Ezekiel: “Hey ladies.
Want to play a game of dominoes?”
Celeste: “Excellent! I
can’t wait to play!”
Angelica: “Like, why
Brianna: “…Sure, I
guess. I’d like to know more about you anyway.”

Ezekiel: “So, how are
you all finding this house?”
Angelica: “Like, super
old, super boring.”
Brianna: “Is that how
you chalk up a conversation?”
Ezekiel: “I don’t
know. What do you want to talk about?”
Celeste: “I know! How
about I share my university experience?”
Angelica: “I’m like,
not interested in uni and all that.”
Ezekiel: “I’m willing
to listen. I’ve never gone to university before. Was too poor. How is it like?”
Celeste: “At last,
someone who is willing to listen!”

Luke: “You can’t go
around trusting everyone. That’s being naïve and foolish.”

Kenneth: “Why?”
Luke: “Because you
will fall and be stepped on.”

Kenneth: “But I’ll
just climb back up again! We scouts never give up!”
Luke: “Sigh…I’m just
telling you, be careful of who you trust. Ezekiel may be plotting a trap. At
least that’s what I feel.”

Ezekiel: “That was a
lovely game. And just in time to take the quiz too!”
Celeste: “Yup! It was
so much fun! Thanks Ezekiel!”
Ezekiel: “My
Brianna: “I managed to
Angelica: “Because
Ezekiel like totally let you.”
Brianna: “I know, and
I don’t appreciate that.”

Q1. Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Where was the Mole seated during breakfast?
A: Edge seat
B: Left side
C: Right side
D: Unknown

Q3: Which seat was the Mole seated in during
breakfast, from left to right?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: The Mole was seated at the end
F: The Mole was not present at the table

Q4: In Mission 5, which team was the Mole on?
A: Team Brains, Brawn and Beauty
B: Team Sorority

Q5: In Mission 5, which seat was the Mole
seated in, from left to right?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th

Q6: In Mission 5, who was the Mole seated
Angelica Gerria
Brad Littler
Brianna McWinner
Celeste Bumpo
Dickie “Chanelle” Inagreese
Ezekiel Zedee
Kenneth Crunch
Luke Sands

Q7: In Mission 5, how many times did the Mole
make a guess?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
E: 4

Q8: In Mission 5, how many correct guesses did
the Mole make?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3

Q9: In Mission 5, did the Mole earn an
A: Yes
B: No
Q10: Who is the Mole?
Angelica Gerrie
Brad Littler
Brianna McWinner
Celeste Bumpo
Dickie “Chanelle” Inagreese
Ezekiel Zedee
Kenneth Crunch
Luke Sands

“Kenneth Crunch,
please enter the left room.”

“Luke Sands, please
also enter the left room.”
Luke: “I hope I’m not

“Ezekiel Zedee, please
enter the right room.”
Ezekiel: “It’s always
the right room.”

“Brad Littler, please
enter the right room.”

“Celeste Bumpo, please
enter the right room.”

“Brianna McWinner,
please enter the left room.”
Luke: “This is
exasperating! Is he planning on calling the whole gang over?”

“Angelica Gerria,
please enter the right room.”
Angelica: “Like
whassup guys?”

“Last but not least,
Dickie…Chanelle Ingareese, please enter the left room.”
Luke: “Everyone’s in
the rooms now.”

Left: Green. Right:
Luke: “Phew.”

“Celeste Bumpo, please
go to the left room.”
Celeste: “Aah! I hope
this doesn’t mean I’m out!”

Brad: “I don’t really
care. I just find your shrieking annoying.”
“Angelica Gerria,
please enter the left room.”

Angelica: “Like hello
Celeste: “Guys vs

Brad: “See? That light
there is green. It means we’re safe.”
Ezekiel: “Well, I
already knew that.”

Celeste: “Great. One
of us is going home tonight.”

“Angelica Gerria,
please go over to the right room.”

Celeste: “Oh, it’s so
me that will be out.”
Angelica: “It like
better not be me.”

Left: Red. Right:
“I’m sorry Celeste,
but you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”

Celeste: “I’m out, but
I definitely had fun and made my time here worthwhile! I think my biggest
downfall was splitting my answers. Anywho, It was a great experience and
although I couldn’t win the money, I don’t mind. This means that I can pursue
my career and interests!”

Luke: “Oh, why did Celeste
have to go? I was planning on having a fling with her…oops, I shouldn’t have
said that. My wife will be mad if she hears that. I’m just kidding dear!”

Brianna: “Oh, I love

Dickie: “My mood has
been dampened now that a fine young girl like here has departed the scene.”
Kenneth: “Don’t be
sad, Mdm. Ingareese. She’ll find her true joy outside.”
Dickie: “Yes, you are

Angelica: “You’re
like, quite a handy Sim.”
Ezekiel: “Don’t think
anything of it. It’s my duty to serve and allow others to lead a better life.”
Angelica: “I like see
why others like can trust you like so much. Like, you give others like a sense
of like, security.”

Brianna: “Yay!
Finished with this painting!”
There goes Celeste.
Who could the Mole be?
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