Previously on the Smole,
Quinn: "Were you looking for me?"
Toby: "Well, you were once my teach and ever since this big twist I feel like I can only trust you, so I was wondering if you want to have a coalition?"
Quinn: "I'm finding Bobo more and more suspicious. She tripped on the way out of the house in the last mission."
Toby: "That's just Bobo being Bobo."
Quinn: "I think we shouldn't be so quick to dismiss her."
Cole: "You just don't get it do you? Screw your grandfather. Screw your girlfriend. Screw everyone you know. They're the ones holding you back."
Cole: "If you think being famous is what you gotta do, then you either become a movie star and get that fame star, or you pull her down from where she is."
Bobo: "I guess I just need new friends. Can we be friends?"
Belinda: "Okay. It would be nice to widen my social circle and support one another."
Bobo: "Yay! Thank you!"
"Please pack your bags and leave."
The contestants had to try and help Belinda rollerskate to the end in time to earn 100 points while gaining bonus points in the meantime. Although Belinda failed the main mission, 50 bonus points were added to the pot, making it 240/500 points. It was Belinda who then failed at the quizzes and became the next contestant to be executed. Could she have been a demoted Mole? Who is the one and only Mole?

Matilda: "Why does everyone I suspect keep going home? I really suck at this Smole business. It's a good thing I always have more than one Mole as backup."

The contestants have been paired up and brought to three strategic locations. Bombs that go off at different times have been placed in Lucky Palms. It is up to the contestants to defuse them within 2 hours. Each bomb location that has been made safe will bring in 60 points for the pot. This mission is worth 180 points, the largest amount to date.

In the desert are three bomb sites, each with three wires. The wires are all connected to a big bomb hidden somewhere in the desert. Some wires must be cut at each site to deactivate the bomb while the rest will set it off.

Sylvester and Matilda are at the docks. At the docks are four trucks with number padlocks. They have been given a code but only one truck has not been laced with a bomb: the other three, if opened with an incorrect code, will set off the bomb at the docks.

As for Bobo and Toby, they have an unspecified number of bombs hidden beneath the fountains. They have been given a remote control with numbers but are not sure how it links to the bomb defusal yet. For them, one wrong move with the remote may set off a bomb.

Sylvester: "This mission was so cool. I felt like a secret agent. I want to be able to do this in real life too."
Bobo: "Should we just try the different buttons?"
Toby: "No way dude. You wanna get us killed?"
Quinn: "We should check out the other three fuse boxes."
Quinn: "This has a green wire, a red wire and blue wire."
Cole: "Over here is red, yellow, green."
Matilda: "We have 4 trucks and we can't even try to pull the door open in case we pull the wrong one and activate the bomb. I don't see how this is possible."
Sylvester: "We're going to need to depend on the rest."
Sylvester: "This is Sylvester and Matilda. We have 4 trucks with numbered padlocks. Only one of them is safe while the other three are booby-trapped. Is there anything on both of your sides that could help us?"
Quinn: "This is Quinn and Cole. We're in a desert and there are 3 sets of 3 wires. We also have a wire cutter so it's clear we need to cut wires but we don't know what to cut. Maybe Toby and Bobo have the answer."
Sylvester: "Bobo, Toby, are you there? Hello?"
Matilda: "It's starting to rain and the rain is getting into my eye."
Sylvester: "They're not responding. Quinn, what colours do you have?"
Quinn: "We have red, yellow, blue, then green, red, blue, then red, yellow, green."
Sylvester: "Only the red wire appears all three times. Could that be the wire to cut...or the van we need to enter!"
Matilda: "You do the honours."
Matilda: "Don't die Sylvester."
Sylvester: "Real reassuring."
Sylvester: "Here goes nothing."
Matilda: "Eep!"
Sylvester: "What is it? I don't dare to look."
Matilda: "Nothing. That was just a pre-emptive shriek."
Sylvester: "Hmm, there is an instruction manual here. To change the colours of the fountains, press the corresponding button on the remote. For example, to change the fountains to blue, press the blue button."
Matilda: "What remote?"
Toby: "Hey, I forgot we had this. Yo, this is Toby and Bobo. Over."
Sylvester: "Perfect timing. This is Sylvester. Do you have a remote?"
Toby: "We do. Wait Bobo, don't press anything yet!"
Sylvester: "You can change the colour of the fountains with the remote. I think you need to change it to blue by pressing the blue button."
Toby: "You got it. Bobo my brah, Sylvester says we need to press the blue button."
Bobo: "Some of the fountains turned off."
Toby: "Let's take a closer look."
Toby: "Hey, there are numbers on the bottom. This one says 9."
Bobo: "Do the other fountains have numbers too?"
Toby: "This says 2."
Toby: "This says 6."
Bobo: "This says 1."
Bobo: "Hmm, do the numbers correspond to the buttons?"
Toby: "Maybe the others need them."
Toby: "'Sup dudes and dudettes. We got some codes from the fountains. 6,2,1 and 9. Anyone of you need some numbers? Over."
Sylvester: "We do. Our padlocks require 4 digits."
Matilda: "We had to press the blue button to get the code, so maybe it's the blue truck."
Sylvester: "Here goes nothing."
Sylvester: "It works! Quinn, in the blue truck is a note that you need to cut the yellow wire at Bomb Site 1."
Quinn: "Where's that?"
Sylvester: "There was a map in the red truck. I don't know how to describe it to you but there's a lake on the top left side of the map. Near that is Bomb Site 1. At the opposite corner is Bomb Site 3. In the middle is Bomb Site 2."
Quinn: "Heard that?"
Cole: "Loud and clear. Bomb Site 1 is over there."
Quinn: "We're headed to Bomb Site 1 to cut the yellow wire."
Quinn: "Are you cutting the right wire?"
Cole: "Yes. Yellow right?"
Quinn: "Yes."
Cole: "Oof!"
Quinn: "What happened?"
Cole: "I yanked too hard and fell back No biggie."
Cole: "The yellow wire has been cut."
Quinn: "Something dropped out. 'Other than blue, changing the fountain colours to any other primary colour will set off the bombs there. The safe secondary colours are here.'"
Cole: "We need to tell Tobo and Boby, I mean Bobo and Toby!"
Quinn: "But where are the safe colours?"
Cole: "Secondary colours. It must be purple because we got rid of yellow so we're left with blue and red."
Quinn: "But those are only when you mix paint colours. It's different from mixing light colours."
Cole: "What's the difference?"
Quinn: "The primary colours of light are red, green and blue."
Toby: "Err, guys? You there? I can hear you squabbling."
Bobo: "What are they saying?"
Toby: "Something about secondary and primary colours."
Bobo: "How do they fit a bomb in here? That's so scary."
Cole: "Give me that phone. I'll let them decide. Hey Toby and Bobo, you need to change the fountains to a colour that's red + blue. I think it's purple but Quinn doesn't but she doesn't know what it could be."
Toby: "Got it bro."
Cole: "We need to change it to purple. Cole told us red and blue."
Bobo: "What if they're wrong? They were arguing for a while."
Toby: "Then we sink. But we don't have any other choice brah."
Bobo: "Okay. I'll change it to purple."
Toby: "Let me get out of the splash zone first."
Bobo: "It's changed. Purple was right."
Toby: "We need to find the codes again."
Toby: "3, 4, 3."
Bobo: "Which ones did we already look at? I kinda forgot."
Toby: "I think we saw this already, and this, but not this one. This one also says 3."
Toby: "The code is 3433 dudes and dudettes."
Matilda: "Which truck though?"
Cole: "Try yellow. That's the wire we cut."
Toby: "Cole said yellow."
Bobo: "Okay!"
Bobo: "AAAAH!"
Toby: "AAAAH!"
Toby: "Ack!"
Bobo: "Toby! Are you okay?"
Toby: "I'm fine bro...ack...just got some smoke in my lungs. Ack!"
Bobo: "What went wrong? We followed instructions."
Toby: "I thought we were talking in a Round Robin style. Cole and Quinn give me info and I give Sylvester and Matilda info and they give Cole and Quinn info. We also forgot that we couldn't change the fountains to a primary colour. We got caught up in the moment."
Matilda: "This is terrifying. I don't want to die!"
Sylvester: "You're not going to die. 3433..."
Sylvester: "It's open."
Matilda: "Phew."
Sylvester: "Quinn and Cole, you need to cut the middle wire at Bomb Site 2."
Cole: "I cut the first one. Now it's your turn."
Quinn: "I don't want to die. I still want to see Victor and get married and have babies!"
Cole: "No squirming out of this one. We agreed we keep switching each time."
Quinn: "If I die, please tell Victor I love him. I also have a secret journal containing my various experiments with chemicals to make a love and fertility potion. I'm still figuring it out but it's under the bed."
Cole: "Uh, what? Love and fertility potion?"
Quinn: "Oh, nothing happened. Then pretend I didn't say anything. Tell the rest the red wire has been cut."
Sylvester: "Toby, Bobo, is there any new info on your end?"
Matilda: "Give me that. Hmm, the channel has been set correctly. Hello? Guys? They're not responding."
Cole: "They're MIA once again."
Sylvester: "We're left with the green truck but we don't have the code."
Matilda: "That's it. It's over. Time to pack up and go home."
Cole: "We have to cut a random wire."
Quinn: "Are you crazy?"
Cole: "We don't have any other choice. We gotta try."
Quinn: "I'm staying far away. What wire are you cutting?"
Cole: "The green one. We cut a red one and a yellow one and Toby and Bobo had to change the fountains to blue, so the only colour left is green."
Quinn: "Are you sure?"
Cole: "No."
Cole: "Here goes nothing..."
Quinn: "Cole..."
Quinn: "I think you did it!"
Cole: "WOO! Yeah baby!"
Matilda: "Guys, any codes for us?"
Quinn: "Unfortunately not. I think you're on your own."
Sylvester: "Damn it. We're going to have to make a guess."
Matilda: "I'm standing back."
Matilda: "Aah!"
Quinn: "What happened to you guys?"
Bobo: "We were hit by the bomb."
Toby: "What the hell bro? You told us to press yellow!"
Cole: "Me? When did I ever say that?"
Toby: "You said 'try yellow' and we did and then the bombs exploded in our butts!"
Cole: "I was talking to Sylvester and Matilda, not you guys!"
Toby: "...Oh."
Matilda: "Hey guys...what happened to you guys?"
Bobo: "The bomb went off."
Quinn: "Did you guys succeed in defusing the bomb?"
Matilda: "We were left with the green truck and we had no clue so we took a gamble and started with the lowest possible combination."
Cole: "And?"
Bobo: "Where's Sylvester?"
Sylvester: "Right here with another 60 points!"
Cole: "Woo! Good job brother!"
The group did decently at defusing bombs, achieving 120/180 points and making the pot 360/680 points. Who will fail at the execution next?
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