It was like déjà vu
previously as the contestants had to go to Hamming Studios to find letters and
form a word or two. Reginald was burdened with the task of forming the phrase
again, but he disappointed no one this time round, earning all 200 points, making
the pot 625/1640.

Let’s put our hand
together for Matty Crewe, 4th for Smole, Season 4!
Matty: “Gosh, this
looks so antique!”

Apollo: “Finally,
another Season 4. Come join the coalition Matthew and I formed.”
Matty: “Er…”
Apollo: “Too bad. You’re
forced in.”

Casey: “I wonder who
the Mole is…or how my family is doing…and why did I choose this room? So many
ants everywhere it bugs me! I want to kill them all!”
Matty: “Hey Matthew,
what are you doing in here?”
Matthew: “Nothing.”

Matty: “I thought it
was strange. Matthew was acting sneakily in the room. Was he peeping in the
journals? I hope not! That’s disallowed!”
Diana: “Oh, your
Apollo: “Tell me more
about them. I can’t get enough of me and my eyes.”
Egret: “Diana! I can’t
believe you!”
Matthew: “Neither can
I! Hey, come back you two! They’re acting in spite, that’s for sure.”

Matty: “Mission time!
It says here that we are to head back to Hamming Studios. 1 Sim will be finding
trophies while the rest do the mission like Season 4: Predict who are nominees
for the award and then predict the winner. 5 trophies to be found. 10 points
for each nominee guessed correctly and 30 for the winner. This is worth 400
points, like last time.”
Jonathan: “I’m willing
to go looking for trophies.”
Jonathan: “Right. Time
to find them.”
“Aha! Found 1! This goes to Best Returning Player.”

Diana: “I think that
they all come from Season 5.”
Apollo: “Duh, you

Matthew: “Can I choose
Egret: “You have no commitment!”
Casey: “You shower
your love everywhere!”
Matthew: “Geez, just a
Egret: “No, we’re
kidding. Of course you can nominate yourself. I think that Diana deserves some

Reginald: “Her? No
Diana: “How dare you!
I support Egret fully!”
Matty: “Let’s not
argue. I’m actually leaning towards Scarlett.”
Matthew: “I think that
Harry Johns did well too.”
Apollo: “Don’t forget
about Kirby Wise!”
Matthew: “No, I think
Katrina Pala was better than Kirby. It’s decided.”

“Unfortunately, Kirby
is inside.”

“Fortunately, so is
Apollo: “What an ugly

“So is Scarlett!”

“Apollo Bloom is
inside too!”
Matty: “Apollo?
Diana: “Your picture
is hideous!”
Apollo: “Shut up,

“Last but not least, Audrey.
Now, name your winner.”
Egret: “I feel that
the winner should be Audrey. She did her best.”
Apollo: “You idiot!
Audrey left early! I should be the winner!”
Diana: “No me!”
Matthew: “Guys, it is
unlikely to be any of us. I really feel that Audrey should be the winner. Trust
me, I receive these awards all the time. Maybe if she didn’t purposely answer
wrongly she would have made it further.”
“And Matthew is right!
Audrey earns this for doing her best in pretty much all the missions she was in
this season. She has a lot of potential, and could go further.”
Jonathan: “I’m hungry
for Some Nougat bar. What the…this tastes disgusting!”

Jonathan: “Oh, but I
spot the next award. It’s the Most Dramatic Player award.”

Casey: “I feel that
Kathleen was full of drama.”
Egret: “Yes, I agree.”
Matthew: “Could it be
Audrey again?”

Apollo: “Of course!
You may be right on that!”
Diana: “I’m nominating
Apollo: “You’re pretty
dramatic, so whatever.”

Reginald: “Should
Matthew be inside?”
Matty: “Rubbish. I
mean, there’s no way they would be that stupid. I go for Esmeralda.”
Reginald: “I’m
nominating Edison then.”
“Audrey is right.”
“So is Diana.”
Diana: “Knew it!”
Matty: “I think our
chances are high! Kathleen is inside too!”
“Yes, Esmeralda too!”
Reginald: “I’ll kill
you if the last one is Matthew, Matty.”
“And the last one is
Edison! Of course it’s him. Now, who’s the winner?”

Matthew: “I think we
can eliminate Esmeralda and Edison right away, since they come as a pair.”
Egret: “Really? I
think that they are the most likely, right guys?”
Reginald: “I agree
with you, baby. It’s probably Esmeralda.”
Apollo: “Nah, should
be Edison. My word is final.”
“Good job, guys! It’s
Edison all right. The only reason why he beat Esmeralda here is because of his
reflections about his marriage.”

Jonathan: “Aha! I
found the third award! Things are going smoothly. This one goes to Most Boring

Reginald: “I think
it’s anyone who loves.”
Matty: “Loves cars.
With that, I pick Rory Sim.”

Matthew: “I think he’s
pretty interesting actually.”
Apollo: “I go with
that Guy Forrest. I hardly know him.”
Diana: “You hardly
know anyone, but you may be right. I’ll nominate you, Egret.”

Egret: “Me? Alright.
Who will you pick, Matthew?”
Matthew: “I’ll let you
Egret: “Then I choose
Dennis Coralis.”
Casey: “He’s a winner.
How can he be boring?”
Reginald: “Let’s trust
Matthew: “Okay, I pick
the next Sim to be Harry Johns.”
Casey: “Then I
nominate Nick Trest.”
“Guy is right. He had
2 seasons and he didn't do really well in either.”
“And actually, Dennis
is right too.”
Casey: “How can this
Matthew: “He didn't
make any big moves to win. He seemed the least likely to.”
Egret: “Yay, I’m up
there too!”
Apollo: “That’s not a
good thing, you idiot.”
Diana: “Yes it is, you
idiot! It means another 10 points are earned!”
Casey: “We could
really win this! Make a comeback!”
“Unfortunately, the
last one is not Harry Johns, but Michael Mullard. Now, who could be the

Reginald: “I don’t
know, Nick Trest?”
Matty: “You have to
take it one step at a time, like learning how to ride a bike. Let’s analyse
Diana: “We don’t have
time for analysis. I say it’s Dennis Coralis.”
“Diana is right!
Dennis wins this for being able to win despite being unlikely to. He’s pretty
boring, not much is known about him.”
Matty: “Pure luck.”

Jonathan: “I think
someone’s been as evil as to hide all the trophies really well! I can’t find
Apollo: “Try harder,
you idiot!”
Casey: “How rude! Stop
calling others idiots!”
Jonathan: “I've looked
forever. I give up.”
“Here are the
locations of the other 2 awards: Most Popular Sim Award and best Storyteller.”
Matthew: “Wow, best
storyteller is hard.”
Jonathan: “Good thing
I didn't find them.”
Diana: “Your head!
Finding all is better! And they are all so easy!”
“With that you earn
260/400 points, bringing the pot up to 885/2040 points. This is not looking

Apollo: “That idiot
Mole is at work again, I just know it! I think we trusted Jonathan too much. He
gave up so f******g easily without trying! They were so easy to find! He’s
become my number one suspect.”
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