Tuesday, 5 March 2019

43.04-Girls are so sensitive

Last time on the Smole, the contestants went apple bobbing and earned 153/200 points. Their next mission was not as smooth-sailing, however, as they walked out of it with only 45/200 points. The pot currently has 198/400 points but Alethea couldn't contribute further to the pot as she was the first to be executed. Will Adrianna learn from this or will she be walking out the front door next?

Adrianna: "No! Not my roommate! Now I'll be forever alone in the big pink room. She was a wonderful contestant and partner. I simply cannot believe that she would be gone so quickly! We had two suspects in mind, but the question is whether both are wrong or just one."


Alostair: "Hey ladies. Can I join you?"
Adrianna: "NO!"
Isabella: "Excuse her. She's a bit emotional right now."

Alistair: "Got it. I'll sit in this corner then."

Isabella: "Adrianna, it's okay. She's not gone for good."
Adrianna: "How do you stay so calm? She was so interesting and my roommate and coalition partner!"
Bernadette: "It's okay to feel sad for a while but if you really want to do her justice, you should pick yourself up and do your best."

Alistair: "You can try to figure out what went wong. Maybe I can help you."

Adrianna: "Wow! That is so generous of you. But I'm not that stupid. Thanks for the offer though."
Alistair: "I actually spoke to Alethea before the execution. She can't lie. Something went wrong in the overseer mission with your pair."

Isabella: "You think I sabotaged on purpose?"

Bernadette: "It's okay. You shouldn't get so agitated. You don't have to explain anything if you don't want to."

Isabella: "I didn't know whether or not I could trust her. That's all I'm saying."
Adrianna: "We all know she can be trusted now! How am I going to survive the next execution with my partner gone?"

Alistair: "I can help. I have experience on the Smole. What do you say? The two of us work together?"

Alistair: "Maybe if we trade our info we'll realise we have common suspects."
Adrianna: "Alethea and I had something in common too. I was once a part time teacher and she's a lecturer. We just clicked."

Adrianna: "I have to go."

Alistair: "Was it something I said?"
Bernadette: "I think she needs some time to process Alethea's execution. I should check on her though. Excuse me."

Alistair: "God, girls are so sensitive."


Sherman: "I realised something shocking. Cedric does not shower. I have not seen him shower at all since coming here. It is disturbing the rest of us, especially when sleeping. And I'm the one who stays in the lab for days without food or water or showering."

Sherman: "You are beginning to smell a little. And that is coming from me."

Cedric: "¿QuĂ©?"

Sherman: "Be considerate. I dom't care about the rest but be considerate to me. The oly stench I will tolerate is my own."

Sherman: "Stop yawning. It is hard to concentrate when you are so distracting."
Cedric: "I'm tired. I'm going back to sleep."

Sherman: "It is a bright morning. There are so many things you can do! Don't waste your life away sleeping."

Cedric: "Get out of my life. Who are you to lecture me?"
Sherman: "The nerve of youngsters nowadays."

Sherman: "Fine. I don't want to bother myself with you. I have more important things to do like filling my stomach."


Sherman: "Did you hear something?"

Sherman: "He must be very tired."

Sherman: "Weakling. His smell better not fuse with the carpet."

Sherman: "Now where was I? Ah yes. Glorious food."


"Good morning contestants. Today I need 3 contestants who are good at geography."

Xayden: "Clearly it's Adrianna. She is a reporter. She has the best world knowledge."
Alistair: "And she used to be a teacher."

Adrianna: "You remember! I'm impressed. I am so flattered that you think so highly of me. I shall graciously accept this role."

Sherman: "Pfft. Anything she can do, I can do better. I'm good with everything, especially the world. It's very important to research the world, you see..."

Bernadette: "Xayden, how about you? Or Cedric?"

Xayden: "My geography is bad. I'll pass."
Cedric: "Same."

Alistair: "If nobody wants to do it, I don't mind. My geography isn't that good but it's average."

Sherman: "There is no time to waste. Let us head outside and see the world! Muahaha...ha...ha."

Sherman: "Let's just get going."


"I also need two sneaky contestants and two gamers."

Xayden: "I would like to be a sneak."

Bernadette: "You don't look sneaky."

Xayden: "You'll see...I'm definitely not a gamer."

Isabella: "Let's give him a chance. Maybe he's a really good sneaker."

Xayden: "Who else can sneak? Cedric?"
Cedric: "I would rather play games but whatever."

Bernadette: "I'll join Cedric. Is that okay with you, Isabella?"

Isabella: "Sure, I guess. There's no other option left."

Isabella: "I regret not being part of the geographers. The other choices I had were not for me. The last mission made quite a number of the rest suspicious of me. The way the others look at me hurts. That is why I was reluctant to be a sneaky contestant."


"Xayden, Isabella, the trio has to make their way around Riverview. The two of you are to follow them and make it to the end point a certain time after them. If they are unable to identify you, you get an exemption."

Isabella: "I should spray some perfume. Wow, this is strong. Ah..ah.."

Isabella: "Achoo! Excuse me."

Xayden: "Which one should I take?"

Isabella: "All these are shirts. This one looks quite nice."


Isabella: "You'll stick out like a sore thumb."

Xayden: "The point is not to be reocgnised. Let's go."


"Cedric, Bernadette, the other pair have to follow the trio around Riverview. However, the followers are to make it within a certain time after the trio reaches to win. You get to decide what the time is. You will play a game against each other. The difference between your scores will determine the time difference the others have."

Cedric: "I spend a lot of my time playing games. This should be a cakewalk. But today I didn't really feel in the mood to play. I just wanted to go back to the house and sleep."

Bernadette: "I'm not really a gamer but I gave it my all. I suspect that Xayden and Isabella will get an exemption or something. I should have taken their role. Oh well. At least I get to stop them from getting it."


"Alistair, Sherman, Adrianna, the three of you must find your way to the end point in two hours. Along the way, you may go to various locations to get points but you have to make it to the end to cash it in time. Here is a map of Riverview. You may not ask any of the locals for help. One more thing: watch your back."

Alistair: "What is that supposed to mean?"
Sherman: "Who cares? Now give me the map. Chop chop."

Adrianna: "What if there are hitmen after us? Are we in danger? Are we going to die? Or ghosts? How will I sleep at night?"

Alistair: "They probably don't mean it literally, Adrianna, so relax. We probably just need to pay attention to our surroundings."

Sherman: "There are three stops we have to go to to get points."

Sherman: "575 Riverview Road,"

Sherman: "24 Long Island Drive,"

Sherman: "And 300 Long Island Drive."

Sherman: "The fact that only addresses are given makes me think that they are random spots in this town."

Alistair: "How do we get there?"
Sherman: "This map is a very bad map."

Sherman: "It looks so faded and not everything is listed here."
Adrianna: "Is it a map from World War II? That will be a very interesting scoop. Maybe there are hidden artefacts in Riverview."

Alistair: "Where is the end point?"
Sherman: "I am getting there."
Adrianna: "You were about to put it away."
Sherman: "No I wasn't."

Sherman: "1 Old Main Road is the destination. It's marked out by the X on this map."

Sherman: "Follow me. I know the way."

Adrianna: "Just head straight. That's right, good job! Wow, you know your way around town."
Driver: "I drive a taxi. Of course I know my way."

Isabella: "Quick! They're leaving!"
Xayden: "Don't let them see you."

Isabella: "You're right. I think we should just observe where that taxi is going to."
Xayden: "They're just stopping at that house in front."


Flat: "Excuse me. I'm talking to someone here."
Sherman: "I can't talk to you."

Flat: "Get lost."
Sherman: "Riverviewans are so rude."

Flat: "Look at him. He thinks that with a coat and everything he's too big to talk to us."
Sherman: "I guess if we can't talk to them we have to sneak in."
Adrianna: "Isn't that trespassing?"
Alistair: "I think we can talk to them, just not about the points or how to get to the locations."

Alistair: "Speaking of the points, where could they be?"

Alistair: "I don't think they'll be in the house."
Sherman: "I'm going to ask them to let us in."

Adrianna: "I bet it's hidden in the field somewhere."

Adrianna: "They'd definitely bury things near the tree."

Alistair: "I'd bet they hide the points somewhere in the garden."

Alistair: "Where is it?"

Alistair: "Oops."

Alistair: "While searching for the points, I accidentally destroyed one of the residents' gardens...we high-tailed out of there before they found out."

Sherman: "I can't see anything in here."

Adrianna: "I'm dirtier than my Grandma's three-year-old diaper."

Adrianna: "I guess it's not here. What's that?"

Adrianna: "I SEE IT!"

Adrianna: "This must be it!"

Adrianna: "How did I fail to see you?"

Alistair: "After an eternity of searching for a needle in a haystack, I have finally found the long-coveted treasure."

Sherman: "Nothing here."

Adrianna: "Guys! I found it!"
Alistair: "Great. Let's go then."

Adrianna: "So when Adrianna said she found it, I was too excited and didn't bother to check whether she actually did find the points."


Cedric: "I can't lose."

Bernadette: "I have to destroy all your forces!"

Cedric: "Go go go!"

Bernadette: "You won't beat me."
Cedric: "I've been playing all my life. I can't lose."


Xayden: "Quick! They're leaving!"

Xayden: "I think we lost them."
Isabella: "They went that way. If we just go down the road we'll find them eventually."

Xayden: "Wait for me."


Sherman: "Yes. Stop right here."

Alistair: "Are you sure this is the right place?"
Adrianna: "I found the points in a field so this should be the right place."

Alistair: "It just doesn't seem like the kind of place to have an address but if you're sure."

Alistair: "This is a huge field. How are we going to comb the whole area?"
Sherman: "It shouldn't be too far."

Alistair: "Let's split up. We'll cover more ground that way."

Xayden: "You're much fitter than I expected."
Isabella: "I dance. That's a lot of cardio right there."

Isabella: "Let's hide by this tree."
Xayden: "See? I blend in with the bark."

Isabella: "I wanted to look good."
Xayden: "We have bigger priorities than that."

Adrianna: "I'm going to scour all the trees."

Alistair: "I don't even know what the points look like."

Adrianna: "Could it be at that tree?"

Xayden: "They're coming closer."
Isabella: "We can't move. If we do we'll be seen."

Adrianna: "Next tree."

Adrianna: "Is that..."

Adrianna: "AAAAAH!"

Alistair: "What's that? Is that Adrianna?"

Sherman: "Hey! I filed for copyright claims on the banshee scream! Nobody is to use it without my permission."

Isabella: "Oh no. We've been seen."
Xayden: "We can't let them figure out our identities."

Isabella: "RUN!"

Adrianna: "Who are they?"


Bernadette: "Yes!"

Cedric: "What?"

Cedric: "No!"

Bernadette: "Cedric, are you okay?"

Cedric: "I..."

Bernadette: "You still won overall. Good game."

Cedric: "Whatever."
"The score difference is very close, which means Xayden and Isabella must make it within one minute of the other three."


Sherman: "I can't find anything."
Alistair: "We're running out of time."
"Time is up. You failed to make it in the end point so no points are earned. Not that it mattered because you didn't find any in the first place."

Alistair: "What? Adrianna, you said you found some points."

Adrianna: "I did! Or I thought I did. I had a good vibe. See?"
Sherman: "That is just a seed. Not a convoluted metaphor for points."
Adrianna: "You led us to the wrong place. Why did we even give you the map?"

Sherman: "We're in the right spot according to the map. I blame the map for any error."

Adrianna: "I looked at the map at the end. Many of the areas we had to go were on some sort of island. Sherman was hogging the map for the entire time and literally led us off course to the middle of nowhere."

"You were being followed by two of your fellow contestants. If you are able to identify both of them, you can earn 20 points and not go home empty-handed."
Adrianna: "I knew it. One of them wore a skirt...it was as pink as a girl's room. The other one was quite big-sized..."

Adrianna: "I think the followers are Xayden and Isabella."
"That is correct. You have earned 20/50 points for a pot total of 218/450 points."

Sherman: "You weren't totally useless, Miss Wow. At least we have 20 points."

The contestants earned 20 points in this mission and nobody gets an exemption. Can the group do better in the next mission?



Adrianna: "You were like ninjas. Nobody spotted you for the longest time. Only I managed to spot you from miles away with my eagle eyes. I reconigsed both of you in an instant."


Sherman: "Show me what you've got."


"Good day, contestants. Today you will have to host a party. The party starts at 7pm sharp, so get ready. You might want to put on a nice suit or dress."


Cedric: "At various points in the party we were being called down here and informed of our roles."


Sherman: "Someone here cannot be trusted."


Bernadette: "We're not supposed to reveal our roles."
Alistair: "Have you seen Isabella?"
Bernadette: "No, actually. Could something have happened to her?"


Bernadette: "Ah!"

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