Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Which season is the Mole originally from?
A: Season 1
B: Season 4
Q3: What colour hair does the Mole have?
A: Black
B: Blonde
Q4: What unique clothing attire does the Mole
A: Blue scarf
B: Apron
C: Cloud shirt
Q5: How old is the Mole?
A: 43
B: 24
C: 31
Matthew: “I’m pretty
confident in my choice of Mole. But let me look at it one last time. There’s
firstly Apollo Bloom. He’s mean and I have absolutely no idea how he got this
far. He definitely wouldn’t touch the journal at all!
But Diana Blanche is
also mean. She’s like Apollo, except not spouting vulgarities at every instant.
They’re both in my coalition, and it would be really hard to guess, but I know
all of them since Day 1, even more so for Apollo, so yeah. I’ve got my answer.”

Q6: What does the Mole work as?
A: Maid
B: Model
C: Supporting Actor
Q7: Has the Mole received any exemptions in the
past 5 missions?
A: Yes
B: No
Q8: In Mission 15, which garage did the Mole
A: Left
B: Middle
C: Right
Q9: In Mission 15, what did the Mole do first?
A: Fix back of car
B: Build new part
Q10: Did the Mole finish all 3 tasks?
A: Yes
B: No
Apollo: “I still can’t
f*****g make a decision. Diana Blanche is the one I have a crush on, so I can’t
imagine it being her. But then, how would she have gotten this far then? The
last time she was eliminated pretty early I think, so met with stronger competitors
like me, she should be out instantly!
Matthew Hamming is the
other one I know more. He’s a great actor. Won many Simmy Awards. But was also
eliminated early the last time. Well, so was I, but who cares about my placing?
I will win this!”
Q11: In Mission 15, what part did the Mole
A: Smasher
B: Rotational Pull
C: Llama drinker
Q12: In Mission 15, which side of the truck did
the Mole polish?
A: Left
B: Right
Q13: In Mission 15, in what order did the Mole
hammer his/her hand?
A: First
B: Second
C: Third
Q14: In Mission 15, which seat was the Mole
seated in the van?
A: Driver’s seat
B: Front row, non-driver’s seat
C: Back row
Q15: Who is the Mole?
A: Diana Blanche
B: Matthew Hamming
C: Apollo Bloom
Diana: “It’s funny how
the original 10 made it to the final 3. And I know others don’t expect me to
win, but I’ll prove them wrong. I have great drive. Anyway, Matthew Hamming has
been sabotaging discreetly and has not much drive or eagerness to earn an
exemption. He revealed how formidable he was in the later stages, making me
suspect it’s him.
Apollo Bloom is just
mean and vulgar, and the only good thing is his gorgeous blue eyes. He seems
unlikely to make it this far, would love most to sabotage and doesn’t seem
bothered during executions. In fact most of the time he’s confident he will
pull through, which he did. Suspicious…”
Diana: “So, this is
our finale? So un-glam.”
Apollo: “Not grand at
all. Idiots, these producers.”

Matthew: “I don’t like
it either, but shh, it’s starting.”
“And welcome to the finale of the Smole! In case you’re
wondering, we didn’t have a lot of money to book a grand place, so you’ll have
to settle here. Plus, the TV in front of you is wired in such a way that all
previous contestants can watch you. So, let’s not keep them waiting anymore,
shall we? Let’s see the sabotages of each player!”
Diana: “How disappointing! Who is this new host anyway?”
“Diana Blanche-
- No sabotage.
- Diana took no photos at all, but was instead taken photo of many times, losing both the exemption and points.
- No sabotage, because she could not inside there anyway.
- Diana ate the pancakes despite seeming resisting the temptation.
- She lost terribly to Scarlett, losing some points.
- Diana sabotaged here by drawing the exemption instead of the picture, losing 50 whole points.
- No sabotage here.
- Diana was the banker, and she offered the same amount as the case’s worth, which was very low, but no suspicion was aroused.
- Diana only found 1 letter.
- There was an attempt to sabotage, but her sabotage ended up being the correct answer.
- She ended up being the 2nd last to finish and the last to finish on time, thus deflecting suspicion to Apollo instead.
- Diana only answered 1 question correctly, but many felt that she was that dumb.
- Diana chose to sabotage by not going up the elevator with Reginald to the top floor and she did not make it there in time, sacrificing points.
- She wasted a lot of time even though she found the answer in the end.
- No sabotage here.
Matthew Hamming-
- Matthew slowed down considerably, being the last to finish the 3rd task and unable to complete the mission. However, only Scarlett was suspicious of him as he finished only 4 minutes later.
- The only photos he took were those of Audrey, which he made a pact with, and Diana, as well as Apollo. After that he wasted his time chatting with Charity.
- Matthew wasted questions by asking specific doors and neglecting door 2. Much suspicion was raised here since he could not earn the points.
- Matthew was the first to eat the pancakes, failing the mission immediately.
- Matthew lost at the final moment to Scarlett, but it was only moderately suspicious.
- He added an extra stand to the star, confusing Kirby and making her think it was a trophy.
- Matthew chose the wrong light and tried to convince others to do the same.
- Matthew sealed the deal with Diana even though it was a low amount.
- He found no letters at all.
- It was very discreet, but Matthew chose a wrong person once and tried to convince others not to choose 2 correct nominees.
- Matthew lost his lead, but it was due to other Sims blocking, so not much suspicion was raised.
- No sabotage here.
- No sabotage here.
- Again, no sabotage here.
- Matthew stopped sabotaging.
Apollo Bloom-
- Apollo wasted time complaining about the junk piles and could not find his way out of the maze despite having sufficient time.
- Apollo only took 1 photo of Matthew, even though he could see many others.
- No sabotage here.
- Apollo was third to take the pancakes and lose points.
- Apollo lost to Diana in the first round, but earned points, so there was little suspicion.
- Apollo drew something random to make the picture even more wrong.
- He chose the wrong light and wanted to get Diana to do the same.
- Apollo chose the case containing the grand prize.
- Apollo only found 1 letter.
- No sabotage here.
- Apollo was last from the start and did not finish the mission in time.
- Apollo tried to sabotage by answering all questions wrong, but he got 2 correct.
- He took the wrong elevator but made it to the top in time, averting suspicion.
- He was unable to find his picture, costing the team some points.
- He chose to go home despite knowing that he had 1 task left undone.
So, not so clean now, eh? Now, time to reveal the winner of
the Smole, Season 5!”

“It’s Diana Blanche!”

Diana: “I had loads of fun, sort of. At least I didn't have
to clean the house every day. Well I did, and I didn't get paid, but now I do!
So it’s all worth it! And I won it for Season 1! The first is still the best!”
“Glad to see you made a comeback! You earned 1615/3105
points, which translates to 1, 615, 000 Simoleons! Now, let’s reveal the runner
up! Which Season 4 male is it?”

“Apollo Bloom!”
Apollo: “F***. How could I not win.”

Apollo: “It’s terrible. I worked my f*****g butt off only to
have a girl beat me. I guess I trusted the wrong guy. Never trust a sly, wily
old fox like f*****g idiotic Matthew. I feel like an idiot now.”

“So that just leaves the Mole, Matthew Hamming!”
Matthew: “Surprised anyone?”

Matthew: “I think I did a relatively good job on trying to
seem like a non-mole. I did not even realise I sabotaged so much. My experience
in acting really helped me. I had fun tricking others and messing with their
minds, fooling everyone into choosing someone else for the Mole. Gosh, I sound
so devious, but I’m really an angel. I got the idea to fool everyone’s mind
from Kirby. After all, I gave up my act somewhat towards the end. I’m a winner
too, right?”
“Yup! You win the remaining money, which is 1, 490, 000

Matthew: “Congratulations winner.”
Diana: “Whatev. You stole my chastity from me. I want a
Matthew: “You earned more money than me. You can get a new
job now.”
Diana: “True.”
“Now, let’s see the clues that reveal the Mole is Matthew
all along. They are all right under your noses.”
- Matthew always woke up early. This is actually because he needs to receive instructions.
- Episode 1-The bottom-right corner of the maze has Matthew’s initials.
- Episode 2-Matthew talked to Charity, the Mole of Season 3. This should hint that he’s a Mole, asking another Mole for advice. (Yes, so many hints connected to Charity.)
- Episode 3-The building was constructed entirely from stuff that originated from Late Night/Bridgeport, which Matthew came from. This indicated that the Mole was from Bridgeport.
- Episode 4-The fact that Matthew was the one to make the pancakes was symbolic.
- From this episode onwards, the shuffleboard played an important role. The shuffleboard came with Late Night/Bridgeport, again indicating that the Mole was from Bridgeport.
- Episode 5- Matthew watched all seasons of the Mole to actually find out more about how the Moles worked, not how the winners won.
Matthew: “Immediately after my
season of the Smole finished filming, I scrambled to watch all the episodes
of preivous seasons of the Smole to find out the winners’ strategies. Which
is what everyone should be doing, but no, they rather settle for 4th
place. Anyway, Victor won with his journal, but only a genius will be able to
pick out relevant information. This isn’t foolproof, as proved many times, for
example Kirby last season. I don’t know what strategy Dennis had, so forget
about him. Fiona won by adopting a different persona and fooling everyone with
it, which will only work if one was a great actor. And Romeo won by depending
on himself. So, I think I’ll go with Fiona’s method, seeing as how effective it
proved. It’s an intense game here as in Season 3, so it should fit perfectly.
Plus, I’m an actor!”
- Episode 6-The pictures players had to draw had a meaning. The star represented the celebrity status which Matthew has, and the Big Ben is a tall building, similar to a skyscraper, which are prominent in Bridgeport, the city where Matthew resides.
- Episode 7-The stand of the lights were coloured differently. The first one was blue, referring to the blue scarf Matthew wears. The second one was beige, referring to his skin colour. The third was white, referring to his shirt and the last was black, referring to his hair.
- Episode 8-The cases were arranged such that they actually spelled “MH”, Matthew Hamming’s initials. This meant that the Mole was him.
- Episode 9-The contestants had to go to Hamming Studios, which is also founded by Matthew Hamming. It’s too much of a coincidence, isn't’t it? There was another TV Station in town (Season 1).
The worrying aside, everyone makes it to Hamming Studios
- Matthew’s photo was there, indicating he was the Mole, albeit very subtly.
- The phrase they were supposed to find was “Matthew Hamming”, meaning he was the Mole. Using most of the letters, it would spell “Matthew Hamming, the Mole.”
Egret: “I have H, O, M, E and D as in
Jin: “I found M, A, G and N.”
Diana: “I found T.”
Apollo: “I managed to find I.”
Jonathan: “As in the letter? Good. I found W and L.
Reginald, I guess it’s your turn to form the phrase.”
Reginald: “I don’t know…Matthew Hamming?”
- Episode 10-The awards were awards from Late Night, and the awards Jonathan found were Simmy Awards, awards that actors like Matthew wins. The other 2 were for directors. All of them were related to the film industry, referring to Matthew’s job.
- Episode 12-The answer to the first question was C. In the same episode, Matthew was option C for the last question. Therefore the first question for the mission referred to him.
First question: What is the 3rd letter of the
“You guys all say C, so good job!
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Reginald Black
B: Diana Blanche
C: Matthew Hamming
D: Apollo Bloom
E: Henrietta
F: Edison Richards
- Episode 13-The floor tiles were arranged differently from the rest, such that it was actually pointing towards Matthew. This was a subtle hint that Matthew was the one the others should take note of, ie the Mole.
- The corner Diana found was full of clues to the Mole, which was also the biggest reason why Diana won. The skyscraper wallpaper was actually referring to Bridgeport’s skyline, where Matthew lives. The rose symbolizes love/romance, indicating that the Mole is someone who likes to romance/flirt. The journals had all but Matthew’s name on it, because he did not need it, indicating Matthew is the Mole. The blue scarf and white fabric refer to his clothes and the small black dot is actually a mole, meaning that the place contained clues to the Mole.
Diana: “I found some stuff on the 3rd floor, so I
went to check it out. I don’t know what junk all those at the corner were. All
I found was some skyscraper wallpaper, a giant rose, journals, a blue scarf,
white fabric and some other nonsense. I even found a small black dot
among those tryes! I think it’s dripping oil.”
That’s it! If you thought there were more clues, you were
wrong. Anyway, congratulations to the finalists, the winner, the Mole, viewers
and all returning players!”
Ep 1
Ep 2
Ep 3
Ep 4
Ep 5
Ep 6
Ep 7
Ep 8
Ep 9
Diana Blanche
Apollo Bloom
Matthew Hamming
Henrietta Hitchcock
Reginald Black
Edison Richards
Jonathan Griar
Matty Crewe
Casey Eughberton
Egret Hendrique
Jin Tai
Katrina Pala
Scarlett Phine
Kirby Wise
Guy Forrest
Alexander McWee
Harry Johns
Audrey Adler
Rory Sim
Tanya Sim
*Green means exemption, red means executed, brown means
score tied with lowest, but faster, black means not in game.
**Reginald was the one who came later and lasted the
longest, followed by Jonathan.
**Both Reginald and Henrietta maintained their placing. The
others dropped, other than the final 3.
**Despite being one of the lowest for Episode 7-9, Diana
still won.
**More exemptions were offered, but they could not be earned
because of one reason or another.
Kirby is in episode 5, by the way. It's just the black background that causes it to look black.
Kirby is in episode 5, by the way. It's just the black background that causes it to look black.
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