Last time on the Smole, the final four had to play chess against an AI. They lost, so 0/150 points were earned. Sandra was the last one to be executed, and with that some good news is learned: she has beaten the Mole two missions before and thus earn 100 points. Out of the three finalists Ulrich Zimmer, Peggy Vox and Edith Wickham, two of them were thought to make it to the finale. This brings in another 15 points each, making the pot 420/1100 points. Will another 15 points be brought in? Who will win? And who is the Mole?
Peggy: "Sandra's my roommate and while I knew what we signed up for, I'm having a hard time accepting Sandra's execution. I thought that we were going to make it to the end together. I was looking forward to an all-female final three. That hadn't happened in ages. The game must still be played with or without her. I am going to win. I'll stop at nothing to win the Smole."
Ulrich: "To be a finalist is an amazing feeling. I dared not dream big but each execution I survived made me more hopeful. I did it. I'm officially part of the final three. I was the only man left when it was down to five and I beat two women to get this spot. I will beat the other two to clinch the victory. I will be victorious!"
Edith: "I had always known I was going to be in the finale just like how I know I will win. I dare say I have caught onto the Mole the longest. The other two idiots only got here by luck and one had to rely on safety by being the Mole. I despise the Mole. I want to see the look on that Mole's face when I am declared the winner and win the money."
"Finalists, congratulations. You fought hard to be here, or maybe you relied on luck. Regardless, you are here now and that is what matters. Only one more mission awaits you and then a quiz. After that, the finale ceremony. One of you can finally reveal your role to the rest. One of you will win. We can now confirm that 420 points are in the pot, but why should you be the one to walk home with the money?"
"Peggy, why do you deserve to win?"
Peggy: "I played a great game. I played very hard and did whatever I could to get here. I play to win and this won't be an exception."
"Edith, why do you deserve to win?"
Edith: "I'm in a good mood today so I'll ignore your insolence and answer you nevertheless. I deserve to win because I am the only one who should win out of all of us. I am very certain that I have caught on to the Mole the earliest. I have actually utilised the information you provided us every week, which I can say some of us didn't. My slow timing means that I am correct about my Mole. I know how to use whatever I have to my advantage."
"Ulrich, why do you deserve to win?"
Ulrich: "I think that I am the one who earned the most points among the three of us. I have also been concerned with making the most points possible, balancing both aspects of the game. You can see that in the silent disco, in the rowboat race, in the pirate ship, at Liar's Dice...while sometimes I am eliminated early, I am trying to net a bigger fish. I know Sandra and Sierra suspected me. I know Sandra wanted to get rid of all her possible Moles from the dice mission. I had to get rid of myself to help her get confident and focus on beating the real Mole. Everything I do is for the pot so of course I deserve to win and get the pot."
"We will give you one last chance to add to your possible winnings. In the first mission, Hailey fished up a box with a clue. Fourteen of you share something in common. One does not. No points for guessing which one, but it appears that none of you managed to solve it. This time we'll give you something simpler: we will show you four Sims. Three of them have something in common. One does not. Each of you will be given 45 seconds to ask anyone and everyone as many questions as you like. After that you will be given two tomatoes each to throw at the similar Sims. Only if the odd one out does not get hit with a tomato do you earn the last 100 points of the season. Good luck."
Peggy: "The last mission of the season...finally..."
Edith: "Bring me to Crow's Nest Campgrounds at once."
These are the four Sims: Tina Touch, Gil Lai, Robi Baron and Nina Caliente.
Gil: "That woman does not look like she has good intentions."
Tina: "If she ever attacks me with that cane of hers I won't hesitate to fight back."
Robi: "Looks like she wants to speak to you first."
Nina: "I was promised hot men, not old women."
Edith: "Young lady, what is your name?"
Nina: "Nina Caliente."
Edith: "Are you the odd one out?"
Nina: "I can't answer that."
Edith: "What do you mean? You have a mouth, don't you? What do you use it for if not to answer my questions."
Nina: "Do you really want to know, old granny?"
Edith: "Hang on a moment...did I not see you kissing a man on the street the other day?"
Nina: "Oh you must be talking about my sister."
Edith: "I am talking about you. Were you not paying attention?"
Edith: "You better tell me everything about yourself, young lady."
Nina: "Don't be so rude or I won't tell you anything."
Edith: "You are contractually obligated to tell me everything!"
Nina: "Okay, fine. I like orange, grilled salmon and classical music. I'm the older twin. I came here to Barnacle Bay to have a good time and heard there were a lot of hot guys to be smooched. My ideal date better not be staying at home with a Netflix and chill...though I won't mind as much if we watched Big Brother. Still can't believe Winston is gone already. Oh, I'm also a Cancer."
Edith: "Throw in chlamydia and AIDS in there and you have the perfect recipe of 'hooker'. You're so loose it's no wonder you have cancer."
Nina: "I said my star sign is Cancer, not that I have caner."
Edith: "Don't change your words."
Nina: "I didn't!"
Edith: "Are you saying I'm lying? Are you saying I heard wrongly?"
Tina: "Ding ding ding! Time is up! Next please!"
Peggy: "What did you learn?"
Edith: "Not much other than the obvious fact that she is riddled with diseases and STDs."
Ulrich: "You only spoke to the girl on the right. I think we should change our plan so that each of us focuses on finding out as much as possible about one Sim. Hopefully we will have enough information."
Nina: "Hmph. Why didn't that hot guy talk to me instead of his grandma?"
Robi: "He doesn't look like he's coming for you."
Nina: "I'll make him come for me."
Ulrich: "Hi, I'm Ulrich. What is your name and what do you do?"
Robi: "Robi. Robi Baron and I'm a...collector. Okay, I'll be honest. I'm a burglar."
Ulrich: "Oh...what is interesting about you?"
Robi: "Lots. I love collecting things but I don't really have the money to always complete the collection. I probably also have a bad rep with insurance because of the crazy number of fires that happen around me."
Ulrich: "I see. What else do you like to do?"
Robi: "I love to watch Law and Order. Have you seen it? It's pretty awesome. I like playing the guitar too but I absolutely suck at it. It's just that I really love music, especially indie music, so I wanna be able to create my own."
Ulrich: "How many Sims are there in your family?"
Robi: "It's just me now. The rest died in a fire that rendered me homeless."
Ulrich: "Thank you. I don't have a lot of time left but I want to talk to another Sim."
Ulrich: "Hi, I'm Ulrich. I believe you heard the questions I asked. Could you tell me about yourself and your family?"
Gil: "Of course. I am Gil Lai. I am a happy father of one. His name is Jonah Lai and he is already a teenager. I am married to my lovely wife Laurel. I also like cooking and the part owner of the bistro in town."
Ulrich: "Tell me what you like to do."
Gil: "Cook, definitely. I also like to fish. My favourite dish to prepare is sushi because of the two points combined. My family and I love to watch this programme called Wie is De Mol. It's a great bonding activity."
Tina: "Time is up. Time for the last one."
Ulrich: "I found out quite a bit of information about the two men."
Peggy: "I thought you said to just focus on one."
Ulrich: "I did but I thought I had time to speak to one more so I did."
Peggy: "In that case I'll talk to the last one."
Peggy: "Hmm, what makes you just like everyone else?"
Tina: "What? Err...I like to do feminine stuff like any other woman such as shopping. Maybe the only thing that makes me different from other women is my love for exercise and fitness. I won't turn down a date to the gym."
Peggy: "Erm...what do you work as?"
Tina: "I'm a police officer."
Peggy: "Are you healthy?"
Tina: "Yeah, of course. I exercise regularly and am vegetarian so I imagine my diet is better than most."
Gil: "You are missing out."
Peggy: "So no STDs?"
Tina: "Of course not. I like dating as much as the next girl but I don't hop into bed with every man I meet on Tinder."
Peggy: "What other things do you like?"
Tina: "I love the colour green. I also like latin music. Oh, and also The Simpsons. I always feel better after watching it."
Peggy: "What is your life goal?"
Tina: "To stay as sharp and healthy as possible. I want to be in tip-top position physically and mentally. Oh, it seems like the time is up."
"Contestants, you now have one minute to discuss before each of you begin to throw."
Peggy: "I think the odd one out is the woman in blue. She is the only one to keep time."
Peggy: "I asked her about what makes her not unique and she began telling me about what made her different from other women."
Ulrich: "What did she say?"
Peggy: "She likes exercising. Does any of the other three like to exercise?"
Ulrich: "No. They all liked to watch TV and all have a favourite colour, food and music."
Peggy: "Oh? I don't think mine said anything about food. All she said was green and Latin music."
Edith: "Perhaps it is something simple, like their appearances. Only one of them wears a skirt."
Peggy: "Mrs. Wickham, it can't be that simple. Otherwise there is no point in asking questions."
Edith: "You are dense. So much for being smart. It could be to mislead us. After all, what can we get out of 45 seconds?"
Ulrich: "She has a point but let us consider all our options."
Edith: "We do not have a lot of time left. We must come to an agreement not to hit anyone at once."
Peggy: "I insist it's the first one. Everything seems to be pointing towards the first one."
Ulrich: "What do you say, Mrs. Wickham?"
Edith: "I think we are thinking too hard or one of you is trying to mislead us. I believe it is the last one. Do you see anyone else in a short skirt or having so many diseases? The other three are healthy."
Ulrich: "I think it is a toss-up between the two women because we don't know too much about the first one we talked to. There are very little points in common."
Peggy: "We didn't dig deep enough. Maybe we should have agreed on the questions to ask first."
Ulrich: "I think it is possible that we are thinking too hard about this and the answer is in plain sight. I will also choose the woman called Nina. Her twin sister appearing before must be a clue."
Peggy: "I suppose it is possible since we didn't really get much information out of her...okay. We will agree to hit everyone else but Nina Caliente."
The time is up. The contestants must take two tomatoes from the basket to throw at any of the four Sims in front of them. Only the odd one out must be unscathed to earn 100 points.
Peggy goes first.
Peggy: "I'll pick an especially unripe one for you. The rest are too good to waste."
Robi: "Woah!"
Robi: "Ha! Nearly missed me."
Peggy: "Hey! That's not fair. Grr. Don't move this time."
Robi: "Oof!"
Nina: "You nearly hit me!"
Gil: "I think he's aiming for me."
Gil: "My shirt! Those poor tomatoes!"
Ulrich: "Time for my next shot. Only one Sim left to throw at."
Ulrich: "Sorry. It has to be done."
Tina: "Ow!"
Tina: "You didn't need to throw that hard."
Edith: "I would throw at the worst Sims here."
Nina: "Why you looking at me? Don't you dare hit me."
Edith: "But that is an expensive lesson for me. I will give the next-most rotten Sim the rotten tomatoes."
Edith: "Take that!"
Tina: "Me again?"
Gil: "I thought she was going to hit me."
Gil: "Ow!"
Edith: "My job is done."
"Finalists, you have all made a decision. Hopefully you have gathered enough information to come to the right one. Who was the odd one out?"
"The odd one out was Gil Lai. He is the only one who is watching a foreign show, or the only one whose favourite show has not reached 20 seasons to date. Unfortunately that means you have hit the wrong Sim so no points are earned."
Peggy: "No!"
Ulrich: "We were wrong."
Edith: "Damn that hooker for trying to mislead us into choosing her. She just did not want to get hit by a tomato."
With 0/100 points to end things, the pot is now at 420/1200 points. Who will bring the money home? Who is the Mole?
Note: This episode was produced on 4th May 2019. At this time, all information was accurate.
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