Wednesday, 22 July 2015

20.09-You talk too much

Previously on the Smole, the 11 contestants went to do a mission where they had to perform an action related to a party simulatenously while trying to avoid doing the same action as the representative from the other tribe. In the end, Tribe Vol won the exemption and 60/80, or 160/360 points. The tables had turned with Victor, Eugene and Luke being voted to take the quiz, and Eugene being the one to go. Who will go next? From which tribe?


Romeo: “Are you serious? You want to rob a deserted island? How’d you even get here?”

Twyla: “I’m not going to give anything back to you but I’ll give you the obligatory fight since you spotted me and risk destroying the loot called an ancient useless computer I stole!”
Romeo: “You talk too much.”

Romeo: “No! How could I, a triple agent, lose to a lousy noob robber?”


Hossan: “I’m hungry, so I’ll light the bonfire. Kay, now what? Well, guess it’s to the fridge.”

Hossan: “You can cook? Real men don’t cook!”
Luke: “It’s the 21st century, when did you die and lose your brain? And I can’t cook. There’s just no more food in the fridge.”
Hossan: “You can’t cook? Hypocrite. Pretentious.”
Luke: “You’re just going to find every opportunity to insult me, aren’t you?”

Uma: “I must look like a mess. I hate mornings. Ugh. The sunlight.”

Romeo: “And then I went pow, and she went aah, and I went ‘take that’, and she went ‘no’!”

Victor: “So did you apprehend the burglar?”
Romeo: “No.”
Victor: “Then why are you wasting my time? Right now that’s not our business anyway. We must recoup our losses and win again!”
Romeo: “You’ve got to relax a little, Victor. You’re too stressed.”
Victor: “Get your hand off my shoulder.”

Victor: “Am I bitter? Of course! I lost last season. I was so close and I lost! It would have been alright if I lost by a lot, but by such a small margin! I could’ve won instead of Heather! But maybe I am too stressed. I’m trying to uphold a reputation here. And maybe I’ve been a little touchy. Too subsumed into winning.”


Luke: “Oh at last. Hey, it didn’t turn out half bad!”

Hossan: “I bet you won’t dare touch fire.”
Uma: “Is that a challenge? Bring it on. I love fires. I’ll touch them. Just watch.”

Hossan: “Why was she actually willing?”

Nancy: “Tell me Hossan, honestly. DO I have eyebags?”
Hossan: “Ugh, no, you’re too ugly for my eyes.”
Nancy: “That bad?”
Romeo: “Nancy! Is that bad ghost bullying you?”
Nancy: “No…”
Romeo: “Okay, I’ll take my leave then.”

Hossan: “You’re just a princess girl who needs support from others! You’re just a big baby! Go on, cry mommy!”
Nancy: “What? No I’m not!”
Hossan: “Prove it to me. Don’t hang out with Romeo ever again.”


Ernest: “Oh my! Luke! You’re burnt! Did you bring sunblock?”
Luke: “No, because someone here didn’t tell any of us that we’re spending most of our days outside IN THE GLARING SUN.”

Over at Tribe Vol…

Casey: “Hey Norma, let’s play Frisbee.”
Norma: “I’m a normal person, I’m a normal person…yes, of course! Because I’m normal! And not slowly turning into a savage cannibalistic beast!”
Casey: “Er…okay. Catch! Wow, you nearly bent the Frisbee. Now throw it back to me! Whoops!”


Mission time. This is a replay of Season 19’s mission. 10 contestants have to nominate one contestant to play each round, which will be made known to them beforehand this time. The two most nominated ones will have to play that round. If the sabotaged contestants complete the task successfully, they return to their seats and can eliminate instantly one of the remaining players. If they fail, they will be eliminated. The one that wins ultimately wins the exemption for the tribe. For every unsuccessful task, 10 points are earned. This is worth 100 points.

This is the first round. Whoever successfully completes 3 pullups consecutively will complete the task successfully. Once you fall, you fail.

“Please write down who you want to nominate to complete the task. Okay, good. Here are the nominations:

Romeo nominates Norma.

Hossan nominates Nancy

Rory nominates Casey

Luke nominates Nancy

Ernest nominates Norma

Nancy nominates Rory

Norma nominates Hossan

Victor nominates Norma

Casey nominates Victor

Uma nominates Nancy.”

Romeo: “I believe an average person like Norma can’t win.”

Casey: “Victor seems all book smarts to me.”

Uma: “I want to see I that girl Nancy can do this.”
Norma: “Can ghosts even do pullups?”

“The most voted for are Norma and Nancy. Please step up to do the task.”
Nancy: “They shall pay. I am Cheer Captain for crying out loud!”


Norma: “Ooh, beautiful view.”
Nancy: “Alright, here goes nothing…”

Nancy: “Aah! No!”
Nancy has fallen and failed! Can Norma win?

Norma: “Noooooo!”

Both have failed, but at least 20 points are earned.

Victor: “I was thinking, if we want to ensure victory, we must eliminate Tribe Vol. It’s not difficult actually, since there’s only 3 of them. Norma’s already out along with Nancy. I think we can win this one. Go Tribe Siaokee!”

The second challenge is to play kicky bag. If contestants can keep it in the air for 30 minutes without touching the floor, they are successful.

“Who will you nominate for this?”

Victor: “Casey doesn’t seem like she can do this. She’s a housewife, not a soccer player.”

Casey: “Ernest may try too hard. I don’t think he can do it.”

The votes:

Romeo nominates Casey

Hossan nominates Casey

Rory nominates Romeo

Luke nominates Uma

Ernest nominates Hossan

Victor nominates Casey

Casey nominates Ernest

Uma nominates Ernest.

Casey and Ernest are to do the next challenge.

Luke: “It’s so hot! I’m already sunburnt! I forfeit!”

“Take your places…”


Will either of them be able to complete the challenge?


Casey: “Oh no!”
“4 minutes!”

And Ernest follows behind with 5 minutes. Both have failed but another 20 points are added.

Romeo: “Okay, I’m sweating like a dog now. I quit too.”

The third challenge is to read a random book from the shelf and finish within two hours.

Hossan: “Rory can’t sit still I bet.”

Rory: “Uma will probably burn the book first.”

The votes:

Hossan nominates Rory

Rory nominates Uma

Victor nominates Rory

Uma nominates Rory

Uma and Rory are chosen to do the challenge.

Casey: “So you’re telling me there was a burglary at your camp? Scandalous!”
Norma: “Hey guys! Fine, ignore me.”

“Your time starts…now!”

This fourth challenge will have to be forfeited since both Romeo and Luke forfeited.



It’s been 2 hours. Let’s see if any of them succeeded.

Uma failed. How about Rory?

Unfortunately, while Rory was faster, he still failed. Another 20 points though!

Victor and Hossan will have to do the last challenge. They must find the correct teddy bear. A purple and blue one with wings. They must do so within 1 hour to succeed. Since there is only one teddy bear, 20 points and an exemption will be awarded to the one that found it.

“On your marks, get set…”


Hossan: “Ugh, I hate cuteness.”
Victor: “Hmm, let me check. Not this one.”

Victor: “It’s blue but doesn’t have wings…say, Hossan is blue and purple and can fly, like what wings can do…is this a clue?”

Victor: “Maybe it’s on that side. I can’t let him win. This is a matter of pride! Though there’s not much pride to be won holding teddy bears.”

Hossan: “I see great minds think alike.”

Hossan: “F you all teddy bears!”

Victor: “Teddy, oh teddy…”

Hossan: “F***! I want to just throw you and strangle you and drown you! When I find you, you better watch out…”

Victor: “How about this one…oh, it’s not.”

Can any of time succeed? Half an hour has passed…


Hossan: “This is a stupid challenge.”

Hossan: “Is it you? I can’t see when it’s so dark…yes, yes it is! Oh, you made me suffer so much, teddy, you will get it from me…”
“The challenge is over!”

Victor: “What?”
“20 points are added and Hossan wins the exemption for Tribe Siaokee! 80/100 points have been earned, making the pot 240/460 points!”

Victor: “How could I have missed it?”

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