Previously on the Smole,
Cole: "Look Quinn. I think whatever I wanna think, I woohoo whoever I wanna woohoo, and you can't stop me!"
Quinn: "Men like you are the scum of the world!"
Cole: "Get off me!"
Toby: "Ms. H!"
Cole: "Oh shit!"
Cole: "Shit sorry. I didn't mean to do that."
Toby: "I've never seen this side of you before. You were like, perfect, back when I was in high school."
Quinn: "Nobody is perfect. Definitely not teachers and definitely not me."
Sylvester: "Bobo, what are you doing out here sighing?"
Bobo: "I'm just trying to practise what Belinda taught me."
Sylvester: "What did she teach you?"
Bobo: "To be comfortable being alone with myself."
Bobo: "I love my job and being a clown. Being a clown makes others happy and seeing others happy makes me happy. In that case, why not I be a clown every day so that everyone can be happy every day?"
Sylvester: "I'll never do anything to hurt her reputation."
Matilda: "If only she supported you the same way."
Sylvester: "How do you know she doesn't?"
Matilda: "She's a celeb. All celebs are the same. Stuck up and only care about themselves."
"Please pack your bags and leave."
The contestants earned 120/180 points in the previous mission defusing bombs, bringing the pot to 360/680 points. After working well with Cole, Quinn flipped out on him and while he survived the execution, she was executed instead. With only five contestants remaining, who will be the final two to be executed? Who is the Mole?
Matilda: "Life's so boring cooped up at home. Since we don't get to go out and party, I decided to throw my own party in my room. Everyone's invited of course. It's going to be a wild night."
Matilda: "Woohoo!"
Cole: "Shake it hot stuff!"
Sylvester: "I can hear all the noise from my room."
Matilda: "Uh-oh. Someone called the cops on this party."
Toby: "Come join us if you can't sleep brah!"
Sylvester: "Might as well."
Cole: "That's the spirit!"
Sylvester: "Where's Bobo?"
Matilda: "Dunno. I invited everyone."
Matilda: "Maybe she forgot or maybe she's too tired to party. Her loss."
"Good morning contestants. For today's mission, two of you will need to identify real news from fake news while three of you will go digging for the real news' corresponding items and then arrange them in chronological order. Each item in the right spot nets 20 points, making this mission worth 100 points. You have one hour. Please allocate the roles among yourselves."
Toby: "I will dig."
Matilda: "I rather not get dirty today. I'll read the news instead if that's okay with y'all."
Cole: "I think I'm up for a dig too. Sylvester, join me?"
Sylvester: "I think I would be better at identifying news. I read the news often. Do you mind Bobo?"
Bobo: "No not at all. I'm happy to go digging."
"Very well. Matilda, Sylvester, your newspapers are outside."
"For the rest of you, your car to the dig site is waiting for you."
Cole: "Woah...a miner! Do we get to use it?"
Bobo: "I call dibs!"
Cole: "You'll kill yourself and everyone in the process. I'll do it instead."
Toby: "No I want to use it."
Cole: "You snooze you lose. I got here first."
Cole: "This is awesome."
Sylvester: "The first piece of news I have is about 10,000 rubber ducks found floating in a lake in Hidden Springs. Apparently it was a practical joke."
Matilda: "My news is about a new variant of the Strangerville virus emerging in Strangerville. That sounds way more reasonable than some kids being able to set up 10,000 ducks without being noticed."
Toby: "This is hard bro. I want the miner. I'm supposed to be the one using the miner."
Sylvester: "Yeah, after reading the whole news article, it seems quite implausible that mine is real."
Matilda: "Let's tell them that the real news is about a virus strain then. That's quite alarming actually. Do you think we need to take precautions?"
Bobo: "Something is vibrating and it's not the ground. Oh, it's the phone."
Bobo: "HELLO?"
Matilda: "Hi Bobo, wow it's really noisy. Anyway, you need to dig for something related to a Strangerville virus strain."
Toby: "Bobo! Don't just stand there. Come help me!"
Toby: "Are you listening to me brah?"
Bobo: "WHAT'S THAT?"
Bobo: "OH OKAY!"
Bobo: "Oh before I forget, Matilda said we need to dig for a strange virus."
Toby: "What? How do we dig for a virus?"
Bobo: "I don't know. That's what she said."
Matilda: "'Sports betting scams costing millions of dollars; soccer scams worst of all'."
Sylvester: "'Scientist invents shrink ray; first successful experiment on lettuce'."
Matilda: "When was yours? Mine was just a few days ago."
Sylvester: "2 years ago. Strange how we didn't hear anything about this."
Matilda: "Maybe because it's not true. The sports betting scam definitely makes sense though, especially when you consider the World Cup."
Bobo: "This is so tiring."
Toby: "We should be digging for everything we can find first to save time."
Cole: "I found an ore!"
Bobo: "Cole! Is it my turn to use the miner? Cole?"
Toby: "Cole was being so selfish. Brah, don't keep hogging the machine! Let us use it for a change."
Sylvester: "World's oldest flamingo dies at the Florida National Zoo. I never thought about a flamingo."
Matilda: "Mine is about a terrorist attack conducted by garden gnomes. That's ridiculous."
Sylvester: "I wouldn't be so sure. Those pesky gnomes are quite shady."
Matilda: "You're a conspiracy theorist."
Cole: "Something's jammed. I think I struck something."
Bobo: "Come on Cole. Let me have a go."
Cole: "Oh alright. Have a shot. Pass me your shovel."
Bobo: "Yay! Thanks Cole!"
Bobo: "This is so fun!"
Bobo: "Whoo! How do I operate this?"
Toby: "I still haven't found anything."
Cole: "Hey. I think I got a rubber ducky."
Matilda: "Bobo's not answering the phone."
Sylvester: "Suspicious."
Matilda: "Maybe. But when I called her earlier it was pretty noisy. Maybe she just didn't hear my call. I'll call again later. Let's just try comparing the next news first."
Matilda: "Bank robber steals 1 Simoleon from Lucky Palms National Bank? What a stupid robber. I think mine is fake news. What does yours say Sylvester?"
Sylvester: "Impossible."
Matilda: "Why? What does it say?"
Sylvester: "'The security detail led by Roscoe was placed in charge of protecting the grand item of the night: a Monacan pure gold necklace. But when it came to the time of the auction, the necklace was nowhere to be found.'"
Matilda: "Roscoe? Sylvester, you stole a gold necklace from an auction?"
Sylvester: "No, of course not. I was never in a security detail. This was from decades ago...this is Grandpa Roscoe. This can't be right. How dare they smother his name? This is the fake news."
Matilda: "Are you sure?"
Sylvester: "Affirmative. I know my grandfather. He's a protector of the law. He's the best cop I've ever known. He'll never let something like that happen on his watch."
Matilda: "But mine is a bank robber stealing 1 Simoleon from a bank. The Lucky Palms National Bank! Isn't mine more ridiculous than yours? Your grandpa could have been dealing with master thieves. It's not his fault."
Sylvester: "No, if you read on it says that security was airtight and that the auctioneers even suspected Grandpa Roscoe stole the necklace. He would never do something like this."
Matilda: "I think you're letting your emotions getting the better of you."
Sylvester: "I think you just don't want to admit I'm right."
Matilda: "Fine. Your call."
Sylvester: "Mine is fake news."
Matilda: "Hello Bobo? It's suddenly gotten quieter. Oh, you're operating the machine now and stopped it? That...doesn't sound like a good idea Bobo. I'm not sure you're qualified to operate it. But anyway, I'm calling to let you know you need to dig up something to do with an old flamingo or the Florida zoo, as well as a bank vault or a robber suit or a Simoleon. The bank robber stole one Simoleon from Lucky Palms National Bank."
Bobo: "That's too much information. I won't remember all of it."
Toby: "The rumbling stopped. The machine is finally free!"
Toby: "It's my turn to use the machine."
Bobo: "Go ahead Toby. It's not easy to use it."
Cole: "I think I worked hard enough. Time for me to take a little break."
Toby: "Whee!"
Bobo: "Before you start, I should let you know that Matilda just called me. She said something about a bank robbery and...err...err...I forgot. Sorry."
Toby: "No problem brah. Here we go! I HIT SOMETHING! CAN YOU HELP ME CHECK WHAT IT IS BRAH?"
Bobo: "IT'S TISSUE!"
Matilda: "My news is about a runaway stroller at the airport on Christmas Eve. Sounds plausible although boring."
Sylvester: "My last news is about a man who was struck by lightning. I don't know what he was thinking being out during a thunderstorm."
Matilda: "Was he at least carrying an umbrella or did he hide under a tree?"
Sylvester: "An umbrella. In fact the umbrella killed him. The lightning tip conducted electricity and basically electrocuted him to death."
Matilda: "I think your umbrella story is more newsworthy than my stroller story."
Sylvester: "You don't think it's too clickbaity?"
Matilda: "Clickbait? Hardly. It's a very possible story. Imagine though. We could've died the other night when it rained."
Bobo: "Ooh, a lawn flamingo. I remember now! Matilda mentioned a flamingo!"
Cole: "Ugh, this is breaking my back. I need the miner back."
Toby: "Bro, that was sick. Did you say time is up?"
Cole: "Your time is up. It's my turn to use the machine."
Bobo: "Actually, using this stopwatch app in the phone, we have about 10 minutes left."
Cole: "We should gather all our items and start choosing which five to take."
Bobo: "I found a lawn flamingo and a garden gnome."
Toby: "I dug up some metal, a tissue box, a football and a bag of Simoleons."
Cole: "I got a soccer ball and some metal too, and a rubber....I must have dropped it somewhere."
Toby: "Brah."
Bobo: "Which should we take?"
Cole: "Aren't you the one with the clues? Why did we give her the phone?"
Toby: "I don't know brah. I think it's 'cause she was the least likely to injure herself with a phone."
Toby: "Dude and dudette, let's just put the useless stuff on the left and the stuff that we had to dig on the right. The tissue was the virus and the Simoleons was about the bank robbery."
Bobo: "The lawn flamingo is related to the flamingo at the zoo. I remember it now."
Toby: "Then we keep that. And there was a sports scam which is the football."
Cole: "I have a soccer ball right there. It could be that."
Toby: "Nah I'm pretty sure it said football."
Cole: "A soccer ball is also called a football."

Cole: "Bobo, it's up to you...that's not a sentence I ever hoped to say. Which one was it?"
Bobo: "I do remember a sports scam...let me try and recall...I think it was soccer."

Toby: "Nah you remember wrong. It's definitely football aka the rugby ball."
Cole: "Bobo gave her verdict so stop protesting and start arranging."
Toby: "That's not how it's supposed to be."
Bobo: "How is it supposed to be?"
Toby: "I think we don't even have some of the right items bro."
Cole: "We're definitely missing one. What's the last one?"
Bobo: "Err..."
Bobo: "Let's take one of the metals."
Cole: "That's first definitely."
Cole: "I think flamingos were invented much earlier too. Let's shift everything down by one."
Toby: "This isn't right bro."
Cole: "We don't have much choice now do we?"
Toby: "I'll go back and dig for more stuff."

"Time is up. I said time is up. Please stop digging."
"You have chosen five items to be arranged chronologically. You believe that the silver was invented first, then the plastic flamingo, then the Simoleon, then the soccer ball and finally the box of tissues. Unfortunately, none of them are correct."
"The first item should have been gold, which pertains to the news about the gold necklace that was stolen at an auction. Gold dates back to around 2450 BC."
"After that is the stroller, invented in 1733. This is related to the news about the runaway stroller on Christmas eve."
"Instead of the Simoleons, the third item should have been the soccer ball. This is related to the sports betting scam, of which soccer was the biggest problem. The soccer ball was invented in 1855."
"Next is the garden gnome, invented in circa 1870. The news here is about a gnome terrorist attack."
"Finally, it was the rubber duck that you should have placed and not a tissue box. The rubber duck was invented in 1931 and the news is about the 10,000 rubber ducks in a lake in Hidden Springs. This means 0/100 points have been collected in this mission."
Sylvester: "I let Matilda take charge in the mission. She messed up really badly. She didn't even consider the provenance or the date or the publisher. I think I have the confirmation I need."
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