Monday, 6 February 2023

55.11-A big strong man with big strong legs

 Previously on the Smole,

Bobo: "I trust April fully. So if she says that the Mole is Matilda and maybe Toby, then the Mole is Matilda and maybe Toby. If she says it's one of the vets, then it's one of the vets."


Bobo: "Are you going to include anyone else from the veterans as a suspect?"
April: "Why not? I'll include all of them."


Toby: "You really don't remember me? I was one of your students."
Quinn: "I taught so many students boy. I don't remember all of them."


Cole: "You came to the right guy. I got some tips for you, but it ain't easy. You have to be ready to give up everything you know and love."


Quinn: "Who was most suspicious then?"
Matilda: "Isn't that too much info you're asking for?"

Matilda: "Are you proposing a coalition?"
Quinn: "It wouldn't hurt. We both need someone from the other camp to help us."


"...April Grey. Please pack your bags and leave."
April: "Damn."


The newbies and veterans were formally introduced to each other before they had to fight to keep their own pot. In the end, the veterans found more of their pot at Salty Springs Resort so the pot continues at 190/400 points. Cole found the most tokens and got an exemption for himself. The newbies faltered at both the mission and execution ceremony as April was the one to be executed next. Who will be executed next? Who is the Mole?


"Contestants, before you joined you each had to take a rollerskating class and then complete a test to get from one point to another in the fastest time possible. Among the seven of you, the one who is the fastest is Belinda."
Belinda: "Me?"

"Belinda will go on a nice rollerskating trip from one side of Lucky Palms to another in 3.5 hours to earn 100 points. The rest of you will go for a nice jog alongside her to various checkpoints en route, except for one who must play Wordle to determine when the time will start. Please pick that contestant."
Sylvester: "Quinn's a teacher. She should be the best."
Quinn: "I'm a chemistry teacher, not a Simlish teacher. How about Cole? You got to have some language skills as a musician."
Cole: "Only as a songwriter. But you're gonna need a big strong man with big strong legs to jog. We should just pick the least fit Sim."
Toby: "Ms. H...I mean Quinn's been PMSing. Maybe she can take a rest."
Quinn: "Toby! But fine. I could use some rest. Don't blame me if I do badly."


While the others set off on their journey, Quinn will stay behind at the starting point to complete as many Wordle puzzles as possible. The moment she fails to complete a puzzle, the time will begin ticking.

Quinn: "CHEERS...oh I'm close. CHEESE? Yes, got it!"

Toby: "Bro, can you run faster? She's way ahead of us."
Sylvester: "We should keep pace and behind her. We don't want to tire out too quickly. The route is quite long."
Bobo: "Aah!"
Cole: "What happened?"
Bobo: "Nothing. I nearly tripped."
Matilda: "On flat ground?"
Bobo: "It's sandy."

Quinn: "TEMPLE...darn it. I only have one try left to get this word...TOMBOY?"

Quinn: "Fuck, the word was TOMATO."
Quinn has failed a puzzle and so the time begins to tick.


Sylvester: "We didn't get very far when we heard that Quinn failed and the time began. It's like she didn't even try. Quinn has been performing really badly now. I'm not sure a period is enough to justify how badly she's doing."

Toby: "Sylvester was slowing us all down and blocking us. Like brah, if you can't run, maybe don't be a cop. Or at least get to the back of the line and don't block others. We had to reach 3 checkpoints in time and if we were late to any of them the mission would fail automatically."


Matilda: "I see the first checkpoint!"

One contestant's journey ends here. At the first checkpoint, one contestant must jump onto the corresponding tile when the word is called out. However, the words will be called out in a foreign language.

Bobo: "Cole should do it! He's travelled the most! He would know the most languages!"
Cole: "Huff...huff...yeah maybe I'll take a break here."

Cole: "I get to stop the clock by 10 seconds each time I get it right and for every 5 times I'm right, I can earn 10 bonus points."


Cole: "Easy. That's white."


Sylvester: "Belinda, are you okay? You're slowing down."
Belinda: "It's just the dust in my eyes."

Bobo: "I can't go on any more..."
Matilda: "You have to. Just keep pushing."
Bobo: "Wait up..."
Matilda: "We can't wait for you. We need to get to the checkpoint by the 1st hour and 50th minute."


Belinda: "I am not an outdoorsy Sim. If I had a choice I wouldn't take the role of the rollerskater but instead do Quinn's role. Unfortunately I was the only one without choice so I had to push through. The whole mission rested on my shoulders. I didn't want to fail."


Belinda: "Aah!"
Yolanda: "Aah! Get out of the way!"
Belinda: "How do I change course?"

Belinda: "Phew. That was a close call."


Cole: "I don't know. I'm guessing yellow."
"Incorrect. The colour was green."


The next checkpoint requires two dexterous Sims. They have to balance on the beams while imitating Sim-fu actions shown on a screen in front of them. Every second they last on the beam will be every second shaved off from Belinda's final time and every 5 actions they perform correctly earns 10 points.

Toby: "I'll do it."
Sylvester: "Me too."

Sylvester: "That's the first action. A fighting stance."
Toby: "Chyeah. This is easy."

Sylvester: "I have to lift one leg up."
Toby: "Don't fall bro. I don't know what's in that green water."

Sylvester: "Why are mine so much harder than yours?"


Matilda: "Hurry up Bobo! We need to get to our checkpoint soon."
Bobo: "I'm...trying..."

Matilda: "There! Our checkpoint!"
Bobo: "Come on Belinda! You're almost at the end!"

At the third checkpoint, two contestants have to memorise a series of texts. Each text memorised can earn 10 bonus points while adding 5 minutes to the total time Belinda has left.

Matilda: "The moment we make a mistake it ends for us so choose wisely."


Toby: "Crane pose."

Sylvester: "Ack! Cramp!"

Toby: "Let me see if I can do it."
Sylvester: "Woah..."

Sylvester: "Crap, aah!"

Toby: " it's down to me."


Belinda: "The last stretch..."

Bobo: "And he said, 'open the doors', and so she did."
Matilda: "Shh! I'm trying to concentrate here."
Bobo: "Sorry. I'm trying to recite out loud so I don't forget."

Toby: "Woah...okay not doing that one. That's too hard."

Toby: "This one is way easier."


Bobo: "I'm ready. Matilda, test me."


Toby: "I need to slide my left foot back...aah!"


Matilda: "The next four digits will then be 34...8....6."
Bobo: "That's right. Doing good so far."
Matilda: "Don't cut me off. 3486...then..."


Belinda: "Where is...the...end....point..."


Bobo: "Mercury's atmosphere has...erm...oh no...I forgot."

Matilda: "Come on Bobo. Remember."
Bobo: "I can't. I'm sorry."

Bobo: "We didn't get very far did we? I'm sorry."


Belinda: "At last..."

Belinda: "Just...a few...more...steps..."

"Belinda, good job on completing the whole journey. How do you feel?"
Belinda: "Tired. I...want to go...inside."
"Unfortunately we do not have the permit to enter the building for filming. However, this means lesser distance for you to travel."

"Belinda, you were supposed to arrive here in 3.5 hours. You took 4 hours, 59 minutes and 39 seconds to get here. But today may not have been completely in vain. Points could be earned at the checkpoints too."

"Cole had to jump on tiles as called out. He got 4 correct tiles before failing on the fifth, so sadly he didn't earn any bonus points, but he did stop the clock for 40 seconds."

"Sylvester and Toby had to balance on a beam while imitating Sim-fu actions. Sylvester fell first at 4 minutes and 27 seconds after performing 6 moves whereas Toby fell at the 15th minute after performing 14 moves. In total they brought in 30 bonus points and reduced your time to 4 hours, 40 minutes and 22 seconds. That's still not enough to get your 100 points but maybe the last checkpoint provides some hope."

"Matilda and Bobo had to memorise texts. Each of them had 1 text correctly memorised before failing, so 20 bonus points have been earned along with a 10-minute extension. This means you now have 3 hours and 40 minutes to arrive at your location. Unfortunately, you still didn't make it in time despite your fellow contestants' efforts, so only 50/100 points have been earned, all thanks to bonus points."

It was a tiring day for the group that resulted in 50/100 points in the mission or 240/500 points for the pot. Who's at fault for the failure? Who's the Mole?

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