Jonathan: “I believe
our feud started when Michael maligned Diana of stealing my journal. She left
pretty early and had no time to get revenge. Since Michael’s not here, I’m the
next best bet. I’m not going to tolerate her insults, no matter how
chivalrous I am.”
Diana: “Ugh,

Matthew: “Mind if I
Scarlett: “Go ahead.”
Scarlett: “We’re all resorting
to dirty tricks in this game. My dirty trick is to somehow dupe Matthew. Maybe
I can get him to sway all the other of his coalition members to choose the
wrong suspect. If not I’ll do it myself. Or I can get the help of Diana.
Eventually I’ll get Matthew to leave. I have my ways.”
Scarlett: “I can’t
take it any longer…Matthew, what are you staring at? How dare you, you
Matthew: “You were the
one who showed it to all!”
Scarlett: “How dare
you! I demand for compensation!”
Matthew: “…I can
compensate, but later.”

Diana: “Hey Apollo,
I’m beginning to think that the mole is the famous actor Matthew Hamming.”

Katrina: “She’s
messing with you.”
Apollo: “What? How
dare you mess with my brain! Nobody messes with my brain and gets away with it!”
Diana: “What? So
you’re going to listen to her?”
Apollo: “She’s in my
coalition! I know her better than you!”
Diana: “You betrayer!
We were in a coalition first!”
Apollo: “You betrayed
me first! I heard from Matthew that you formed a secret one with him too!”
Diana: “Hmph! I don’t
want to talk to you!”

Egret: “Let’s all
chill…or take the quiz. It’s about time.”

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What colour hair does the Mole have?
A: Brown
B: Black
C: Blonde
Q3: What place did the Mole finish in in
his/her original season?
A: 12th
B: 11th
C: 10th
D: 8th
E: 7th
F: 6th
G: 5th

Q4: In Mission 6, what role did the Mole play?
A: Drawer
B: Guesser
Q5: In Mission 6, which round was the Mole in?
A: 1st round
B: 2nd round
Q6: In Mission 6, did the Mole guess the answer
A: No
B: The Mole was a drawer
Q7: In Mission 6, in what order did the Mole
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: The Mole was the guesser
Q8: In Mission 6, who was the Sim before the
A: Nobody
B: Jonathan Griar
C: Matthew Hamming
D: Katrina Pala
E: Apollo Bloom
F: Kirby Wise
G: Scarlett Phiine
H: Diana Blanche
I: Egret Hendrique
Q9: In Mission 6, who was after the Mole?
A: Nobody
B: Jonathan Griar
C: Matthew Hamming
D: Katrina Pala
E: Apollo Bloom
F: Kirby Wise
G: Scarlett Phiine
H: Diana Blanche
I: Egret Hendrique

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Kirby Wise
B: Diana Blanche
C: Matthew Hamming
D: Katrina Pala
E: Jonathan Griar
F: Scarlett Phine
G: Egret Hendrique
H: Apollo Bloom

“While we wait for
Katrina, I shall just recap that the Mole is amongst you. You guys earned
320/780 points, which is not even half. Guys, step it up! Also, Diana Blanche
earns a hidden exemption for spelling “EXE” instead of the Big Ben. There was a
label on the pencil saying that, but only she caught it. Anyway, we shall get
started. Katrina Pala.”

Katrina: “Right. No

“You are safe!”

“Egret Hendrique.”
Egret: “Yay! My turn!”

Egret: “Hooray! It’s
green, I’m safe, I’m not eliminated first!”

“Kirby Wise, please
come forward.”

Kirby: “What.”
“Sorry Kirby, you are
the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”

Katrina: “Goodbye
Matthew: “What a
surprise! She shouldn't have gone!”
Jonathan: “I know,

Kirby: “My biggest
mistake was joining a coalition. It was getting too large. We had a last minute
meeting and I must have been swayed to select the wrong Sim. I tried too hard
to win this and eventually lost. My advice to all the others is to take it easy,
like Egret.”
And Kirby goes next.
Who is the Mole? Is it in her coalition?
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