Tuesday, 17 December 2013

6.05-Back in my days

Previously, the 12 remaining players had to play 3 games, which are foosball, pool and bowling. Each was worth 10 points for winning them. However, Angelica and Mack only completed 1, and Emerald and Dillion did not win any at all, bringing the pot to 380/510, which is average. Who shall be next after Mack? Will the team bring the pot higher or lower?

Brianna: “I think I’ll go enter the confession room…wait, I need to change first.”
Brianna: “I suspected Angelica and Chanelle the most after the last mission actually, but after hearing that Angelica got an exemption, I suspected her less. She could have purposely lost and then waited for the time to strike to grab that exemption.”

Dickie: “Why did I choose this bed? It’s so rickety and so above ground!”

Dickie: “Please, eat something more filling instead.”
Emerald: “But..but I love snow cones!”
Brad: “I’m too lazy to cook.”
Dickie: “Ingrates.”

Cekeste: “Ooh shuffleboard…oh no, it dropped!”
Dickie: “Excellent. It burnt. I pin my blame on this stove.”
Ezekiel: “Don’t waste food, Mdm. Ingareese.”
Dickie: “But it’s burnt crisp!”
Ezekiel: “Those little children in Strangetown are starving! And here we are complaining about burnt food?”
Dickie: “…I guess you’re right. Back in my days, everyone treasured food. Now they’re treated like playthings.”

Dickie: “Boors. I’ll eat away from them.”


Kenneth: “Oh, hi.”
Ezekiel: “Kenneth my bud, just relax! It’s only a game!”
Dickie: “Of all these ungrateful players, I admire Ezekiel and Kenneth the best. Ezekiel is kind and gentlemanly, and rather chivalrous. Kenneth is magnanimous and thoughtful, unless it’s all a ploy. I’m thinking of forming those…coalitions, as you call them. So what if I have one with Celeste? The more, the merrier!”


Mission Time! In this mission, 4 Sims will have to go apple-bobbing while the rest hide. The winner will then have to look for one Sim to bring back to apple-bob, and the cycle repeats itself until all are found at least once, or until 8pm. You guys have 9 hours in total. For every Sim found, 20 points are added. This mission will be worth 140 points.

Kenneth: “I’m willing to do it.”
Celeste: “So am I! It’s like university all over again!”
Celeste: “I can’t help but babble on about university when I get the chance. I miss those days. It was fun! Now I have to go find a job. Chanelle advised against being in the music industry, but I convinced her otherwise, I think. Even if I win, I’ll still look for job offers because music is my passion.”
Emerald: “Who murdered those apples?”
Brianna: “Okay, let’s get started.”
Brianna: “This is quite fun!”
Kenneth: “I’m getting a little hungry, but I must persevere!”

Brianna: “I win! Now time to look for someone.”
Celeste: “Aww….but it was fun!”
Emerald: “We have more apples to save!”
Kenneth: “Emerald, we have to wait for Brianna to find someone first.”
Brianna: “Where would one hide? The least visited place. That would be…the graveyard!”
Brianna: “Hey, there’s Ezekiel!”
Brianna: “I found you. Now you have to go back and bob apples.”
Ezekiel: “I thought it was a great hiding spot.”
Brianna: “Time for me to hide as well.”
Celeste: “Oh finally!”
Ezekiel: “How many apples do I need to bob again?”
Kenneth: “26.”
“There’s a tie between the girls! When there’s a tie, all Sims that tied will be able to look for a Sim.
Ezekiel: “I can’t believe we lost to a bunch of girls.”
Kenneth: “It isn’t that bad. Emerald’s passionate and quick, while Celeste has experience.”
Ezekiel: “You should stop letting others win and fight for yourself. I know you can do it.”

Emerald: “Every power ranger must have a good horsey! I wonder if they want some hay…”
Celeste: “Someone has got to be in a club!”
Celeste: “Aha!”
Brianna: “Aw man…that was too fast.”
Brad: “What a cute stallion.”
Brad: “Great.”
Emerald: “Yay! Horsey! Go away Brad!”
Kenneth: “Oh, Brianna. Nice to see you again.”
Brianna: “There’s a 3-way tie!”
Ezekiel: “Great. This is humiliating.”
Ezekiel: “But it’s past 7 o clock already. I can’t wait for this to be over!”
Brad: “That Chanelle lady must be in the library! That old hag would love it here! Ooh, air-conditioner!”
Brianna: “Ha! Angelica, time for you to go!”
Angelica: “But like, I like, want to come up with like, a new perfume scent!”
Brianna: “Maybe next time.”
Kenneth: “Anybody in here? Hello?”
Angelica: “I’m here…”
Angelica: “Like, oh. You’re like, buff!”
Brad: “Why should I be looking for her? I’m just going to read this biography on Orlando Bloom.”
And time is up! Only Brianna, Angelica and Brad were found, which is awfully disappointing. But since Brianna was found twice, we’ll be generous and consider her as two Sims. With that, 80/140 points were earned, or 460/650 points were earned.


Dickie: “Celeste! Let’s talk shop shall we?”
Celeste: “All right. Who do you think the Mole is at this point?”
Dickie: “It’s too early to tell, but I suspect Brad. He didn't even try to look for anyone in this mission.”
Celeste: “Hmm…I’ll consider that. I actually thought it was Dillion, for hiding exceptionally well this time round.”
Dickie: “I heard he hid in a VIP Lounge!”

Celeste: “No wonder we couldn't find him! How sneaky!”

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