On the Smole, the contestants went to do blatant acts of
sabotage: pranking. All sabotages were successful, thus earning the team
130/160 points for the pot. However, the 2nd female teenager, Aya
Ulu, was executed. Who is the Mole? Who is next?
This next mission requires the Sims to do it separately. 3 children will go and try to sell their goods while the 3 teens go windsurfing. The one who sells the most or windsurfs the longest wins an exemption.
Aloysius: “I envy Tay. He has everything. The looks, the
brawn, the heart, the brain, everything! All the women just throw themselves at
him! It’s so unfair! He’s so popular and can get everything he wants while I
have to slog my guts out to get a fraction of what he has.”

Susie: “The rain has stopped, but thanks for braving the
rain Tay.”
Tay: “At least our plans won’t be interrupted.”
Tay: “So, how’s life?”
Aloysius: “Great, thanks.”
Tay: “I was thinking: The teen rate is dropping like flies.
We should form a coalition, as a form of insurance.”
Off they go!
Dolly: “Wait, where’s the goods?”
Susie: “I’m on it!”
Susie will bake 10 plates of goods for the other 2 to sell.
She willingly forgoes her exemption. How noble. Anyway, since there will only
be 2 children, things have changed slightly. For every plate sold, 10 points
are added and for every skill point earned windsurfing, 20 points are added.
This is now worth 160 points. A lot is at stake here.
That’s her first plate. Through Simdex, we will deliver the
goods to each of the children alternately.

There goes Aloysius.
Phillip: “One time only! 5 Simoleons each…hello? Oh hi
Tay: “I’ll buy your most expensive item.”
Aloysius: “What was Tay doing? Instead of supporting the
group, he chooses to help someone else? And he flaunts his wealth, thinking
he’s so rich. Disgusting.”

Tay: “Here you go, Dolly.”
Dolly: “Thanks! But is that even allowed?”
Illiana: “I witnessed everything, young lady! How dare you
steal from my daughter’s stall! Didn't your parents teach you anything?”

Tay: “Hello there miss. I don’t think you should be shouting
at an 8-year-old like that. You see, we’re currently filming, and this show
requires this little girl here to steal some money.”
Dolly: “I decided to steal from my competitor, but instead
her mother saw it and scolded me! I was so afraid. Thankfully Tay came to my
rescue! He’s my prince, and I’m the damsel in distress! Whee!”

Taylor: “I don’t quite agree with you Tay. You shouldn't be
overprotecting her. What if she grows up thinking it’s okay?”
Illiana: “Finally, someone who agrees with me!"
Tay: “What’s up with Taylor? She’s blowing hot and cold on
me! And was she out to embarrass me? Here I was trying to help Dolly and then
she had to butt in and ruin everything! The money had to be returned in the
end. There goes all my efforts.”


Phillip: “I think Susie wasn't baking hard enough. She took
her own sweet time, baking till it was night. It’s only 10 plates, for goodness
sake! Highly suspicious. And how was I supposed to know nobody is allowed to
eat at the art gallery?”


Taylor: “Hi Aloysius.”
Aloysius: “Hey.”
Taylor: “Tay told me you joined our coalition…..well,
welcome, I guess. Apparently only you earned a point, so 20/160 points are
added. That’s pathetic. Oh there's Tay!”

Taylor: “Mmfff..”
Taylor: “I’m sorry, I just thought…”
Tay: “You thought wrong! I gave you too many chances
already. I’m just not over her yet! Do you think I’m loose! I never thought you
were loose!”

Aloysius: “Taylor doesn’t notice me. Our relationship is platonic….okay, I admit, I may have a crush on her. I can’t stand her being bullied by Tay like that! What’s so good about Nancy anyway? It was just a fling! Good thing I kept my cool in front of them.”
150/320 points were added. Major sabotage begins here. Aloysius,
being the only one to earn points, earns an exemption which he chooses not to
use. Tay lasts the longest however and he earns a hidden exemption, which he
chooses to use. Again, quiz and execution will take place tomorrow.
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