We are back for another season of the Smole. This season we bring back 11 familiar faces who were so close to the finale but yet so far. The eleven of them were executed as fourth in one season or another. They are back to try and fight into a finale. However, one of them will stop them. One of them has been recasted as the Mole, out to sabotage the missions they will play in and keep points out of the pot. The contestants must figure out who the new Mole is and avoid scoring the lowest in the quiz. Otherwise, they will be executed and see the dreaded screen again. And that's it. No twists, no turns, just a plain simple game of Smole to make things easier for them. So let's see who the returning contestants are!

Henrietta: “I knew that I would lose. It was such a disadvantage to come in so late. What poor planning! Anyway, at least I managed to finish 4th, which is still quite remarkable. If I ever get a 3rd time, I will definitely make it all the way to the final mission and win the Smole! I think I know who the Mole is, but it’s still not confirmed. I wish good luck. May one of those undeserving fellows suddenly be deserving and win it.”

Matty: “I was so close! I thought I could win this, but..oh well. I tried. I guess I failed since I still wasn’t very sure who the Mole was. I was too caught up with the journal like Kirby to notice any new Moleish behaviour, while myself trying to look like the Mole. I wish good luck to the final 2! And why does it seem so foggy?”
Kenneth: “I have been too dumb, too gullible. All this season I was constantly being used and fooled by others. I thought I learnt, but alas, it’s evident that I made the same mistake. I would have made it, if not for that one folly.”
Venus: “I really believed that I would make it! I had a chance! The fact that Ella Marie beat me means I…was wrong? Impossible. But I felt so sure of myself!”

Derek: “Well, what can I say? I’m half-shocked, half-expecting it. It was hard going to battle this, especially when all three of them are highly likely. I think I clung onto the wrong Mole. Maybe I’m not smart. Maybe all I can rely on are these muscles…sigh.”

Jasmine: "I trusted you."
Elaine: "From the first day you forced me into a coalition anyway. I'm somewhat happy that you're out of the way."
Jasmine: "So you admit to being the Mole?"
Elaine: "What? All I'm saying is that I've managed to make you split your answer, and that's good enough. Because you don't need to win so you shouldn't hog up space."

Melvin: "I almost lost bladder control. I was so close! Either that, or I was completely wrong the whole time. I guess I'll have to wait for the finale. There is one thing you should know though: I'm a Mercucorp agent. Good luck to you three!"

Monique: "I won't make any excuses for myself. I just want to congratulate these three gentlemen here. I had a bad feeling when I made it to the final four despite not having a clear suspect. It is a shame, yes, but there is nothing I can do about it. I just hope that Morris can take care of himself and not get into trouble in the period that I won't be around to protect him. And Morris, the business is fine. I lied, to test you."

Stephanie: "Sigh...better sooner than later. Maybe i had been right all along and I shouldn't have started to doubt myself...there's no point in speculation now. I wish the final three all the best."

Reynard: "I just realised that my hatred for Cliff was kind of my downfall. I only just remembered that I ended up in the execution pod I said the Mole would use. Oh well. It was one question. It's not like that one question was enough to cost me. It was awesome being here, and I only regret not being able to carry out my big plan for Casey. I hope anyone wins but Cliff."
Sandra: "I should have seen it coming. My mistake was spreading when I had the exemption. It came back to bite me in the ass today. I wouldn't be too surprised if it came down to a tie and I was slower too. It's too late to change anything now. I enjoyed myself and am happy to have made it so far. Congratulations to the finalists and I wish you all the best. And to the Mole, I applaud you for a job well done this season."
Reynard: "Monte Vista reminds me so much of France."
Derek: "It's European I guess?"
Stephanie: "Technically, there's a difference between French and Italian architecture."
Kenneth: "Did someone say something?"
Reynard: "Nope. Must have been hearing things."
Kenneth: "What do you think they will make us do?"
Derek: "Considering how we are dressed to sweat, probably a physical activity."
Reynard: "No sweat for you then."
Derek: "I guess, but I don't want to be just labelled as a jock. The Smole is about using your brains."
Kenneth: "It's just so surreal to be back. I didn't think I would ever return to the Smole. I kinda had a bad experience. At least I learned from it."
Sandra: "This long stretch of road is just calling out to me. I love a long drive."
Jasmine: "I don't. Are we there yet?"
Henrietta: "Didn't your season just end? What was your name...Sandra?"
Sandra: "Yep. You watched me last season?"
Henrietta: "I had to do my homework. What I don't understand is why they would cast you again when your season just ended. You had your chance."
Matty: "So did you. You played twice."
Henrietta: "That was back when things were still in its formative stages. I was put in a bad light and made out to be racist and bigoted. My career took a hit for a while. Things have finally smoothed over but I need to make a comeback and change the public opinion of me."
Venus: "Finally! It was not fair that Viola got to play again but I didn't. I placed better than her in Season 14 for crying out loud."
Monique: "You're not the only one glad to be rid of someone you know. They can bring you down. I speak from experience. I could've won. And I could have been the only one to find out who the Mole was if not for my client."
Venus: "Unfortunately there are limited slots. The finale is an exclusive invite-only setting. There's just not enough for all of us."
Melvin: "Ladies, I don't think we need to begin the trash talk. I'm just glad to have gotten a second chance to play. I never thought I would make it so far previously so everything after that is a pleasant surprise."
Reynard: "We're here!"
Stephanie: "We're at a field. We need to do some running."
Contestants are at the local school for their first mission. They will be playing a mission first seen in Season 3, then in Season 5. There are ten questions on the field. Every correct answer gives 2 points. Everyone who answers correctly can move on to the next question. The first to reach the end stands a chance at the first exemption of the season. There are 10 questions so this mission is worth 220 points.
This could pass as an early-season mission. However, it's been 46 seasons. Things aren't that easy for our 4th-placers. Beside each question is a soccer ball. The first contestant to answer all 10 questions correctly can collect soccer balls from the questions he or she answered correctly. This represents the number of chances he or she has to get the exemption. As long as one ball is in the goal, the exemption is his or hers. The other contestants can try to goalkeep to prevent the exemption from getting to anyone.
"Question 1: If a football field is 100 yards long, how many feet long is the football field?"
Kenneth: "Let me calculate."
Sandra: "I have an answer."
Matty: "We just write it down on the paper we're given and then paste it all at once."
Venus: "This isn't interesting at all. Math? Really?"
Jasmine: "We're not children any more."
"Apart from Derek and Jasmine, all of you answered 300. The answer is 300. Everyone but Jasmine and Derek can move on to the next question."
"Question 2. When was the light bulb invented?"
"These are your answers."
Melvin: "1800?"
Derek: "Don't mock me. I know I'm dumb, okay?"
Melvin: "Sorry. I didn't mean it that way."
"The correct answer is 1879."
Kenneth: "I don't remember this."
Monique: "1900 is clearly too recent."
"Question 3. Who was the last queen of France?"
"The answer is Marie Antoinette, spelled with an 'i' after the 'o'."
"Question 4. Which books contains the characters Wilbur, Avery and Fern?"
Melvin also had Charlotte's Web. I forgot to include it in the picture.
"The correct answer is Charlotte's Web."
Sandra: "Oh right! Charlotte's Web!"
Reynard: "Technically I'm right too."
Venus: "You didn't even bother to answer."
Monique: "I couldn't think of it."
"Question 5. What is the capital of Italy?"
"The answer is Rome. Stephanie is getting a lead but can anyone catch up to her?"
"Question 6. Which country is named after the chemical element silver?"
Reynard: "Australia? Really? I know nasty shit goes down there but I don't think being called silver is it. Also, where the hell is Yeah-man?"
Venus: "It's pronounced Yemen. Of course not everyone will know of this obscure country."
"The correct answer is Argentina. None of you are correct. Question 7. The Earth is comprised of 4 layers. What is the thinnest layer called?"
"The crust is the correct answer."
"Question 8. What is the chemical formula NH3 also known as?"
"Everyone answers ammonia, which is correct. The next question. What artistic style was prevalent in Europe from approximately the 1600s to mid-1700s?"
"The correct answer is Baroque."
"Your last question to earn points. What is the Italian word for 5?"
"The correct answer is cinque. Any question from here onwards will not earn any points but the first to get to the end of the field earns the right to play for an exemption. Question 11. What letter is used to represent the speed of light in physics?"
"The correct answer is c. Stephanie is the first to reach the end."
Derek: "At least I'm not dead last."
Henrietta: "Should be easy to stop her from getting it."
Monique: "She gets 10 balls. The rest of us have to stop her."
Venus "Are we going to count on Melvin?"
Jasmine: "He's too fat to help."
Stephanie will now get 10 chances to score a goal. If she does, she gets her exemption, but every ball wasted means 2 points less in the pot.
The other contestants have decided on an order to be goalkeepers. They have decided to send Derek in first.
Monique: "Come on Derek."
Stephanie: "I'm not athletic at all..."
Stephanie: "How am I going to beat him?"
Derek: "Got it!"
Henrietta: "Good job Derek."
Jasmine: "No way are we letting her get an exemption that easily."
Derek: "Sorry Stephanie. An exemption for you is bad for the rest of us."
Kenneth is next.
Kenneth: "That was easy."
Stephanie: "Oh..."
Stephanie: "I can't beat them."
Reynard is third.
Stephanie: "Come on..."
Venus: "Yes! We just need to keep this up."
Sandra goes next and she too stops the ball.
Stephanie: "This is not looking good for me."
Henrietta: "You can't win."
Jasmine: "We won't let you."
Reynard: "We need to keep this up 6 more times."
Venus: "You shall not pass."
Venus: "Ack!"
Sandra: "You missed."
Venus: "What? I can't believe I fell for it."
Stephanie: "Yes! I did it!"
"Contestants, that is the end of the first mission. Stephanie has earned her exemption at the cost of 8 points. Your first mission has brought in 114/220 points."
A fair start for the group and a good start for Stephanie, can she keep this up or will she eventually face execution. Which of them will never have to worry about being executed?
- If a football field is 100 yards long, how many feet long is the football field? 300.
- When was the light bulb invented? 1879.
- Who was the last queen of France? Marie Antoinette.
- Which book contains the characters Wilbur, Avery and Fern? Charlotte's Web.
- What is the capital of Italy? Rome.
- Which country is named after the chemical element silver? Argentina.
- The Earth is comprised of 4 layers. What is the thinnest layer called? The crust.
- What is the chemical formula NH3 also known as? Ammonia.
- What artistic style was prevalent in Europe from approximately the 1600s to mid-1700s? Baroque.
- What is the Italian word for 5? Cinque.
- What letter is used to represent the speed of light in physics? c.
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