Friday, 7 September 2018

40.12-You don't control my butt

Last time on the Smole, the final seven replayed Season 29's final mission less fantastically. Only 3 questions were correct, earning 60/140 points for the pot, which now has 340/640 points. Under Damien's coercion Bonnie put Shirley as the Mole while Carol felt that Philo was the Mole. Are either of them correct, or will penalties be incurred?

Bonnie: "Good morning."
Herb: "Good morning. Try my special salad. It's made using the freshest ingredients I could gather from the fridge."

Bonnie: "I'm not a fan fd salad."
Herb: "Just try it first. It's refreshing and good for breakfast. It is also very healthy. It is important to take care of your body and eat healthily."

Bonnie: "Not bad."

Bonnie: "Let me help you clean up."
Herb: "Sure. Thank you."

Shirley: "There are so many chairs around."
Damien: "I sit wherever I want. You don't control my butt."

Shirley: "Remember our deal."
Damien: "Which one?"
Shirley: "All of them. I want to see Autumn's journal."

Damien: "You seem to hate Autumn a lot. I didn't even know I had it in you."
Shirley: "Hate her? I don't hate her. It's nothing personal. She can go thank the blondie for everything that's about to happen to her."

Shirley: "I want her life to be a personal hell. And I want you to do it tonight."

Damien: "We'll see."


Herb: "I presume you're here to ask why I left Bertha, Bertha and you."
Bonnie: "No. None of that matters any more."

Bonnie: "I've been doing a lot of thinking. I think it's time to move on. Let's just forget about the past and start afresh."

Herb: "Really? Thank you. I really want to be a part of your life."

Bonnie: "You have to work for it...don't disappoint."

Herb: "I won't."

Herb: "Today is the happiest day of my life. My daughter has finally accepted me. I'm slowly working to regain her trust. She told me that this doesn' mean we're in a coalition though, and I can understand that. Who would want an old man bringing her game down? I don't know how far I will go, but that's why I will make every minute count. I want her to feel the love that she's been missing out for twenty years of her life."

Philo: "If this doesn't cause scandal and controversy, I don't know what does."

Carol: "Oh my gosh sorry!"

Carol: "I should have knocked first."
Philo: "Wait! Don't leave!"

Philo: "Did you get a shock?"
Carol: "Definitely, but why?"

Carol: "Before that, what are you even wearing and why do you even have this outfit?"

Philo: "What, you mean you don't have fancy outfits like this lying around your closet?"
Carol: "Not that I'm aware of, better not have done something to my clothes."
Philo: "That's a good idea."
Carol: "No, Philo."

Philo: "So what do you think? I'm going for a new image. Do you think I can pull this off for the rest of the season?"

Carol: "No, Philo."


Autumn: "Woo!"

Bonnie: "Autumn, can we have a talk?"
Autumn: "Woah!"

Autumn: "Come and join me up here!"

Autumn: "What do you want to talk about?"
Bonnie: "Your parents."

Autumn: "What about them?"
Bonnie: "I know that you've been searching for your parents."

Autumn: "I have but that was a long time ago. I'm enjoying myself now."
Bonnie: "But don't you want to find your family and reunite with them? I know that you must have been very scared when you were first stranded in Zimmaport."

Autumn: "I was, but I just have to keep my chin held up high. Why do you want to help me anyway?"

Bonnie: "I think I've finally resolved a longstanding case, so I have some free time to help you locate your parents."

Autumn: "You'd do that? For me?"

Autumn: "This makes me unbelievably happy. I haven't seen them for so long. I have so much I want to say to them."

Bonnie: "You clearly miss them."
Autumn: "I can't wait."
Bonnie: "In order for me to help you, you must first help me. Tell me everything."
Autumn: "Of course! Anything to help."

Autumn: "I was approached by Bonnie. She said something about wanting to help me. She seemed cheerier, which is weird. She wants to help me find my parents. I believe she can do it and I'm really excited. I haven't seen them in so long. I'm having fun, but I still miss them. What else can I do but to smile in the face of adversity and keep my chin up high? I can't wait to see Mom and Dad again. It's been too long."


Damien: "I have it."

Damien: "I already had a look through it."

Shirley: "Interesting."

Damien: "Did you just toss it into the fire?"
Shirley: "Why are you so concerned?"

Damien: "I'm not. Whether Autumn lives without her journal or not is none of my concern."
Shirley: "Join me."

Bonnie: "There can only be two reasons why Carol put Philo as the Mole in the previous mission. Carol either thinks that Philo really is the Mole and thinks that everyone does too, or she's playing a move by picking someone she believes is not the Mole so that the real Mole is thrown off and tries to protect her by giving her bonus points in the quiz. Unless she's hoping that the Mole won't give her penalty because then it will be obvious that Philo is the Mole. She could also be a greedy Mole trying to go for penalties, but the chances of that aren't that high."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the identity of the Mole. Whoever knows the least is out of the game.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What is the Mole's favourite food?
A: Autumn salad
B: Vegetarian grilled salmon
C: Hamburger
D: Apples
E: Sushi

Q3: Which floor does the Mole sleep on?
A: Second floor
B: Third floor

Q4: In which order did the Mole participate in Mission 6?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th

Q5: In Mission 6, what question was the Mole the answer to?
A: Who is a rape victim?
B: Who likes to eat fast food?
C: Who has kissed dermatologist Carmen Nancy Evalon?
D: Whose only living parent is a mother?
E: Who is a potential successor to a seafood restaurant?
F: Who is an avid hat collector?
G: Who currently resides in Simplandia?

Q6: In Mission 6, whose photo was at the Mole's question initially?
A: Philo Nickelworth
B: Herb DeValentino
C: Bonnie DeValentino
D: Autumn Fall
E: Damien Stewart
F: Shirley DeSota
G: Carol Losantos

Q7: Was the Mole's photo at the correct question after the Mole left the maze in Mission 6?
A: Yes
B: No

Q8: In Mission 6, did the Mole bring a photograph out of the maze?
A: Yes
B: No

Q9: In Mission 6, how many photos were in the correct place just before the Mole entered?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
E: 4
F: 5
G: 6
H: 7

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Philo Nickelworth
B: Herb DeValentino
C: Bonnie DeValentino
D: Autumn Fall
E: Damien Stewart
F: Shirley DeSota
G: Carol Losantos


"The seven of you are sitting here today because you have been fortunate enough to escape the triple execution. Tonight, luck will run out for one of you."

"Shirley DeSota."

Autumn: "You made it."

"Damien Stewart."

Damien: "You haven't caught me yet, Mole. Not tonight, baby."

"Carol Losantos."

Carol: "Phew! I was really nervous."

"Philo Nickelworth."

Carol: "Good to see you're still in. Maybe I could give you some fashion tips. You seem to be in dire need of it."
Philo: "Is that why nobody remembers me? Because of the way I dress?"

"Herb DeValentino."

Bonnie: "Dad!"
Herb: "It's okay."

Herb: "I thought to myself that even if I died today, I'd die a happy man. I am very content to have made it into the final seven for a second time. I thought I would be the first executed. I'm glad to have spent time with all of you even if I didn't interact much with all of you. This has been a life-changing experience that I'll take home with me. And I'm so, so happy to have a daughter out of this. A daughter who is willing to call me her dad. I wish you all the best."

Carol: "That's so touching."
Damien: "Bonnie's your daughter? I knew it!"
Philo: "Herb is outstanding. He's the underdog of this season, clearly. He made it this far by keeping to himself."

Bonnie: "I'm happy that we got to spend time father and daughter. It's not easy. We're both struggling to accept each other into our lives. But he's willing to take the first step. That's bravery. He's not the father I had hoped for, but he's the bravest one I've ever met."

Herb: "Goodbye. It was nice while it lasted."
"Thank you for joining. We hope to see you again."


Damien: "Autumn! Hey, come over here."

Damien: "I'm making some drinks to celebrate being in the final six. Come join me."

Autumn: "I won't say no to a party."

Damien: "Let me help you. Here."
Autumn: "Wait, you try them first. You made the drinks, right? It's a ritual that you take the first sip."

Autumn: "How is it?"

Damien: "Great. Now take one and join me."

Autumn: "To the final six!"

Autumn: "I'm really surprised I made it without my journal. By the way, did you happen to see it anywhere? I don't remember stuff without my notes."
Damien: "Nope."

Autumn: "Too bad. Hey, let's bounce on the trampoline together."
Damien: "Autumn, wait! Ergh."

Damien: "Slow down, Autumn."

Damien: "Woah, it's starting to kick in."

Damien: "I must have added too much. Maybe I should have listened to Ma and not smuggle in these drugs."

Autumn: "Damien, are you okay? You look tired."
Damien: "I'm fine."

Autumn: "I'm not. I feel...woozy."

Damien: "Autumn, let me help you."
Autumn: "It's fine."
Damien: "Hey! Nobody get to push me around literally."

Damien: "I'm getting a massive headache."

Damien: "I after Autumn..."

Damien: "So...close..."

Autumn: "I'm too tired to climb the stairs."

Autumn: "Let me just lie on you for a while..."

Herb is seventh again. Is Bonnie saddened or is she secretly happy about his execution?

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