Sunday, 3 February 2019

42.17-Too blind

Last time on the Smole, the contestants had to pretend to be mannequins for the mission, of which 75/150 points were brought in. No exemptions were earned thanks to Irene who unfortunately ended up being the Moles' next victim. The pot has 509/1240 points but there are only two missions left to fill it up. Will the Moles prevail this season?

Rome: "What went wrong? When Jamaica and Roger left I thought it was their fault but now Irene too. It's probably because of her tactics. Her conservative strategy has left her hanging by a thread multiple times. However, I think I should really think long and hard about whether I've been too blind to realise I've also been just scraping by."


Alvin: "Knock knock. What are you thinking about?"
Rome: "A couple of things. What are you doing here? Came to form a coalition with me?"

Alvin: "Nice try. I'm not going to fall into your trap. I made it this far on my own. I don't want your cursed luck with coalitions to jinx me."

Rome: "Do you think that coming here was a mistake?"

Alvin: "Of course not. I'm glad to have come here. We're so close to the end. We only have two more missions. Don't forget that this season ends with a final four. You better not be thinking of quitting."

Rome: "I'm not. I just wonder if I should've focused my efforts on preparing for the next election and campaigning. There's still over a year to go but I can't start too late. I may be jeopardising my chances by not being present enough back at home."

Rome: "I think I'm the perfect candidate. I have so many things I want to change about New Zealand. It's a great place but it could be so much more. But even though I'm officially a citizen, everyone still sees me as a foreigner from Italy."

Alvin: "I know how it feels to be outcasted. For me, there was my benefactor who helped me pull through and endure those tough days. So I'm going to pay it forward. Know that I'll be there to support you. Just don't cry in front of me. You're a grown man."
Rome: "I'm so touched to hear that. Thank you so much Alvin. That means a lot to me to hear."

Alvin: "Hank, I hope you're watching this...or maybe you shouldn't. You'd be grossed out by what I have to say and it's gonna be so embarrassing if you hear it...but I think I should still say it. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I'm doing fine right now. I've got my own job and am standing on my own two feet. I haven't gotten into any trouble and I've tried to keep myself in check. Fuck, I'm in a reality show right now and made it to the final five. I'm working hard to build my life together again and reconnect with my lost son. And now, I'm helping those who need a little push, just like how you helped me before. I hope you're proud because I am, knowing that I've come so far since I first went in."


Contestants will visit Pleasant View Park for the next mission. There are five stages to complete within 15 minutes. If they fail in a certain stage, they must re-do the previous stage (if any). If all stages are completed by the 15th minute, 100 points will be theirs.

From the lounge area, contestants will head to their first stage. One contestant must finish a group's portion of crepes.

Once done, the contestant at the next stage can start to play hopscotch. Within three tries, he or she must throw stones such that they land on numbers that add up to at least 10.

When that is completed, the contestant at the gazebo has to dribble a soccer ball for 10 seconds without dropping it once. This contestant gets one chance to fail.

The next stage is back down the gazebo. One contestant must shoot 10 hoops. This contestant only has one try and can only shoot hoops 15 times, meaning he only has a margin of 5 misses.

The last stage is behind the restroom. The last contestant must hit a bullseye within two tries. Complete this in time and the 100 points goes into the pot. If they failed to complete any of the stages, no points are earned.

Harriet: "We could decide on who takes which stage. Penny claims to have the best aim based on the hot air balloon mission. Rome and Alvin disagreed but Dexter and I were fine with it, so by a majority vote she gets the last stage. I should be offended they wanted me to take the first stage because of my size but I am not a physical woman so I am left with little choice. Dexter gets the second stage because he is the least fit among the three men. Alvin is more outdoorsy and plays soccer more than Rome, so he takes the third stage and so Rome has the fourth stage."


"Your time begins..."


Harriet is at the first stage.

Harriet: "Mm..."

Harriet: "This is quite delicious."

Dexter: "Why is she taking so long?"

Harriet: "I have about 3 minutes to complete this. I'm eating too quickly."

Harriet: "My plate is empty."

Harriet has completed her stage. It is time for Dexter to complete his.

Dexter: "On average I need to land on 3s and 4s."

Dexter: "The last time I saw a hopscotch court was in primary school."

Dexter: "Shit."

Dexter: "That means this turn doesn't count."

Dexter: "I have 2 turns to make it to 10. It shouldn't be too hard."

Dexter: "I'm bad with spatial estimation so I don't dare to throw too far."

Dexter: "Darn it!"

Dexter: "I touched that square by accident."

Dexter: "Sorry Harriet. You have to redo your stage."

Harriet: "What? Dexter can't even play hopscotch?"

Harriet: "I should not have eaten breakfast."

Dexter: "Come on Harriet!"

Harriet: "Easy for him to say. He's not the one eating a second large portion."

Harriet: "I'm done. Again."

Dexter: "Alright. No time to waste."

Dexter: "Here I go."

Dexter: "Damn it!"

Dexter: "That's 3."

Dexter: "Fantastic. I'm just short of 1."

Dexter: "Sorry Harriet. I couldn't make it again."

Harriet: "I am not a pig."

Harriet: "I want to see exactly how he's doing this."

Harriet: "I am going to explode."

Harriet: "Burp! Finished."

Dexter: "We've wasted too much time here."

Dexter: "Almost there. I just need 1 more."

Dexter: "I have a total of 12."

Dexter: "I finally did it."

The team has progressed on to the third stage. Will Alvin get stuck here?

Alvin: "I need to get into the groove of it."

Alvin: "1...2..."

Alvin: "Keep focused..."

Alvin: "Nearly dropped it."

"10 seconds is up."
Alvin: "Nice. Rome! Your go!"

Random glitch.

The group is progressing really quickly.

Rome: "I shouldn't be too hasty."

Rome: "But I can't be too slow either."

Rome: "That's one."

Rome: "Another one!"

Penny: "What's taking him so long? Almost 10 minutes have passed. Hurry up Rome!"

Rome: "I didn't make it. I only landed 4 hoops. It's back to Alvin."

Alvin: "Maybe I should have switched with him."

Alvin: "Lucky my stage is the fastest with only 10 seconds."

Alvin: "Fuck."

Alvin: "Dropped the ball."

Alvin: "I need to control it."

Alvin: "Fuck!"

Dexter: "Back to me?"

Dexter: "Here goes nothing."

Dexter: "Oh no!"

Dexter: "Why do I keep doing this?"

Dexter: "Slow and steady."

Dexter: "I just need to complete this..."

Dexter: "Darn it."

Dexter: "I'm so sorry Harriet. You are going to have to eat another plate."

Harriet: "I wish I could say I was surprised."

Dexter: "I don't know how you managed to eat so much."
Harriet: "I can't."

Harriet: "I can't take another mouthful."

Dexter: "You can do it. Just chew and swallow."
Harriet: "Easy for you to say. You're not the one last."

Dexter: "Come on."

Dexter: "I think I stepped on something."

Dexter: "This should be easier than it is."

Dexter: "So, so sorry."

Harriet: "One more bite.."

Harriet: "Just one more bite..."

Harriet: "I don't think we will even make it to the last stage."

Dexter: "Maybe it's the shoes and pants."

Dexter: "Be careful."

Dexter: "I think my problem was that I was too anxious to advance. I've completed this stage at last. Alvin, it's your turn!"

Alvin: "Concentrate."

Alvin: "And don't drop the ball all the way down. I don't want to have to go down to pick it up."

"10 seconds have passed."
Alvin: "Rome, over to you!"

Rome: "Come on..."

Rome: "So close."

Rome: "I should play more arcade games in the future."

Rome: "I just need 4 more shots..."

Rome: "My last shot."

Rome: "I was just short of 3 shots."

Rome: "I was so close."

Rome: "This is beginning to annoy me."

Alvin: "I'm getting the hang of this."

Alvin: "Maybe I should have been a footballer."

Alvin: "Don't screw up again, Rome."

Rome: "I don't have a lot of time left."

Penny: "Hurry up. I haven't even touched the arrow once."
Rome: "Focus, focus!"

Rome: "My hands are shaking. I really feel the pressure."

Rome: "Come on..."

Rome: "No!"

Rome: "It bounced out."

"Time is up."
Rome: "No!"

Rome: "Sigh."

Rome: "I feel like I've let everyone down."

Dexter: "We managed to stop one Mole but not the other."

The pot remains at 509 but the Mole's stash grows by 100 points. Who are the Moles?

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