Previously on the
Smole, the contestants went back to Hamming Studios. Jonathan went scouring for
trophies and only found 3 out of 5, but the others managed to excel in
predicting who wins each award, thus helping the pot to 885/2040 points. Will
they be able to improve their score?

Reginald: “What a fine
lady you are…”
Casey: “That’s
surprisingly charming of you.”
Apollo: “You idiot,
he’s flirting with you. It makes me want to puke.”
Reginald: “Jealous?”
Reginald: “I hate to
do this, but I think the only way to win this right now is to eliminate anybody
who we deem strong. Finding out the Mole isn't enough when there are so many
other possibilities, including the fact that they might still not even be in
here yet! Sorry Casey, but Diana, Jonathan and I have decided that 4th
placers must go.”
Matthew: “You’re not
going to chase me out?”
Diana: “No, I trust
you enough. Besides, you've seen me before.”
Matthew: “I just don’t
feel the click with Diana anymore. I hate to sound like a playboy, but I think
it’s time we broke up, to spare her feelings.”
Diana: “I was supposed
to try to trick Matthew into influencing Matty, but I feel prey to his flirts
again. I just can’t help it! The others will so kill me. I think I got the Mole
though, so no worries. If not, how would I have made it so far?”
Matthew: “You know, I
think that the Mole could very well be Apollo.”
Matty: “Him? Why?
Didn't you say it was Casey the other time?”
Matthew: “Because he
was around. Now that he’s gone, I suspect it’s him. Honestly, do you really
believe he will touch his journal?”
Matty: “Well, no…”
Matthew: “Exactly!
Trust me on this one!”
Matthew: “Apollo’s
small fry. I feel as though we’re nearing the end. All 4th placers
are coming back, so it should be the end soon. Matty’s much smarter so I have
to convince him to leave first.”
Jonathan: “So, we did
agree on kicking out Casey and Matty, and Diana and Reginald are doing that,
but I’ve always got the upper hand. I’m going to kick out the 5th in
line. Now who’s that? Oh, that’s right: Reginald. I managed to get him on my
side to sway Egret, so hopefully he trusts me enough to be swayed himself.”

Jonathan: “Say
Matthew, why not we make a pact?”
Matthew: “We both know
we each have our own coalitions.”
Jonathan: “And we both
know that only 1 will win, so we will eventually have to betray them.”
“Interesting….alrighty then.”
Mission Time! This
will be the mission from Season 4. The contestants will complete a fitness
routine in a specific order, which is to pump iron, use treadmill, do cardio
with stereo, do chin-ups all for 30 minutes and then swim for 10 minutes.
Anyone who finishes the whole routine by 7.30pm will earn 40 points for the
group, making this worth 280 points. The first Sim to finish will also earn an
exemption. Do it well.
Casey: “We’re too
late. Matthew and Reginald are already on it.”
Diana: “We have to
wait? That’s annoying.”
Reginald: “I’m done!”
Matthew: “So am I!”
Diana: “I’m going
next, I don’t care! I want that exemption!”
Matthew: “Excuse me
lady…EXCUSE ME LADY! You’ve been blocking my way for 30 minutes!”
Vivan: “Really? Oh,
Matthew: “Thank you.”
Reginald: “While you
get on, I get off. Ta-ta!”

Casey’s next in line.
Diana: “Done yet?
Hurry up!”
Matthew: “Okay okay,
I’m done already.”

Jonathan finally comes
Diana and Casey are
done with the treadmill.
Matthew: “Stop posing.
You’re not a model.”
Simis: “No, I’m trying
to mimic Matthew Hamming for International Hamming Day.”
Matthew: “Can you do
it elsewhere?”
Matthew: “All those
annoying peeps cost me valuable time and my exemption! I hope the others don’t
think this is an act of sabotage. Well, they can. It’s to my advantage anyway.”

Diana: “Oh, finally.
Something I don’t have to wait for.”
Reginald and Matty
have gone up the chin-up bars.
Matthew: “I give up.
I’ll wait until he goes.”

When Simis goes, his
wife comes along to take his place.

Matty: “Oof! My butt
hurts! Well, at least I’m done with this. Time for the last one!”

Diana: “Get out of my
way lady.”
Apollo: “Good job,
lady. Continue blocking her way so I can be par with her.”

Matthew: “About time!
I’m lagging far behind now!”

Casey, Jonathan and
Matthew do the chin-ups.

It’s Matty’s turn to
stone and waste time.

Reginald’s in the
pool! It’s exactly 6.50pm now.

They’re done.

7pm sharp, and
Reginald’s out of the pool!
Reginald: “Beat that!
Ha! Jonathan can’t even match up to me!”
These 2 are the last.
Diana: “It’s all your
Apollo: “No, it’s
yours, you s**t.”
While others stomp
their feet as Casey slowly gets in, Matty decides to just jump in. They finish
in time too.
Jonathan: “Whatever. I
must earn the points! More points more money!”

Matthew: “It’s 7.25pm.
No hope now. I’m just going to go to the toilet.”

Matty: “I need to
Apollo: “You idiot!
Don’t do it in the pool or I’ll f*** your head off!”
Diana: “What he said!”
Jonathan and Diana
finish just in time. Unfortunately Apollo doesn't. He only just got in. So far
the team earned 240/280 points. The next mission will commence tomorrow.

Matty: “Oops! Accident
Reginald: “Why does it
smell of incontinence?”

Jonathan: “You stink,
Reginald: “I’m first,
nonetheless, and you’re not!”

Apollo: “Which idiot
didn't wait for me to get my food first!”

Matthew: “Which idiot
didn't wait for me to get my food first!”
Diana: “That’s
hilarious, Matthew.”

Diana: “Reginald, I
have some good news to share. Matthew and I are officially getting married.”
Matthew: “*chokes*
What? Since when?”
Diana: “Are you trying
to deny that? The other time you woohooed with me you said it yourself! I
thought you were planning a surprise by keeping quiet!”
Reginald: “I’m more
shocked then surprised! Don’t make me throw up. Dude, you did that to her?”
Matthew: “I’ll explain
everything tomorrow.”
Reginald: “Now I’m
itching for it too. I mean, Alexander and even Matthew had their fair share of
woohoo, so why can’t I? I’ll set a new goal: To woohoo someone in this house
before Jonathan does!”
The stray dog came
Matty: “Ew, don’t
sniff me!”

Matty: “Let’s see what
I have in my journal…”
Jonathan: “Aww, how
Casey: “Don’t say I’m
cruel to animals. I’ll give him my leftovers.”
Stray Dog: “Slowly
back away from these strange creatures. Slowly back away…”

Jonathan: “We should
patch things up, Diana. If not we can’t work well together.”
Diana: “Who cares
about working with you? I just want my breakfast.”

Matty: “You really
think the Mole is Apollo?”
Matthew: “Positive.
I’ll be answering the same as you, so no worry!”
Matty: “I hope I can
trust you, Matthew.”

The second part of
this mission, which Reginald does not need to take part in, is to play catch.
The game ends when the ball drops twice. The one who throws the most number of
times will win an exemption. Anyone who throws over 20 times will also earn 20
points for the team. This means this is worth 120 points. You guys earned
240/280 yesterday. Let’s see if we can improve this.
Reginald: “Cannonball!
Hey, why hasn’t any new Sims joined in yet?”
Matthew: “Let’s play
Diana: “Sure!”
Matthew: “My heart
stops beating when I’m with you.”
Diana: “That’s so
Matthew: “I’m being
serious. That wasn't a compliment.”

Matty: “I think
Matthew was fooling me! All the Sims have arrived already!”
Diana: “Hey, don’t
throw so hard!”
Matthew: “Sorry. I’m
trying to get my heart pumping again. Wow, you’re better than I thought!”
Diana: “Nobody should
underestimate me!”
Matthew: “You spoke
too soon.”
Diana: “Catch that!”
Matthew: “Easy.”

Matty: “Let’s do this
Apollo: “Whatever.”
Matty: “I’m giving you
face because I know you. Stop being so mean, you diva!”

Jonathan: “That leaves
you and I.”
Apollo: “You f******g
idiot! How could you not catch that!”
Matty: “Can’t you see
I’m so brawny? Use less force!”
Casey: “Whoops!”
Jonathan: “Don’t worry
about a thing, my lady. Just focus on throwing. I will catch it no matter what.
All for you.”
Diana: “That’s the
second time it dropped.”
Apollo: “It dropped
again? You are one g**-d**n f*****g idiot! I shouldn't have played with you!”
Casey: “Why the heck
did you have to throw so hard? One strike already!”
Jonathan: “Heh. Sorry?
Casey: “That’s it.”
“Results: Matthew-36
Jonathan-24. Which
means Matthew earns this exemption!”
Matthew: “Yeah! My
first time!”
Matthew: “Diana, I’m
sorry, but…I think we’re better off as friends. Please forgive this charming,
handsome young man for stringing you along and breaking your heart.”
Diana: “Ok.”
Matthew: “What?
Really? You took it really well.”
Diana: “I’m all right,
Diana: “WAAAHHH! I’m
not all right! I’m all wrong! This is all wrong! How could he break my heart
like that? I just didn't want to show it in front of him. I wanted to show that
I was a strong woman who could instill fear in others! I guess I’m a failure.
I’ll always be a lowly maid. The whole reason why I’m so b****y to everyone
else is probably due to my low self-esteem. Matthew brought it up slightly, but
now it’s hit rock bottom again! Waah!”

Reginald: “Ah, this is
the life. No need to fear anything.”

Apollo: “We have so
much in common. I like to get to know you better.”

Apollo: “I heard Diana
crying, so I guess she probably broke up with that Matthew. Yipee! It’s my
chance now! But then, that b***h Casey stole my heart too. I’m in such a

Jonathan: “Now that
Reginald got that exemption, he completely thwarted my plans. We earned 80/120
points, add that to the previous part and we get 320/400 points, and altogether
we have 1205/2440 points. That’s pathetic. And Reginald got that exemption! I
was planning on getting him out. Nevermind. I can do this the next time.
Anyway, time to take the quiz.”
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