Tuesday, 17 December 2013

6.06-Now I can sleep in peace

Ezekiel: “Before we take the quiz, I want to know who you guys think the Mole is.”
Kenneth: “I’m not sure…I don’t know who.”
Samuel: “I haven’t got any concrete proof yet, but something tells me that Angelica could be the mole.”
Ezekiel: “Oh? But I have a feeling that Chanelle is the Mole. I mean, an elderly woman is least likely the be the Mole and succeed in challenges, right? But she proved many wrong.”
Samuel: “So you’re going to select her as the Mole?”
Ezekiel: “Yep. I’m hoping you 2 will do the same too. Trust me on this one. I don’t take quizzes especially fast anyway, so if anyone will be out, it’ll be me.”
Samuel: “I guess. I do take it rather quickly.”
Kenneth: “I have no other candidates in mind either.”


Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Which sector is the Mole currently employed in?
A: Performing Arts
B: Service
C: Sports
D: The Mole is unemployed
Q3: What did the Mole eat for breakfast?
A: Waffles
B: Snow cone
C: Burnt waffles
D: The Mole did not eat breakfast
Q4: In Mission 3, was the Mole apple bobbing at first or hiding?
A: Apple bobbing
B: Hiding
Q5: In Mission 3, did the Mole apple bob?
A: Yes
B: No
Q6: In Mission 3, did the Mole win the apple-bobbing contest?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole never apple-bobbed
Q7: In Mission 3, how many times was the Mole found?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: The never hid
Q8: In Mission 3, did the Mole successfully find someone?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole did not look for anyone
Q9: In Mission 3, how many times did the Mole bob for apples?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
E: More than 3
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Angelica Gerrio
B: Brad Littler
C: Brianna McWinner
D: Celeste Bumpo
E: Dickie “Chanelle” Inagreese
F: Dillion Hamming
G: Emerald Harvest
H: Ezekiel Zedee
I: Kenneth Crunch
J: Luke Sands
K: Samuel Lyde


“Firstly, Brianna got the exemption for bobbing the most number of apples. Now, who said being found over and over again wasn't good?”
Brianna: “Yay! Now I can sleep in peace.”
“As for the rest of you…1 of you will be going home tonight.”

“Angelica Gerria, please enter the left room.”
“Kenneth Crunch, please enter the same room as Angelica.”
“Dickie Ingareese, please enter the left room.”
Dickie: “Address me as Chanelle!”
“Samuel Lyde, please enter the room on the right.”

“Ezekiel Zedee, please enter the room with Samuel.”
Ezekiel: “Okay, this isn’t good. Why is Kenneth on the other room but us here?”

Left: Green. Right: Blue.

Kenneth: “I am safe?”
Kenneth: “For a moment I thought I was a goner. I was the only one in a different room, and I believed we all chose the same answer, so I thought that I was too slow and executed! Fortunately I’m safe, but the same can’t be said for the other two. I wish them both luck, even though I know one has to go. Personally I prefer Samuel to stay. He’s been caring of me.”

Angelica: “I like knew we’ll like be like safe.”
Dickie: “So did I, but your incessant usage of the word ‘like’ aggravates me.”
Angelica: “Like how?”
Dickie: “Like that!”

Ezekiel: “Blue?”
Samuel: “One of us is going home tonight, while the other is safe.”

Samuel: “YOU! You lied to me! You tricked me into choosing the wrong answer!”
Ezekiel: “Don’t jump the gun. Like I said earlier, I stand a higher chance of being eliminated than you.”
“Ezekiel Zedee, please move to the other room.”

Left: Green. Right: Red.
“I’m sorry Samuel Lyde, you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Samuel: “I can’t believe that scumbag Ezekiel! I trusted him wholeheartedly and he betrayed me! He deceived me! I think he’s the Mole! If only I could warn the others to be wary of him. I guess it was partly my fault for believing him instead of me, even though my predictions were more likely correct.”

Ezekiel: “Phew! I’m safe! That Samuel has himself to blame really. I bet he changed his answer last minute.”

And Samuel goes! Is Ezekiel the Mole? Who will leave next?

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