’t they find somewhere else to

Tia: “You’re under arrest!”
Taylor: “Oh, I’m late for the party.”
Dolly: “What’s going on?”
Aloysius: “A robbery took place. Fortunately the burglar
alarm went off.”
Aloysius: “Is it strange that Taylor took so long to get
down and Dolly only just woke up? She’s not a heavy sleeper, is she? Or was my
storytelling abilities too good?
Probably no cause for worry though. I mean, this is not even a mission
Taylor: “Gosh, my butt still feels wet…”
Dolly: “I saw Tay in the bathroom earlier.”
Taylor: “What? Oh, thanks!”

Dolly: “Play with me, Aloysius?”
Aloysius: “Not this time. I heard the newest season of the
Smole is coming out!”
Tay: “Isn’t that our season?”
Aloysius: “I’m talking about completed seasons.”

Tay: “I’ll play with you Dolly.”
Taylor: “Stop right there!”
Taylor: “You! How could you prank me like that!”
Tay: “What?”
Dolly: “Heehee.”
Susie: “Erm…”

Taylor: “You caused me to get drenched!”
Susie: “That was me.”
Taylor: “What?”
Earlier that day…
Phillip: “Oh Bella…”
Taylor: “Who’s that?”

Taylor: “Oh, it’s you. Who’s that? Your lover?”
Phillip: “What? It’s a friend I met at school. Don’t you
think I’m a little young? Can you be more age-appropriate? I mean, you’re on
national TV! I want my reputation!”
Taylor: “What reputation would a kid like you have?”
Phillip: “More than you.”
Taylor: “Aren't we in a coalition? If we are, stop talking
back to me.”

Dolly: “I've been told to spread the message to you, Phillip
and Susie. We are tasked with the next mission, to prank someone. Phillip can
prank anyone. For every successful prank 20 points are added, so the total is
80 points again.”
Aloysius: “Why did you call me, Tay?”
Tay: “Well, the showerhead is spoilt, so I thought you could
Taylor: “Oh you’re right, the sink is clogged—woah!”
Aya: “I thought Dolly was finally learning to be a nice, proper girl. Little did I know
that little brat planted a whoopee cushion beneath the couch! To think I
actually fell for it and sat while she went to get a cup of tea!”
Aloysius: “What the…TAY! Ugh, I’m going back in.”
Aloysius: “That Tay! He pranked me! I can’t take it from
someone as old as him! He’s acting like a child, so immature! Sure, it may be
fun, but not when you’re the butt of the joke! I must avenge myself!”
Taylor: “Why are we gathered here?”
Dolly: “Beats me.”
Aya: “I hesitate to sit down.”
Dolly: “Look, I’m sorry Aya, but you’ll understand.”
“So, how was it like getting pranked?”
Aya: “Terrible!”
Taylor: “I heard yours was a whoopee cushion. The classic

Taylor: “Yours was better than mine at least! I got a spa!”
Aya: “That’s the life of living under the same roof as
Tay: “Guys relax! Let’s hear till the end.”
Phillip: “Touche.”
“Anyway, the prankers: Tay, Susie and Dolly managed to prank
Aloysius, Taylor and Aya respectively successfully, so 20 points are added. 60
points to the pot! Well done guys! Being pranked wasn’t so bad now, eh?”

Taylor: “I felt so embarrassed to have maligned Tay. It was
for a mission, and he wasn't’t the one who pranked me. I can’t believe I just
accused him like that! I’m ruining my own chances!”

Tay: “Look, I know you must be feeling embarrassed, and I
totally understand how you feel. And I don’t blame you.”
Taylor: “You don’t?”
Tay: “Not one bit. I would be angry if I was pranked too! I
forgive you for your earlier action.”
Taylor: “Thanks so much. I feel relieved now.”
Dolly: “Great. I’m dripping wet.”
“And you earned yourself an exemption! Will you use it now?”
Dolly: “I don’t want to use it too early, so no.”
“Anyway, another 20 points are added, so full 80 points are
added, making it 130/160 points.”
Taylor: “You know, since you and I have the closest
relationship, why not we form a coalition?”
Tay: “Great idea!”
Taylor: “Your eyes, they’re so gorgeous.”
Tay: “Yours too, Taylor. So blue, so pristine like the calm
Susie: “Guys?”
Taylor: “Not now, Susie.”

Dolly: “Susie never comes for our meetings. Do you think we
should kick her out?”
Phillip: “She’s always after the attention of the teens.
Anyway, who do you think the Mole is?”
Dolly: “I don’t know. I just love this place!”
Tay: “Taylor! Will you please respect me!”
Taylor: “Sorry! Great, I really blew it this time….”
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