Quiz time!
Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Which room does
the Mole sleep in?
A: Top floor bedrooms
B: Bottom floor
Q3: In Mission 9,
which truck was the Mole in?
A: Orange
B: Blue
Q4: In Mission 9,
which seat was the Mole in?
A: Driver’s seat
B: Passenger’s seat
Q5: In Mission 9, in
what order did the Mole enter the studio?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
Q6: In Mission 9,
what role did the Mole play?
A: Contestant
B: Host
C: Lifeline
Q7: In Mission 9, did
the Mole get called to be a lifeline?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole was not a
Q8: Was the Mole’s
name called in Mission 9?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: Did the Mole get
sick during the day?
A: Yes
B: No
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Angelica Gerria
B: Brianna McWinner
C: Ezekiel Zedee
D: Kenneth Crunch
“Brianna McWinner, please enter the left room.”
“Angelica Gerria, please enter the right room.”
“Kenneth Crunch, please enter the room on the right.”
“Ezekiel Zedee, please enter the room on the left.”
Brianna: “Wow, you look fit to be on TV!”
Ezekiel: “Thanks.”
Left-Green, Right-Blue.
“Oh by the way, Brianna had a secret exemption for being a
lifeline and not called.”
Brianna: “What? Made me worry for nothing!”
“But you and Ezekiel are still going to make it to the
finals! Who will be the last one to join you?”
“Angelica Gerria, please move to the other room.”
Kenneth: “This is nerve-wrecking.”
Left-Green, right-Red.
Angelica: “Oh. Em. Gee. I like can’t believe it. I’m like
making it to the Final 3! Like, what a relief.”
“I’m sorry Kenneth Crunch, you are the last to be executed.
Please pack your bags and leave.”
Kenneth: “I have been too dumb, too gullible. All this
season I was constantly being used and fooled by others. I thought I learnt,
but alas, it’s evident that I made the same mistake. I would have made it, if
not for that one folly.”
Brianna: “What are you calculating?”
Ezekiel: “Nothing. I just feel elated. I managed to kick
Kenneth out at last!”
Brianna: “What?”
Brianna: “He tricked me! He tricked Kenneth, and he tricked
me! How could he! I should never have let my guard down! He said he wanted me
to not fool Kenneth and to help transform him back to the way he was. Obviously
he was lying! That scheming guy! I can’t believe he betrayed our trust again!”
Angelica: “This is so like not my type of music. But it’s
like getting dusty.”
Brianna: “Okay, you will not be fooled again. Brianna
McWinner, you will win this!”
Only 3 remain! Who is the Mole, and who is the winner? Find
out tomorrow!
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