Thursday, 23 February 2023


 Previously on the Smole,

Matilda: "A coalition can be more than just for practical purposes. I just really enjoy spending time with you."

Cole: "You're hot babe but I have no interest in you."


Bobo: "Why am I always missing out on the fun? There was this other time she invited me to sneak out to a rave in Hidden Springs but when I went to find her she was already gone."


Matilda: "This is huge!"


Sylvester: "He's the most upstanding Sim I've ever known. He's my hero. If he's not who I thought he is...then what even makes sense any more?"

Toby: "I don't know bro, but sometimes when I go surfing, the waves are so big I can't see where I'm going, so I just ride the waves and trust in where it brings me."


Cole: "Only one of us can be the Mole and that's Sylvester Roscoe. Finale, here I come."


"Sylvester Roscoe, you are unfortunately the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."


The contestants had to dig for items corresponding to real news while not falling for fake news. They failed miserably, earning 0/100 points and keeping the pot at 360/780 points. Cole was certain that the Mole was Sylvester but to his surprise, Sylvester was executed instead. Will Cole be executed next or will a newbie be executed? If Sylvester's not the Mole, who is the Mole?


Cole: "Well fuck me twice over. My suspect went out that door and I have no idea who it is any more. I just don't see Bobo, Matilda or Toby being it, but one of them has gotta be the Mole. Man, this Mole is good, like the Mole in my season. I need to stop being blinded and stop trusting my gut so much."

Toby: "I'm half-expecting us to be whisked away to another land where there will be a surprise third group of contestants waiting for us. Is that gonna happen?"


Bobo: "Can you believe it Toby? We're in the final four!"
Toby: "Chyeah!"

Cole: "I tried so hard, and got so far~"
Matilda: "In the end, it doesn't even matter~"


The final four are at Sunshine Art Gallery. Outside in the garden, they have to each take turns copying a text in 5 minutes, continuing where the previous contestant left off. 100 points are only earned if the entire text is copied in time, determined using a similarity generation algorithm. 0.1 points are lost for each incorrect word.

Matilda: I never dared to hope for too much but I have made it to the final four. I'm this close to the finale and this close to winning the season. Watch out guys, Matilda is here to win.

Matilda: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..."

Toby: "I don't get art brah."
Bobo: "You don't have to. Everything is so colourful and fun!"

Matilda: "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egsstas, oops typo."

Toby: "Come clean with me brahs. Are any of you the Mole?"
Bobo: "Of course not."
Cole: "It ain't me either. Are you the Mole Toby?"
Toby: "Nah brah."

"Your time is up."
Matilda: "I hope I wrote enough and accurately."


Matilda: "Art! At long last, art!"


Matilda: "I was overjoyed when we finally visited the art gallery. It only took them an entire season to get here. Even though it's small, I've been so art-deprived that I cried when I finally saw some actual art that was meant to be art."


Bobo: I don't know what I'm doing here. One part of me feels that I don't deserve to be here. There are more capable contestants and I don't know what I'm doing. Yet another part of me is telling me that I'm way better at the Smole than anyone thought. Everyone underestimated me, even myself. Maybe I can pull off a big final surprise?

Bobo: "It's all in Latin! Supe...oh no, a typo on my first word. I should type more carefully."

Matilda: "Among all those who have been executed, who do you wish was here in the final four?"
Cole: "This sounds weird but Ella Marie Tremble. I have unfinished business with her and there's still something I want from her."
Toby: "For me it's Stuart, my OG bro here. You remember him right?"
Matilda: "Of course. If I had to choose, I think I want Gavin back. He was my roommate and we clicked because we were both cityfolk. He also knows how to make good sushi."

Bobo: "Integer placerat erat non dolor malesuada sodales sed ac velit."

Cole: "Which execution surprised you the most? I found Sylvester's most surprising. He was an ex-winner after all."
Matilda: "Oh that's a good one. I think Gavin's surprised me because it was so early and he looked like he knew who the Mole was already."
Toby: "Chyeah I remember. But for me it's gotta be Ms. H. We worked together and she was so smart when we were talking about who the Mole could be. There's so much I still have to learn from her and then bam! She's out the door."


Bobo: "I didn't want to make too many mistakes so I was typing more slowly than usual. I can be sure that my part has no errors but I hope I didn't cost the group. If the guys can't finish the text then we won't get anything."

Cole: "Being a typist is like being a guitarist. Both have nimble and fast fingers. This was a breeze for me."


Cole: Two gals and one guy. I got my eye on all three of them. I just need to pick one of them and go for it. Either I'm in the finale or I go home with my head held high.

Cole: "Ut condimentum nisi id eros ornare lobortis."

Bobo: "Do you think the Mole that lost out was a newbie or veteran?"
Toby: "Vet, 100%. Call it a feeling."
Bobo: "I think so too."
Matilda: "It seems we all think that the vets suck. We're trashing them."

Cole: "Nunc rhoncus nulla enim, sit amet dapibus ligula rhoncus quis. What does this even mean?"

Toby: "What's your fave mission from the season?"
Bobo: "Ooh, it's hard to choose. I think the one where we had to act out famous movie scenes was so fun so I might go with that."
Toby: "Chyeah. I liked the lying one. It was pretty rad to lie in front of everyone's faces and I'm the only one that managed to trick Ruth."
Matilda: "I think there's a special place in my heart for the very first mission. It's where we all began."


Toby: Can I get a booyeah? Booyeah! My strategy has worked really well for me. I know it's gonna bring me all the way to the end. Just a little bit longer and then I can finally say I'm a finalist of the Smole.

Toby: "Err, whatLeo sollicitudin mollis?"

Bobo: "Which mission from the other side would you have loved to play?"
Cole: "The acting one is pretty fun."
Bobo: "Yay! That's my fave too! If I had to pick one from yours, I would want to try out the haunted corridor."
Matilda: "Oh yes. Me too. I'd love to see what scary stuff they come up with."

Toby: "Mauris suscipit ornare enim tristique blandit."

Matilda: "Is there something you wished you had done differently? I know I wouldn't have confessed my feelings. I spent most of that night crying in my room than studying for the quiz. Thinking about it still makes me want to tear up."
Cole: "Err...sorry I hurt your feelings? Anyway, I don't think I would have changed much. I did make it to final four after all."
Bobo: "Maybe I would have liked to make more friends and even more coalitions. I only had one and it died out by the final 8. After that I was so lost."
Matilda: "Are you still lost?"
Bobo: "Yes actually. But I think I'll manage just fine."


"Contestants, you had to take turns copying a text while enjoying the art in this art gallery. We have assessed the final work and it has passed the similarity check. Congratulations."
Bobo: "Yay!"
Toby: "Chyeah!"
Matilda: "Nice."

"Matilda, you typed 233 words. 67 of them were incorrect."

"Bobo, you typed 192 words. Your part was flawless."
Bobo: "Thank you."

Cole: "What a surprise."
"Cole, you typed the most words: 368. You also made the most errors: 81."

"Toby, you finished off the last 207 words and made 12 errors. This means in total, 16 points have been deducted from your earnings to give 84/100 points."
Toby: "Eh, that's not bad."

A rainy afternoon of copying has earned 84/100 points and made the pot 444/880 points. Only one more execution stands in the way of the finale. Who will be the last one to be executed and who will be the finalists of the season?

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