In the first episode, the contestants had to bob for apples with names of previous contestants. In the frenzy they managed to get 153/200 names correct, thus earning 153/200 points. Contestants get a chance to settle down before their next mission begins. Bonds will form and trust will decrease. How well will they do in the next mission?
Adrianna: "Wow."
Adrianna: "It's pretty quaint."
Bernadette: "Looks like we'll be biking this season. I don't see any cars."
Alistair: "This isn't really what I had in mind when I signed up."
Alistair: "What's up with the random lights?"
Alistair: "I'm Alistair Raymond. I'm 33 years old and you may have seen me in various movies and films. I've acted in Smole: The Movie. I was cast as the second to be executed. Being part of that was cool and I never thought I'd get another chance to take part in the real deal. I am equipped with the experience of so many seasons and a movie which will definitely help me with the Smole."
Sherman: "Where is the real food?"
Bernadette: "I'm making some right now."
Sherman: "You're microwaving food. That's still rubbish food."
Bernadette: "It's quick and easy. I could whip up something healthy if you want, but I don't know when the next mission will be coming up."
Bernadette: "You sound British."
Sherman: "That I am."
Bernadette: "Things in UK must be very messy right now with Brexit and all."
Sherman: "Shut up."
Sherman: "I am Sherman Courdoin. I hail from the Great Land of Great Britain. My age is transient. I am a nuclear scientist. The future is nuclearisation. We can harness immense power from nuclear energy. My mission here is to persuade everyone to a common future. I will make sure to always have power in this trivial game so that I will always stay on top. No Mole can stop me."
Adrianna: "This place is so amazing! I can feel that this will be the best season ever. Outside, it looks very homely, but our bedrooms are all underground, like underground bunkers. I feel like a secret spy."
Adrianna: "Wow! This room is so red!"
Adrianna: "Is this room taken?"
Alethea: "There's an empty bed right there."
Adrianna: "Great! I'm taking it."
Adrianna: "Alethea, right? How about we work together?"
Alethea: "You mean as a coalition?"
Adrianna: "Yeah. What do you say?"
Alethea: "Sure. You're a news reporter right? I think you'll be a wonderful partner."
Alethea: "Oh, we have to pick a partner and decide who is more trusting among the two. I think I know who I want to work with."
Alethea: "We received instructions in the mail. We had to pick a partner and then decide who is the more trusting one. I partnered with Isabella and she was okay with trusting me. Sherman partnered with Cedric and Cedric was pretty nonchalant about being the trusting one. Adrianna worked with Alistair who was more trusting and Xayden was with Angel who was more trusting."
For the second mission, contestants will take part two pairs at a time. The less trusting contestants have an aerial view of the mission area and are to guide their trusting partners on which room to enter. Some rooms have points, some will take half their earnings for the mission away, some will end the mission prematurely for them, some contain an exemption for the trusting one and some have nothing. A total of 50 points can be earned per pair, so this mission is worth 200 points.
Sherman: "Take the first room on the left."
Alethea: "Take the first door."
Cedric: "That's the door."
Cedric: "Three more doors. This is giving me too much stress."
Sherman: "He actually listened...of course he did. Who wouldn't listen to me?"
Isabella: "There's nothing in this room."
Alethea: "Why did you take the last room? I said to take the first room. Nevermind. we shall move on. Take the middle door. There are points to be earned there."
Sherman: "Go for the room on the left."
Cedric: "I have to face the fork in the road every day..."
Isabella: "Alethea is not a simple woman. I have to be wary of her. I'll take a different door."
Isabella: "It's a dead end."
Alethea: "What the hell? Why did she go through that door?"
Alethea: "At least we can't lose any money if we didn't get any to begin with."
Cedric: "I can't take this. Sherman, help! Which door?"
Sherman: "All three doors lead to the same room. This must be a chance to test his trust in me."
Sherman: "Take the middle one. Yes, that one."
Cedric: "When will this end? I just want to go home."
Sherman: "He's ridiculously obedient. Like a dog. A Mexican dog."
Sherman: "I hope he didn't head that. Oi, Cedric, the right room."
Cedric: "Which is the right room? Which room is right?"
Sherman: "The one that's not middle or left, dimwit."
Cedric: "Oh. That right. You did not have to be so hurtful about it though..."
Cedric: "Only one door."
Cedric: "I feel trapped."
Sherman: "That is the end. Good job. 35 points."
The next four are up.
Adrianna: "This is so exciting. Erm...choose the centre one."
Alistair: "I'll listen exactly to what you say. I'll see how trustworthy you actually are."
Alistair: "Nothing. Maybe the other two are bad outcomes."
Xayden: "The first one. Choose the first one."
Bernadette: "Looks like a good room."
Bernadette: "This room is said to cash in 5 points. Where to next?"
Xayden: "Take the room on the right. It would lead you to an exemption in the long run."
Adrianna: "Choose the one on the right."
Alistair: "There is nothing here again. Something doesn't feel quite right."
Bernadette: "Oh, 5 points. Hmm..."
Xayden: "What are you doing? Why are you not listening to me? Ugh!"
Adrianna: "Middle one. Not that it actually matters."
Bernadette: "I should shake things up a bit again. I feel like taking that door."
Alistair: "Still nothing. What is Adrianna trying to avoid?"
Xayden: "Pick the middle door."
Bernadette: "You're not my boss."
Alistair: "What? I'll lose half the points!"
Alistair: "Something is very wrong with her."
Adrianna: "Oops. I was looking at the wrong rooms."
Xayden: "You're not listening to me any more so what's the point? Just take the room you want. Or if you want to repent, do not take the middle door."
Bernadette: "Hmm, no exemption. I guess I should have listened to Xayden."
Adrianna: "The adrenaline is real. If I make him go through the right door will the half effect take place? Alistair, choose the middle one."
Alistair: "I suppose half of zero is still zero. Only one door to go."
Bernadette: "I'm at the end."
Alistair: "And...that's it."
Xayden: "10 points. A whopping 10 points. Just wonderful."
Xayden: "I don't know what is up with Angel. She chose to defy me. Why does nobody listen to me? Is it because I'm fat? Her stubbornness cost 40 points. This is disappointing but I'm on to her."
45/200 points have been earned, a stark contrast from the previous episode. 198/400 points are in the pot. Has the Mole shown themselves in these first two missions? Who could be the Mole?
Cedric: "Mama...I'm here. I'm in Riverview. You said you wanted to retire in the countryside, didn't you?"
Adrianna: "But you're so flexible and fun. You really are an angel from heaven."
Bernadette: "Thank you."
Alethea: "Isabella just didn't trust me. Either that or she was confused by my instructions."
Alistair: "Is that so?"
Alethea: "I'm telling the truth, I swear."
"Contestants, welcome to your very first execution ceremony. One by one your name will be called. If the screen over there turns green, you are safe. If it turns know what that means. Let's go in an anticlockwise manner, starting from..."
"Unfortunately, you are the first to be executed this season. Please pack your bags and leave."
Bernadette: "Oh my gosh!"
Adrianna: "GASP!"
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