Thursday, 28 March 2019

43.11-No tears left to cry


In the previous episode, the contestants had to sculpt for 3 hours. Isabella sculpted a chair worth the least, Alistair sculpted a lion statue worth the second least, Xayden's pedestal was worth the median amount, Cedric's statue almost got the exemption but Bernadette's pedestal ended up being the most expensive so she got the exemption. 80 points were earned, bringing the pot back up to 243/650 points. The odds are very high. Who will pull through and who will lose steam? Most importantly, who is the Mole?

Alistair: "The Smole experience so far has been disappointing, honestly. I signed up expecting cool spy missions or something involving lasers and mazes, but instead I'm brought to a sleepy town doing tasks like admiring the scenery and sculpting. I'm not salty about the fact that I didn't get the exemption but I really don't see how Angel's was worth the most. I want to appeal. The appraiser was blind."

Cedric: "I'm tired. I was hoping that maybe there was a silver lining in my whole situation, that maybe having to take care of my ill Mama would make me responsible and snap me to my senses, but instead I feel worse. I feel guilty and helpless. I'm depressed. It's going to stay that way forever. I can't run away from it. How am I going to take care of her in this state? I feel more tired than ever. I know I have to do something but I don't have the energy to will myself to do it. I just want to hide under the covers and cry myself to sleep, but there are no tears left to cry. I just feel empty inside."


Bernadette: "Isabella? Are you out here?"
Isabella: "Over here."

Bernadette: "Isabella, I need to warn you about something."

Bernadette: "Or rather...someone. You shouldn't trust Alistair too much."

Isabella: "Alistair? Why shouldn't I trust him?"

Bernadette: "I can tell you like him. But he's not into you that way."

Bernadette: "You're going to end up heartbroken."
Isabella: "Why are we speaking in hushed tones?"
Bernadette: "I don't want him to hear us."

Isabella: "Did Xayden send you?"
Bernadette: "Huh? No, but if Xayden told you the same thing it must be true."

Bernadette: "He tried to flirt with me to get me to reveal info. That kind of man can't be depended on."

Isabella: "It must be you. You must have used your charms on him."

Bernadette: "What?"

Isabella: "You're so much better than me, Angel. You're a model who can sing. You're taller than me and prettier than me. All I am is a pole dancer."

Isabella: "You know I love him. You said so yourself. So why must you fight with me over him?"
Bernadette: "Is that what you think?"

Bernadette: "As a fellow woman I want to warn you. You can find better. Don't throw yourself at him."

Isabella: "Even you think I'm a loose woman."

Bernadette: "That's not what I think."
Isabella: "Yes it is."


Isabella: "I can't believe..."
Alistair: "Isa, I have a surprise..."

Alistair: "Isa? Are you okay?"

Isabella: "Al!"

Alistair: "There, there. It's okay."

Alistair: "Tell me what happened."
Isabella: "Everyone thinks I'm a slut just because I do pole dancing. And I've performed in nightclubs before."

Isabella: "Remember that one quiz question that had stripping as an option? That was me. I was so afraid to let the others know that I had stripped before. I was desperate and needed money."

Alistair: "I understand."
Isabella: "I knew you would. But why can't the rest understand? All they do is judge me. I can feel it in their eyes. They think I'm a slut."

Isabella: "Sometimes I wish I was like Angel. She's like a goddess. She really lives up to her name."

Alistair: "I love you, not her. You're perfect just the way you are."
Isabella: "Really?"
Alistair: "Feel my heart. It beats only for you."

Alistair: "I can stay the night if you need me to."
Isabella: "I would like that."


Bernadette: "Hey Xayden. I heard you told Isabella to be careful of Alistair."

Xayden: "I did but my advice fell on deaf ears. She's blinded by that man's biceps."

Bernadette: "I spoke to her earlier. She seemed really upset. I also believe that Alistair isn't as perfect as he seems."

Xayden: "You're on my side? That's a surprise. No one ever listens to me."
Bernadette: "I do."

Xayden: "Thank you, Angel."
Bernadette: "What for? I didn't do anything."
Xayden: "It doesn't matter. Anyway, one is a wolf in sheep's clothing while the other is willing to get eaten, so there's nothing we can do but leave them alone."

Xayden: "One day they'll realise..."


Cedric: "I want to switch but I can't see it being anyone other than her."

Cedric: "I should have written more in my journal and paid more attention instead of writing all these entries about my woeful state and Mama."

Cedric: "'Mama, I wish you were here. Riverview is perfect in fall. It'd be nice to live here for the rest of our lives'...blegh, so cringey."

Cedric: "But...I really do miss you. It doesn't feel fair for me to enjoy myself while you suffer back at home. You've suffered enough because of me."


Xayden: "I'm sure I can hack into the footage somehow. If I brute force this..."

Xayden: "Oh! Turns out it isn't as secure as I thought it was."

Xayden: "Which camera is which? I'll try this one...aha. Gotcha now."

Xayden: "Now I just need to download this into my USB drive..."


Isabella: "Ergh..."

Isabella: "What the..."

Isabella: "Oh my god...I can't believe I...we..."

Isabella: "Now I'm an actual slut. Why was I so impulsive?"


Alistair: "Isa? Babe, where did you go?"

Isabella: "Take your clothes and go."

Alistair: "Why? What happened? I thought last night was magical."

Isabella: "Why won't it open?"

Alistair: "Don't you love me?"

Isabella: "AAH!"

Isabella: "I do...but we shouldn't have done it. Not like that."

Isabella: "I wasn't ready yet."

Isabella: "The drawer's open. Take all your clothes and leave. I don't want you sleeping in my room."

Isabella: "I'm a wreck. It's almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Last night, Al and didn't film any of it, right? I was vulnerable and upset, and he was just there to comfort me. My parents are going to disown me and shame me even more. I'm so ashamed. I want to hide in here forever."

Alistair: "Things have gotten boring in the Smole missions so I've turned my attention elsewhere. I don't know what the hell happened but Isa came crying into my arms. It was the perfect time to strike: when she was most vulnerable. I've been chased out of the room for God-knows-what reason, but at least I scored it. I knew she was going to be an easy target. Her uptightness was just a pretence. Once she let loose...hoo boy, she really let loose."


Xayden: "Cross me again, will ya?"

Xayden: "I have the upper hand now. Try to mess with me again. Then the whole world will know about your dirty little secret."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity. Whoever knows the least is executed.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole have dyed hair?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: In Mission 6, did the Mole choose to spend points to spy on others doing the quiz?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: In Mission 6, which two contestants did the Mole spy on?
A: Cedric and Bernadette
B: Isabella and Alistair
C: Alistair and Xayden
D: The Mole did not spy on the others

Q5: In Mission 7, what colour were the Mole's goggles?
A: Black
B: White
C: Pink
D: Blue
E: Green

Q6: In Mission 7, what was the original number on the Mole's bicycle?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
D: 4
E: 5

Q7: What was the final number on the Mole's bicycle in Mission 7?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
D: 4
E: 5

Q8: In Mission 8, what did the Mole sculpt?
A: A Show Of Force
B: Rodent Repellent
C: Rafkin's Dining Chair
D: Rory's Display Pedestal - Egypt

Q9: How much was the Mole's sculpture worth in Mission 8?
A: 25 Simoleons
B: 28 Simoleons
C: 34 Simoleons
D: 35 Simoleons
E: 38 Simoleons

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Alistair Raymond
B: Bernadette Sheridan
C: Cedric Quio
D: Isabella Moneira
E: Xayden Hold


Isabella: "As I was doing the quiz it hit me. Two missions ago, the UV light one...maybe there was no sabotage. We had stopped so many times. Maybe everyone was telling the truth and the numbers changed each time we stopped. This makes things way too complicated now."


"Contestants, the weather outside's not getting any better, so it would be much preferable to stay indoors where it's cosy. Unfortunately, for one of you, that cannot happen any longer. There was a three-way tie, and considering that there four contestants here who had to take the quiz, this may mean something or another. It's up to you to interpret. One of you could not pull the score up and will thus be overall the lowest. Who will it be?"

"Alistair Raymond."

"You are safe."

"Cedric Quio."

"Unfortunately, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Cedric: "Fuck! I should have known this was coming."

Xayden: "It's not easy to leave the further you make it into the game, but at least I'm glad my sacrifices and switches paid off. Bon voyage, Cedric."

Alistair: "Cedric was someone who kept to himself and that's despite me rooming with him. It seemed to be a toll on him mentally, so it is better for him to end it here."
Bernadette: "Watch what you say. Cedric is actually a nice guy once you get to know him better. He had so much potential if he worked at it. It is a pity and he will be missed."

Cedric: "These are just pleasantries."
Bernadette: "They come from the bottom of my heart."

Cedric: "They do? I don't know whether to take what any of you say to heart."

Cedric: "Are you going to add anything, Isabella?"

Isabella: "No comment. Sorry."

Cedric: "I should have known better than to have hope. But I should have seen it miles away. I knew this was going to happen to me but I just couldn't find motivation to change. I was really only here for the travel and that has been done so I have no more reason to stay here. Good luck to the rest of you who want this more than I do."

Cedric: "Maybe it's better this way. At least I can go back home to Mama."

Cedric leaves with held-back tears. Was he the lowest scorer previously? Or did the lowest scorer manage to change fate?



Isabella: "How did you get this video?"
Xayden: "Just watch in peace, damn it."

Isabella: "Eep!"
Xayden: "I see we've reached the good part. Or should I say...climax?"


Xayden: "Play nice, Isabella. And no one has to get hurt."

Xayden: "Otherwise, I will ruin your life."


Ginny: "Hey! Over here!"

Ginny: "Can you help a poor old farmer out?"


Xayden: "Ooh, this is hard. I guess I'll bring the green couple over?"


Dilan: "What the hell? Are you leaving us with this guy?"


Alistair: "Fuck. There's no way this is possible."

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