Previously, the 7
contestants went to the gym to complete a fitness routine, then play catch.
Reginald and Matthew earned their respective exemptions. They managed to earn
1205/2440 points. It was a big shock for everyone when they discovered it was a
triple execution, where Casey, Jonathan and Matty were eliminated. Only 4
remain in the house. Who will win?

Henrietta: “What bad
weather we’re having.”
Unfortunately for
those 4, this isn't over yet. Our last 2 contestants, Henrietta Hitchcock of
Season 1 and Edison Richards of Season 2, both 4th in their seasons,
will be joining in on the fun.

Edison: “Contrary to
popular belief, joining in later is a huge disadvantage. By joining later, I am
unable to know more about the other players. They spent more time with each
other and the Mole, so they have greater rapport and sense of who the Mole
might be, unlike me. There will not be much time for me to interact with them,
so getting ahead is purely by luck. And I hate using luck. I rather use my
brains to deduce.”
Henrietta: “This may
be sudden, but since we are the last 2 and so good, let’s form a coalition!
Together we can win this!”

Henrietta: “The phrase
‘once bitten, twice shy’ does not apply to me sadly. Being a journalist has
taught be how to be shameless and persevering. I’m going to form a coalition
with everyone in the house again. There’s no Bloom to affect me, and unlike the
other ladies I will not swoon.”
Matthew: “I can’t
believe you’re still here! You don’t even use your brain! You rely on luck and
are playing just for fun, like last time! You don’t even need the money!”
Reginald: “Woah! I
came here for the experience. And I’ll prove to you that I have skill. Time to
get my game on!”
Diana: “Listen Apollo,
I’m so sorry for neglecting you for Matthew. I realize that only you, with your
gorgeous blue eyes, can captivate me.”
Apollo: “You should
have realised that long ago, you f******g b….mmmmfff!”
Reginald: “Face it,
Matthew. I have what it takes to win and you don’t. You’re the one relying on
something other than your wits and skills. You’re using your fame.”
Apollo: “Gah! This
machine is spoiled!”

Edison: “New mission.
It says to head to 26/2 + 2^4 Classroom in Community School for the Gifted.
26/2 is 13, add that to 8 and that will be 21. Classroom 21, guys!”

Matthew: “Stupid

“Good to see you all
here. This mission is from Season 3. You guys are to answer questions. For
every question answered correctly, 10 points are earned and you will move
forward by one seat. At the 3rd seat, if you guys answer the
question wrongly, you will have to go back to the start. Whoever reaches the
front first wins an exemption. First question: What is the 3rd
letter of the alphabet?”

“You guys all say C,
so good job! Next question: e^0 is?”

Matthew: “1.”
Reginald: “I’ll go
with 1 then.”
Henrietta: “Same here.”
Diana: “I don’t
believe it’s 1. How can it be? 0!”
Edison: “I can’t
remember what e is. E is Euler’s number, which is 2.718….Forget it, I’ll go
with 3.”
Apollo: “It’s so easy!
0, you idiots!”
“Only Henrietta,
Matthew and Reginald got it correct. e^0 is indeed 1. Next question. Quantum
Physics is named after a scientist. True or false?”
Matthew: “False.”
Reginald: “I think
it’s true. These scientific stuff are always named after scientists.”
Henrietta: “Physics is
my worst subject, but I’ll go with true.”
Diana: “It may not be
named after a scientist, perhaps a physicist or something. true!”
Edison: “The answer is
Apollo: “Yeah, right.
True, you idiot!”
“Only Edison and
Matthew answered correctly, meaning both Reginald and Henrietta must return to
square one. 4th question: She is taller than ___?”
Matthew: “I don’t
Reginald: “This is too
Henrietta: “I’ll go
with him?”
Diana: “It must be
exaggeration. She is taller than the Empire State Building!”
Edison: “Statistics show
that nobody is taller than that, and females are shorter than males, so I think
that this question is flawed.”
Apollo: “Of course it
is! My answer is he!”
“Surprisingly, only
Apollo gets it correct.”
Apollo: “Of course!”
“Next question. Gamma
rays have the shortest wavelength. True or false?”
Matthew: “What?
Reginald: “I don’t
know anything about gamma rays except that they are penetrating! False then.”
Henrietta: “True.”
Diana: “They are
radioactive…so it must go a long distance. False?”
Edison: “False.”
Apollo: “False, all
you idiots!”
“All those who said
true are correct! This means that Matthew and Henrietta advance while Apollo

“And with that Matthew
earns yet another exemption! Apart from that, you guys answered 5 questions, so
this is worth a total of 300 points. Unfortunately, only 140/300 was earned,
just short of half. Your pot is now 1345/2740.”
Matthew: “Hey, cheer
up! I got an exemption!”
Apollo: “I couldn't
believe that Edison was so stupid and idiotic! He didn't even come close to
winning this mission! And Henrietta too! Matthew is far smarter than he looks.
He hid it well. That Diana is also more than a s***ty p********e who is a
f*****g r***d.”

“We got you guys to
write down who you felt was most likely to be the Mole, and you guys pointed
out Henrietta, so she earns an exemption for that too!”
Henrietta: “Being a
suspect is great.”

Apollo: “Time to
record what I observed in this idiotic paperback.”

Diana: “Join my
coalition! Season 1 will dominate this!”
Henrietta: “Very well.
I was thinking of the same thing.”
Reginald: “I’m the
best. I've got skill.”
Matthew: “Sure you do.
And yet you didn't get the exemption.”
Diana: “Who do you
think the Mole is?”
Henrietta: “I’m tired.
I’m not like a car. I need to rest too you know.”

Before that, there’s
still one little thing to do: Take the aptitude test, like in Season 4. Anyone
who passes will earn 20 bonus points, and the one with the highest earns
another exemption.
Henrietta is eager to
take the test.
Edison: “Where are the
other two?”
Henrietta: “Who cares
about them? I got 1482/2400 and I earn a partial scholarship AND credit award
for Business, Science and even Phys Ed! (266, 349, 318 respectively). Beat

Reginald earns 818,
his average being 100 for each subject. Diana scores higher, 928.
Henrietta: “I’ll go
take a nap to relax my brain now.”
Henrietta: “Ha! You
guys will never beat me!”
Apollo: “I feel so
stressed now.”

Edison got 955 and a
credit award for Technology (291).
Edison: “How could I
have failed this?”
Diana: “You’re an old
fogey and just a science geek, that’s why.”
An old fogey who a technology dinosaur who managed to get credit for Technology...

Matthew beats the high
score, earning 1492/2400 as well as a partial scholarship and Credit award in
Fine Arts and Communication (289 and 400 respectively).
Apollo: “You’re
f*****g smarter than I realised! Tell me your answer to question 3, 4, 7…”
Matthew: “Do it

And Apollo earns 913.
Apollo: “I reckon
Matthew cheated.”
way, he earns this exemption.

Reginald: “I can’t
believe I’m the dumbest around here!”
Diana: “I can’t
believe I’m so smart!”
Reginald: “Stop
rubbing it in.”

Diana: “Who do you
think the Mole is? I’m not sure if I should continue using Henrietta’s strategy
now that she herself is here.”
Matthew: “It’s all up
to you. But I honestly feel it’s Apollo. It’s time to settle down on
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