Saturday, 21 December 2013


Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: In what order did the Mole wake up?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th

Q3: In Mission 7, which game did the Mole play first?
A: Bowling
B: Foosball
C: Pool

Q4: In Mission 7, who was the Mole’s original competitior?
A: Angelica Gerria
B: Brad Littler
C: Brianna McWinner
D: Ezekiel Zedee
E: Kenneth Crunch
F: Luke Sands

Q5: In Mission 7, what game did the Mole play next?
A: Chess
B: Shuffleboard
C: The Mole was out

Q6: In Mission 7, who was the Mole’s next competitor?
A: Angelica Gerria
B: Brad Littler
C: Luke Sands
D: The Mole was already out

Q7: Did the Mole make it to the final game in Mission 7?
A: Yes
B: No

Q8: In Mission 7, what colour was the Mole’s puck in shuffleboard?
A: Blue
B: Red
C: The Mole did not play shuffleboard

Q9: In Mission 7, did the Mole earn an exemption?
A: Yes
B: No

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Angelica Gerria
B: Brad Littler
C: Brianna McWinner
D: Ezekiel Zedee
E: Kenneth Crunch
F: Luke Sands


“Ezekiel Zedee, please enter the left room.”

“Brianna McWinner, please enter the room on the right.”

“Brad Littler, please follow Brianna.”

“Kenneth Crunch, please enter the left room.”
Kenneth: “Grr..”

“Luke Sands, please follow Kenneth.”

Left-Blue. Right-Green.

“Kenneth Crunch , please enter the other room.”
Kenneth: “Whatever.”

“Luke Sands, please enter the other room.”
Luke: “I wonder what this is all about.”

Left-Green. Right-Blue.
Ezekiel: “What? I’m safe? Well, of course I am!”

Kenneth: “Sigh. I don’t know what to say if I’m out.”
Luke: “Good luck kiddo.”
“Kenneth Crunch, please enter the room on the left.”
Kenneth: “That room? Again?”

Kenneth: “Here goes nothing….”

Left-Green, Right-Red.
Luke: “What?”
“I’m sorry Luke Sands, you have been eliminated. Please pack your bags and leave.”

Luke: “I’m a bit surprised really. I just formed my coalition and then I’m out? This game really is better played alone. Coalitions won’t help. That pesky Mole tricked me!”


Angelica: “Like Brianna, what you so like cheery about?”

Kenneth: “Angelica!”
Angelica: “Like, what is it?”

Kenneth: “You are the Mole!”
Angelica: “Like what?”
Kenneth: “Don’t like to me! You ***********************************************!”
Angelica: “Like, shocker! Oh-em-like-gee!”

Angelica: “I will not like accept like this insult! I like am so not the Mole!”
Brianna: “Good work Kenneth. Don’t let anybody push you around anymore.”

What a change of events! Is Angelica really the Mole?

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