Wednesday 15 July 2015

20.06-There is clearly no trust in this tribe

Romeo: “Oh, it’s so hot. Fortunately I have this designer singlet. But I’ve been through worse. I can handle it. Go Romeo go!”

Eugene: “Tell me a little about yourself. I want to make friends.”
Luke: “How do I put it…Ain’t nobody got time for that!”
Eugene: “Oh no you didn’t!”
Hossan: “So you’re intimidated. That’s why you listened to me.”
Victor: “It was just misleading. Get out of my way.”
Hossan: “You can walk right through me, but you wouldn’t. I dare you to. But you wouldn’t, because you’re a chicken.”

Victor: “Uh-huh.”
Hossan: “But I do know you care for your family.”
Victor: “Yeah, yeah.”
Hossan: “Your niece, especially. I also heard a little scandal involving her.”

Victor: “Whatever. You know nothing.”
Hossan: “Oh? No need to turn your back on me, Victor. I can sense your anger. I’ve hit the nail on the head, haven’t I?”
Victor: “Bye.”
Hossan: “You aren’t going anywhere. I’ve got this big log here to make sure of it.”
Victor: “OW!”

Hossan: “Be glad I only knocked you unconscious. Maybe when you wake up, you’ll be more open.”

Back at Tribe Vol…

Norma: “I shouldn’t have worn this outerwear! I’m burning up! Now my clothes are ruined!”

Norma: “Why didn’t anyone help me…”


Norma: “Well, burn again, fire! I dare you to! I dare you to burn all my clothes!”
“Are you okay? Why do you look like you’re going to eat someone?”
Norma: “Oh, I do. You look mighty tasty.”
“Forget I ever asked. Everyone gather by the fire pit! Immediately! QUICK!”


“Alright, phew. It’s time to execute one of you again.”
Casey: “I bet the Mole is the reason this tribe is falling.”
Rory: “Please don’t pick me! I need the money!”
Norma: “I dare you all to nominate me. I DARE YOU!”
“Uh, time to go nominate.”

Rory: “I can’t nominate myself, and I’m not going to send the leader off to her death, so I pick Casey and Kiki.”

Kiki: “This man’s not returning my advances, so say goodbye Rory! And Norma, I don’t see why I should listen to her. She became self-appointed leader and look! We’re going to lose again.”

Casey: “I will nominate Rory because I don’t think he’s going to help us win and Norma because she’s taking things into her own hands. Where’s the teamwork?”

Norma: “Rory and Kiki are just here for fun. They will be a burden.”

“The tally is finished. The ones taking the quiz are Norma Mellow…”
Norma: “Screw you all!”

“…Kiki Springer…”
Kiki: “Again? I’m taking the quiz like, every time!”

“…and Rory Sim.”
Rory: “Oh come on!”
Casey: “I am safe? Phew!”

“Rory-3 votes
Kiki-2 votes
Casey-1 vote
Nomra-2 votes.”



Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Has the Mole taken a quiz before?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: Has the Mole earned an exemption?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: In Mission 3, who was the Mole with?
A: Casey Eughberton
B: Victor Pluck
C: Romeo Rake

Q5: In Mission 3, did the Mole guess or give a statement?
A: Guess
B: Give

Q6: In Mission 3, how many statements did the Mole guess correctly?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
E: The Mole was not a guesser

Q7: In Mission 3, how long did the Mole take to guess?
A: 26s
B: 30s
C: 45s
D: The Mole did not guess

Q8: In Mission 3, in which order did the Mole give a statement in his/her group?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: The Mole was a guesser

Q9: In Mission 3, was the Mole’s statement true or false?
A: True
B: False
C: The Mole was a guesser

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Casey Eughberton
B: Norma Mellow
C: Rory Sim
D: Kiki Springer
E: Hossan Ghoti
F: Nancy Harvard
G: Ernest Lee
H: Uma Phile
I: Victor Pluck
J: Romeo Rake
K: Luke Sands
L: Eugene Sassy


“One of you will be leaving now. Let us do this the old fashioned way. Norma Mellow.”

Norma: “WHAT!?”
“You are…safe!”
Norma: “Oh you better be glad I’m safe…sorry, must be epilepsy or something. I’m just normal, la la la la la…”

“Either Kiki Springer or Rory Sim will be executed tonight. Who will it be? Rory Sim.”
Rory: “It’s not me right?”

“You are…not…executed!”
Rory: “All right! What a relief!”

“That means that Kiki Springer is leaving us.”
Kiki: “Ah shucks.”

“Sorry Kiki, but you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”

Kiki: “I was hoping to be able to make it to the merge to get some guys but I guess it’s just not meant to be.”

Rory: “Well, clearly all of you voted for me, and I’m still here, so too bad!”
Norma: “Stay there. We clearly need to hatch a plan. Whether the Mole really is in here, we need to stick together and beat the other team! We can’t keep let them winning! Who’s with me!”

Casey: “I’m a practical woman. Talk to me when you see results. I’m going to go clean or something.”
Rory: “Well, there clearly is no trust in this tribe. That’s our biggest weakness.”

With only three in Tribe Vol, can they make a comeback?

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