It’s time for their final quiz.
Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: What colour is
the Mole’s shirt?
A: Blue and orange
B: Red and White
C: Purple and White
Q3: How old is the
A: 26
B: 29
C: 32
Q4: Does the Mole sit
in the blue or orange truck more?
A: Orange
B: Blue
Q5: Rank the Mole in
terms of the number of times he/she cooked, in ascending order.
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
Ezekiel: “Alright. Throughout this season I’ve been
manipulating others to lose. I hope that I don’t, if not that will be extremely
ironical. I need to seriously consider my options. Firstly, there’s Angelica.
She’s been “liking” it this whole season, and has stayed under the radar for
most times. Her sabotages seemed reasonable.
Which is why she would make a good Mole.
There’s also Brianna. She was at first a goody-two-shoes,
being enthusiastic, but then she has been slowly goading Kenneth to sabotage
and lose points, perhaps to lessen her suspicion and divert attention to him?
Later on she suddenly changed completely. Maybe she couldn’t handle the
pressure of being Mole. So, I think I know who now.”
Q6: Which room does
the Mole sleep in?
A: Red Room
B: Blue Room
Q7: Before Mission
10, who was seated opposite the Mole during breakfast?
A: Angelica Gerria
B: Brianna McWinner
C: Nobody
Q8: In Mission 10, in what order did the Mole
identify his/her criminal?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
Q9: In Mission 10,
who was the Mole’s criminal to identify?
A: Gavin Pinkerton
B: Kenji MIdden
C: Bertram Bedlington
Q10: In Mission 10,
did the Mole identify the culprit correctly?
A: Yes
B: No
Brianna: “So, this is it. My new drive did help me make it
to the finals. But I want more than that. I want to win! So I must be careful in
choosing my options. We have Ezekiel Zedee, a sly guy who has been influencing
others to pick the wrong Mole from the very start, starting with his coalition
members. He has built up the trust of almost everyone in the house, and then
destroyed it. I’m glad I didn’t trust him. Maybe it’s because he’s the Mole.
Then there’s Angelica Gerria. She has been annoying, but
that’s it. Never really embroiled in the tussles in the house. Perhaps it’s
because she’s the Mole, trying to avert suspicion. She has done her fair share
of sabotages though. Oh, this is hard.”
Q11: In Mission 10,
who did the Mole identify?
A: Kenji Midden
B: Gavin Pinkerton
C: Johnny Johnson
Q12: In Mission 10,
where was the Mole standing when all 3 finalists entered the room (facing the
one-sided mirror)?
A: Left
B: Middle
C: Right
Q13: Who was the Mole
facing at the end of Mission 10?
A: Johnny Johnson
B: Bertram Bedlington
C: Felipe Marshall
D: Gavin Pinkerton
E: Kenji Midden
Q14: In Mission 10,
what number did the Mole call out?
A: 1
B: 4
C: 5
Q15: Who is the Mole?
A: Angelica Gerria
B: Brianna McWinner
C: Ezekiel Zedee

Angelica: “Like, I’m in the like, final episode. I like made
it so far, and I like will not just willingly like, lose like that. So, let me
like take a look at like, Brianna. She like suddenly became like a monster,
from a nice one to like, an evil one, you know? She’s like totally Mole-like.
Perhaps like, her wanting to like win it is just like a pretence because like,
she knows she will win?
But then there’s also like, Ezekiel. He’s also like,
undergone a transformation. Like, betraying his like, coalition members like
that. I’m like, what? Like, how could he? The only like reason is because he’s
like, the Mole, duh! Yes, that must be like it. I know like who to pick now.”
The contestants are waiting for the final ceremony. All of
them must be feeling the heat right now.
Angelica: “Like, I don’t know why I like chose to wear this.
Apparently I like forgot to pack like, a formal outfit, because like I did not think
I would like make it so far. My mother must have like, snuck it in.”
Brianna: “I’m so nervous. My hands are clammy.”
Ezekiel: “I just can’t wait. Good thing I’m not wearing a
“Let’s invite our ex-contestant in!”
“First up, we have Celeste Bumpo, 8th!”
Celeste: “Hi guys! It’s so great to be back! Mole, I’ll get
“Next we have Mdm. Dickie ‘Chanelle’ Ingareese, 7th!”
Dickie: “I’m tired. You don’t expect an old lady to stay up
so late for such functions.”
“Coming up next, Luke Sands, 6th in place!”
Luke: “I look dashing, right? I know. My wife chose this
suit for me….er, where is that Mole?”
“Following him is 5th placer Brad Littler!”
Brad: “Ah, so great to not be in the final 3. I can just
relax and watch.”
“Last but not least, we have Kenneth Crunch, the 4th
in place!”
Kenneth: “Boy, what a storm outside! I’m dripping wet! But
I’m excited to be back to see who the winner and the real Mole is.”
“Please, get seated. The final 3 are in the nearby shed,
ready to reveal all to you. But first…”
“The sabotages.
Angelica Gerria:
- Mission 1-No sabotage.
- Mission 2-She deliberately sacrificed some points by not winning, but earned a hidden exemption, making her act of sabotage seem justified.
- Mission 3-Angelica dilly-dallied on her way back to the house, thus wasting time.
- Mission 4-Angelica controlled Kenneth and made him go in rounds and waste time. When Brianna tried to help, Angelica tried to steer Kenneth in the other direction and miss the disc.
- Mission 5-No sabotage.
- Mission 6-Angelica did not make it to the buoy in time, but that was partly due to Ezekiel.
- Mission 7-Angelica actually did something to the lights such that the circuit breaker tripped and the lights went out for a moment. During that time, Brad was unable to see clearly her pieces (which were black), thus costing him.
- Mission 8-No sabotage, though in Round 1 she bid only 1 Simoleon.
- Mission 9-This was one of Angelica’s biggest, most obvious sabotages. She pretended to not know the answer to the simple first question and used a lifeline, giving the reason that she was a poor student in school, and helping divert some attention to Kenneth.
- Mission 10-Angelica sabotaged by deliberately identifying the wrong suspect.
Brianna McWinner:
- Mission 1-She encountered some “technical difficulties” and thus lost points for the mission.
- Mission 2-No sabotage
- Mission 3-No sabotage. In fact, Brianna was one of the most enthusiastic and beneficial Sims to the mission, helping them earn more points by being found twice.
- Mission 4-Brianna controlled Luke, and tried to be a nice player, but Luke defied her, thus disqualifying himself and earning herself an exemption. The only sabotage was to disagree with Luke.
- Mission 5-No sabotage here.
- Mission 6-Brianna kept goading Kenneth to give up so that she could win the exemption.
- Mission 7-No sabotage, although Brianna made a mistake which cost her to lose. Otherwise she would have won given her experience with pool.
- Mission 8-No sabotage.
- Mission 9-No sabotage.
- Mission 10-No sabotage.
Last but definitely not least, Ezekiel Zedee:
- Mission 1-No sabotage.
- Mission 2-No sabotage
- Mission 3-Ezekiel did not manage to win in the apple bobbing contests once, and he left the tub to go swimming for a while. He also tried to hide in a place where nobody would dare to go, except he was found by Brianna.
- Mission 4-No sabotage. In fact, Ezekiel managed to win himself and Brad an exemption.
- Mission 5-No sabotage. But Ezekiel constantly gave others the chance to place their bombs, so it would seem that they were to blame for their loss.
- Mission 6-Ezekiel sabotaged Angelica by splashing her and playing with her, wasting some time although he eventually made it to the end in time. He helped to lose some points.
- Mission 7-No sabotage, but like Brianna, Ezekiel slipped up, otherwise he would have won given his experience with bowling.
- Mission 8-Ezekiel cost the team that 6 points by naming the price of the war novel wrongly.
- Mission 9-No sabotage, but he pressured Angelica by reminding her of the time.
- Mission 10-No sabotage here.
Not so clean now, eh? Now it’s time to reveal the one who
has deceived us all from the very start—the Mole!”
Angelica: “Like, hey guys.”
Angelica: “Like yep, I’m the Mole. I like wonder how many of
you like guessed it was like me. Anyway, it was like fun, but it was very hard
to be like, low-key, especially when everyone else was like high-key, which
made me like, suspicious. It was like, so much fun, and so easy money.”
“Congratulations Angelica, you took 490 points away from the
pot, or, 490, 000 Simoleons!”
“Now, it’s time to reveal our winner of the Smole, Season
Ezekiel: “Surprised, anyone?”
Dickie: “How rude of you, Brad! Silence your phone this
Brad: “Nah, too lazy too. Now shush, I’m trying to watch.”
Ezekiel: “Hello guys! Yes, it was so much fun deceiving you
all and everything. My strategy was to make myself look like the Mole, which I
successfully did. I also successfully knocked out every Sim that I wanted to,
including my coalition members, so yes Kenneth; I did have a part to play. But
I hope we can be friends after this.”
Kenneth: “Fat chance! You duped me twice!”
“Anyway, you win 1020/1510 points, or 1, 020, 000 Simoleons!
You really did well, Ezekiel!”
Dickie: “You insolent, sorry excuse of a mortal!”
Brad: “All right already! I’ll turn off my phone! Sheesh!”
Dickie: “I was talking about Ezekiel Zedee. Oh what a fool
I’ve been!”
Celeste: “You had us all under your fingers!”
“Now, let’s not forget about our runner-up.”
Brianna: “I was expecting to win this.”
Brianna: “I too, have been thoroughly duped by Ezekiel. I
chose him as the Mole in the final moment! I guess he deserves to win and not
me for that, since he identified the Mole correctly. I guess it was my
determination that brought me this far, and I don’t regret it. I would be lying
if I said I wasn't here for the money. I lost everything to this scheming man, but
I admit defeat.”
“Now let us see the clues that reveal that Angelica was the
Mole all along.
- The contestants were introduced in alphabetical order of last name, except for Angelica, who was introduced by her role as “Mole”.
- The computer was white and lavender, which corresponded with Angelica’s colours.
- Angelica’s name was spelled wrongly. Put the wrong letters together and they spell ‘Mole’, hinting that Angelica was the Mole.
A: Angellica Gerria (Episode
A: Angelica Gerrio (Episode 3)
A: Angelica Gerrie (Episode 5)
A: Amgelica Gerria (Episode 6)
A: Angelica Gerrio (Episode 3)
A: Angelica Gerrie (Episode 5)
A: Amgelica Gerria (Episode 6)
- Episode 3-Brad talked about reading a book about Orlando Bloom. The ‘Bloom’ actually referred to the lavender flower, and lavender is Angelica’s favourite colour as well as one of her main ones.
Brad: “Why should I be looking for her? I’m just going to
read this biography on Orlando Bloom.”
- Episode 4-The maze had Angelia’s initials in it.
- There was a soccer ball in the maze. Brazil is famous for soccer, and Brazil is the home country of Angelica. Hence it refers to her.
Celeste: “A soccer ball?”
- Episode 6-During the execution ceremony, Angelica’s initials were once again imprinted on the walls.
- Episode 7-In the dark, there was an arrow pointing to Angelica, indicating that she was the Mole
- Episode 8-The rooms were coloured in such a way that it encapsulated Brazil’s main colours—Green, yellow and a bit of blue. Two of the tables were also purple and white, referring to Angelica.
- The host’s name is Wallace Simza, a parody of Wallace Souza, a Brazillian TV Host. Once again, it refers to Angelica and her home country.
Wallace: “Welcome to the Price is Right: Smole edition! I’m your host, William
Simza! First up, who will sit out?”
- The diploma in Round 2 had the words ‘1 Mole’ on it. It actually means that the Mole is the 1st one in the quiz, Question 10 ie. Angelica.
Ezekiel: “I noticed that the diploma actually wrote ‘1 Mole’. I wonder what that means. Isn’t it painfully
obvious that there’s only 1 mole?”
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Angelica Gerria
- The pedestals were also arranged to look like the number 1, and they are closer to Angelica, thus indicating that she is the Mole.
- Episode 9-The flowers outside the studio had lavender flowers. The lavender flowers referred to the lavender on Angelica.
- The piano had ‘Made in Brazil’ inscribed on it. Once again, it refers to Angelica.
- Episode 10-The clock was at 7.26am. The 26 minutes actually refer to Angelica’s age, 26.
And there we have it! All, or most of, the clues!”
Angelica: “Like, wow. I feel like so,
in….incri…incriminated, like, yeah.”
Thank you for watching the Smole, Season 6. Hope you enjoyed
Ezekiel Zedee
Brianna McWinner
Angelica Gerria
Kenneth Crunch
Brad Littler
Luke Sands
Dickie “Chanelle” Ingareese
Celeste Bumpo
Emerald Harvest
Dillion Hamming
Samuel Lyde
Mack L’Allele
Belinda Hunny
Zoe Lin
Frederic Hinton
*Red means executed, green means exempt, black after red means not in
** Low means contestant scored the lowest, but was faster
than the executed or was exempt (or both).
***Brad was the fastest quiz taker while Dickie was the
****Luke lasted the longest without an exemption.
*****Kenneth had the most number of LOWs.
Angelica, Brianna had the most number of exemptions
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