Previously the finalists thought they were treated to a day of relaxation, unaware that they were involved in the final mission. Rome, Harriet and Penny's willpower got them 120/160 points, with Dexter being the only one to give in to temptation. There are currently 629/1500 points in the pot. However, the amount is not finalised as the finalists have a chance to change that through the quizzes. After they take the final quiz, everything will be made known: the winner, the runner-up and the two Moles. Who are the Moles?
Harriet: "The mission felt prophetic. Man is oft led by desires and many unfortunate things happen because he succumbs to temptation. It is preventable for we know what we are tempted by yet they still happen. Dexter told me he know what happened between me and Alvin and he chose to take the easy route by believing him. I am not too bothered by this because I knew it would come. I just wish Dexter had more resolve to do the right thing and see the truth."
As the finale approaches, some refresh...
...some review...
...some recharge...
...and some relax.
The finalists are here to take the final quiz.
20 questions about the identities of the Moles.
Whoever knows the most will win this game.
"You may begin."
Q1: Are the Moles male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: What are the Moles' ages?
A: 30
B: 31
C: 32
D: 40
Q3: What are the Moles' occupations?
A: Historian
B: Archaeologist
C: Politician
D: Fortune teller
Q4: Which singer sings the Moles' favourite songs?
A: Bruno Mars
B: Hozier
C: Charlie Puth
D: Meghan Trainor
Q5: What colour are the Moles' hair?
A: Black
B: Brown
C: Red
Dexter: "I made a bold move in the previous quiz. I changed my suspects from Alvin and Rome to Harriet and Penny. And I survived it. This leads me to think that I'm on the correct path."
Q6: In Mission 1, which languages were the Moles' words in?
A: Filipino
B: Korean
C: Vietnamese
D: Afrikaans
Q7: Which were the first tortures the Moles were a part of in Mission 2?
A: Feather-tickling
B: Laughing gas
Q8: Pick all the words the Moles answered in Mission 5.
A: Chauffeur
B: Soliloquy
C: Metamorphosis
D: Perennial
D: Perennial
E: Pestilential
F: Ferrule
G: Anfractuous
H: Troglodyte
I: Requiem
J: Metonymy
K: Epipodial
L: Trypaniosomasis
M: Scherenschnitte
N: One or both Moles did not answer any words
Q9: Whose mannequin did the Moles first inspect in Mission 8?
A: Irene Fletcher's
B: Harriet Sybil La'Fontaine's
C: Penny St. Anniel's
D: Rome Auckland's
Q10: In Mission 9, who was seated to the Moles' left at the start point?
A: Dexter Umbreekt
B: Alvin Valin
C: Penny St. Anniel
D: Nobody
Rome: "Since the start I had locked on to Harriet and Penny. However, the execution of all my coalition members and the little tidbits of information I gather here and there made me reconsider my decision. Alvin gave me information about Harriet, so he is likely to suspect her. Irene told me she only had Dexter and she made it to the final six. Hence I think the Moles are actually Harriet and Dexter."
Q11: In Mission 10, which car were the Moles in?
A: Brown car
B: Blue car
Q12: In Mission 10, did the Moles drive?
A: Yes
B: No
Q13: Which amenities did the Moles pick in Mission 10?
A: Sauna
B: Massage
C: Hot tub
D: Bar
Q13: Did the Moles earn points in Mission 10?
A: Yes
B: No
Q15: At the end of Mission 10, what were the Moles wearing?
A: Everyday wear
B: Swimwear
Harriet: "I had known who the Moles are all along. It is obvious once you look back. The Moles are Rome and Penny."
Q16: Who did the Moles face when they were seated at the end of Mission 10?
A: Dexter Umbreekt
B: Penny St. Anniel
C: The cameras
Q17: After Mission 10, during the hike down who was initially in front of each Mole?
A: Penny St. Anniel
B: Rome Auckland
C: Dexter Umbreekt
D: Nobody
Q18: In which missions did the Moles earn exemptions?
A: Mission 1
B: Mission 3
C: Mission 4
D: Mission 5
E: Mission 6
F: Mission 7
Q19: What do the Moles like to eat?
A: Frog legs
B: Cherries
C: Chocolate mousse
D: Venison
Q20: Who are the Moles?
A: Dexter Umbreekt
B: Penny St. Anniel
C: Rome Auckland
D: Harriet Sybil La'Fontaine
Penny: "I don't waste questions in quizzes answering what I feel isn't right just to play safe, which means that if I'm here I was correct the whole time. The Moles are Dexter and Rome. It has to be them."
One month later, the contestants are gathered at The Hot Spot for a reunion and a reveal. In a short while they will learn who the winner is and more importantly who the Moles are.
Charlene: "It's so great to see everyone again. You won't mind if I sit here right?"
Jamaica: "This seat is reserved just for you. I'm Jamaica. What's yours?"
Charlene: "Really? It's only been a month."
Jessica: "Oh Roger dear, it's been so long. I missed you."
Roger: "You do? I miss you too."
Irene: "I didn't realise friendship was so sappy."
Jessica: "Roger hun..."
Roger: "Jessica..."
Irene: "Is nobody going to welcome me? Roger, are we not friends? Why aren't you greeting me like you're greeting her?"
Irene: "My company has released a new line of products inspired by my time on the Smole..."
Jessica: "Who invited her here?"
Alvin: "Did you manage to find out why your father cheated?"
Austin: "At first he wouldn't tell me but I managed to convince him that I was an adult now and can handle the truth. I feel relieved I guess. I finally have some closure. I heard you made it really far."
Alvin: "Heh. I did some searching of my own after I was executed. Still no luck yet but at least my manager is really happy to have me as an employee. I've boosted business at the restaurant."
Duane: "You suck bro."
Dwight: "No, you suck."
Duane: "Hey, that's a low blow. We don't talk about that night. That was just purely business."
Duane: "If only Don was here..."
Dwight: "We vowed never to bring it up again. It's over. He's dead. We have to move on."
Jamaica: "Wanna come over to my place tonight?"
Charlene: "Ew, just ew. Let's change topic now. Chelsea, I heard you quit. How are things at home now? Are they better?"
Chelsea: "It could be worse. We held a funeral for him, the kids and his band. I was touched by the overwhelming support from his fans. The turnout at the funeral was great. I just wish he knew that and didn't let his mind take over that night...I promised to think happy things and move on. My children encouraged me to come back. A short while shouldn't hurt. I'm so proud of them. They've really grown up."
Austin: "Guys, it's starting!"
"Thank you for coming to the finale. A month ago we left off with four finalists and a lot of question marks over our head. The answers will be revealed shortly. But first, let us welcome our four finalists!"
Rome: "I've been waiting for this day for so long."
Harriet: "Yes, this is exactly how I envisioned it."
Penny: "I forgot how nice this place is. Too bad I had to pay for my own flight."
"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for our finalists: Dexter Umbreekt, Harriet Sybil La'Fontaine, Rome Auckland and Penny St. Anniel!"
Roger: "Good job guys!"
Alvin: "Woo!"
Austin: "Hurray!"
Charlene: "Yay!"
"How does it feel to be part of the final four?"
Dexter: "It's amazing. Even though I know everything now, it's sometimes hard to believe that I'm in the finale. Sometimes I wake up at night thinking, wow, I made it to the final four."
Harriet: "It is as I foretold. I knew I would survive in the finale because I knew all the answers from the start."
Rome: "You think you're sure but you're never quite sure enough. That's the kind of fear that I lived with during the Smole. When I caught that fish, I was ecstatic. I had picked the right Moles."
Penny: "My favourite part about it was being able to enjoy an all-expense trip to the max. I'm glad I stayed long enough for the final mission."
"I'm sure everyone created fond memories of Sunlit Tides and the season. However, those at the back are getting restless and the four of you can't wait to spill the beans. So without further ado, let us return to that fateful night--the night of the final quiz."
The contestants have taken their last quiz of the season. What's done is done. No changing things. No going back.
"Tonight, you will get all the answers you want. One candle will be snuffed out. This contestant is unable to claim the prize."
"Penny St. Anniel. You are not a Mole, neither are you the winner. You are the runner-up of this season."
Penny: "No! That's not what I want to hear."
Penny: "I made it so far with only one goal in mind: the money. All the titles and recognition are useless to me without it. I can't believe that I got so far and was just about to touch the money...ugh, worst night ever."
Roger: "Gasp!"
Irene: "Oh my gosh! Penny isn't the Mole? I was tricked by Rome!"
Roger: "Rome convinced me that she was one of the Moles. We were both wrong."
"Penny is our runner-up this season. A penny for your thoughts?"
Penny: "Ha ha. Very punny. At least I don't have to hide things any more. I was gutted that I lost out on the money but it's not too bad. I did get a free trip out of this and enjoyed everything that you guys had to offer. I thought that the Moles were Dexter and Rome. Yeah, I suspected my coalition partner Dexter. That's one reason why I was so unwilling to give him info because I didn't want to accidentally let him know I didn't fully trust him. I still should have won though."
"It is indeed a pity; we thought that you were going to win too. Who did you lose out to? Were your suspicions correct? Let's find out."
"Penny is not the Mole. However, two of you are. Who are the Moles? In a moment, all your candles will be extinguished. If it lights up, you are one of this season's Moles. Who is a Mole?"
"Is it the mysterious Harriet Sybil La'Fontaine?"
"Is it the ever-friendly Rome Auckland?"
"Or is it the reserved Dexter Umbreekt?"
Penny: "What the hell?"
Penny: "Harriet's the Mole? I should have stuck with her."
Harriet: "I am one of your Moles this season. Did you catch me?"
"Harriet Sybil La'Fontaine is a Mole."
Charlene: "Oh my goodness!"
Chelsea: "I wasn't ready for that."
Jamaica: "I don't get it. What's going on? Why am I here?"
Alvin: "I knew it! I knew she was the Mole."
Austin: "I can't remember if I thought it was her. I listed too many suspects to remember."
Roger: "At least he was right about one Mole."
Irene: "Who is the other one?"
Jessica: "I should have known she was not to be trusted."
Duane: "What the fuck? I thought she was just some weird lady."
Duane: "I can't believe you're the fucking Mole."
Dwight: "And there you were telling me that she was too obvious to be the Mole."
Duane: "You fucking suck as the Mole. Which Mole makes themselves look so suspicious in the first mission?"
Dwight: "Get a grip of yourself. Don't embarrass yourself."
"Harriet, you have been outed as one of the Moles. Anything to say?"
Harriet: "Plenty but I'll keep it short. I enjoyed being the Mole as I could be all-knowing. I had a deal with the other Mole which you'll see later on how we wanted to work together to fool the rest. I was willing to be the sacrifice in short. We didn't always agree and things didn't always go to plan but it was a good run. I liked being able to stay to the end regardless of how many fingers were pointed at me."
"You were a wonderful Mole. There are only two men left whose roles remain unknown: one is the winner and the other, the Mole. Who is who?"
"Two men left. It's time to see whose light will turn on next."
Chelsea: "I'm afraid I don't understand. What does this mean?"
"Rome, say it clearly for those at the back: are you the Mole or the winner?"
Rome: "I'm the winner of the season!"
Charlene: "Woo! You go man!"
Chelsea: "Congrats."
Austin: "Good job!"
Jamaica: "Woohoo!"
Jessica: "Oh my! What a surprising day."
Roger: "At least you're not the Mole."
Irene: "I was mistaken the whole time? Rome is innocent?"
Roger: "That means Dexter is the other Mole."
Jessica: "Oh my! Roger, you're right!"
Irene: "I was right! Rome tried to convince me it wasn't him. He wanted to get rid of his competitors. That scheming jerk."
Charlene: "I always knew you had it in you, Rome. Congratulations. You deserve to win."
Alvin: "I somehow overlooked Dexter. But good job to you Rome. You did it."
"Rome, you claim the 629 points in the pot. Harriet's name was put down as the Mole 37 times while Dexter's was seen 18 times, so that's an additional 55 points for you. Congratulations Rome. You win 684,000 Simoleons!"
Rome: "I am thankful to all those who supported me. I really thought it was Harriet and Penny for so long, so I'm sorry for misleading all my coalition buddies. It was Irene's execution which made me think about it again and try to deduce who the two Moles are. I was worried that I was wrong and Penny was indeed the Mole the whole time but I'm glad she isn't 'cause baby I just won 684 grand! Rest assured I'll use the money wisely. I'm giving all of you a share!"
"That's very generous of you. I'm sure everyone is happy to hear that. Let's continue watching the rest of the night, shall we?"
"Rome, are you a Mole?"
Rome: "Not me. I'm the winner!"
Harriet: "Congratulations Rome. I always knew you would win. After all, I know everything."
"Let's not forget about our last Mole, Dexter Umbreekt!"
Dexter: "Hi guys. I am the last Mole you are looking for. How many of you got it right?"
"Let us give a round of applause to our other Mole: Dexter Umbreekt! Dexter, share with us your thoughts and experiences."
Dexter: "I was a little unsure at first when I was chosen as one of the Moles. At least I had a partner to help me out this time, although we tried to make it look like we didn't work together. That's why we both chose the same room to make discussing strategies easier. I remember trying to study how Moles behave by watching all the past Moles and trying to learn from them while avoiding their mistakes. I think as time progressed I decided to just let nature take its course because every season is different so it is hard to prepare for it. One season's Mole may slip past that season's gang but another group may catch him right from the very first mission. To hear that I was suspected half the number of times Harriet was is comforting to me and I think our success was really a large part due to her sacrifices."
"Speaking of suspicions, we have some data to show all of you. This is the number of times each of your names was listed as an answer to the question 'Who are the Moles'. While Harriet couldn't fool everyone, Rome was an up-and-coming decoy."
"We also want to show you the cumulative scores this season. As you can see, it was a very close match between Roger, Irene and Alvin, and at one point in time Rome too. Penny was taking the lead as the highest scorer all the way. She had all three finalists as her Moles in the first quiz and in one quiz even put just the two of them down. Unfortunately, she was thrown off-scent and began to lose sight of one of the Moles. However, Rome was slowly rising and managed to beat Penny from the 8th quiz and later clinch the grand prize."
"Here is a table of the number of times each contestant was suspected for each quiz for your perusal."
"This is a race between the tortoise and the hare. And again as the old adage goes, slow and steady wins the race. However, our Moles were also hard at work. Let us watch a clip on their journey as the Moles."
Harriet: "Dexter, we are the Moles. How do you feel about that?"
Dexter: "Honestly? A little bit nervous."
Harriet: "I have it all covered. Let's tell the viewers our master plan."
Harriet: "Since there are two of us, Dexter and I have decided that I would be so blatantly obvious while Dexter will hide in the shadows. That way, only one of us would ever be suspected."
Harriet: "That's why you can see that I was more blatant."
Dexter: "Whereas I was more subtle in my sabotages."
Harriet: "I found it funny that in the first mission we were already working together by complete chance. We were whispering to each other what to do."
Dexter: "This isn't good. We shouldn't be seen together."
Harriet: "We have to make do. I'll get my answer wrong."
Dexter: "I'll try really hard but get it wrong too."
Dexter: "Yes!"
"What is sáp in Simlish?"
Dexter: "What cards do we have left?"
Irene: "Sá there a 'sap'?"
Chelsea: "No.We have cards like 'war' and 'science'."
Rome: "Maybe it's 'war'. They're both three letters. Third time's the charm, right?"
Chelsea: "I don't think that's it."
Jessica: "Just go with it, darlin'. We haven't got all day."
Roger: "Yes. What she said."
Dexter: "War."
"That is incorrect. You took 3 minutes and 49 seconds."
Harriet: "I can predict the question...'what does wetenskap mean in Simlish?'"
"What does wetenskap mean in Simlish?"
Harriet: "The answer is 'face'."
"That is incorrect."
Harriet: "I was so close."
Dexter: "I deliberately chose not to collect all the cards. I wanted them to refer to the cards and get the wrong answer because I didn't see my card collected yet."
Dexter: "Oh, the tortures were a torture for us."
Harriet: "Really? All I had to do was to fail them. All it took was for one contestant in the group to fail. I was in the smallest group so that contestant would be me."
Dexter: "Fine. It was a torture for me. I say that because there are many tortures which would be hard to fake. Like the electric chair, which is why I wanted to get rid of it. Involuntary reflex actions like that are going to be hard to fake. Even if the producers tell us exactly when the shock will be administered, human error will cause me to be off-time."
Harriet: "When you put it that way...I'm glad you didn't pick my group to go through that."
Dexter: "Of course. We work together. I won't expose you just like that."
Harriet: "I'm too ticklish. I don't see myself completing this torture. I'm leaving."
Charlene: "I can't believe only Penny even stepped close to the pool."
Roger: "Yes. My sentiments exactly."
Dexter: "I'm so glad Jamaica was in our team. He helped us to lose. And although it did make us look suspicious because we were the only group to lose, I think everyone knew that it was Jamaica's fault."
Harriet: "I remember you trying to act really sorry. I think some of us were sympathetic which made Jamaica seem like the bad guy."
Dexter: "Thanks for helping to explain the situation a bit to the rest. If not I would be the sinner and not Jamaica."
Harriet: "I'm sure some already suspected you from there. That is why I want to be suspicious. So that at least the others can say, oh it's because of Harriet that the group was wrong."
Dexter: "After that failure all we needed to do was to work really hard to get the other two times correct. To make the error seem like an accident."
Harriet: "I have made my choices."
"Harriet, one or both of those singers are incorrect."
Harriet: "I wish I could say I was surprised."
Dexter: "In fact, Harriet told me not to sabotage."
Harriet: "I told Dexter to treat me as the Mole. He could throw me under the bus if necessary to cover himself."
Dexter: "But I felt it wasn't fair to her if she did all the dirty work. We are a team. I had to help her with the load once in a while, especially when I noticed the others trying to prevent you from sabotaging. Like when one of the contestants they wanted to find at sea was you or when you only got a chance to press the buzzer at the last question for the spelling bee."
Dexter: "In that boat mission I kept trying to stay hidden from view and swim away from the boat. It was a good chance for me to say that it's Duane and Chelsea's fault for not finding me."
Dexter: "I see the boat."
Dexter: "And now it's gone."
Dexter: "Can I get that in a sentence?"
"The sea breeze is often laden with PESTILENTIAL effluvia from the lagoons."
Dexter: "Can I get a definition?"
"PESTILENTIAL: Relating to or tending to cause infectious diseases."
Dexter: "PESTILENTIAL. P-E-S-T-I-L-L-E-N-T-I-A-L. Pestilential."
"That is incorrect. Please switch places with your partner."
Dexter: "Really? I was sure it was correct."
Dexter: "Troglodyte. T-R-O-G-L-O-D-I-T-E. Troglodyte."
"That is incorrect. Please switch places with your partner."
Dexter: "Not again."
Dexter: "Can I get its definition?"
"METONYMY: The substitution of the name of an attribute or adjunct for that of the thing meant."
Harriet: "He took things a bit too far in my opinion. He was throwing too much suspicion onto himself while I was slowly falling behind because I can't do anything."
Dexter: "A real contestant wants to look suspicious. I needed to dirty myself a little."
Dexter: "I had my own narrative for myself. I would be the guy who at first is a little lost and unsure but eventually gets the Moles. Well, one of them."
Harriet: "I think the reason why everyone chose to gave me the exemption during the hot air balloon mission was because I wouldn't need it. They knew I was the Mole."
Dexter: "I was so happy that I got the balloon with the most points."
Harriet: "The fact that you were the second furthest meant they trusted you. They were more okay with not popping your balloon. I was surprised that they decided to put me so far away though."
Dexter: "I think the archers wanted to let you win something so that they can try to throw the rest of us off. Like, oh that last one is so far away we can't hit it. Oh well at least Harriet gets something for us."
Harriet: "I think you went undetected for a very long time. I remember in the mission after that you ended up being the seeker."
Dexter: "You were the one who nominated me, remember?"
Harriet: "Oh yeah. I was trying to make you shine in a good way while testing how trusted you were among the group."
Dexter: "I took the chance to get rid of as many contestants as possible. Obviously I knew what everyone could be dressed as I couldn't go for those with only the points however so I had to try and hunt down Alvin. Unfortunately Irene somehow outran me and I ran out of time before I could eliminate Roger. Penny was really good at avoiding me though."
Dexter: "Oh...hi Harriet. Where are the rest?"
Harriet: "Listen carefully. Roger is the janitor. Alvin is the groundskeeper. I believe he is outside. Irene is an Indian tourist and Penny is a girl scout looking for donations. Rome is the magician who is by the kids' corner."
Dexter: "I see. Thank you. Now let's put on a show for the audience."
Dexter: "Excuse me, have you seen--"
Harriet: "Shh!"
Dexter: "Sorry. Have you--"
Harriet: "SHH!"
Dexter: "I have eliminated you, whoever you are."
"Rome has been eliminated."
Rome: "Darn."
Harriet: "No matter what though we refused to form a coalition because that would be too suspicious. Two contestants working together? They must be the two Moles!"
Dexter: "When Austin and Alvin formed one right off the bat I was so happy but then Austin left too early."
Harriet: "I can sense a strong life presence here. It must be emanating from both of you."
Harriet: "The presence still must mean that you are also real."
Harriet: "Let me adjust myself...ah!"
Harriet: "Yes, it is coming from you, Rome Auckland."
Dexter: "She's not moving. She must be a real mannequin."
Dexter: "Yes, you are the real Penny."
Dexter: "You don't dare to look me in the eye unlike the other one. That's why you're real."
Harriet: "I guess you can say we took turns in trying to be suspicious."
Dexter: "Not in the second-to-last mission though. Everyone was preoccupied with the last stage and didn't want the Moles undoing all their effort but they neglected the first few stages which we clinched."
Harriet: "I haven't chided you yet. What is with your multiple failures?"
Dexter: "To stall for time of course. And my coordination really isn't all that fantastic so I get random urges to put my feet down when there were two squares. Why else did I keep aiming for the spaces where both feet could be put down?"
Harriet: "You made me fat."
Dexter: "Sorry about that. I think I did take things too far."
Dexter: "I'm so sorry Harriet. You are going to have to eat another plate."
Dexter: "We were pinning the blame on each other. Harriet took her own sweet time to eat. She even chose to return to the start point to rest each time she was done so she kept walking back and forth which wasted more time."
Harriet: "I had to accuse you. You were being so suspicious something would be wrong if I didn't say anything. And I didn't realise I was eating quicker and quicker. I think by the third plate I was so fed up with Dexter stuffing me with crepes that I just wanted to get it over and done with. Force-feeding yourself isn't as easy as it looks."
Dexter: "At least we wasted A LOT of time."
Dexter: "Why is she taking so long?"
Harriet: "I should not have eaten breakfast."
Dexter: "Come on Harriet!"
Harriet: "Easy for him to say. He's not the one eating a second large portion."
Harriet: "I am not a pig."
Harriet: "I want to see exactly how he's doing this."
Harriet: "I am going to explode."
Harriet: "Burp! Finished."
Dexter: "I think my problem was that I was too anxious to advance. I've completed this stage at last. Alvin, it's your turn!"
Harriet: "We were finally at the last mission. We basically had to try and predict what Rome and Penny would fail in."
Dexter: "I thought Rome would give in to the massage but I guess he's as shy as me."
Harriet: "Penny was the hardest one to tempt. She's fine with getting dirty so the hot tub was out. She's definitely not the type to give a stranger BJ. I was hoping she'd pick the sauna but she said we already had one in the Smole house so she wanted to get her money's worth by taking the drinks. Maybe she'd get drunk by herself."
Dexter: "Unfortunately she needed to get drunk by the Hinata guy to fail. In the end I was the only one to fail but I thought mine was reasonable. Who would dare to stay in a dirty hot tub?"
Dexter: "I'm getting out of there."
Harriet: "Our overarching theme was to play good cop, bad cop but someone here didn't want to stick to the script."
Dexter: "Sorry. But hey, there are only 629 points in the pot. I think it worked out quite well."
Harriet: "Thankfully. Now we can only hope that the other two don't catch the both of us."
Dexter: "We'll find out in the finale."
"And we've come to our last segment: the clues. How many clues did you find this time?"
"The first clue lies in the appearances of both Moles. Dexter's hairstyle always coincides with a previous Mole's during the season whereas Harriet will wear earrings of the previous executed contestant's favourite colour for at least one episode after his/her execution."
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This hairstyle is Sylvester Lindon's. (Season 30) |
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This hairstyle is the same as Oliver Dean (Season 24) and Joe Abberg. (Season 29) |
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This hairstyle is identical to Timothy Foyer's. (Season 8) |
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This is William Fangmann's (Season 4) and Matthew Hamming's (Season 5) hairstyle. |
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Jessica's favourite colour is red. Harriet was seen wearing red earrings in Episode 4. |
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Austin likes green. In Episode 5 Harriet wore green earrings. |
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Harriet was seen changing her earrings to match Dwight's favourite colour (navy blue) in Episode 8. |
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In Episode 10, Harriet changed her earrings to Duane's favourite colour: black. |
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Charlene and Jamaica were executed next. Both of them loved yellow. In Episode 11, Harriet's earrings were a golden yellow. |
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Harriet was wearing green earrings in Episode 13 as the librarian. Chelsea's favourite colour is green. |
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In Episode 15, both Harriet and her mannequin wore brown earrings. Roger's favourite colour is brown. |
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Harriet's earrings were clearly blue in Episode 17. Irene's favourite colour is blue. |
"In Episode 1, each set of words corresponded to each of the two Moles.
For Harriet, many of her words are related to mysticism:
Wax(ing moon)
(Crystal) Ball
...or her name, La'Fontaine, which means 'fountain' in French:
...or her size:
For Dexter, a few words were related to how he was grounded by science, as well as being a reference to the cartoon Dexter's Laboratory:
(Lab) Rat
...while some referred to his job as a historian and its connotations (e.g. read a lot of history books/old):
...there is one word which talks about light. Dexter was introduced to what became his favourite theory by Harriet in Episode 14: The Theory of Light:
Dexter: "Oh my goodness, my brain is officially fried. I can't process any new information."
Harriet: "Maybe you should try reading a different book. You like history, right? Have you read this book about the Theory of Light? It's pretty interesting."
Dexter: "Oh, I've heard a bit about that but I don't buy it. The creation of the world sounds like fantasy from that viewpoint."
Harriet: "Just take a read. I think you'll be interested. I'm offering it to you for free."
"In Episode 5, several of the songs were the contestants' favourite songs. However, only the favourite songs of Harriet and Dexter played when they had to identify the singers' faces."
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Harriet's favourite song was Take Me To Church by Hozier. |
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Dexter's favourite song was Talking To The Moon by Bruno Mars. |
"In Episode 11, the archers had 70 arrows. This is the sum of the Moles' ages. Dexter is 30 and Harriet is 40."
"In Episode 17, the first stage involved eating crepes. Crepes are a French delicacy and Harriet's last name is French."
From the lounge area, contestants will head to their first stage. One contestant must finish a group's portion of crepes.
"The final few clues come from the last episode. When taking the final quiz, the right hands of the finalists could be seen moving (but the same could not be said for all their left hands). Dexter's name means 'right-handed' and right-handed people tend to use their right hand more."
"The quiz went from Q13 to Q13 to Q15. It skipped Q14 on purpose. Dexter's full name, Dexter Umbreekt, is 14 letters long."
Q11: In Mission 10, which car were the Moles in?
A: Brown car
B: Blue car
Q12: In Mission 10, did the Moles drive?
A: Yes
B: No
Q13: Which amenities did the Moles pick in Mission 10?
A: Sauna
B: Massage
C: Hot tub
D: Bar
Q13: Did the Moles earn points in Mission 10?
A: Yes
B: No
Q15: At the end of Mission 10, what were the Moles wearing?
A: Everyday wear
B: Swimwear
"Finally, the final quiz took place by a fountain. Harriet's surname is French for 'fountain'."
"Once again, let us give it up for all our finalists, and for all of you this season! This concludes the 42nd finale ceremony. We hope to see you all again soon."
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