In the previous episode...
Clarice: "I made the mistake once. I'm not going to let it happen again."
Howard: "My side of the story is that I read her journal and found out she had cheated on her husband."
Lucy: "That doesn't make her a wolf in sheep's clothing."
Howard: "With her father-in-law."
Lucy: "What?"
Richard: "What the fuck? Clarice, you fucked your old man? That's incest!"
Clarice: "No no no! That's nonsense! Max, I can sue you for slander!"
Maximillian: "I know better than to slander others."
Clarice: "I didn't woohoo with my father! It father-in-law."
Clarice: "Nobody was supposed to know."
Clarice: "I had everything kept under wraps. It was a secret that nobody would ever find out."
Clarice: "And you had to ruin it for me!"
Tiffany: "Oh my goodness, Moon! Stay away from him! You'll become dumb if you stay too close to him."
Clement: "Ay, don't cry. I hate it when girls cry."
Charlemagne: "I am sorry. do not Cry."
Charlemagne: "You are the most famous celebrity in the world."
"It appears that a lady will be executed tonight."
"Unfortunately, Clarice Sanford, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Eight contestants become seven with Clarice's execution. The house found out about her dirty secret and with nowhere to hide her shame, she had to leave the house. Someone else is also hiding a big secret this season. Which contestant will discover the secret? Who will unravel the Mole's identity? Who is the Mole?
Maximillian: "Fortunately Clarice was executed. I don't know how I would ever face her. It's so awkward knowing that she messed around with her husband's father. I need a bath just thinking about it. I wish the Smole would stop casting such gimmicky contestants. They pose a threat to us. And if they won't listen, I'll make them."
Clement: "Err...what now? I answered my last two quizzes 100% on Clarice. I thought I had it when I survived, but with Clarice sure she ain't the Mole? She gonna come back? I'm so confused."
Howard: "One good thing about having the whole room to myself is that I can be as messy as I want and I won't have a certain someone nagging at me to make my bed or pick up the clothes on the floor."
Howard: "Now that Clarice is gone, I'm all alone now. I believe that two heads are better than one. Why not we team up?"
Richard: "You can't be trusted. You were the one who leaked Clarice's secret out. How do I know you're not leaking valuable intel out?"
Howard: "Only an adulterous pair would worry about their partners having an affair."
Howard: "You forget that I've been trained as a cop."
Richard: "So you knew all along."
Howard: "The two of you hang out so often, even if you weren't trading info everyone would think you were. Or maybe now that we know all about Clarice, something else goes down every time..."
Richard: "You say another word like that and I'll make sure you never see the light of day."
Howard: "I feel so threatened by a retired general. You don't have power any more."
Howard: "You have to deal with bureaucracy and have to be always one-track. I know my way around both sides of the law."
Howard: "I know how to play by the rules but can also play dirty. I think my experience will be valuable to you."
Richard: "Son, you've got yourself a deal."
Howard: "I hope you'll be a better partner than Clarice was."
Lucy: "I hope I didn't mistake the good guys for the bad guys and vice versa. If I judged Howard wrongly because of his life, I'll feel like a fucking hypocrite."
Tiffany: "Lucy, can I change rooms with you?"
Lucy: "Why?"
Tiffany: "I want to be with my bestie Moon."
Lucy: "In that case, okay."
Tiffany: "Yay! Thanks Lucy!"
Lucy: "Tiffany asked to switch rooms with me. I agreed. She gets to sleep with her best friend while I get to observe one of my suspects more closely. I wanted to work together with Richard for the next mission too."
"Contestants, your next mission awaits. You will each be presented with a phone. In the phone is a pre-installed map of Aurora Skies with various circles indicating where points could be found. At certain timings, the circles will shrink. However, the points that could be earned would decrease accordingly as well. Watch when the circles appear, because 30 minutes later the circles would disappear completely and the points will no longer be eligible for claiming. You could also earn an exemption. No circle will be seen but you will receive 3 free clues on its location. You may spend 10 points for more clues up to a maximum of 10 total clues. You have 2 hours in total. Good luck. Your first 3 clues are waiting for you outside."
Howard: "I'll get the clues."
Howard: "The clues must be in here. The phones are in here too."
Howard: "The first free clue says: You can see the Northern Lights from here at night. The second clue says: I am near a water body. The last free clue says: I am surrounded by snow."
Howard: "The free clues were pretty useless. They were so generic and vague and could be applied to literally anywhere in Aurora Skies. They were clearly geared towards us paying for more clues."
Howard: "Here are the clues and the phones."
Lucy: "I think we should work together in groups. Richard, let's work together."
Tiffany: "I'll go with Moon."
Howard: "I'll join you."
Maximillian: "That means that we're working together, Clement."
Richard: "What could the clue mean? A water body could be an ocean, or a lake. Or even a swimming pool or a puddle."
Charlemagne: "Perhaps we should focus on the point first."
Charlemagne: "私たちはいろいろな方向に出発しました。私の電話は最初は何も表示しませんでしたが、2分後に円が現れました。We departed in various directions. My phone did not display anything at first, but after 2 minutes the yen appeared."
Howard: "I don't think the clues are as straightforward as they seem. I think they're trying to make us think it's near the sea but it's actually an artificial water body. Like a swimming pool."
Tiffany: "But what about the snow? There's no snow in the pool."
Howard: "We're surrounded by snow EVERYWHERE."
Tiffany: "Oh right. Brr...Why are none of us wearing proper outerwear when it's 2 degrees Celsius outside?"
Charlemagne: "Ignatius will say something about it being a Watcher's choice, or a programming bug."
Howard: "We don't speak of the devil here."
Charlemagne: "Chotto matte! There is a circle on my phone."
Charlemagne: "We should go there."
Howard: "I suppose we could. That area seems close to many water bodies."
Maximillian: "Fortunately our stop is nearby."
Clement: "This high-tech tech is too much for me."
Clement: "I don't feel good taking someone else's goods."
Maximillian: "It's a community garden, Clement. It's free for all to harvest."
Clement: "What do the damn points even look like?"
Maximillian: "Good question. I guess we'll know when we find it."
Maximillian: "What's this?"
Maximillian: "Something white buried in the ground."
Maximillian: "Ha, 10 points."
Maximillian: "My phone had two circles immediately. We quickly found the first one."
Richard: "Lucy and I agreed to go straight for the exemption. We were just riding in a taxi for the longest time because neither of our phones showed anything. We were starting to think it was broken."
Richard: "Why did you get off?"
Lucy: "We can't just keep riding around aimlessly. That's wasting a lot of points. Maybe we can try combing a random area."
Richard: "There's a ridiculous amount of snow."
Lucy: "But it fits the clues. It's an open space so we can see the Northern Lights from here, there's snow everywhere and the weather's slightly warmer today, which means some snow will melt, forming puddles."
Richard: "Let me check my phone again...there's something."
Richard: "The area is too large. I think we need more forces."
Lucy: "Should we wait for the circle to get smaller first?"
Richard: "No, we'll try our luck. According to the map we should be heading that way."
Lucy: "Would you say you're good at map reading?"
Richard: "Pretty good."
Charlemagne: "私はポイントを見つけることができませんでした、しかし、私はちょうど世界で最もいいにおいがするトイレの1つを訪問したと思います。I could not find a point, but I think I just visited one of the best smelling toilets in the world."
Howard: "Are you sure you're helping to search?"
Tiffany: "I am. It could be in this drink!"
Maximillian: "The circle just became smaller. There's got to be a pattern. Help me count how long it takes for the circle to shrink again Clement."
Clement: "So much snow...this is why I love the sun."
Clement: "Let me try and feel for somethin'."
Maximillian: "There you are."
Maximillian: "That's 5 points but it's better than nothing."
Maximillian: "Clement, I found the points."
Clement: "You did? Awesome. I couldn't find anything."
Maximillian: "Now we just wait for our phones to show us more circles. Yours still isn't showing anything?"
Clement: "Nope."
Tiffany: "It doesn't make sense. We searched the whole gym but there were no points."
Howard: "You didn't do anything. Don't kid yourself."
Tiffany: "I was thinking."
Howard: "About?"
Tiffany: "Stuff."
Charlemagne: "We do not know what it looks like."
Howard: "If I see any remnants of points I'll know what happened."
Howard: "What would the points look like?"
Tiffany: "Nothing sharp or ball-y? Good. Then I can sit. My legs are aching."
Charlemagne: "In the trash!"
Charlemagne: "5 points. Somebody tried to dump this into the trash."
Charlemagne: "I found the points!"
Tiffany: "You go girl!"
Howard: "Excellent. Now that we have some points it won't be so bad if we spend the points on another clue."
Tiffany: "I say go for it. I wanna know where that exemption is."
Charlemagne: "If you two agree..."
Howard: "Texting now."
Tiffany: "So? What did they say? Don't keep us in suspense."
Clement: "My phone's ringin'!"
Maximillian: "Mine too. Who's calling us?"
Clement: "Howdy."
Maximillian: "Hello?"
"There is a building near me."
Maximillian: "Someone secretly asked for a clue behind our backs."
Lucy: "I'll check inside."
Richard: "It won't be inside."
Lucy: "Won't hurt to check."
Lucy: "Yucks, a urinal."
Lucy: "Someone didn't flush properly."
Richard: "Things like these will be buried deep underneath."
Lucy: "Found anything...are you building a snowman?"
Richard: "No, I'm feeling for anything jutting out."
Lucy: "For a general you're pretty dumb."
Richard: "I think that's the smallest the circle will go."
Lucy: "We are definitely in the right place."
Richard: "Unless the Mole got here before us and secretly took them away."
Lucy: "Then let's stop wasting our time and move on."
Maximillian: "The next location is near us. Follow me!"
Maximillian: "I think this is the area."
Clement: "You sure 'bout this?"
Maximillian: "Yes. Help me look around."
Maximillian: "I knew it. 10 points for me."
Howard: "I'm receiving a call from a blocked number."
Tiffany: "Hi, this is Tiffany! Who's this?"
"It's very noisy here."
Tiffany: "It is? Hello? Hello?"
Charlemagne: "I will look inside."
Richard: "Apparently when we ask for more clues everyone will be notified of the new clue. It sucks that everyone has access to it for free but I suppose it does prevent point wastage."
Richard: "Nothing is here. Let's move on to somewhere else."
Lucy: "Or we can wait for a circle."
Richard: "Weren't you the one who proposed not sitting around and waiting?"
Clement: "I really want that exemption. I don't feel good."
Maximillian: "Fine, you can ask for another clue. We found plenty of points anyway."
Clement: "Thanks Max."
"There are many tall trees nearby."
Maximillian: "What does yours say?"
Clement: "Something 'bout tall trees."
Maximillian: "Mine too. Then we know the exemption is in a foresty area."
Maximillian: "Since we're here anyway, we might as well search for the points first. I'll check upstairs."
Clement: "Yes sir."
Clement: "No balls in here, but it's damn cozy. I miss the heat."
Maximillian: "Is this it? Oh it's not."
Clement: "There you are. 10 points."
Clement: "I'm stoked that I finally contributed to the pot."
Lucy: "This better be the last of those 'find-the-points' missions."
Lucy: "Yikes!"
Lucy: "What did I just step on?"
Lucy: "Aha! And it's still worth 10 points."
Howard: "At one point in time none of us bothered with the points. We were busy looking for the exemption."
Howard: "There are a lot of trees here."
Charlemagne: "彼女自身のためのすべてのシム。All sims for herself."
Tiffany: "Ew. I am not trudging in the forest in this getup. Or at all."
Clement: "Over there! There are houses and trees! Do you think this could be it?"
Maximillian: "Let's go take a look."
Richard: "There are tall trees and it's near the ocean and a building."
Lucy: "What about being able to see the Northern Lights? That should suggest an open space. The trees are nearby, not directly at the spot of the exemption."
Richard: "There's a hot air balloon there. You can travel on it and view the night sky."
Richard: "I'm gonna find that exemption."
Clement: "It ain't here."
Maximillian: "We forgot about the water body part."
Maximillian: "Shall we get one more clue?"
Clement: "Fine by me."
"I can see something hard and natural."
Clement: "Huh?"
Howard: "We're reaching the end of the road."
"I can see something hard and natural."
Tiffany: "Yay! More free clues."
Charlemagne: "There is a waterfall over there. It is very noisy."
Howard: "I think you're on to something."
Howard: "This checks off all the clues."
Charlemagne: "Can you hear me?"
Tiffany: "Wow, the waterfall is really loud."
Charlemagne: "I must find the exemption!"
Howard: "The hard and natural object must be that rock."
Charlemagne: "Tiffany, can you check across the coast?"
Tiffany: "You mean you want me to swim there?"
Charlemagne: "Yes. You are the only person who brought you a bathing suit."
Tiffany: "Fine. I'll do it. But only for you, Moon. And because I want to take a dip."
Charlemagne: "Where are you, exemption?"
Howard: "Darn it. I couldn't sneak past that gang. I don't think the exemption will be with them anyway."
Tiffany: "This is so warm. It's like I'm in a sauna in the middle of winter."
Tiffany: "I'm almost on the other side."
Tiffany: "They better not make me have to dig through the snow for it."
Richard: "Found anything?"
Lucy: "Nope, but I did happen to chance upon 10 points. What's in your hands?"
Richard: "Nothing."
Charlemagne: "I think she found it."
Charlemagne: "自分で免除を見つけられなかったのは残念ですが、他の誰かがそれを見つけなければならないのなら、私はそれをTiffanyにしたいと思います。It's a shame I couldn't find the exemption myself, but I would like to make it Tiffany if someone else has to find it."
Maximillian: "Moon is already here."
Maximillian: "Moon, did you find the exemption?"
Charlemagne: "No but Tiffany did."
Charlemagne: "She's over there."
Maximillian: "You mean Tiffany actually did something for once?"
Clement: "My phone's showing a new circle. It's on the other side of this waterfall."
Maximillian: "Well, the exemption has already been found. We still have some time left, so let's try and get the most points possible."
Charlemagne: "Welcome back. Good job."
Howard: "Shame. Oh well."
Charlemagne: "My cell phone shows me a circle around this area."
Tiffany: "Can we stop and take a break first? I'm tired."
Howard: "I'm with her on this one. The exemption can't possibly be in the same area as the points so let's just wait until it shrinks."
Maximillian: "I see it."
Maximillian: "I have quite a good sense for points."
Clement: "Awesome."
"Time is up."
Richard: "No!"
Lucy: "I guess it's over."
Lucy: "Where did we go wrong?"
70 points have been earned in total out of a possible 140. However, 40 points were spent on clues so the pot is now at 315/580 points. The Mole is trying its best to pull the gap wider and it seems to be working. Have the contestants discovered who the Mole is yet? Or will they be executed (except for Tiffany, the exemption holder)?
Next episode...
Tiffany: "Why do you look so down?"
Charlemagne: "I am looking up."
Tiffany: "That's just, like, an expression. It means 'why are you so sad'?"
Charlemagne: "Oh. You are exempt, but I am not."
Richard: "You think Tiffany's the Mole?"
Howard: "She hardly does anything."
Richard: "Speaking of Lucy, I noticed she's always around when things go wrong. She doesn't do too badly but doesn't try her best either."
Howard: "In other words, you're saying she's trying to lay low."
Richard: "To find out if she really is the Mole, we need to lay an ambush."
Clement: "Aw no, I'm gonna go home next. I just know it."
Richard: "Are you fucking with me?"
Lucy: "This might be the last season of the Smole."
Maximillian: "Why are you looking for me?"
Richard: "I'll cut to the chase. A little birdie told me that you're invested in bringing the Smole down."
Richard: "Have you ever lost someone or something dear to you? It's a fucking horrible experience, I'll tell you that."
Richard: "The Smole is very dear to some of us. It means something to all of us, otherwise we wouldn't join. I've been through that whole ordeal and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy."
Lucy: "I was constantly testing Richard. He failed the test. I think I have the answers I need."
"Unfortunately, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Tiffany: "No! It can't be!"
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