Saturday, 7 December 2013

5.11-I'm the seductive one here

Previously on the Smole, the contestants met Katrina Pala, another Season 4 player. They went to play soccer as in Season 4, and eventually Scarlett managed to beat Matthew narrowly, thus earning the exemption. However, at the execution ceremony, they were shocked to discover it was a double execution, and so both Alexander and Guy, the survivors of Season3 and 2 respectively, were eliminated. Who will fill the gap? Who is the Mole that caused so many victims?

Matthew: “What are the chances of another Season 2 or 3 contestant returning?”
Apollo: “Not high, that’s for sure.”
Kirby: “I beg to differ. I mean, Season 2 has 10 players. Season 3 has 12. Our season only has 8. And most of us except Matty returned already. So, it’s quite probable.”
Matthew: “United we stand, but divided we fall.”

As Kirby and Apollo are left to ponder about that statement, Jonathan Griar comes running along. That’s right, he’s the next returning player!

Diana: “Boo! Why did you have to return?”
Jonathan: “I’m sorry. It was a misunderstanding the other time. Blame Michael. He tried to sow discord.”

Jonathan: “Ah, Scarlett, fine lady, just like your sister.”
Scarlett: “Don’t compare me to my sister. I’m much better than her.”

Scarlett: “I actually have a terrible relationship with my sister. We hardly speak to each other, and when we do, it’s arguments about this and that. It’s so funny, because we are so similar. I came back to show her that I’m much better than she is.”


This next mission is from Season 2. It is basically to draw a picture within 10 straight lines and others have to guess. If guessed correctly 50 points are added. There are 2 rounds, so it’s 100 points. But we have to wait for someone first.

Diana: “You’re evil! I just know it!”
Kirby: “You came here just to pick a fight? Well, I’m not giving in that easily, b****!”

Jonathan: “Hey there ma’am. Care to play shuffleboard with me?”
Katrina: “I’d like to, but I should go off now.”
Jonathan: “See you later, fine ma’am. Oh great, it went into the gutter.”

Katrina: “How are you doing with swaying Diana?”
Apollo: “I don’t like it. Do I have to do it?”
Katrina: “Prove yourself useful to Kirby, Matthew and I. That you deserve to stay in our coalition. Sometimes in the world, you have to resort to tactics.”

Apollo: “I rather go write in my journal.”
Katrina: “Time is ticking.”

Egret: “Hi guys! I’m back!”
If nobody remembers her, she’s Egret Hendrique of Season 3. She’s the last Sim we've been waiting for.


Matthew: “Hey, pretty lady…”
Scarlett: “I’m the seductive one here, not you. Now go do the mission.”

Jonathan goes to draw.

Scarlett: “Okay, what is this? Time to recreate this thing.”
Matthew: “Hmm…oh, this must be what it represents! I’ll do a touch up.”
Kirby: “Okay, let me see…this is a valor trophy, am I right?”

The next round starts. It’s either all or nothing.

Egret: “This is so exciting…okay, this looks like…an hourglass?”
“That is so….wrong! Unfortunately, no points are added, so the pot remains at 320/780. This is not going well. Let’s show the real pictures and it’s transformation.”

I dont have the picture, but it was supposed to be a star (1st) and the Big Ben (2nd). The first drawer of the Big Ben apparently put EXE to mislead others.


Jonathan: “I can’t believe you totally wasted all our points like that!”
Diana: “Don’t blame me! I don’t know who Ben is!”
Jonathan: “The Big Ben is a clocktower, you idiot! My, you really are a dumb blonde. No wonder you couldn’t get a proper job.”

Diana: “How dare you! Why don’t you blame Matthew for being so extra?”

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