Friday, 8 February 2019

42.18-The name of the game

In the last episode, the contestants had to complete various tasks within 15 minutes. Unfortunately, the group failed to make it past Rome's stage so no points were earned. The pot stayed at 509/1340 points but not all the contestants will stay. Who will be the last one to be executed? Who are the Moles?

Rome: "I let you guys down."
Alvin: "An apology isn't going to bring the points back to us."

Alvin: "Honestly, this is fucking pathetic. We can't work as a team."

Rome: "I thought you had my back."
Alvin: "I do unless you're the Mole."
Rome: "So you think I'm the Mole?"

Rome: "I screw up one time and everyone labels me as the sinner. I contribute to the pot so many times and nobody notices. Sometimes it feels like I'm not being appreciated around here."
Alvin: "It's just the name of the game. If you can't take the heat, you'll be leaving next."

Rome: "I'm disappointed in myself for getting stuck in the previous mission. As a leader, I should have taken more charge to ensure a better allocation of manpower. I get that everyone has a right to be angry with me but it doesn't make it any less painful when you're being attacked for failing. I can only hope that I will be more popular and serve the people well in the future if I am elected."


Harriet: "Hmm..."

Harriet: "Hmm..."

Rome: "What is it?"
Harriet: "Goodness me! This is not good."

Rome: "What do you mean? Will I be elected or not?"
Harriet: "I see a bleak future."

Harriet: "Just as the half-made bed is incomplete, you are destined to end up alone."
Rome: "Alone? That explains why I had so many failed relationships..."

Rome: "But I asked about my chances of being elected, not my love life."
Harriet: "Everything is interconnected."

Harriet: "You merely have to change your perspective."

Rome: "So what you're telling me is that I won't win any votes? But I'm a people person. My interpersonal skills are great."

Harriet: "Hubris is man's greatest downfall."

Rome: "I don't believe that I'm that unpopular."
Harriet: "It cannot be helped if you do not want to listen to my advice."

Harriet: "I can only wish you all the best."
Rome: "Harriet, wait! How do I change my fate then? Harriet!"


Alvin: "Oh, they're showing Alice in Wonderland."

Alvin: "Alice...wait, that was my girlfriend's name. Not Alyssa. But if her name was Alice, who was Harriet summoning the whole time?"

Alvin: "She better not have tricked me."

Alvin: "HARRIET! Harriet, where are you?"
Harriet: "You have been looking for me? For more answers?"

Alvin: "Is my girlfriend really dead? Alyssa Springfield?"
Harriet: "Yes. It must be devastating to come to terms but your girlfriend Alyssa Springfield has left this world, but she has given you a son to accompany you."

Alvin: "But my girlfriend's name is Alice, not Alyssa, so who were you summoning the whole time?"
Harriet: "Your ex-girlfriend of course! I couldn't find an Alyssa Springfield but the closest I could find was an Alice Springfield, which from our past engagements is the correct woman you are seeking."

Alvin: "Drop the pretense. I remember now that her name was Alice Hofferman, not Alyssa Springfield. Are you going to tell me that Hofferman is close to Springfield?"

Harriet: "I..."

Alvin: "Go and eat shit. You've been lying to me the entire time!"
Harriet: "No I haven't!"

Alvin: "Then tell me when Alice and I broke up or when my son was born, or Alice's birthday."
Harriet: "I...that is beyond me. I look to the future, not the past."

Alvin: "Fuck you! If you can't ascertain my son's birth date or his mother's how do you know you've contacted the right person?"
Harriet: "I...I can sense."

Alvin: "I'll give you one last chance to admit the truth, Harriet."
Harriet: "But I am speaking the truth."
Alvin: " claim that you can see the future right? Tell me what I'm going to do next after I'm done with you."

Harriet: ""

Alvin: "Cat got your tongue? Or are you just a two-faced lying bitch?"

Harriet: "You don't embarrass me like that."

Alvin: "So you're scared of embarrassment? Wait till the whole world knows you're just a phony trying to cheat others."

Alvin: "Give me back all the money I wasted on you."

Harriet: "You willingly gave me the money. I did not point a gun at you. It's my money now so I can do whatever I want with it."

Alvin: "I want to fucking kill you right now."

Harriet: "Go ahead and do it then! I know you won't because you don't want to go back to jail."

Alvin: "So you want to test me? You want to fucking. Test. Me?"

Harriet: "Aaah!"

Harriet: "Let...go..."

Alvin: "You're not worth going back in for."
Harriet: "Ack! Ack!"

Harriet: "Can't...breathe..."


Alvin: "I'm a fucking fool."

Alvin: "Who the fuck is it?"
Dexter: "Dexter."
Alvin: "Come in."

Dexter: "I saw what happened just now between you and Harriet."

Alvin: "It must have been fucking entertaining for you. I don't know how you can stand being in the same room as her every night."
Dexter: "We agree to disagree and leave each other alone."

Alvin: "She fucking used me. She even said my ex-girlfriend fucking died."

Alvin: "I feel like such an idiot for believing her."

Dexter: "I knew it. I knew she was a scam artist."
Alvin: "Calling her an artist is too high praise."

Alvin: "She is just a fucking scammer."

Alvin: "I don't know how I fell for it. Now I'm back to square one."

Alvin: "I can't believe I'm actually crying. Fuck, this is embarrassing."

Dexter: "I understand how you feel. I didn't believe her lies but I should have been more proactive in preventing others from falling into her trap too."

Alvin: "Can you get out? I want to be alone."
Dexter: "Of course."

Dexter: "It's not just the money..."

Alvin: "Her stupid lies, and I believed them."

Alvin: "Alvin Valin, you fucking retard!"

Alvin: "ARGH!"

Alvin: "This place is worse than jail."

Alvin: "Where are you?"

Alvin: "If only Hank was here. He'd know what to do..."


Penny: "The other day I saw Irene throw away her necklace because the chain broke."

Penny: "I hope it's still in here.She's so wasteful."

Penny: "Found it! Now I just need to bag it and wash it."

Penny: "The good thing about having so few contestants around is that it's easier to get around the house without being noticed."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the identities of the Moles. Whoever knows the least is out of the game.

Q1: Are the Moles male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Do the Moles wear makeup?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: Do the Moles wear any sort of headdress?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: In Mission 9, which stages did the Moles take?
A: First stage
B: Second stage
C: Third stage
D: Fourth stage
E: Fifth stage

Q5: In Mission 8, how many times did the Moles work on their tasks?
A: 0 times
B: 1 time
C: 2 times
D: 3 times
E: 4 times
F: 5 times or more

Q6: About how long did the Moles take to complete their tasks for the first time in Mission 8?
A: 10 seconds
B: 30 seconds
C: 2 minutes
D: One or both Moles did not complete their task

Q7: In Mission 8, estimate how long the Moles took for their tasks in total.
A: 6min45s
B: 3min20s
C: 2min55s
D: 1min25s
E: 0s

Q8: In Mission 8, how many times did the Moles fail?
A: 0 times
B: 1 time
C: 2 times
D: 5 times
E: One of the Moles did not begin her stage

Q9: In Mission 8, whose stage was directly after the Moles'?
A: Dexter Umbreekt
B: Penny St. Anniel
C: Alvin Valin
D: Rome Auckland
E: Nobody

Q10: Who are the Moles?
A: Dexter Umbreekt
B: Penny St. Anniel
C: Alvin Valin
D: Rome Auckland
E: Harriet Sybil La'Fontaine


This evening marks the last execution ceremony. Four fish are in the sea waiting to be caught by the four finalists. One contestant will leave Sunlit Tides with nothing but memories.

Penny: "I can't believe I'm actually feeling nervous."

Dexter: "I think I got it."

Dexter: "I can't believe it. I'm really in the finale!"

Harriet: "It was just a matter of time before I caught the fish."

Rome: "It's coming, it's coming!"

Rome: "Yahoo! I'm in the finale!"

There are still two fishermen waiting for a catch: Alvin Valin and Penny St. Anniel. One of them will be executed and one of them will advance to the final four. 

Penny: "Phew. I can feel something biting."

Penny: "It's a robot fish. I actually have a shot at winning. I must've been doing something right this whole time."

"Unfortunately, Alvin Valin, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Alvin: "Sigh."

Alvin: "I want to blame it on my frame of mind but that's just finding excuses. At least I can say that I was so close to the finale. The money would have been nice...I did what I could and it's gotten me so far. I should be content."

The final four have been revealed! Who are the Moles: Dexter Umbreekt, Harriet Sybil La'Fontaine, Rome Auckland or Penny St. Anniel?

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