In the previous episode...
Lucy: "Hello?"
"Hello. We are calling from The Inn. One of our guests, Audrey Capote, has just been found dead."
Lucy: "Dead?"
Howard: "The Romantic Colleague, you have some explaining to do."
Richard: "We have evidence that you were involved in the victim's murder."
Richard: "Interesting. I have a video to show all of you. Something which I think will crack the case quickly."
Clement: "Oh good Lord. It's you two!"
Tiffany: "What? No it's not! I didn't do anything! I'm not a killer!"
Howard: "This video clearly shows you knocking Audrey out with the flower pot. What do you have to say to that, Pink Purloiner?"
Tiffany: "I'm framed! You can't do this to me! I'm innocent!"
Maximillian: "Either she spiked one and poisoned the other, or Mr. Mixologist made her a special concoction."
Richard: "There's got to be a way. Sadly I don't know how to hack. Won't you guys do something?"
Tiffany: "No. Especially if you mean going to the crime scene. I don't want to get nightmares."
"Good day, lodger. As our guest, you have access to our Wifi. The username is TheInnGuest1234, and the password is S4E32. Enjoy your Wifi and your stay at The Inn."
Lucy: "I found the murder weapon. It's in the bathroom."
Howard: "I found the password."
Tiffany: "Yay! Now hurry and type it in. I'm so sleepy. Why did they have to hold this mission literally at night?"
Howard: "S4E32. All caps."
Richard: "I'm in."
Howard: "Are these paintings clues?"
Richard: "It seems like I can only view the check-in logs."
"Howard has been killed. Howard, please leave immediately."
Howard: "What the hell?"
Richard: "The killer is trying to tamper with evidence."
Maximillian: "I think I saw Howard searching for stuff."
Richard: "The Submissive One? So there was something incriminating hidden in here?"
Maximillian: "Maybe Howard killed himself on purpose as the ultimate way to avert suspicion."
Richard: "Following the earlier discussion, it was discovered that the victim, Audrey Capote, had died after checking in at 5.40pm. She slotted her key card in at 5.54pm. The air-con was turned on at 6.10pm."
"Suspects, you have casted your vote. With a 3-2-0-0-0 vote, you all voted for..."
"The Ex-Husband."
Clement: "It ain't me!"
Audrey: "The one who killed me is..."
Audrey: "My boyfriend!"
Maximillian proved once again that he was able to fool the other contestants as he avoided being caught as the killer by the majority. While he got an exemption for it, he paid a hefty price of 120 points. The pot only has 315/700 points currently and someone still has to go home. Who will be executed next? Who is the Mole?
Maximillian: "Yes! I snagged an exemption. This really made my day. It was scary. I was so afraid I would be caught but in the end I managed to sway the majority to vote my way. I know Richard wasn't fooled but Tiffany as usual did nothing which helped me because I think everyone would start suspecting me if they figured out I made the video to blackmail her."
Richard: "I purposely left out certain information like the fact that my character instructed Lucy to steal the victim's phone in order to test everyone's reactions. See who would ride along with it. I doubt Tiffany was thinking the same thing when she conveniently forgot a vital clue: Max extorting money from her."
Lucy: "Max is a master manipulator. He speaks so convincingly and persuasively which is how he evaded capture. He did it once when he was a werewolf and now again as the killer. For all I know, he could be playing a role when he gets points."
Tiffany: "I'm dead beat. I slept till like 10am. My brain still feels like mush."
Howard: "And you're supposed to be the upright one."
Maximillian: "What is that supposed to mean?"
Howard: "You're just like me after all. You're willing to bend the rules when it benefits you."
Maximillian: "This is a game. In real life, I would never abet a murderer's crimes."
Howard: "What if you're the murderer though? Are you sure you won't do everything you can to avoid getting caught? Are you really that noble to turn yourself in?"
Howard: "You don't have to answer me. It won't be genuine anyway. They say that virtual reality is a reflection of real life. But take that as a compliment. I'm saying you're flexible."
Clement: "Gettin' up early is good for your health. You got up in midday and skipped breakfast. No wonder you're so skinny."
Tiffany: "I've got a figure to maintain. And FYI, you sound like my mom."
Clement: "Gosh, now you've got me thinking about my family. Wonder how they're doing."
Tiffany: "I wonder how my fans are doing. At least, even if there isn't Moon, I know I can count on my fans to support me."
Clement: "I can never understand you youngsters and your damn technology."
Tiffany: "Oh my god. You don't understand technology? Have you been living under a rock? Technology is the greatest thing since waterproof mascara!"
Clement: "You mean sliced bread?"
Tiffany: "Ew, no. Who cares about sliced bread? It's so dry and plain."
Clement: "Y'know, we were both close to Moon. I think we should bury the hatchet and become friends. Else it's gonna get lonelier and lonelier in here."
Tiffany: "Yeah...not happening. I just remembered that you're dumb and it's contagious. You shouldn't sit so close to me. You'll spread the dumbness."
Richard: "It's nice to have someone to exercise with."
Clement: "Err...I suppose. I just need to get warmer."
Richard: "Do you miss your family?"
Clement: "I do, sometimes. Especially my babe Brooklyn. She likes to get up to mischief when her Daddy's not looking. Do you miss your family?"
Clement: "Shit! I forgot they were dead."
Richard: "Only my son. But that doesn't mean I don't miss them."
Richard: "He shouldn't have died. He did nothing wrong. And instead of owning up to it, the fucking army tried to cover it up, accusing him of not following the protocol. They should be held accountable. They should be fucking fired from their posts but instead they're still sitting snugly in their chairs up there."
Clement: "It ain't fair."
Richard: "It really ain't."
Clement: "It sounds like you've got a lot of hate in you."
Richard: "I'll get rid of it soon enough. Now that I have help."
Clement: "Err...are you just gonna do squats the whole time? You're crazy man. You're older than me but you can manage that at that pace."
Richard: "Never thought I'd ever use a bath tub, but then again, I'm retired now. But you won't ever see me playing with a rubber ducky. I'm not a three-year-old."
Richard: "Even though I've retired, I like to keep an active lifestyle and still live a routine every day. I wake up at 5am, go for a morning job, have breakfast, go about my daily activities, solve the daily newspaper crossword at 3pm, go to bed at the same time every get the point. Coming to the Smole, I feel like I'm being spoiled and pampered. Luxurious house, a variety of ingredients to make meals, TVs in every room, bath tubs...I'm slowly adjusting to this new retired lifestyle. And I'm thinking: maybe I was too strict on myself in the past, too rigid, too by-the-book, too many rules."
Richard: "Why did I stop myself from enjoying life in the past?"
Richard: "As long as I keep an active lifestyle, I'll be in the pink of health and can do whatever else I want."
Lucy: "I've been waiting for you."
Lucy: "You talked with Max, right? About his plans to stop the Smole? How did it go?"
Richard: "Max actually has a pretty sad life. I'm not going to talk about it unless he wants to share it, but he's a lot like me."
Richard: "At the end of the day, we both want justice. And I agree with him."
Lucy: "What? You're going to let him just try and destroy the Smole?"
Lucy: "I thought you were on my side. You said the Smole meant something special to you. To all of us. So that was just a bunch of lies?"
Richard: "It does mean something to me. For me, it's about stepping out, or into, my comfort zone. Enjoying the life of retirement."
Lucy: "That's your meaning?"
Lucy: "The Smole can't die. I won't let it die. If you want to kill the Smole, you might as well kill me with it."
Richard: "I don't care what you think. If he wants justice, I'm not going to stop him."
Lucy: "It looks like I can only depend on myself to save the Smole."
Lucy: "Everyone in this house is hopeless. Tiffany is useless, Clement is a coward, Howard is ruining his own future, Max is ruining everyone's future and Richard...I thought I could count on him to help. I was wrong. Do things right, do it yourself. I give up trying to help the other contestants. They don't appreciate it and are too blind to change. My only focus now is to win and do whatever it takes to fight for the longevity of the Smole."
Tiffany: "Can we up the temperature? We should meet inside where it's warmer."
Howard: " don't seem interested in this game. You never contribute to the pot or do anything in general. I don't see you writing in your journal frequently. In the last mission, you had vital information that would help the group catch Max. But you didn't share it."
Tiffany: "I forgot about it. Memorising on short notice is hard."
Howard: "Tiffany, are you the Mole?"
Tiffany: "Me? Of course not! Being the Mole is way stressful. You have so many expectations to live up to and you've actually got to do stuff! That's too much work for me."
Howard: "Then can I implore you to help out in missions for once? The pot is really low. Are you really not worried about it?"
Tiffany: "You want implants? If you need breast implants, I know a guy."
Howard: "No! Why do I waste my time talking to you?"
Tiffany: "Because I'm charming, attractive and irresistible. And because you think I'm the Mole."
Howard: "Maybe I do, maybe I don't."
Lucy: "Doesn't sound like anyone's in the room."
Lucy: "He's plotting to destroy the Smole from the inside so I have to make sure he leaves before he can do any damage. Even if he's exempt now, once I'm done he won't be able to survive the next execution."
Lucy: "If I was Max, where would I hide my journal?"
Lucy: "Where is his journal?"
Maximillian: "What do you think you're doing?"
Lucy: "I'm not going to make up excuses for myself. Yes, I snuck into your room. I wanted to cut up your journal so that you wouldn't survive another execution."
Maximillian: "What the hell? That's beyond unscrupulous."
Maximillian: "What the hell did I do to you?"
Lucy: "It's what you're going to do."
Lucy: "You're the threat to the Smole. I don't understand why the producers don't just force-execute you."
Maximillian: "Because they know that will count against them to remove me because they're scared of me. It makes them hypocrites."
Maximillian: "You better not have touched anything."
Lucy: "You better not try anything funny."
Maximillian: "I'm tired of arguing the same point over and over again. I don't know why you're so protective over something as insidious as the Smole. It's a breeding ground for criminal activity. Look at how cocky Howard is. He thinks he's untouchable while here. The Smole needs to go or else one day you'll all regret not doing anything about it."
Lucy: "You leave us well alone, and we'll leave you alone."
Maximillian: "Get out of my room."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the identity of the Mole. Whoever knows the least is executed.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: What is the Mole's favourite music genre?
A: Soul
B: Country
C: Latin
D: R&B
E: Pop
Q3: Does the Mole have tattoos?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: In Mission 7, which bag did the Mole pick?
A: Pink
B: Red
C: Yellow
D: Blue
E: White
F: Black
Q5: In which order did the Mole pick a bag in Mission 7?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
Q6: In Mission 7, what was the Mole's character?
A: The Pink Purloiner
B: The Romantic
C: The Submissive One
D: The Pauper
E: Mr. Sleaze
F: Mr. Mixologist
Q7: What was the Mole's character's relationship with the victim in Mission 7?
A: Boss
B: Boss's Spouse
C: Colleague
D: Friend of Colleague
E: Current Partner
F: Ex-Spouse
Q8: In Mission 7, where did the Mole go to first?
A: Hotel Room
B: Lobby
Q9: Who did the Mole vote for in Mission 7?
A: Current Partner
B: Ex-Spouse
C: The Mole could not vote
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Lucy Neuwark
B: Richard Xyz
C: Howard Babarossa d'Kellie
D: Maximillian Young
E: Clement Oakley-Wakefield
F: Tiffany Etsoos
"Contestants, you let the murderer get away scot-free in the previous mission. As a result, while he's sitting comfortably in the other room, the five of you have to worry about being executed."
"Who will join Maximillian Young in the final five?"
"Lucy Neuwark."
Maximillian: "You're still here."
Lucy: "The feeling's mutual."
"Richard Xyz."
"Tiffany Etsoos."
"Clement Oakley-Wakefield, Howard Barbarossa d'Kellie, between the two of you one will be executed tonight. Who do you hope it will be?"
Howard: "Not me, of course."
Clement: "It's gonna be me, ain't it? I can feel it in my bones."
"Howard Barbarossa d'Kellie."
"Howard, you have unfortunately been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Howard: "Oh. I guess that's it for me."
Clement: "That was a close shave. Sorry Howard."
Howard: "You don't have to be sorry for anything. I played my best, bringing a few suckers down with me. Unfortunately it looks like I mistrusted some of us here and that landed me in the final six. Can't complain though. I made it far."
Maximillian: "Finally some justice is restored."
Richard: "He was my coalition partner. We definitely didn't trust each other but Howard is the ideal finalist. He knew how to play others and the game. Sadly he got played by the Mole."
Tiffany: "Max keeps saying Howard is a bad guy but I just don't see it. Even if he is, I do feel bad for him. I don't know how he could keep it together after hearing his execution."
Lucy: "He didn't listen and so he deserved to be executed. He was too self-assured."
"Thank you for joining Howard. We hope to see you soon."
Twice Howard died: once in the hands of Maximillian, and once in the hands of the Mole. Did Richard play a part, or was Maximillian the mastermind both times? Who will be executed next?
Next episode...
Tiffany: "Five of us left. It feels so small of a sudden."
Richard: "It really does. But that's the matter of the game."
Lucy: "Max, about yesterday..."
Maximillian: "I'm not letting it slide. I'll remember this."
Lucy: "Exactly how did Tiffany, Max and Clement make it so far? Even though Howard was an unrepentant crook he would have made more sense as one of the final five than these three. Something's strange here. I bet one of them is the Mole."
Lucy: "We reached a decision very quickly. I think we took about 3 minutes at most. We were certain of what Richard would do."
"The key is hung on the plaque."
Lucy: "Save everyone but sacrifice loved one...this is the door."
Clement: "All of a sudden it's my fault that we chose wrongly. That's just bullshit."
Maximillian: "I thought too highly of him."
Tiffany: "It's up to us to save the day."
Clement: "We've got to get this right. We need to save the rest."
Clement: "We can't reach an agreement and we already took 5 minutes."
Tiffany: "Why couldn't they just ask if Max loved his parents or something? We know the answer to that...I hope."
Tiffany: "This is such a dumb idea."
"You have 10 minutes."
Clement: "Err...not really, no. I don't think the master's that kind."
Maximillian: "Okay, we're running out of time. We'll go with your idea. You seem to be on a roll today and I don't want to be accused of not listening to you."
Clement: "It's empty?"
Maximillian: "This will be very simple."
Tiffany: "Nuh-uh. Clement's not here to help us any more."
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