Tuesday, 10 December 2013

5.17-OMG Plasma TV! EEEEEEEK!

Last episode, the players went to play Deal or No Deal for a third time, and it ended very quickly with Matthew closing Diana’s deal. They earned 425/1440 points, and nobody earned an exemption. Katrina was executed at the execution ceremony, which she had predicted. Who will be the one to join in the game?

The contestants eat breakfast as another Sim arrives at their doorstep.

We welcome Casey Eughberton, 4th on the Smole, Season 2! Can she improve?

Matthew: “You’re pretty cute.”
Egret: “Why thank you!”

Diana: “How dare you betray me, Matthew! And right behind my back! Literally!”
Matthew: “I did not! Let’s not discuss this.”


Matthew: “So, you’re a housewife right? What a noble profession.”
Casey: “Thanks, mister…”
Matthew: “Call me Matthew. You mean you've never seen me on TV before?”
Casey: “I don’t really watch TV. Too busy with the chores.”
Matthew: “I admire your spirit on Season 2, where you decided not to stoop to such a low level as Kathleen.”
Casey: “Why, thank you, Matthew!”

Casey: “AAH! Why are you trying to scare me? How rude! Did your parents not teach you manners?”
Jonathan: “Sorry, I was trying to scare Matthew.”
Casey: “Childish, just like my husband, my children, my whole family! And I thought I could get some peace by returning!”

Casey: “I actually didn't get a lot of peace when I returned home 4th the other time. I wasn't any richer and I had to see a pig sty. It was horrible, I tell you. Fortunately Kathleen was not in sight. I don’t know where she went really. I haven’t heard news in such a long time.”


Diana: “I don’t feel so well…”

Diana: “I hope I’m not pregnant…yes, I did it with Matthew. I can’t believe it! It’s like I wanted to trick him into believing me and in the end I’m being controlled by him! Now I understand Scarlett’s predicament. I feel so cheap and dirty now. I need a bath. I really hope it’s not pregnancy. I can’t afford to get pregnant! What if Matthew wont’ be responsible? He’s flirted a lot already!”

The worrying aside, everyone makes it to Hamming Studios safely. Here, they must do a similar mission in Season 1. They are to watch the TVs closely until they spot a letter. Using those letters, they must form a word. There might be unused letters, and each letter can be used more than once. This is worth 200 points, all or nothing.

Apollo: “Casey right? You’re not welcome here. I hope you leave next.”
Casey: “You are even ruder than Jonathan!”

Jonathan: “Hey Reginald, is that even allowed? Isn't it cheating?”
Reginald: “You’ll never know if they will hide it here.”

Egret: “OMG Plasma TV! EEEEEK!”

Jin: “Didn't bathe this morning?”
Egret: “I was trying to save water. Hey, I see something…D for dragon!”
Jin: “Oh, I spot a letter too!”

Diana: “Why is your photo here?”
Matthew: “This is Hamming Studios. I founded it. Its headquarters is in Bridgeport, but I decided to build one here. As you can see, it’s not fully furnished yet, but it’s not too bad.”

Casey: “Maybe he’s saying the letters.”

Jin: “This programme is interesting! Oh, I spot something!”

Diana: “Much offence, but the electronics here suck.”
Matthew: “Fully offended, but I won’t hold it against you.”


Matthew: “How’s this studio doing?”
Casey: “Shh…I’m trying to spot a letter, but thanks for asking how I’m doing.”

Jin: “Where is it…”
Egret: “Oh, I spot H!”

Matthew: “Let’s cuddle…”
Diana: “Get your filthy hands off me!”

Matthew: “I don’t get Diana. I’m giving her face my offering myself to her! It’s usually the other way round! I think she’s still mad at me for flirting with Egret. But being the chivalrous man I am, I shall forgive her. She better do the same.”

Apollo: “Oh my gosh, is that a clue? Or is it a hidden exemption?”

Reginald: “Bet I can find the letter faster than you can.”
Jonathan: “Bring it on.”
“Half an hour left.”
Jonathan: “Oh, I found it!”
Reginald: “Whatever. This TV probably has nothing anyway.”

Matthew: “Soda machine. Clever.”


Jin: “Hey, I see M!”

Jin: “Excuse me, did I see something? Oh, it was just the credits.”
“Time’s up! Time to gather your letters and form a phrase!”


Egret: “I have H, O, M, E and D as in Homed.”
Jin: “I found M, A, G and N.”

Diana: “I found T.”
Matthew: “I couldn't find anything, sorry guys.”
Casey: “That’s disappointing. I couldn't find anything much either, except R.”

Apollo: “I managed to find I.”
Jonathan: “As in the letter? Good. I found W and L. Reginald, I guess it’s your turn to form the phrase.”
Reginald: “Me? Why me again?”

Reginald: “That Jonathan was trying to make fun of me. He was waiting for the chance to beat me and laugh at me again. I won’t let history repeat itself. No, I’m not going to let that happen this time.”

Reginald: “I don’t know…Matthew Hamming?”
“That is…correct! 200 points earned, which brings the total up to 625/1640. It’s still pretty bad though.”

Time to go home and take the quiz.

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