Last time on the Smole, the final 5 went to play a game of
“The Price is Right”. Angelica and Ezekiel bade closest to the actual price of
the items in Round 1 and moved on to Round 2. There Ezekiel earned 24 points
while Angelica earned 30 points. In the final round, Angelica won the exemption
by bidding closer to the actual price without going over, thus earning the
exemption, her 2nd in a row.
204/210 points were earned that mission, or 944/1290 points in the pot.
Brad left in the end, leaving the final 4. Who amongst them is the Mole?
Ezekiel: “What bad weather we’re having.”
Ezekiel: “This bar is never used anyway.”
Ezekiel: “Blech! This tastes disgusting! How do those
mixologists do this?”
Ezekiel: “Fancy seeing you here.”
Kenneth: “We sleep in the same room, live under the same
roof, what do you expect?”
Ezekiel: “These nuts aren't filling. I’m going to the
Brianna: “I will win this.”
Ezekiel: “Fancy seeing you down here again.”
Kenneth: “Whatever.”
Ezekiel: “I’m innocent.”
Kenneth: “When will you stop pretending? Go win the Simmy
Award or something!”
Ezekiel: “If you believe I’m as dirty as these dishes,
that’s fine by me. But I sincerely hope that we can be friends once this is
Kenneth: “I’ll consider. If you can prove to be loyal and
not a backstabber.”
Ezekiel: “You know what? You've changed, Kenneth.”
Kenneth: “Thanks to you.”
Angelica: “What can this journal like help me with anyway?
I’m like recording and I’m still like not 100% sure it’s like this Mole! I like
feel stressed.”
Ezekiel: “I have a friend, well ex-friend, who just doesn’t
trust me because he believes I backstabbed a few other friends. He thinks I’m
an actor.”
Kenneth: “Funny, I have a friend like that too. Can you
fully be trusted?”
Ezekiel: “Of course! I don’t know why he doesn't trust me.
He reckons I’m lying my way through. If only he’d listen to me. He’s changed
because of it. I miss the old him. I miss being friends with him and chatting
with him.”
Kenneth: “So do I, honestly. Even though he was slightly
manipulative, he did help me. But, so did my new friend.”
Ezekiel: “We can’t just dump the old ones like that, can
The contestants are headed to WWTBAM Studios to play a game
of “Who wants to be a Millionaire”. Basically one of them will be the host, 2
will be the lifeline and 1 the contestant who shall answer 10 questions, each
being 10 points.
Ezekiel: “This is exciting.”
Kenneth: “I have an idea.”
Brianna: “I wonder what Kenneth’s thinking about.”
This is the studio.
Kenneth and Brianna are the lifelines, whereas Ezekiel is
the host and Angelica, the contestant.
Ezekiel: “Let’s welcome our next contestant, Angelica
Ezekiel: “Boy Angelica, the rain outside could fill 50
Olympic-sized pools!”
Angelica: “Haha, that’s like very funny, Ezekiel.”
Ezekiel: “But that’s not the main point. The main point is
these 10 bags. When you answer a question correctly, a bag will fill up with
Simoleons. Answer all 10 correctly, and you earn an exemption and 100 points!”
Brianna: “When I first heard about the exemption Angelica
was going to get, I was super angry! I can’t believe that she would earn an
exemption again! I knew I had to stop her, even if it meant sacrificing some
Ezekiel: “First question: Which season does Love Day fall
in? Is it
A: Spring,
B: Summer,
C: Fall, or
D: Winter?
You have 60 seconds,
starting from now.”
Angelica: “Um….Like, er….”
Ezekiel: “30 seconds left!”
Angelica: “I’d like to use like a lifeline.”
Ezekiel: “Who do you wish to choose?”
Angelica: “Kenneth.”
Ezekiel: “Kenneth, please come up!”
Angelica: “I like failed at school.”
Ezekiel: “I can see why.”
Kenneth: “I think the answer is D: Winter.”
Angelica: “I will take his answer as like my final answer.”
Ezekiel: “Unfortunately you are wrong. The actual answer is
A. Sorry, no points or exemptions!”
Brianna: “How can you be so stupid Angelica?”
Angelica: “I like blame Kenneth.”
Brianna: “I did not expect to lose so much points! Now we
only have 944/1390 points! Well, at least she didn't get the exemption, but I’m
not happy. Kenneth has sabotaged way too much. It’s like I developed a monster!
I kept coercing him to sabotage and be Moleish. I guess it backfired. That
Angelica also sabotaged by deliberately using a lifeline instead of answering
that simple question.”
Angelica: “I hope the others don’t think that I’m like, the
Ezekiel: “I know that you’re in a coalition with Kenneth.”
Brianna: “And?”
Ezekiel: “And I want you to leave it. I don’t want you to go
fool him and trick him.”
Brianna: “Wha…very clever. Truth is, he’s changed, and I
don’t like that. Hence it’s better motivation for me to get him out of this
Angelica: “I like don’t care about whether this is like cool
or not. I like, just want to have fun!”
Kenneth: “I will not be defeated by you!”
Brianna: “Kenneth…”
Kenneth: “What is it?”
Brianna: “I think we should call off our coalition.”
Kenneth: “What? Why?”
Brianna: “We’re already that close to the finals…having a
coalition will just burden us and hinder us from winning.”
Kenneth: “So you think that I’m a burden?”
Brianna: “No, it’s just that I want to win, and from here on
it’s every Sim for himself or herself.”
Brianna: “I've done my part. Now it’s your turn to change
Ezekiel: “Not bad, I still fit.”
Kenneth: “What are you doing?”
Ezekiel: “Reliving my past. Brings back fond memories.”
Kenneth: “If that’s an attempt to make me believe you, it’s
not working.”
Ezekiel: “I know you won’t believe me, but as compensation,
I’ll tell you who my Mole is.”
Ezekiel: “It’s….”
Kenneth: “Really?”
Ezekiel: “It’s up to you to believe it.”
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