Previously on the Smole,
"Contestants, welcome to Lucky Palms. Before now you were two groups independently playing your season with your own Mole. Congratulations on making it this far and meeting the other side. But this also means a fresh start and a potentially new Mole for some of you."
"There's also the issue of two pots, which is where all of you come in."
Matilda: "Bobo, wait up! we newbies have to stick together."
April: "What the fuck? This pool is empty!"
Belinda: "I need to do this systematically."
Bobo: "I have an idea. We can hide their tokens so that our team emerges out top."
Sylvester: "There's a token beside the table!"
Belinda: "Where?"
Sylvester: "Go around it!"
Matilda: "There's nothing in this room."
Bobo: "Maybe someone already came in here."
Quinn: "How many points do you have?"
Matilda: "Not telling you"
Quinn: "Why not? If we can find out whose pot is bigger than we just need to collect those tokens."
Bobo: "We need to self-sabotage."
Sylvester: "I'm not gathering enough tokens. This isn't good."
"This means that the pot will start from 190/400 points."
"Not only that, but Cole, congratulations. You collected the most tokens and thus get the exemption."
Cole: "Woo!"
The veterans and the newbies faced off in their latest mission after finally being aware of each other's presence. They had to try their best to secure tokens from their own side's pot and to get an exemption for themselves. In the end, the veterans found tokens worth more points and reset the pot to be 190/400 points, while Cole found the most number of tokens and thus claimed an exemption. Things have definitely shaken up for half of them. Will the next one to be executed be a veteran or a newbie? Is the Mole a veteran or newbie?

Bobo: "I trust April fully. So if she says that the Mole is Matilda and maybe Toby, then the Mole is Matilda and maybe Toby. If she says it's one of the vets, then it's one of the vets."

Sylvester: "This is such a surprise twist. Who would have thought our hard work could be shaken up? In the end the veterans prevailed but we lost 30 points in the process. How strange. I thought the Mole was either Davian or Cole, but Cole did really well here and Davian's gone, and we now could have a potentially new Mole, so maybe the new Mole is one of the new players."

Matilda: "The Mole's still April for me unless something comes along later on to change my mind. Her consistently poor performance in the first four missions is so hard to ignore. My backup is Toby for the same reasons. I don't know about the vets but at least I can be sure of the newbies."

Cole: "If we just look at the pot, the new Mole is probably a newb. But a low pot means more contestants will suspect the Mole, and suspicions are just as important. So at the end of the day, the Mole could still very well be a vet. Following my gut has kept me so far so I'll just continue to follow it. Maybe I'll just add one or two newbs who look like they can be the Mole for good measure."
April: "Why didn't they prepare an extra room."
Bobo: "Because then we can be roomies! Yay!"
April: "Yay..."
Bobo: "Do you think our Mole has changed?"
April: "Of course not. We don't even have 190 points to collect. If the Mole is chosen based on the pot then ours has their beat."
Bobo: "Of course. I'm so glad I'm working with you. So it's...oh no."
April: "What?"
Bobo: "I forgot that we wanted to have 8 questions on Matilda and 2 on Toby on the previous quiz."
April: "Then how did you answer?"
Bobo: "I don't remember."
Bobo: "Are you going to include anyone else from the veterans as a suspect?"
April: "Why not? I'll include all of them."
Bobo: "Oh okay then I'll do it too. I think I'll go and talk to them to find out more about them. If we are going to include them then we have to make sure we know enough about them."
April: "I don't think we ever had a shot of claiming our pot. They had so many more points. We were never going to be able to get our pot unless the other side screwed up really badly. I think the Mole is on our side, which is Matilda or Toby. I don't know why I told Bobo that I'll suspect all the veterans too. It just came out naturally. But it sucks to be her if she really goes ahead and does it."
Quinn: "Woohoo! I wanna dance with somebody, I wanna feel the heat with somebody~"
Toby: "You're even more fun than I last remembered Ms. H."
Quinn: "Have we met before?"
Toby: "You really don't remember me? I was one of your students."
Quinn: "I taught so many students boy. I don't remember all of them."
Belinda: "Are you sure you didn't mistake Quinn for someone else?"
Toby: "Nah brah. I'm sure it's her. She's the fun chem teach with a nasty PMS."
Toby: "Hey brah, did you know? When her Aunt Flo comes she PMS real bad."
Belinda: "Oh. That can explain her recent behaviour."
Quinn: "What behaviour? Last I remembered you called me a bitch."
Belinda: "No, you called me a bitch."
Toby: "So it's that time of the month huh."
Quinn: "I really don't remember you."
Toby: "Brah. I was the kid who got an F- in organic chem. It was thanks to you that I pulled it up. You saved my life Ms. H!"
Quinn: "Oh now I remember you. Your name is what again?"
Toby: "Toby Earlgrey ma'am."
Quinn: "Ah, yes, it rings a bell. And please, just call me Quinn. We're not in school any more."
Quinn: "Now let's dance like there's no tomorrow!"
Toby: "Chyeah!"
Sylvester: "Have you found anyone new to schmooze up yet?"
Cole: "What? How did you know?"
Sylvester: "Nothing gets past a cop."
Cole: "Well then, you already know why I do it."
Sylvester: "Does it really work?"
Cole: "Yeah. I climbed up the ladder way quicker than anyone else I know. Some of my ex-buddies are still stagehands today."
Sylvester: "Ex-buddies?"
Cole: "We hardly keep in contact since I left for greener pastures. One of them was quite pissed I slept with the stage manager."
Sylvester: "He has a right to."
Cole: "He's the one still stuck in that small town fixing sets. You snooze, you lose...or in this case, win."
Cole: "Why do you ask? Do you wanna get ahead too?"
Sylvester: "Who doesn't?"
Cole: "Then you came to the right guy. I got some tips for you, but it ain't easy. You have to be ready to give up everything you know and love."
Matilda: "What happened over at your side of the house?"
Quinn: "We had a mission where we had to arrange items in order, then we had to answer soccer trivia, then we had to walk through a haunted corridor to collect enough heartbeats, then the Where's Waldo mission which I think you know."
Quinn: "And on your side?"
Matilda: "We needed to collect letters to form sentences, then we had to act out famous scenes, then we had to try and lie to Ruth - she was a contestant who was already executed - to earn points and finally that Where's Waldo mission."
Quinn: "Who was most suspicious then?"
Matilda: "Isn't that too much info you're asking for?"
Matilda: "Are you proposing a coalition?"
Quinn: "It wouldn't hurt. We both need someone from the other camp to help us."
Matilda: "I think I'll do just fine alone thank you. But maybe in the future."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity. The lowest scorer will be executed. As the first exemption since the two sides merged, Cole will not be taking this quiz.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Is the Mole a newbie or veteran?
A: Newbie
B: Veteran
Q3: Does the Mole have a tattoo?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: Before Mission 5, who sat to the Mole's left?
A: April Grey
B: Sylvester Roscoe
C: Matilda Smart
D: Cole Mirani
E: Toby Earlgrey
F: Belinda Hunny
G: Quinn Harley
H: Bobo Fishdragon
Q5: In Mission 5, how many tokens did the Mole find that belonged to the Mole's team?
A: 0
B: 2
C: 6
D: 7
E: 9
Q6: In Mission 5, how many points did the Mole collect?
A: 0
B: 12
C: 20
D: 40
E: 45
F: 50
G: 55
H: 65
Q7: Did the Mole collect the most tokens in their team in Mission 5?
A: Yes
B: No
Q8: In Mission 5, how many points did the Mole's team collect?
A: 97
B: 190
Q9: Does the Mole share a room in Lucky Palms?
A: Yes
B: No
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Belinda Hunny
B: Sylvester Roscoe
C: Quinn Harley
D: Cole Mirani
E: Matilda Smart
F: Toby Earlgrey
G: April Grey
H: Bobo Fishdragon
"Contestants, this isn't your first execution ceremony but it might as well be your first. A sudden influx of new competitors will throw a spanner in the works. Has this changed anything for any of you? Who will be executed: a newbie or a veteran? Let's go around, starting with Matilda Smart."
"Matilda, you are safe."
Matilda: "Thank god."
"Sylvester Roscoe..."
" are safe. Quinn Harley."
Quinn: "Yes!"
"Toby Earlgrey, you..."
"...are safe."
Toby: "Chyeah!"
"Down to three. Bobo Fishdragon, unfortunately..."
" are safe."
Bobo: "Oh my goodness, you scared me!"
"April Grey, Belinda Hunny, one of you will be executed tonight. The one to be executed is..."
"...April Grey. Please pack your bags and leave."
April: "Damn."
Bobo: "April was my roomie and coalition partner since the first day. She was the big sister looking out for me."
April: "I'm never lucky. I'm just skilled."
Toby: "April always played really hard, even in missions and out. She really had her way of playing the game."
April: "Girls, three guys are down and only one is left. Why don't you say we get rid of the last man too?"
Sylvester: "I barely knew her but from what I've seen she's a very competitive and I dare say fanatic lady. She's not afraid to do what it takes to win."
April: "It would be evil of them to throw some in the trash."
April: "This sucks. I had the right Mole from the start. Always answered everything right and played the missions in the perfect way possible. I don't know how I could have been executed. At least I got to the merge, much further than 8 of them."
The lying soccer player has been executed! Did she really have the correct Mole? Has the Mole changed? Who is the Mole?
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