And it’s quiz time! Dolly chooses to use her last exemption
to guarantee her spot.

Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: What was the Mole
doing when the fire broke out?
A: Using the toilet
B: Sleeping
C: Fixing the sink

Q3: In what order did
the Mole arrive to the fire?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
Q4: Did the Mole put
out the fire?
A: Yes
B: No
Q5: In Mission 5,
which swing did the Mole use?
A: Left
B: 2nd
C: Right
D: 2nd
Q6: In Mission 5, how
long did the Mole swing?
A: 2h
B: 2.5h
C: 2.75h
D: 3h
Q7: After Mission 5,
what did the Mole play with?
A: Treehouse
B: Hopscotch
C: Water slide
D: Slide
Q8: Before Mission 5,
did the Mole use an umbrella?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: Is the Mole in a
A: Yes
B: No
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Tay Swift
B: Aloysius Seetoh
C: Taylor Bleu
D: Dolly Skella
“Taylor Bleu, please enter the left yard. Tay Swift and
Aloysius Seetoh, please enter the right yard. Two of you will be joining Dolly
in the finale. Who will it be?”

“Taylor Bleu.”
Taylor: “Yes?”
“You are….
Taylor: “Yes! I’m making it to the finals!”

Taylor: “I hope Tay does too.”

Tay: “Tay Swift, please go over to the other yard.”
“One of you will be joining the girls, while one of you will
be leaving to the corner room. Who will it be?”

“Aloysius Seetoh…you are….
the last to be
executed. Please
pack your bags and leave. Sorry.”
Aloysius: “So close!”
Aloysius: “I guess I played too hard! I’m indignant about
losing at such a close juncture! I tried to look like the Mole, but I guess I
neglected looking for the right one. I must have been blinded. But I sincerely
wish good luck to the other 2 contestants to sniff out the Mole!”
Tay: “Your Prince Charming is back!”
Taylor: “Who said you were my Prince Charming?”
Tay: “Oh, I could be Dolly’s…but I’m here for you only.”

Taylor: “Aw…”

Dolly: “Ew, love!”
Taylor: “Don’t spoil the moment! Go take out your trash!”
Dolly: “They’re actually useless dossier files, but okay.”
Tay: “I have another surprise for you.”
Taylor: “What is it?”

Tay: “Surprise! Perfect Purple for perfect you.”

Dolly: “Yay, I’m so close to winning! I wonder what’s going
on with Tay and Taylor!”
Tay: “Taylor, you’re the only one who will make my heart
beat like it never was.”
Taylor: “You finally see that you belong with me!”
Taylor: “Well then, will you be willing to be my boyfriend?”
Tay: “Of course!”
Taylor: “Not a showmance?”
Tay: “It’ll be useless to have one now, wouldn’t it?”
Taylor: “OMG OMG OMG!”
Dolly: “And they all lived happily ever after…until they
find out who the Mole is.”
The finale is up next! Who is the Mole?
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