Thursday, 9 February 2023

55.12-I would love a real pool

Previously on the Smole,

"Contestants, before you joined you each had to take a rollerskating class and then complete a test to get from one point to another in the fastest time possible. Among the seven of you, the one who is the fastest is Belinda."
Belinda: "Me?"


Toby: "Bro, can you run faster? She's way ahead of us."
Sylvester: "We should keep pace and behind her. We don't want to tire out too quickly. The route is quite long."


Quinn: "Fuck, the word was TOMATO."


Sylvester: "We didn't get very far when we heard that Quinn failed and the time began. It's like she didn't even try."


Sylvester: "Belinda, are you okay? You're slowing down."
Belinda: "It's just the dust in my eyes."


Bobo: "I can't go on any more..."
Matilda: "You have to. Just keep pushing."


Belinda: "Aah!"
Yolanda: "Aah! Get out of the way!"
Belinda: "How do I change course?"


Cole: "I don't know. I'm guessing yellow."
"Incorrect. The colour was green."


Matilda: "The moment we make a mistake it ends for us so choose wisely."


Sylvester: "Crap, aah!"

Toby: " it's down to me."


Matilda: "Come on Bobo. Remember."
Bobo: "I can't. I'm sorry."


"Belinda, you were supposed to arrive here in 3.5 hours. You took 4 hours, 59 minutes and 39 seconds to get here."


Belinda had to rollerskate to a destination in 3.5 hours. Unfortunately, she didn't make it in time, but thankfully the others earned bonus points at the checkpoints so the mission wasn't a complete failure, with 50/100 points to add to the pot and make it 240/500 points. With no exemption this time, will Cole go home? Who will be executed next and who is the Mole?


Matilda: "Belinda almost took double the time from the last checkpoint to the endpoint. How did she end up so late and screw up so badly? She kept complaining about not wanting to be in that role but somehow she was the fastest rollerskater? Something doesn't add up."

Quinn: "I wanted to form a coalition with a newbie because I don't want to be missing half the info of the Smole. Toby approached me to form a coalition so I just had to say yes."


Quinn: "I would love a real pool right about now."
Toby: "Hey Ms. H! What you doing?"

Quinn: "Hi Toby. I'm just lamenting over the lack of a pool. Were you looking for me?"
Toby: "Well, you were once my teach and ever since this big twist I feel like I can only trust you, so I was wondering if you want to have a coalition?"

Quinn: "I'd love to."
Toby: "Awesome bro...I mean Ms. H."
Quinn: "You can call me Quinn. Or bro. I'm okay with it."
Toby: "Chyeah but I'm just not used to it. I think I'll continue to call you Ms. H."

Quinn: "Whatever floats your boat."
Toby: "Chyeah. Anyway, do you think the Mole is a vet?"
Quinn: "I think there is a good chance it is a newbie actually. In fact, I'm finding Bobo more and more suspicious. She tripped on the way out of the house in the last mission."

Toby: "That's just Bobo being Bobo."
Quinn: "I think we shouldn't be so quick to dismiss her."
Toby: "Nah man. Can't be her. She's so innocent."

Quinn: "If not her, then how have you been answering your quizzes?"
Toby: "I always have two suspects and answer 5 questions on each of them no matter what. I think tha's what saved me 'cos I thought it was April."

Quinn: "Who was your other suspect?"
Toby: "Matilda but now I gotta find another to suspect."
Quinn: "I really suggest you consider Bobo. And if you think of changing your strategy consider Cole as well, or Sylvester."


Cole: "Woo! Thank you, thank you, we'll be here all season."

Sylvester: "The two of you should start a band."
Cole: "A band? No offence babe, but I rather fly solo."
Matilda: "It's cool."

Sylvester: "May I ask why you chose to pursue your respective careers?"
Matilda: "Career? No I just need to pay rent. I work to live and live to par-tay!"
Cole: "As for me, it's my dream to travel the world and spread love and music...and the love of music."

Cole: "How about you?"
Sylvester: "I'm following in my grandfather's footsteps. He's my idol. I wanted to be like him when I was a little boy."

Sylvester: "But if he was alive and saw me today he'd be disappointed."
Cole: "Why do you care what others think?"
Sylvester: "Because he's my grandfather?"

Cole: "You just don't get it do you? Screw your grandfather. Screw your girlfriend. Screw everyone you know. They're the ones holding you back."
Sylvester: "I want to protect her, not break up with her."
Cole: "No one is telling you to break up with her. She's a big star. She'll help you."
Sylvester: "That's exactly what I don't want. I want to make it on my own two feet."

Matilda: "Am I missing something here? How did Sylvester's girlfriend come along?"
Cole: "You don't know who his girlfriend is? She's Bertha Blonde. He scored a celeb!"
Sylvester: "I need to be famous too. That's why I'm back on the Smole."

Matilda: "You'll never be as famous as her. The Smole definitely won't give you everlasting fame and glory."
Sylvester: "Then what do I do?"
Cole: "If you think being famous is what you gotta do, then you either become a movie star and get that fame star, or you pull her down from where she is."
Matilda: "I agree with that. Those celebs always think they're better than us. Every time I sneak into the VIP section of a club they snitch on me and kick me out."


Bobo: "Now that April and Ruth are gone I don't know what to do. Should I still continue to be suspicious? It's kinda fun, not gonna lie. But without April to tell me what to do I don't know what I'm doing anything for. And how do I even prepare for the quiz without them to quiz me and help me get the facts stuck in my brain?"


Bobo: "Knock knock."
Belinda: "Who's there? Oh."
Bobo: "Can I come in?"
Belinda: "I guess so."

Belinda: "What brings you to my room?"
Bobo: "I was feeling lonely. I had two roommates Ruth and April and they're both gone. I thought maybe you would have some advice since you're always cooped up in your room."

Belinda: "Oh. Well, my advice is for you to learn to be comfortable in your own skin."
Bobo: "Don't you get bored alone all the time?"
Belinda: "No. I find it helps in giving me a clear head and helping me focus on the finer things in life. For example I cried tears of joy when I got to take a bath after that horrible mission outside."

Belinda: "Aren't you a professional clown? You should know how to entertain yourself."
Bobo: "I'm usually hired for birthday parties and told what to do at the party. Like, there's this kid that needs a balloon animal, or don't spray peanut sauce onto the birthday girl because she's allergic to peanuts."

Bobo: "I guess I just need new friends. Can we be friends?"
Belinda: "Okay. It would be nice to widen my social circle and support one another."
Bobo: "Yay! Thank you!"


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity. The lowest scorer will be executed.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole wear a dress?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: How many windows does the Mole's resort room have?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
D: 4

Q4: What colour computer does the Mole use to take this quiz?
A: Pink
B: Green
C: Black
D: Blue
E: Gold
F: White
G: Brown

Q5: Did the Mole rollerskate in Mission 6?
A: Yes
B: No

Q6: In Mission 6, where was the furthest the Mole got to?
A: Start point
B: Checkpoint 1
C: Checkpoint 2
D: Checkpoint 3
E: End point

Q7: In Mission 6, at what time did the Mole arrive at the Mole's last location (to the nearest minute)?
A: 0th minute
B: 58th minute
C: 108th minute
D: 159th minute
E: 300th minute

Q8: How many points did the Mole earn in Mission 6?
A: 0
B: 10
C: 20

Q9: In Mission 6, what did the Mole have to do?
A: Play Wordle
B: Jump on coloured tiles
C: Balance on a beam
D: Memorise texts
E: Rollerskate

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Belinda Hunny
B: Sylvester Roscoe
C: Quinn Harley
D: Cole Mirani
E: Matilda Smart
F: Toby Earlgrey
G: Bobo Fishdragon


"Good evening contestants. We said goodbye to five newbies and four veterans. Tonight, will we say goodbye to another newbie or another veteran?"

"Toby Earlgrey, you..."

"...are safe."
Toby: "Chyeah."
"Cole Mirani."

"You are safe."
Cole: "Nice."
"Belinda Hunny, you are..."

"...executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Quinn: "Belinda is a very private woman. It was very brave of her to step out of her comfort zone and improve herself for the sake of others even if she didn't always enjoy it. And you have to remember she came all the way from Season 6. I wouldn't dare to return after such a long hiatus but she did."


Belinda: "Come on, breathe, breathe...pretend you didn't hear anything."


Cole: "Belinda's actually really smart if you think about it. Despite never really trying to play the social aspect of this game she got so far. I gotta hand it to her for that."


Belinda: "Time is running out. I just have to take a photo and hope for the best."


Bobo: "Belinda is actually very friendly when you get to know her. She's also a very strong-willed woman who gave me valuable advice moments before we took the quiz. I'm glad I got to befriend her before she's gone."


Belinda: "The last stretch..."


Belinda: "I ask myself every day if I regret joining this season. I could be sitting at home enjoying myself. I struggled with the answer but I think I can tell you now that the answer is no: I don't regret it. I came here with a clear goal and Quinn helped me with that. I also stretched myself. Only by being uncomfortable can I grow as a Sim. Thank you."
"Thank you for joining Belinda. We hope to see you again."

The reclusive Belinda has been executed! Who will be executed next? Who is the Mole?

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