Previously on the Smole, the final six were awoken in the middle of the night and transported to a booby-trapped playing area for their next mission. Philo, Autumn, Bonnie, Carol and Damien succumbed to the tricks and traps that were present but Shirley prevailed and earned the 100 points in time, resulting in 440/740 points in the pot. The contestants rejoice momentarily but they all know that the happiness may very well be short-lived. Who will experience the bitter sadness?
Damien: "Shirley was the hero, and not me. That pisses me off to no end. It's great that she found the points but I am disappointed with myself. I had always used my excellent skills in disguise and thievery to rebut Ma. If she found out about what happened she would definitely force me to quit my job. And regarding Shirley, I just never expected how evil she could be. She plays the hero in the missions but behind everyone's back she's trying to backstab others."
Damien: "Are those laced with poison?"
Shirley: "Don't be silly."
Shirley: "I don't bring poison in."
Damien: "Neither do I. I bring in the legal stuff."
Shirley: "Which we use to exploit for our own gains."
Damien: "I don't do that."
Shirley: "I'm not judging you. That's only natural."
Damien: "I'm still not going to eat your food."
Shirley: "I'm not forcing you to."
Shirley: "But if you can't bring yourself to violate Autumn, then kill her."
Damien: "What?"
Shirley: "I'll still pay you the money if you do this. I'm not some kind of depraved monster who wants to watch her suffer. Just end her suffering quickly."
Damien: "I beg to differ."
Shirley: "She's proving to be quite the challenge, isn't she? Who would have expected that someone like her can survive so long in the game, especially given her track record?"
Damien: "Can't the same be said about you?"
Shirley: "I knew you would say that. But we are different. Who do you think is likely to make it further in life? Me? Or her?"
Shirley: "She's not as innocent as you think she is. She's been going around telling everyone about your failures behind your back, and how you desperately try to cover up."
Damien: "That's not true!"
Shirley: "Two missions ago, she told me how you utterly failed, which is why you chose to sit out. I don't know about you, but I don't like others gossiping behind my back. It's so hurtful and humiliating to have to learn about someone else like that."
Shirley: "But if it's not true, prove it. Prove to me and your Ma that you still have what it takes to get a job done cleanly."
Damien: "I don't need to prove to her anything. She approves of what I do."
Shirley: "Keep telling yourself that."
Carol: "Shirley, you were amazing in the mission."
Shirley: "It's nothing, really. Anyone would have done the same."
Carol: "Def not the Mole."
Bonnie: "Did anyone manage to see the sniper?"
Carol: "I did. It was too dark but I think he had dark hair and skin."
Philo: "That's being racist."
Carol: "No it's not. Don't try to stir drama."
Damien: "Should I do it? 10,000 Simoleons is a lot of money. And I can show everyone that I'm the master of evil, that I'm the rightful successor to the family business, and that Ma doesn't need to worry about Pa's hard work going down the drain."
Damien: "Ergh, why am I even thinking so much? I need to shoot some hoops."
Damien: "Slam dunk!"
Damien: "Aah!"
Damien: "I'll show you, Ma. I'll show you and the whole world that I'm not some disappointment. You don't run my life. Only I know what's best for myself."
Carol: "Ew. I can't believe nobody has bothered to clean this up. It's like they're just pushing it to others until someone can't stand it."
Philo: "Hey Carol! I'm mooning you!"
Carol: "What the hell?"
Carol: "All of a sudden the trash seems less disgusting."
Shirley: "How do you stay so chipper?"
Autumn: "You just learn to take things easy and hold your head up no matter what!"
Shirley: "If I were you, I would have been devastated to know my parents abandoned me."
Autumn: "My parents didn't abandon me! I got lost driving their birthday present! And Bonnie's gonna help me find them!"
Shirley: "Do you really think she'll do it?"
Autumn: "Of course! She's a PI. If anyone can do it, it's her."
Shirley: "But would she do it for free? You know Bonnie. If there hasn't been news after so long, she's not going to keep on searching."
Autumn: "But she hasn't even started. And she promised me!"
Shirley: "Don't be so naive, Autumn. This is the Smole. No promises are real."
Shirley: "Think about it. You've tried to search for your parents but to no avail. You have the money, which means you have access to many resources most lost people don't. If your parents have the intention to not get found, then they won't be."
Autumn: "I don't believe you. My parents will never abandon me. They love me!"
Shirley: "This may hurt to hear but have you ever wondered why your parents didn't take the initiative to search for you? You've even appeared on an international TV show. They know where you are. Zimmaport isn't a remote island. Maybe it's time to reflect on yourself before they are willing to accept you back into their lives."
Autumn: "No! Bonnie will find my parents. I'll ask her to do it right now!"
Autumn: "Bonnie! Bonnie!"
Autumn: "Bonnie! You have to help me!"
Bonnie: "I heard you the first time. What happened?"
Autumn: "Please find my parents! I really want to see them again."
Bonnie: "I will."
Autumn: "Can you do it now?"
Bonnie: "Now? I don't have any of the resources ready."
Autumn: "Then when are you going to do it? Christmas? Or never? Do you even have confidence of finding them?"
Bonnie: "I will find them no matter how long it takes. It was so many years before I found Herb but I didn't give up."
Autumn: "But he's your daddy. How invested are you in finding my parents? They're not your flesh and blood."
Bonnie: "I treat you as my client. And I will do my job and keep finding them until my client gives up."
Autumn: "You will? Thank you, Bonnie."
Philo: "That streaking streak was so embarrassing snd uncomfortable. I rather focus on my inner self. But that won't get viewers to remember me. It's a betrayal of my morals, but my morals won't feed itself."
Shirley: "What are you mumbling about?"
Philo: " you think I'm controversial enough?"
Shirley: "If you're worried, go for a scandal. That's sure to get you remembered."
Shirley: "Perhaps you can advocate for beef."
Philo: "What? But I'm a devout Buddhist! And I am a turned vegetarian."
Shirley: "Bad publicity is better than no publicity. You'll be sure to rile up netizens by eating beef and being proud of it."
Philo: "Is this really what I have to do? Go against my religion and the deities?"
Shirley: "To achieve nirvana, which in your case will be to be forever remembered, you have to make some sacrifices. That's not against Buddhism."
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Who does the Mole share a room with?
A: Philo Nickelworth
B: Autumn Fall
C: Nobody
Q3: What hair colour does the Mole have?
A: Red
B: Black
C: Brown
D: Blonde
Q4: In Mission 7, was the Mole seen wearing a blindfold?
A: Yes
Q5: In Mission 7, what colour was the Mole's blindfold?
A: Black
B: Blue
C: Grey
Q6: In Mission 7, in which order did the Mole get eliminated?
A: First
B: Second
C: Third
D: Fourth
E: Fifth
Q7: In Mission 7, when was the Mole eliminated?
A: 22nd min
B: 23rd min
C: 45th min
D: 60th min
E: 78th min
F: The Mole was not eliminated
Q8: How was the Mole eliminated in Mission 7?
A: By a trap
B: By a sniper
C: By being trapped
Q9: Who did the Mole take part in Mission 7 with on their turn?
A: Philo Nickelworth
B: Autumn Fall
C: Shirley DeSota
D: Damien Stewart
E: Nobody
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Philo Nickelworth
B: Bonnie DeValentino
C: Autumn Fall
D: Damien Stewart
E: Shirley DeSota
F: Carol Losantos
Damien: "I need a knife that isn't too large to be concealed. A butter knife will be too blunt."
Autumn: "I need a quick snack. It's amazing how I can keep getting food without having to pay."
Autumn: "Damien..."
Autumn: "You aren't going to cook with that knife, are you?"
Damien: "This is nothing personal."
Autumn: "AAAH!"
Damien: "I better dispose of the evidence."
Autumn: "Urgh..."
Autumn: "URRRGH!"
Autumn: "Someone help me!"
Autumn: "Why did he do this to me? What did ai ever do to him?"
Autumn: ""
Philo: "Should I really eat meat? And beef for that matter?"
Carol: "Is she..."
Bonnie: "Philo, what happened?"
Philo: "I don't know! I came into the kitchen and then...I can't look. It's so traumatising."
Carol: "She's still alive. She's still alive, right? Please tell me she's still alive."
Bonnie: "This better not be some sick twisted execution."
Shirley: "Give me space."
Shirley: "I'll try and stop the bleeding."
Autumn: ""
Shirley: "I'm sorry it had to be you. Don't leave me now."
Autumn: "You...knew?"
Shirley: "Your pulse is very weak. I don't know if you can survive tonight even if I call an ambulance for you right now."
Autumn: "Why...have you be...become so...unhappy?"
Shirley: "She's losing too much blood. Please be mentally prepared,"
"Please make way for the paramedics. We have called the ambulance. In the meantime, our team of paramedics will treat her immediately."
Shirley: "I hope she pulls through."
Carol: "Who...who would do such a thing?"
Bonnie: "So this is real? Poor Autumn..."
"Autumn has been sent to the hospital for immediate treatment. She is thus no longer able to participate in the season. Thoughts and prayers are sent her way. I can hereby confirm that Autumn Fall is not the Mole. Tonight's execution ceremony will also be cancelled."
Philo: "I give her all my blessings. May the gods help her in this trying time."
Carol: "Autumn, please survive."
Bonnie: "Where's Damien? He must have done this!"
Shirley: "That isn't important now. Right now, it's most important that Autumn can survive."
Shirley: "Autumn, you were such a sweet, innocent girl. What did you ever do to deserve this?"
Bonnie: "It's Damien. It has to be. He was nowhere to be found when Autumn was found. Carol's screams were so loud, there was no way he could not have heard them. But I need proof. I will avenge you, Autumn."
Autumn has been medically evacuated. How many suspected her as the Mole?
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