Last time on the Smole, drama and danger heightened tenfold, beginning first with the mission, a field laden with traps and snipers. Thankfully Shirley deftly manoeuvred the course and found 100 points to add to the pot, making it 440/740 points. Things didn't calm down after that. The tension was so palpable it could be cut through with a knife, or stabbed with a knife, like how Damien stabbed Autumn, forcing her to be medically evacuated. It was a shock for every contestant but the Mole is more than happy to have any contestant leave.
Shirley: "You're not going to be able to stay here much longer."
Damien: "I destroyed all evidence, including deleting the footage from the surveillance cameras. There won't be proof of me doing anything, just like how there was no hard evidence to prove Ma had the intention to harm Dani. The soporofic was perfectly legal to bring in and there was no evidence of Ma spiking the drinks. I'll be fine."
Damien: "Only you and I know what happened. If I get caught, I know who ratted me out."
Autumn: "You aren't going to cook with that knife, are you?"
Shirley: "I mustn't let Autumn escape. This has to be done."
Damien: "This is nothing personal."
Autumn: "AAAH!"
Benjamin: "Shirley..."
Shirley: "How did you get in? I know I locked the door! Get out!"
Benjamin: "Nobody says no to me."
Shirley: "AAAAAAAAHHmmmmmmm!"
Damien: "Shut the fuck up. You made too much noise."
Shirley: "He's coming out. I have to go."
Shirley: "Don't be so full of yourself. I won't be linked to whatever you did. Did I point a gun to your head? You deleted the footage and removed all evidence. There was no written proof nor were there transactions."
Damien: "You're not thinking of paying me?"
Shirley: "I will, if you make it out alive. But just as how you're careful to cover your tracks, I'm not going to be so careless as to paint myself suspicious."
Carol: "Damien Stewart! How could you? I thought we were all friends!"
Damien: "I don't follow."
Carol: "You stabbed Autumn, didn't you?"
Damien: "That's a serious allegation to make, young missus. Do you have proof?"
Carol: "You were the only one who didn't appear when Philo found Autumn on the floor and came running to tell us!"
Damien: "So? That doesn't prove anything."
Carol: "Then where were you? Why didn't you come? Surely you would have heard my screaming or his shouting!"
Damien: "I was taking a nice, long, relaxing bath at the time. I was playing music in the bathroom so I didn't hear anything. If you don't have proof, you better watch your mouth."
Carol: "There will be proof. Bonnie will make sure of it!"
Damien: "I never did agree with Ma wanting to please the world. Who is she trying to present her good side to? And I thought I never cared about anyone other than my family. I have always learned that the end justifies the means, so I don't know what I feel now. Hatred. That must be it. I feel used. I'm the one doing the dirty work. I'm the one labelled as the bad guy. And I don't care. I'm used to it. But she. She gets to play the good girl and get away scot-free."
Bonnie: "I'd like to hear where all of you were and what you were doing after the quiz last night, starting with Damien."
Damien: "Oh, of course it's the thief. He's always the bad guy, even if stealing and stabbing are two completely different areas of interest."
Philo: "I think--"
Damien: "If you must know, like I told Carol, I was taking a bath."
Carol: "I can't stand this atmosphere."
Bonnie: "Carol, is it true?"
Carol: "I think it's BS."
Philo: "I was meditating in my room."
Bonnie: "Carol isn't convinced, and neither am I."
Damien: "You guys are just biased against me. Whatever."
Bonnie: "Then prove your innocence."
Damien: "It was an hour-long bath. You can go check the camera feeds in this house if you're not afraid of seeing something you don't ever want to see."
Philo: "I think things aren't as simple as they seem."
Damien: "Shut up Philo. Didn't your parents teach you not to interrupt others while they are speaking?"
Shirley: "I do think we should give Damien a fair chance. It seems way too suspicious and convenient that Damien was not present. I'm not defending him, but I think that it's best not to come to a conclusion without gathering all the facts yet."
Bonnie: "So you think that the one who stabbed Autumn is one of the other four?"
Shirley: "I can't say. I personally think it's Damien, but I think we need to give him a fair trial is what I'm saying."
Philo: "I have something to confess. I tried to kill Autumn."
Bonnie: "We will do that, Shirley. That's why I'm asking all of you right now. I will look for evidence to prove your innocence or your guilt. We must seek justice for Autumn no matter what. I hope you covered your tracks well, Damien."
Philo: "Hello? Is anyone listening to me?"
For the next mission, contestants will take turns being on a speedboat while the rest windsurf. On each sail is a word. The contestant on the speedboat gets 10 minutes to try and read the words, after which he or she must form a sentence using the right words to earn 30 points for the pot. This mission is worth 150 points in total.
Damien: "By random luck, I go first. I'm ready to find those words."
Philo: "I'm not a big fan of water, and I've never done this before."
Damien: "They're all gathered there."
Shirley: "Excuse me!"
Damien: "The word looks like 'the'. I'll note that down."
Damien: "I'll go closer to be sure."
Damien: "Is there an accelerator...ah!"
Carol: "This will be fun. On my sail, it says 'sabotages'."
Damien: "Wait a moment."
Damien: "There are more than four sails."
Philo: "It was a good day for windsurfing even though I hated it. There were random strangers surfing alongside us and their sails had words too. Each sentence we needed to form was only four words long so the rest were decoys."
Damien: "I'll go after the black one."
Sarah: "Aaah!"
Sarah: "Aaah!"
Sarah: "Aaah!"
Sarah: "Aaah!"
Sarah: "Aaah!"
Sarah: "Glurg."
Damien: "She's my new target."
Bonnie: "I think I'm getting the hang of this."
Bonnie: "He's gaining on me."
"Time is up. What is the sentence?"
Damien: "That last sail I saw said 'too'. I only four words: 'too', 'the', 'he' and 'apple'. There's no sentence I can form with that. I pass."
"No points are earned. Your sentence was: He sabotages too blatantly."
Shirley: "My turn."
Shirley: "That looks like Bonnie but I can't see clearly what's on her sail...'Moles'?"
Shirley: "I'll go straight to the centre where most of them are congregated."
Damien: "I hope she doesn't see my face."
Philo: "Slow and steady wins the race...but this isn't a race."
Carol: "This is actually quite fun. I love the wind blowing against my face."
Shirley: "I need to get closer."
Shirley: "The word is 'attitude'."
Shirley: "That one says 'do'."
Shirley: "I need to make a sharp turn."
Shirley: "Full speed ahead!"
Bonnie: "Glurgg."
Bonnie: "I lost my balance."
"Time is up. Shirley, what is your sentence?"
Shirley: "I saw a couple of words. Let me try to rearrange them...Moles never this happy...not grammatically correct...Moles do this never this...Moles never do this! My answer is 'Moles never do this'."
"That is correct."
Shirley: "Yay!"
Bonnie: "There are so many sails over there. It's giving me a good view."
Bonnie: "Now I can't see with all the water in my eyes."
Carol: "Victory will be mine, just like the sail says."
Damien: "Philo, do you want to work together in this mission?"
Philo: "How?"
Damien: "We try and figure out the sentences together. We know two words here, 'for' and 'too'."
Philo: "I'd rather not."
Shirley: "I'm going too close to shore. How do I change direction?"
Bonnie: "I see...'victory'..."
Bonnie: "For...for...'fortitude'. I think that's a decoy word."
Bonnie: "They're splitting up. They must have noticed me. Those two are suspicious."
Bonnie: "Those two are split off from the main group. I think they are who I need to chase after."
Bonnie: "Why is this boat so slow? I won't be able to catch up to them in time."
Bonnie: "I'm running out of time."
Anya: "Aah! Surfboard overboard!"
"Time is up. Bonnie, what is your sentence?"
Bonnie: "My sentence is: Victory is too eager."
"That is incorrect. The sentence is: Too eager for victory."
Bonnie: "How is that possible? Mine is a perfectly logical sentence; yours is a fragment of a sentence."
Philo: "How do I move this thing?"
Philo:" Finally I got it to start."
Philo: "I would like to know what is on the orange sail."
Philo: "Dammit. Stop getting away from me! I need to relax."
Philo: "I'll just wait here until they come to me."
Shirley: "'Being'...such a thought-provoking word. What is our sense of being?"
Damien: "My sail must be a red herring because I don't think 'forgotten' will be a word that is used."
Philo: "It doesn't look like anyone is coming for me. I guess I'll have to go find them."
Philo: "Hey, why is there another boat?"
Philo: "Oh look. Another windsurfer."
Philo: "Ack! I can't see anything! I braked too hard."
"Time is up. Philo, what is your sentence?"
Philo: "I couldn't see a single word. I'll guess 'I like green spinach'."
"That is incorrect. Your sentence is: Insecure about being forgotten."
Carol: "I'm last. Hopefully I know all the tricks to excelling in this mission."
Carol: "Or should I excel in this mission?"
Carol: "There is a white sail over there but I'm too far away from it."
Carol: "There are a bunch of surfboards over there."
Damien: "I think that's Carol coming. I should try and steer."
Philo: "Every day I stray further from the's so apt that I get a word that corresponds to what I once was."
Bonnie: "I feel that something is up, like there is an exemption up for grabs. I better play this carefully."
Carol: "Aha! Right in front of me. 'If', eh?"
Carol: "I need to get over there. They are so far away."
Carol: "Bonnie's going to crash into me if I don't move away...'too'. Got it."
Carol: "That sail looks like the one I had in the last round. The word should be 'insecure' then. I don't have to look."
Bonnie: "I think the sentences have to do with us."
Shirley: "Oh? I didn't realise."
Carol: "There are so many red sails there. I should go see what's up."
"Time is up. What is the sentence?"
Carol: "Hmm, what words did I get...okay, my sentence is: If Mole, too insecure."
"That is incorrect. Your sentence is: Too average if Mole."
Carol: " I get partial credit?"
Overall, 30/150 points have been earned, bringing the pot to 470/890 points. The Mole is working hard to pull the gap apart again, but can the contestants close it up?
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