In the previous episode...
Clarice: "You looked at my journal! How dare you!"
Howard: "Is that such a big deal? You knew I would do that from the start when I took Clarence's."
Howard: "Don't forget that you wanted to look too. It's a bit hypocritical."
Lucy: "I finally managed to accept myself and my past. You should too."
Maximillian: "If you know my past you would understand that I can't accept any of this."
Lucy: "After sharing with you my personal story, you still want to carry on destroying the Smole?"
Maximillian: "The Smole is just too unsafe to exist. I'm trained in reading contracts. I've found so many loopholes that anyone can exploit."
Lucy: "You're not just destroying the Smole. You're destroying us too. That's all I have to say to you."
Lucy: "I am very interested in the thought process behind picking the werewolves. If my suspicions are correct, this mission will be a big boost for me."
"You are the werewolf. You are to try to not get chosen to stay behind."
Howard: "I'm really the seer. I can tell you straight away that I saw Clarice's role. She's the robber. I heard footsteps approaching my station. I think she swapped her role with mine."
Tiffany: "Doesn't that mean she's the seer now and you're not? Then both of you are telling the truth."
Richard: "I don't think you get the game."
Clarice: "Shit."
Maximillian: "Clement, you look squeamish. Do you have anything to say?"
Clement: "Err...I'm just a plain ol' villager too."
"Clement has been selected as the werewolf. Clement, please return to your pedestal."
"Melinda has been selected as the werewolf."
"Everyone, close your eyes and face the wall. Werewolf, raise your hand. Minion, open your eyes. Look for the werewolf. Minion, close your eyes. Werewolf, put down your hand."
"Clarice has been selected as the werewolf."
Clarice: "Thanks guys."
"You are the werewolf. You are to try to not get chosen to stay behind."
Lucy: "Finally it's my turn."
"You are the tanner. You can get a hidden exemption if you are chosen to stay behind. You also earn 5 points."
Howard: "I see. Things make a lot of sense now. Clarice must have been the tanner."
"Seer, close your eyes. Troublemaker, open your eyes. You may choose two contestants to swap roles."
Charlemagne: "Lucy and Howard."
Richard: "Lucy has been selected as the werewolf."
Lucy: "Fuck you guys."
Tiffany: "All of them...all of them are mean...bullies. Even Moon. She didn't stand...stand up for me..."
Richard: "Charlemagne has been selected as the werewolf."
Howard: "Who is willing to stay behind and forgo an exemption?"
Richard: "You're mistaken if you think I'll give it to you guys. Not when I'm so close."
Maximillian: "None of us have an exemption. I would really want one."
Howard: "I have to take Richard's word for it. Even you yourself can't confirm who you are now."
"Maximillian has been selected as the werewolf."
Howard: "Tell me. Are you the werewolf?"
Richard: "I don't know."
Howard: "What do you mean 'I don't know'?"
Richard: "I never actually swapped roles with Max."
Howard: "Two exemptions with our names on it."
Richard: "Not exactly. They have Tiffany and Moon's names on it. And the white one says that only Moon can claim the 20 points."
The contestants played seven rounds of modified One Night Ultimate Werewolf. Eventually the two who made it to the end were Howard and Richard who earned themselves an exemption. Richard also earned a secret exemption for succeeding as the minion in one round while Lucy and Clarice both got a hidden exemption for succeeding as the tanner. 85/140 points were added to the pot, making it 235/340 points. The gap is slowly forming both in the pot and among the contestants. Who will come out top in the Smole? And who will lose out in this episode?
Charlemagne: "コンコン。Concon."
Tiffany: "Go away!"
Tiffany: "I thought I said go away!"
Charlemagne: "I am worried about you."
Tiffany: "Spare me. You're not my true friend."
Tiffany: "If we were friends you would not have let the others bully me and fence me up in that scary dark room alone."
Tiffany: "The horror!"
Tiffany: "I told you! I told all of you that I wasn't the bad wolf but none of you believed me."
Tiffany: "I thought we understood each other. I thought we had a connection."
Tiffany: "We were supposed to be a coalition. More than that, we were supposed to be sisters."
Charlemagne: "I'm sorry."
Charlemagne: "I feel really guilty about what happened. That's my fault."
Charlemagne: "Will you forgive me?"
Tiffany: "Only if you lend me your makeup brush for a week."
Charlemagne: "Definitely."
Tiffany: "I missed you, Moon. I'm so glad we're back to being friends again."
Charlemagne: "It will not happen again. I promise."
Charlemagne: "私の心はティファニーに出かけました。最後の任務でティファニーに何が起こったのか、私は本当に気分が悪くなります。私が嘘をついていなければ、ティファニーはスケープゴートにならなかったかもしれません。私たちが和解してくれてうれしいです。何もないところから何かを強制することは、リチャードとハワードにとって非常に過酷でした。どちらかがモールかどうかは私には不思議に思います。Tiffany, my heart went. I really feel sick what happened to Tiffany at the last mission. If I had not lied, Tiffany might not have made scapegoat. I am glad that we have reconciled. Forcing Richard and Howard to force something from nothing was extremely harsh for Howard. I wonder if either one is a mall or not."
Clarice: "Thanks for giving me the exemption."
Richard: "I benefitted from it too."
Richard: "Only the two of us know that I actually gained two exemptions from the mission."
Clarice: "Isn't it a waste though? Wouldn't it be better giving it to someone?"
Richard: "That sounds great but this is war, not a social gathering. Making friends and goodwill won't get you very far. While Max isn't very high on our lists, there is still a chance he is the Mole. He dislikes the Smole. Why would he force himself to stay on unless he has to?"
Richard: "By the way, I wanted to ask you if you have children."
Clarice: "Why the sudden question?"
Richard: "I just wanted to get to know you better."
Clarice: "I do, okay? All my children are with my husband."
Clarice: "Are you trying to get fresh with me? I'm married."
Richard: "What the hell are you on about? I'm married too. Do I look like a lecher to you?"
Richard: "It's understandable that you don't trust me but please find a better excuse."
Clarice: "Sorry. Things back at home are...messy. I need to go."
Richard: "On the top floor I noticed a bunch of kid's toys. Most notably there was a pirate theme, with pirate flags and ships and life buoys. Clarice is the only one I know with young children, but before I could ask her if her children like to pretend to be pirates she snapped at me. What the hell."
Maximillian: "I was hoping you could share a little about what happened on the top room."
Maximillian: "My curiosity is niggling at me."
Howard: "Why don't you ask Richard?"
Maximillian: "Richard is being very tight-lipped. But I'm sure you'll understand the importance of give and take."
Howard: "I do. I give you something, and I take something from you in return."
Maximillian: "That's not what I meant. I meant that in the future, it'll be easier to get information from others if you are more open. But if you really want something now..."
Maximillian: "I can share what happened in the previous mission. Both you and Clarice were catchers, so I think a different perspective would be valuable to you."
Howard: "I'm listening."
Maximillian: "You hold up your end of the deal first."
Howard: "You're the one who proposed the deal."
Howard: "I don't need your info that badly. I can always approach someone else."
Maximillian: "Fine. But let me draft an agreement first. Once we both sign on it then I'll share and you will share too."
Howard: "Seriously? Don't be such a fuddy-duddy."
Lucy: "Hmm..."
Lucy: "Hm."
Lucy: "A magnificent representation of human life."
Lucy: "What are you looking at?"
Lucy: "Eyes of's so symbolic."
Lucy: "You don't get to destroy anything or anyone I love."
Lucy: "Not if I destroy you first!"
Lucy: "That was so cathartic."
Lucy: "What are you looking at?"
Melinda: "Aah!"
Melinda: "That was so embarrassing. I can't believe I tripped over the step."
Melinda: "Oh my."
Melinda: " you want to talk, Lucy?"
Melinda: "That...doesn't seem very healthy."
Melinda: "I'm concerned, Lucy. You need to open yourself up."
Melinda: "You seem very troubled. That can't be good for you if you keep bottling it up."
Lucy: "Are you the philosopher here or am I the philosopher?"
Melinda: "I just want to help. You've just been so antisocial ever since you came here."
Lucy: "I just like to be alone to think. You are infringing upon my personal space right now. Please mind your own business."
Melinda: "I'm just trying to help."
Lucy: "I don't need your help."
Lucy: "I don't want to hurt again."
Richard: "Where's the daily crossword?"
Richard: "Clement, what the hell do you think you're doing, running in a singlet in the snow?"
Clement: "I'm gonna go crazy cooped up in the house. I need to move."
Clement: "I feel warm enough. The cool air breeze is refreshing. Put on too many of 'em clothes and I'll start to melt like those snowmen over there."
Clement: "Err...if you excuse me, I'm gonna go back in."
Richard: "Not gonna sit and chat with me?"
Clement: "Err.."
Richard: "Sit."
Clement: "Yes sir."
Clement: "Were you lookin' for me for somethin'?"
Richard: "What brings you here?"
Clement: "Afraid I don't get you, sir."
Richard: "What motivated you to join the Smole? You don't look like the type to enjoy these type of things. It was so apparent in the last mission."
Clement: "My family. Especially my daughter Brooklyn. She's the reason I'm here. She saw a season and wanted her ol' Daddy to be on TV. I just filled up the form for fun. I never thought I'd actually get in. But I couldn't disappoint my baby girl."
Clement: "Aw man, all this talk about home is makin' me tear up."
Richard: "Be a man. Real men don't cry."
Clement: "If you have children you'll understand."
Richard: "What makes you think I don't?"
Richard: "I had a son too. Joined the army just like his old man."
Clement: "That's nice. He must look up to you. Do you miss him?"
Richard: "I do...but missing him won't bring him back."
Clement: "Where's he now?"
Richard: "Dead."
Clement: "Oh."
Clement: "Err...sorry."
Richard: "I don't want to hear your fucking apology."
Richard: "His death had nothing to do with you anyway. It's the army's fault."
Clement: "Weren't you from the military? Got a pretty decent rank too."
Richard: "Was. This was all in the past. Things have changed."
Clement: "I can't imagine how I can live if my baby girl or Daisy Duke died."
Richard: "I have to. To seek justice for him. Things will only change if the current chief or the President himself loses a son. You're too much of a wuss to understand."
Clement: "I feel like you asked me here to make fun of me."
Melinda: "I thought I'd be nice and make everyone an afternoon snack. Unfortunately I ended up feeding them poison, pretty much. I guess I'll never be a good chef if I can't even get simple things right. I'm a disgrace to Richie. I should never have come on the show and embarrassed the Rich family in front of an international audience."
Melinda: "Oh dear. I think I put too much."
Melinda: "It shouldn't be too bad though."
Melinda: "Other than the butter, I think I did a good job."
Melinda: "My cooking skills have really improved. Granted, this isn't technically cooking, but at least I didn't burn the toast this time."
Melinda: "I made a mess of the kitchen. I better clean it up."
Clarice: "Hi Melinda."
Melinda: "Hi Clarice. I made some toast. Have a bite and tell me what you think of them."
Clarice: "You mean that?"
Melinda: "Yeah. Tell me what you think about it. I want your honest feedback."
Clarice: "Hopefully it tastes better than it looks..."
Clarice: "Hmm..."
Clarice: "It's too dry. The bread isn't evenly toasted."
Clarice: "There's a slight burn at the tip. And don't get me started on the spread."
Melinda: "Is it really that bad?"
Maximillian: "What's going on?"
Clarice: "Melinda made some toast and asked for my honest feedback, so I'm giving it to her. I'm only eating this because you're nice, Melinda, but I can't believe you dare to serve this to others."
Maximillian: "It can't be that bad."
Melinda: "I left it in the toaster for a few seconds too long but it shouldn't make a difference, right? It's hardly noticeable."
Clarice: "You can't go around with that attitude, Melinda. You have to strive for perfection. Can you really be satisfied with this standard? And these are just sandwiches."
Maximillian: "Clarice, that's a little harsh."
Clarice: "I'm only giving her what she wants to hear. This is for her own good, so that she can improve."
Melinda: "I guess I overestimated myself."
Melinda: "I'm sorry for making you suffer through this."
Melinda: "Here I thought I was getting better."
Melinda: "Just pass the plate to me. I'll help you clear up."
Clarice: "Thanks Melinda but I'll do it myself. The plate has a lingering soapy taste."
Melinda: "Okay..."
Maximillian: "What are you doing with that plate of toast?"
Melinda: "Throwing it away. It's disgraceful."
Maximillian: "It's not as bad as Clarice made it out to be. Have you tried it for yourself?"
Melinda: "What's the point? It's so horrible even I don't even want to try. You don't have to console me. I'm fine. Really."
Maximillian: "To be fair, there is a little too much butter..."
Maximillian: "But overall this is good toast. See? I finished the whole thing."
Melinda: "You didn't have to force yourself to eat trash."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the Mole's identity. Whoever knows the least is executed.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: From the following options, pick the list that has exactly two of the Mole's favourites.
A: Black, French Toast, Pop
B: Sea Foam, Autumn Salad, Disco
C: Spice Brown, Waffles, Country
D: Aqua, Fruit Parfait, Pop
E: Red, Firecracker Shrimp, Pop
F: Green, Mac and Cheese, R&B
G: Yellow, Aloo Masala Curry, Country
H: Lime, Fruit Parfait, Pop
I: Red, Grilled Salmon, Geek Rock
Q3: How many roommates does the Mole have?
A: 1
B: 2
Q4: In Mission 4, which round did the Mole make it to?
A: Round 1
B: Round 2
C: Round 3
D: Round 4
E: Round 5
F: Round 6
G: Round 7
Q5: In Mission 4, how many exemptions did the Mole receive?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
Q6: How many times was the Mole the robber at the start of the rounds in Mission 4?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
Q7: In Mission 4, at the start of which round was the Mole chosen to be the werewolf?
A: Round 1
B: Round 2
C: Round 3
D: Round 4
E: Round 5
F: Round 6
G: Round 7
H: The Mole was never chosen to be a werewolf at the start
Q8: List all the roles the Mole had at the start in Mission 4.
A: Werewolf
B: Werewolf, Villager
C: Robber, Villager, Tanner
D: Werewolf, Troublemaker, Villager
E: Werewolf, Seer, Villager, Tanner
F: Robber, Troublemaker, Villager, Tanner
G: Minion, Seer, Robber, Troublemaker, Villager
H: Werewolf, Seer, Bodyguard, Troublemaker, Villager
I: Werewolf, Minion, Seer, Robber, Villager, Tanner
Q9: At the end of the first round in Mission 4, what was the Mole's role?
A: Werewolf
B: Tanner
C: Seer
D: Robber
E: Troublemaker
F: Villager
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Lucy Neuwark
B: Melinda Rich
C: Richard Xyz
D: Clarice Sanford
E: Howard Babarossa d'Kellie
F: Maximillian Young
G: Clement Oakley-Wakefield
H: Tiffany Etsoos
I: Charlemagne Moon
"Contestants, this is the smallest execution ceremony you have ever attended. There were plenty of exemptions to go around, but the five of you failed to obtain a single one."
"Lucy, Richard, Clarice and Howard are sitting snugly by a fireplace in the other room, awaiting your fate."
"Maximillian Young."
Maximillian: "It was a hard quiz. If I leave I'll be so upset because I could have earned an exemption."
Tiffany: "This is making me nervous."
Clement: "Me too."
"Charlemagne Moon."
Charlemagne: "Hai."
"Melinda Rich."
"Unfortunately, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Melinda: "Oh. I guess it's to be expected. I took a risk. Looks like it failed."
Tiffany: "Oh no! Not Melinda! Who's going to make my food from now on?"
Clarice: "I'm surprised."
Richard: "So am I. Maybe we overthought things."
Richard: "I wonder what went wrong. She didn't feel particularly Mole-y. But she could also have slipped up on the quiz."
Clarice: "It was a hard quiz meant to weed out those that had no idea what they were doing. Unfortunately for her she was weeded out."
Howard: "Melinda was very motherly. She made us feel taken care of. She made this house feel cozier and warmer, like a home."
Charlemagne: "メリンダは母親のようです。私の母親とは異なり、彼女はあなたをあまりコントロールしないとてもクールな母親です。 Richie Richは、彼女を母親として迎えることができてとてもラッキーです。彼女は自分を誇りに思っているに違いない。Melinda seems to be a mother. Unlike my mother, she is a very cool mother who does not control you much. Richie Rich is very lucky to have her as her mother. She must be proud of herself."
Maximillian: "Despite her family background, Melinda is able to stay humble and true to herself. I think that's very rare. She's not pretentious and is very genuine. That's what I like and respect about her. Such a shame she's gone."
Melinda: "I'll be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed in myself but I thought I had the Mole, so I needed to take a risk to make sure. This Mole is good. I hope the others find the Mole and win lots of money."
Tiffany: "I'll miss you, Melinda."
Tiffany: "You were like a cool mom. When everyone bullied me in the mission I knew I could count on you to comfort me because you weren't involved in the bullying. Who will protect me now?"
Melinda: "Oh silly girl. You must learn to take care of yourself. I can't be with you any more. But thank you. Your words make me feel loved."
"Thank you for joining Melinda. We hope to see you again."
Behind every successful man is a woman. Unfortunately, this often means that the woman sacrificed her success for her man. Melinda is one such woman who failed to attain success on the Mole. Will the others have better luck? Who is the Mole she failed to catch?
Next episode...
Clarice: "If I could I would burn my whole journal."
Lucy: "Me? I don't do favours."
Clarice: "You have to help me, Lucy. You're the only one who can talk to him on his level."
Lucy: "What is that supposed to mean?"
Clarice: "Howard has a hold on me. He knows my secret and now he's using that to blackmail me."
Lucy: "I'm happy Howard picked me to work with. I can use the chance to help Clarice."
Richard: "An apology, a gift."
Charlemagne: "Purezento. Presents."
Richard: "An apology."
Charlemagne: "Words!"
Clarice: "You are complicating this. Just pass."
Howard: "They're all so tiny."
Howard: "I don't think he's out here or anywhere near here."
Pedro: "This is what you're looking for."
Lucy: "What's this?"
Pedro: "Open the scroll and you'll find out."
Lucy: "Sounds like something good."
Clarice: "I can't believe they wouldn't let us see it."
Maximillian: "Over there! That looks like her!"
Tiffany: "Um...lime."
Clement: "Fruit?"
Tiffany: "No! Lime!"
Tiffany: "Um...Lime and...lime!"
Clement: "Sour fruit?"
Lucy: "You should treasure your life."
Howard: "Why the sudden interest in me?"
Lucy: "I'll cut to the chase. You know a secret about Clarice."
Clarice: "They're having lessons. It's not good to interrupt their education. The boy isn't in there anyway."
Maximillian: "...Okay. We'll go somewhere else then..."
Clement: "Oh my god...a dead baby?"
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