Saturday, 11 May 2019

44.10-Good guy

In the previous episode...

Clarice: "Howard is unreliable and untrustworthy. What was I thinking allying myself with him. What have I gotten myself into?"


Lucy: "I don't think that will be enough to stop him. And I can't help you without you telling me your secret first."
Clarice: "So you just want to know my secret, is that it?"

Lucy: "That isn't what I meant. Howard will tell me if I approach him so it's better to hear it from you first."
Clarice: "Forget it! I should have known better than to ask for your help."


Howard: "I've signed it. According to the contract you go first then I tell you what I saw. If either of us fails to do so, we reserve the right to take the other party's journal for a day."


Clement: "A word mission. I ain't doin' that. I suck at words."
Howard: "We have to pair up, with one clue giver and one guesser."


Richard: "Moon was giving me weird answers. At one point she even said 'words'. Really? Words? What the hell?"


Maximillian: "I can be resilient or meek. Sims trample on me. I look pretty."


Pedro: "This is what you're looking for."
Lucy: "What's this?"

Pedro: "Open the scroll and you'll find out."
Lucy: "Sounds like something good."

Lucy: "Nothing. We got nothing. We wasted so much of our time finding this Pedro guy and he gives us a scroll that says very clearly: 0 points. I don't like being scammed."


Clarice: "You were ridiculously hard to find."


Tiffany: "How can Clement be soo dumb? Like, I don't get it. It's so obvious that I'm talking about green and dresses! Has he not heard of 'Say Yes To The Dress'? Clement will make me age faster."

Clement: "Tiffany was horrible at this. She gave me so li'l clues.  How am I gonna guess if all you can tell me is 'lime' and 'yes'?"


Lucy: "You--just stop blackmailing Clarice. I won't let you hurt her any longer."

Howard: "Aren't you interested in what her secret is?"
Lucy: "I...I already know. Don't play these tricks with me."


Charlemagne: "Are you a gardener?"

Richard: "At fucking last."


Clarice: "I told you. I want it, I get it."


Richard: "Bribes. Money. Chocolates."
"Time is up."
Charlemagne: "Gomen'nasai."

The group is finally beginning to fall apart and it shows in the mission. Only 50/100 points were earned to make the pot 285/440 points. Richard and Charlemagne missed out on an exemption that would have spared them from execution. Will they need it, or is one of them just pretending to worry about their safety?

Richard: "Fucking hell. I could have gotten another exemption. All thanks to Moon I lost out on it. I think she's trying to make herself look suspicious."


Clarice: "Why are you alone in here?"
Richard: "Just thinking."

Clarice: "About the mission? From what I heard from Howard Tiffany and Clement sabotaged big time. They didn't get a single question correct."

Richard: "Speaking of Clement, that man doesn't realise how lucky he is. He has such a supportive, loving wife and daughter. And he's complaining about missing them. What I'd do to have a happy family."

Richard: "My wife left me because she couldn't keep up with me constantly changing bases and never being there for her. My son died in a military accident that just got swept under the rug."

Richard: "I feel like a failure. I'm sure you have a loving family too."
Clarice: "Not really."

Clarice: "My husband...he cheated on me. I saw him with another woman. They insisted they were just friends and nothing happened but I'm sure he cheated on me, at least in spirit."

Richard: "I'm confused. So you saw him cheat on you with your own eyes?"

Clarice: "He was with a woman."

Richard: "And?"

Clarice: "I don't tolerate any kind of betrayal, not even emotional betrayal."

Clarice: "I couldn't take it lying down. I had to get back at him."

Richard: "God, you're so sensitive."

Richard: "I'm alone with you in this room. Does that mean we're cheating?"

Clarice: "No!"

Clarice: "Stay away from me. I've got to go."

Clarice: "I made the mistake once. I'm not going to let it happen again."


Lucy: "Howard seems like a good guy, which is why he's especially dangerous. I lied about knowing what Clarice's secret was. I want to respect her privacy but it's really hard to pretend you know something when you don't. And damn me if I say I'm not the least bit curious."

Howard: "If you know what her secret is, enlighten me. Because I don't think we're talking about the same thing."
Lucy: "Why should I? She can have more than one secret. I'm not going to divulge it."

Lucy: "I'm disappointed in you."
Howard: "Guess how many fucks I give."

Howard: "You think I'm the bad guy here, but Clarice is the real wolf in sheep's clothing. All this while you've only heard her side of the story."

Lucy: "Oh? And what's your side of the story?"

Howard: "My side of the story is that I read her journal and found out she had cheated on her husband."

Lucy: "That doesn't make her a wolf in sheep's clothing."
Howard: "With her father-in-law."

Lucy: "What?"

Maximillian: "What?"

Lucy: "That's disgusting."
Howard: "Come with me and I'll show you. I know exactly where she hides her journal. She even bore his child."

Maximillian: "I stumbled upon a big secret. I can never look at Clarice the same again."


Clarice: "This is...passable. Did you make it, Max?"
Maximillian: "You are disgusting?"
Clarice: "What did you just say? I'm disgusting?"

Maximillian: "You woohooed with your father."

Clarice: "What? Who told you that? That is nonsense!"

Richard: "What the fuck? Clarice, you fucked your old man? That's incest!"

Clarice: "No no no! That's nonsense! Max, I can sue you for slander!"
Maximillian: "I know better than to slander others."

Clarice: "I didn't woohoo with my father! It father-in-law."

Richard: "And that makes it so much better."

Maximillian: "I can't believe a morally depraved woman like you made it on the show. They should have sent you to jail the moment they knew. I'll be speaking to producers to make sure you get kicked from the show."

Clarice: "Howard..."


Clarice: "Howard Babarossa d'Kellie!"

Clarice: "Why did you tell everyone my secret?"

Howard: "Hold on now. I didn't tell everyone."

Clarice: "Shut up. Don't get into semantics with me."

Howard: "If you don't want the world knowing, maybe you shouldn't have written about it in your journal."

Howard: "Or maybe not have done it in the first place."
Clarice: "This was my privacy!"

Clarice: "Nobody was supposed to know."

Clarice: "I had everything kept under wraps. It was a secret that nobody would ever find out."

Clarice: "And you had to ruin it for me!"

Clarice: "I've never been so humiliated in my life. Now the whole world knows and thinks I'm a slut. I had everything planned out. Nobody was supposed to know. And Howard...Howard ruined everything.  I saw Raymond with this girl I've never met before, and then he claimed they were friends. How was I supposed to believe that? It was obvious he was cheating on me. Even if they hadn't done anything yet they were planning on cheating. I couldn't accept that. I couldn't accept that my marriage had gone wrong. So I went for revenge. Greta had just died, and Leander needed wasn't supposed to turn out that way. Raymond thinks Sandra is his. I don't know what went wrong. All I wanted was a perfect marriage, a perfect family and a perfect life."


Charlemagne: "Yeah yeah~"

Charlemagne: "No no~"
Clement: "Even though you play the drums, you're awfully good with my guitar."

Charlemagne: "Thank you."

Tiffany: "Mooooon! Oh Mooooon! Where are you?"

Tiffany: "Oh my goodness, Moon! Stay away from him! You'll become dumb if you stay too close to him."

Clement: "Hey!"
Tiffany: "My brain cells just died talking to him in the last mission."

Charlemagne: "そんなに怒らないでください。Please do not do such a thing."

Charlemagne: "We were just talking about music."

Tiffany: "He may know music but is he as famous as me?"

Charlemagne: "私はたくさんのオンラインビデオを見ます、しかし私はあなたのことを聞いたことがありません。I see lots of online videos, but I have not heard of you."

Tiffany: "But I'm famous! How could you not have heard of me? Everyone knows me!"

Tiffany: "You are supposed to be my friend, Moon. You're supposed to support me. Sob!"

Clement: "Ay, don't cry. I hate it when girls cry."

Charlemagne: "I am sorry. do not Cry."

Charlemagne: "You are the most famous celebrity in the world."

Tiffany: "Really? I never realised I was that famous. Thanks for telling me Moon. You are a good friend."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity. Whoever knows the least is executed.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Which is the Mole's favourite food?
A: French Toast
B: Aloo Masala Curry
C: Dim Sum
D: Firecracker shrimp
E: Mac and Cheese
F: Pancakes
G: Fruit Parfait
H: Grilled Salmon

Q3: Does the Mole wear glasses?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: In Mission 5, which car was the Mole in when heading to Bjorn Cafe for the first time?
A: Blue car
B: Red car

Q5: Did the Mole drive in Mission 5?
A: Yes
B: No

Q6: Who did the Mole partner with in Mission 5?
A: Lucy Neuwark
B: Richard Xyz
C: Clarice Sanford
D: Howard Babarossa d'Kellie
E: Maximillian Young
F: Clement Oakley-Wakefield
G: Tiffany Etsoos
H: Charlemagne Moon

Q7: What was the Mole's role in Mission 5?
A: Clue giver
B: Guesser

Q8: In Mission 5, which of the following Aurora Skies residents did the Mole meet?
A: Miriam Day
B: Jakob Ingberg
C: Lief Helgason
D: The Mole did not meet a resident

Q9: How many points did the Mole's pair earn in Mission 5?
A: 0
B: 10
C: 30

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Lucy Neuwark
B: Richard Xyz
C: Clarice Sanford
D: Howard Babarossa d'Kellie
E: Maximillian Young
F: Clement Oakley-Wakefield
G: Tiffany Etsoos
H: Charlemagne Moon


"Contestants, greetings. Two of you could have been exempted, but the exemption eludes you again. As such, we will have to wait to find out your fate like the others. Let us begin."

"Clement Oakley-Wakefield."

"Richard Xyz."

"Howard Babarossa d'Kellie."

Clarice: "I can't believe he made it through. He should have been executed for his crimes."
Lucy: "You're still so unrepentant. SMH."

Tiffany: "Lucy just said SMH!"
"Tiffany Etsoos."

"Maximillian Young."

"It appears that a lady will be executed tonight."

"Charlemagne Moon."

"Clarice Sanford, Lucy Neuwark, one of you will be executed. Who will survive this round of execution and who won't?"

"Clarice Sanford."

"Unfortunately, Clarice Sanford, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Lucy: "What a relief."
Clarice: "Horrible. Just horrible. First, my shameful secret gets exposed. Now I get executed. Why can't things just go my way for once?"

Richard: "You reap what you sow. Good that she's out. I can't believe she did such a shameful thing."
Tiffany: "What did she do? This sounds interesting."
Richard: ""You'll find out when you watch the season."
Clement: "That girl really surprised me, especially when she managed to catch me in the snow. That girl has grit. Never thought that she'd be going home. Thought she'd make it to the finale."

Charlemagne: "クラリスはとても頭が良く、いつも計画を立てていました。彼女は非常に計算されていて、彼女がしているすべてのことを自分のためにしています。彼女が出かけているのには驚いた。Claris was very smart and always had a plan. She is very calculated and does everything she does for herself. I was surprised that she was out."
Maximillian: "If anyone should be going home, it's her. Her execution was timely and well-deserved. She didn't have the right to stay on. I pity her husband."

Howard: "Clarice is not a simple woman. She had us all fooled. Her absence will do the whole house some good, be it mentally or in terms of the game. I have no doubt she's a strong competitor and a Mole suspect here."
Richard: "She's not simple alright. Her family deserves to know what she has done and today, they will finally learn the truth."
Tiffany: "Will anybody tell me what's going on? I feel like I'm missing something important here."


Clarice: "I can't ever hold my head up high again."
"Thank you for joining, Clarice. We hope to see you again."

It came as a shock to Clarice that she had been executed, right after her dirty laundry was aired internationally. The house is divided over her execution but for the Mole, one less contestant is one less to find out its identity. Who is the Mole?

Next episode...

Maximillian: "Fortunately Clarice was executed. I don't know how I would ever face her. It's so awkward knowing that she messed around with her husband's father. I need a bath just thinking about it. I wish the Smole would stop casting such gimmicky contestants. They pose a threat to us. And if they won't listen, I'll make them."


Howard: "I know how to play by the rules but can also play dirty. I think my experience will be valuable to you."


Lucy: "I hope I didn't mistake the good guys for the bad guys and vice versa. If I judged Howard wrongly because of his life, I'll feel like a fucking hypocrite."


Howard: "We're surrounded by snow EVERYWHERE."
Tiffany: "Oh right. Brr...Why are none of us wearing proper outerwear when it's 2 degrees Celsius outside?"
Charlemagne: "Ignatius will say something about it being a Watcher's choice, or a programming bug."
Howard: "We don't speak of the devil here."

Charlemagne: "Chotto matte! There is a circle on my phone."


Clement: "What do the damn points even look like?"
Maximillian: "Good question. I guess we'll know when we find it."


Howard: "Are you sure you're helping to search?"

Tiffany: "I am. It could be in this drink!"


Howard: "If I see any remnants of points I'll know what happened."


Charlemagne: "5 points. Somebody tried to dump this into the trash."


Howard: "Excellent. Now that we have some points it won't be so bad if we spend the points on another clue."


Maximillian: "Someone secretly asked for a clue behind our backs."


Clement: "I'm stoked that I finally contributed to the pot."


Howard: "At one point in time none of us bothered with the points. We were busy looking for the exemption."


Lucy: "Where did we go wrong?"

Episode 11-You don't have power

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