Last time on the Smole, the final 5 went to showcase their
singing talents to Aloysius, who was to guess who was singing. He only managed
to guess 1 right, thus earning 20/80, or 170/400 points. Dolly and Tay chose to
use their exemptions, thus leaving Phillip executed. Who will be in the final

Tay: “Hey Aloysius, you’re quite a great cook, you know
Aloysisus: “Thanks to my father, Ken Finn. He’s a foodie,
and he’s been forcing me to carry on the tradition and learn to cook. I hate
cooking actually.”
Tay: “Oh, I couldn't tell.”

Tay: “You know, I feel like I can only trust you in this
house, apart from innocent Dolly. Taylor’s been acting strangely.”
Aloysius: “She blew us both off.”
Tay: “I really don’t get women.”
Tay: “Ugh, this sink is unsalvageable! Wait, do I smell
something burning?”
Tay: “Fire!”
Dolly: “What’s going on—aah!”
Tay: “Dolly, get out of here! It’s too dangerous!”

Aloysius: “What the…fire!”
Taylor: “I've got the extinguisher!”
Dolly: “Hurry!”
Tay: “Dolly, run!”
Taylor: “You have to get out of there!”
Aloysius: “This has gotten out of hand…”
Taylor: “Finally.”
Tay: “How did the fire start?”
Aloysius: “Let’s discuss this some other time.”
Taylor: “Poor Dolly must be scared stiff!”
Dolly: “Fear really gripped me! The others were telling me
to move to safety, but my feet were stuck frozen! I was terrified! I really
wanted to go home!”
Tay: “The last one with me was Aloysius…He was cooking, in
fact! He left the stove on and left! How could he! Didn’t he know how dangerous
that was! What if I had gotten killed? Was he trying to kill me?”
Dolly: “I think there should be a fire alarm installed.”

Tay: “Or someone should be careful when using stoves.”
Aloysius: “You aren't referring to me, are you?”
Taylor: “He said nothing. You admitted it yourself.”
Aloysius: “I needed to pee, so I left for a quickie. Who
knew a fire would start?”
Aloysius: “I know I wear a smile on my face, but inside,
I’ve killed Tay and Taylor a million times already. I don’t know what came over
me. I just decided to exact revenge…I didn't really mean to kill him. I had no
malicious intent!”

Taylor: “Move over so that Tay has space.”
The final 4 are headed to Community Playground to have a
swing marathon. The one who swings the longest wins an exemption, whereas every
Sim that swings for 2 hours or more earns 25 points, making this worth 100.
Taylor: “I hope the rain stops soon.”
Taylor: “Ugh!”
Tay: “Don’t worry Taylor, I’ll be here to shelter you.”
Aloysius: “The sky is clearing.”

Dolly: “Yay! Now we can play!”

Dolly: “I need a push!”
Taylor: “Dolly! Stop being so spoilt! You can swing
yourself. Don’t bring the group down with you!”
Aloysius: “Don’t say that. I’ll give you a little push,
Dolly. You continue from there, okay?”

Taylor: “Dolly’s a little pampered princess. She has no
qualms about sabotaging. She doesn't even care! Well, I don’t expect her to.
But I’m thinking she’s the Mole. Yet, with all the children going, perhaps it’s
one of the teens. I’m going to question them on who they think the Mole is.”
Tay: “About the fire….”
Dolly: “Which almost burnt down our whole house!”
Taylor: “Someone must have had a gear loose.”
Dolly: “You’re being quiet, Aloysius!”

Aloysius: “Is it 2h? Okay, I’ll stop now.”

Aloysius: “I’d rather play something else.”

Tay: “You’re a star, Taylor.”
Taylor: “No amount of sweet-nothings will do any good now.
You’ve lost your chance. Don’t think that you can get everything just because
you’re popular. I’ve swung for 2.5 hours already. I’m feeling giddy.”

Dolly: “Oh no I’m stopping!”
Aloysius: “Here’s another push for you!”
Dolly: “Yay!”

Taylor: “I feel young again!”

Only 2 remain. Who will earn that last exemption?

Tay: “Okay, there’s no point fighting with a little girl.
I've got this.”
Dolly: “Yay I win! And all 100 points! We now have 270/500
Dolly: “Behold! Your new princess! All bow down to me!”
Aloysius: “I’m surprised you’d still hang out with me.”
Taylor: “I should be saying that. I’m sorry about that. I
had a mood swing. Anyway, who do you think the Mole is at this point?”
Aloysius: “Actually, I’I've been choosing Tay all this while.”
Taylor: “Thanks for being so honest, if you are. I’m actually
suspecting Dolly, but I’m considering switching. Maybe I've been too blind to
realise that it could be Tay.”
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