The last time, the contestants had to replay Season 29's final mission. Only three questions were correctly answered after the last contestant had completed her run, leading to only 60/140 points added to the pot to make it 340/640 points. Herb could not make it further in the game and was the next to be executed. Will the next contestant be exexuted? Or will he prove to stay till the end?
??: "Psst...wake up. Prepare for a midnight jog."
Shirley: "Huh...?"
Bonnie: "This must be an athletic-based...hey! Who put the blindfold over me?"
Bonnie: "This had better be good."
Carol: "Bonnie? Is that you? Oh I'm so glad that you're here."
Shirley: "Carol? Bonnie?"
Carol: "Where are we? Can we take off the blindfolds now?"
Damien: "I don't know, but I don't like it. How dare they try and kidnap us."
Philo: "It's too early...late? I don't even know what time it is."
"Contestants, welcome to your next mission."
Philo: "What? They woke us up so early to...peace...ohmm..."
"You will have to traverse a dangerous map within 1 and a half hours to earn 100 points."
"Watch your step, because traps and danger lurk in every corner."
"When you are ready, you may take the stairs to begin. However you want to do this is up to you."
"As long as one of you is able to find the points before time is up, the 100 points are yours. Good luck. Your time starts now."
Shirley: "We need a plan."
Damien: "This is easy. I have a plan."
Autumn: "There are a few basic sketches of something. I think it's the layout of the map."
Autumn: "There's also drawing paper for us."
Bonnie: "There are earpieces here. We can communicate via the intercom. Come on, everyone take one."
Shirley: "This drawing board is right smack in the middle of this room. It must be of use."
Carol: "What are you drawing?"
Shirley: "Based on the sketches on the wall, I'll try and enlarge it and then we can annotate."
Autumn: "Are we all going together?"
Damien: "No. We need to send someone up there first to recce."
Bonnie: "I'm going to devise a plan of my own too. All we know is that it's very dangerous."
Philo: "I want to go first."
Bonnie: "Are you sure?"
Philo: "Very. Bless me."
Autumn: "I can't read what you're writing."
Damien: "The gist of it is that we have a lot of sacrifices to find all the traps so that the last one doesn't have to worry."
Carol: "Who will be last? And how will the order go?"
Bonnie: "It's hard to plan too far ahead without any idea of what's in store for us. We'll send Philo and Autumn."
Autumn: "Me? Okay."
Bonnie: "Report everything you see."
Autumn: "You're walking into a wall."
Philo: "Uh...I knew that."
Autumn: "Visibility is very low."
Philo: "I think I saw a spider."
Bonnie: "I guess that's what I get for asking them to report everything."
Philo: "Watch your every step."
Autumn: "Do you think the points are hidden in the hay?"
Autumn: "There's a rake in the trough. I'll dig for the points."
Philo: "I think they are abstract and intangible but go ahead. I'm going to go forth."
Philo: "90 minutes isn't a lot of time, especially considering how we already wasted a bit of time down there."
Philo: "Oh my Buddha!"
Autumn: "Oh my goodness! Where did that come from?"
Philo: "It's a trap. It's blocking my path. I'm going to attempt to jump over it."
Philo: "Aah!"
Autumn: "Philo, no!"
Philo: "That was scary."
Philo: "This is Philo, There was a trap blocking a doorway, but I think I broke it."
Philo: "I'm in a new field with a lot of fog, hay and I think I see flying darts to my right. Over."
Bonnie: "Roger. Oh, and Philo, you don't have to keep saying 'over'."
Shirley: "This is very important."
Philo: "I'm going to my left."
Philo: "Did I just trip over something?"
Philo: "Darn. I tripped over a laser trap."
"Philo has been eliminated."
Autumn: "Still nothing."
Autumn: "On to the next hay bale."
Autumn: "Aah!"
Autumn: "Oh no! It's a trap!"
"Autumn has been eliminated."
Carol: "Both are down already."
Damien: "That was quicker than I had predicted. They weren't very useful."
Shirley: "I still don't have a lot of information for my map."
Bonnie: "I'll go next. Press the intercom if you want to speak to me."
Carol: "Good luck."
Bonnie: "I wonder which season this mission is from. I don't quite recognise it. Season 25?"
Bonnie: "What did I just step...oh, yet more hay."
Bonnie: "Ah, I see the trap Philo was talking about. How did Autumn get eliminated?"
Carol: "She says to keep our eyes peeled when it's our turn."
Shirley: "I can hear her from here but thank you Carol."
Bonnie: "I have to be extra careful. Philo tripped over a laser trap somewhere here."
Bonnie: "What the..."
Bonnie: "I'm going to be very quiet. I'm going to the right since Philo went left and was eliminated."
Bonnie: "I think I'm not alone."
Bonnie: "There are a lot of darts flying on the right."
Bonnie: "You have to run quickly or roll. Got that?"
Bonnie: "There is an opening. I'm running in between four dumpsters."
Bonnie: "I see a hammer in front of me. I think that will be useful."
Bonnie: "I hear someone. Be quiet, Carol."
Bonnie: "Where is the guy?"
Bonnie: "Someone else is in here with me. That!'s the only reason why a trap activated by itself."
Bonnie: "I'm running for the hammer."
Bonnie: "I picked up the's a trap. It triggered another trap to my distant left."
Bonnie: "Ow!"
"Bonnie has been eliminated."
Carol: "Bonnie is also down. She seemed to been hit by something."
Damien: "Can we trust everything she says?"
Carol: "We don't have a choice. We will know if she's lying later."
Shirley: "I have much more information but I still need more. I suspect she was sniped."
Damien: "Carol, you're next."
Carol: "Me?"
Damien: "Yes you. You have to go eventually. Just explore everything, say everything you see and be very very careful."
Carol: "I'm going alone?"
Damien: "Stop whining and just go, unless you want to waste more time."
Carol: "Alright, I'm going."
Carol: "I'm in the first area. It looks pretty close to what you have, Shirley, just much longer."
Carol: "Ew, there are cobwebs."
Carol: "I see that the remnants of the trap?"
Carol: "I better be careful not to reactivate it."
Carol: "I'm in the second zone."
Carol: "Eep!"
Carol: "I thought I saw something...someone move."
Carol: "I'm going to hide."
Carol: "I'll be quiet. Now you be quiet, please. I don't want to be noticed."
Carol: "This is really scary. I feel like I'm lucid dreaming."
Carol: "This is what happens if I don't get my 7 hours of beauty sleep."
Simon: "What?"
Simon: "A trap."
Carol: "He triggered a trap."
Carol: "Someone is definitely there. I just hope he didn't see me."
Carol: "Damien, are you still there? I think the mystery man is actually on our side."
Damien: "Did she really just say that?"
Carol: "I'm still scared though. Should I approach him? Or maybe I should hide until he leaves."
Damien: "No. Carol, run! While he's distracted. Don't keep hiding there."
Carol: "Okay...oh no, he's running that way too."
Carol: "I hope he didn't see me."
Carol: "I'm really worried. Damien, what do I do?"
Damien: "Change of plans. Survive first."
Carol: "It's really really hard to keep my eyes peeled. Everything is so dark and foggy and it's midnight. I'm tired."
Carol: "Eep!"
Carol: "I'm going for the door on my right!"
Carol: "It's near a well."
Carol: "Are you guys still there?"
Carol: "It's a dead end. Something isn't right."
Carol: "Hey, the door locked."
Carol: "Did the guy just lock me in?"
Carol: "The room is a lie. Don't enter it."
Shirley: "A door on the right, near a well. Nobody mentioned a well."
Damien: "Radio silence. It's like she just vanished."
Shirley: "I don't think Carol would remove the earpiece or something."
"Carol has been eliminated."
Damien: "That was fishy."
Shirley: "It's down to the two of us and we're still clueless about what's going on."
Shirley: "At least we know where many of the traps are, and the fact that there is a sniper who is probably male."
Damien: "I think it's time for both of us to go up."
Damien: "There won't be enough time for us to go separately."
Shirley: "I agree. From the map, we start around here. The first zone is relatively safe. We need to travel to the darts in the second zone."
Damien: "There's a mystery third zone where we lost Carol."
Damien: "I was never fond of planning. Let's just wing it."
Shirley: "No. Planning is of utmost importance. Looking at the maps, there are traps here, here..."
Damien: "This is wasting time."
Shirley: "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
Shirley: "I told you to destroy Autumn's life. She doesn't look like she's been destroyed,"
Damien: "I haven't gotten to it yet."
Damien: "Anyway, this is not the time to discuss this."
Damien: "I'm still trying to recover from a hangover. Let's just go."
Shirley: "Now I see what everyone means."
Damien: "No amount of planning can prepare you for what you are about to actually experience."
Shirley: "This is where we have to be careful."
Damien: "The door isn't on the right."
Damien: "It's on the left."
Damien: "No point trying to be stealthy. The sniper must be waiting for us."
Shirley: "I need to duck and stay low."
Shirley: "I need to keep a look out for the sniper."
Damien: "There's a trap somewhere here, right? Philo tripped here. I even see a puddle."
Damien: "Then I'll jump over the area."
Damien: "I survived."
Shirley: "The dumpsters."
Damien: "I don't think anyone made it this far."
Shirley: "I see the hammer. It's best to avoid it."
Shirley: "Damien, you're making a lot of noise."
Shirley: "These must be here for a reason."
Shirley: "I think I see a hole."
Damien: "I knew things weren't as they seemed. You can't lure me with an electrical panel."
Shirley: "AAAH!"
Shirley: "Get it off! Get it off!"
Damien: "Shirley, shut up!"
Shirley: "Sorry. I overreacted."
Shirley: "Psst...behind you."
Shirley: "Damien, seek cover."
Damien: "On it."
Shirley: "I'm too far away to be noticed. I'll just silently creep my way to those crates."
Shirley: "I hope I'm not spotted,"
Damien: "I have to make a run for it."
Damien: "The floor is uneven."
Damien: "It almost feels as though something is buried."
Shirley: "There are a couple of vents and a strange puddle of water."
Shirley: "If I jump over the vents I should be safe. I have to jump. The sniper is gaining onto me."
Shirley: "Yikes! I was nearly hit! I didn't realise they use a motion sensor."
Shirley: "Oh you have to be kidding me. Fire?"
Damien: "I see it. That must be it."
Damien: "There's only one way to get to it."
Damien: "Shit."
Damien: "Ow!"
Damien: "Stop attacking me!"
Damien: "Oi! Watch it!"
"Damien has been eliminated."
Damien: "Damn it."
Damien: "This is supposed to be my natural habitat."
Damien: "Are my thieving skills waning?"
Damien: "Fuck this shit. Stupid darts."
Damien: "I'm supposed to be a master at this."
Shirley: "There's a certain timing to this."
Shirley: "I'm not sure what it is though."
Shirley: "At least I can say I've been thoroughly woken up. Now!"
Shirley: "That was a really close one. It's not real fire, right? Because that's dangerous and it sure feels like real fire. It's so hot here."
Shirley: "We're not in proper attire to deal with real fire."
Shirley: "The sniper shouldn't be able to get past these traps."
Shirley: "I'm the only hope."
Shirley: "I should try and avoid the fog. I can't see what I'll be stepping on. Oh dear, that looks like a trap."
Shirley: "I'm forced to find a way to disarm it. It may be a motion sensor trap again."
Shirley: "There is something on the wall."
Shirley: "It's too dark to make it out."
Shirley: "It's a lever."
Shirley: "What's the worst that could go wrong if I pull?"
Shirley: "I regret saying that."
Shirley: "Nothing seems to have happened. The holes are still there."
Shirley: "Maybe along that wall."
Shirley: "Another lever."
Shirley: "Oh dear."
Shirley: "I pulled the wrong lever."
Shirley: "How am I ever going to get to the chest now?"
Shirley: "That fire is ferocious."
Shirley: "My only alternative is to walk around the holes."
Shirley: "Easy does it..."
Shirley: "Almost there."
Shirley: "Yes. I did it."
Shirley: "How do I open this?"
Shirley: "This is heavy."
Shirley: "Is this it?"
Shirley: "I see it. 100 points."
Shirley: "This was all worth it."
Carol: "I was trapped in a room with no reception for about a minute before they let me out."
Autumn: "Shirley is our last hope."
Damien: "Someone is coming."
Autumn: "I hope it's good news."
Shirley: "Hi guys."
Shirley: "I have some bad news to tell you...I got the points!"
Carol: "Good job! I knew we could count on you!"
Autumn: "Really? You did it?"
Damien: "Was it in time?"
Shirley: "With only 19 seconds on the clock. I can't believe I actually pulled it off."
Shirley became the hero at the last moment, adding 100 points to the pot. Is this proof she is just a contestant, or is this a smokescreen?
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