Last time on the Smole, the contestants were split into pairs and had to collect ingredients in a maze-like garden. They succeeded and earned the full 100 points to make the pot 214/320 points. Everyone missed out on the exemption which resulted in Stephanie's execution. Who will be next? Who is the Mole?
Henrietta: "This is why I have a backup plan. My main coalition with Stephanie is gone but I still have my side coalition with Melvin and Derek. But I don't like putting all my eggs in one basket. It's time for me to approach someone else for a coalition."
Sandra: "To be honest I'm a little surprised by Stephanie's execution. She seemed like the smartest in the group and she had the first exemption. To leave immediately after that must be gut-wrenching."
"Contestants, for today's mission, I need four artists with good memory, four impersonators with an eye for detail and one singer who is precise."
Jasmine: "I can sing. I had singing lessons for a role."
Monique: "But are you precise?"
Jasmine: "More than you think."
Reynard: "Impersonation sounds fun. I'll be an impersonator."
Matty: "I can play the piano and write. I would say I have an artistic flair. Plus you need to memorise piano keys which I can do."
Sandra: "Hopefully Matty can take care of the artistry part. I would say I have a good memory."
Venus: "I can paint too. My tastes are exquisite. I'm sure I can produce fine art. I also have good memory."
Derek: "I think I have a good memory too."
Monique: "I'm not an artist but I can memorise things and I also have an eye for detail. I was trained as a lawyer. I am very attentive to details."
Melvin: "Oh. I was going to fight for the art memory group but you can take it."
Henrietta: "No. I think Melvin is a better fit. I'm no good with art but I think I can take on the other role."
Derek: "Fine by me."
"The four of you will have to dress up as four famous characters, be it real or fictional. However, you have to find out which character you must dress up as. At the salon you will find four close-up pictures of your characters and must style yourself to look like them. You only have one hour. After that, your fellow contestants must try to guess who you are. Every correct identification brings in 25 points."
"The four of you will have to take turns getting into a pool. On the walls of the pools are hieroglyphs. There are 100 unique hieroglyphs on the walls."
"You then have to head to the nearby spa. You will find two easels for you to draw. Only two of you may get out of the pool at any time. You have one hour. Each hieroglyph drawn at the end gets 1 point."
Melvin: "This wasn't what I was expecting."
Sandra: "Just try your best. Perhaps Melvin can always be out of the pool while the rest of us rotate getting out?"
Matty: "I don't have that much air."
Melvin: "It's ok. I don't want to be the burden of the group. I've been working on my weight for the past few years. I should be able to handle this."
"Jasmine, you are the time keeper of the mission. While the rest of them are getting points, you are the one who decides whether it is added to the pot. You must stop the clock at the one-hour mark, give or take 5 minutes. You can rely on your vocal skills to help you. You will be given a list of 10 Italian operas to sing with the duration of each song stated. 200 points can be earned. Good luck."
Jasmine: "No time to waste. I'll just start with the first song on the list."
Reynard: "We're here."
These are the four closeups. The first is for Reynard, the second is for Henrietta, the third is for Monique and the last is for Derek.
Reynard: "Who has a nose?"
Monique: "Who doesn't?"
Reynard: "He's black."
Henrietta: "No he's not. He's more Monique's colour."
Monique: "That's bordering on racism."
Henrietta: "I'm not letting you or anyone twist my words again like production did before."
Reynard: "Obama? I think Obama has that nose."
The artists have begun memorising as many hieroglyphs as they could.
Matty: "Our strategy was to memorise only a few hieroglyph at a time because the pool was HUGE. We would suffocate by the time we drew too many hieroglyphs out at once. It was exhausting. I kind of regret choosing this group.."
Venus: "Glurg glurg."'
Matty: "Glurgg!"
Melvin: "Glurggg..."
Sandra: "Glurg, glurg, glurg, glurg."
Henrietta: "This is ridiculous. I can't tell just from one eye alone. And they had to rotate it 90 degrees."
Monique: "We can deduce. It's probably someone who's quite old judging from picture quality."
Derek: "That may not be true. It could just be a shitty camera."
Monique: "Oh, that's a valid point."
Derek:"It looks really womanly."
Monique: "Henrietta is a would only make sense that she dresses up as one."
Henrietta: "Are you sure they're famous?"
Henrietta: "Wait, I think I know. It looks like Britney Spears."
Monique: "How can you tell from that?"
Henrietta: "I told you. I have an eye for detail."
Venus: "Mm?"
Matty: "I thought I would die."
Matty: "I need to go to the spa."
Melvin: "HEEP!"
Melvin: "I'm all out of air. The less oxygen reaching my brain, the less I can remember."
Jasmine: "LAAAAAAAAA~"
Melvin: "This is tiring. Derek should have taken this."
Matty: "Shh! I'm trying to remember here."
Monique: "Any ideas?"
Reynard: "Don't look at me."
Derek: "She's black and has really long eyelashes. She must be a woman."
Henrietta: "Or someone who really cares about her style."
Monique: "All famous characters have to."
Derek: "Let's just try and think of any famous black women...Michelle Obama?"
Monique: "We already have a Barack Obama. I don't think they would give me Michelle."
Henrietta: "Oprah, that doesn't look like her."
Reynard: "Nicki Minaj? She has really really long eyelashes."
Jasmine: "Aaaa~....okay, that's about 20 minutes down I think. Do I get a drink?"
Jasmine: "I just chose the longest song and kept singing over and over until I reached 60 minutes. My poor vocal chords are suffering."
Derek: "Who the hell is green?"
Reynard: "The hulk?"
Derek: "But he's not real."
Monique: "It doesn't have to be real. Yours is the easiest to recognise. I saw it instantly."
Melvin: "Why are you adding colour?"
Venus: "That's how I visualised it."
Jasmine: "Ohh~"
Reynard: "Come on now. You already have the build. Your makeover is the easiest. Just strip and paint yourself green."
Derek: "I'm not comfortable with that."
Reynard: "It's for money."
Derek: "I'm not a piece of meat. And I don't think they have body paint here."
Derek: "I'm sure there are other ways. At most I'll take off my shirt but I'm not painting myself green."
Reynard: "Alright, we'll think of something else...maybe if we dress you as Bruce Banner they'll get the link."
Henrietta: "Do you know what you're doing?"
Monique: "Yes. I know how to style myself and my clients."
Monique: "What makes Britney Spears?"
Henrietta: "She's blonde and has a fake tan."
Monique: "We need an iconic look."
Henrietta: "She doesn't have an iconic look."
Henrietta: "Unless we try dressing up like in her music videos but there are too many."
Monique: "I know just the look. We'll dress you like the schoolgirl from Baby One More Time."
Henrietta: "You're kidding, right? That's so skimpy and I'm so old."
Monique: "Do you want to be recognised or not? Excuse me, do you have a grey sweater?"
Jayden: "I do. I will get it for you."
Henrietta: "It will be all worth it when you get that big fat pot in the end..."
Sandra: "I'm not surprised about Melvin but Matty also kept coming out of the water very often. I saw a few of his drawings and they weren't very good for someone with artistic flair. I was the one who spent the most time underwater."
Sandra: "Crap, I forgot which way it was facing."
Matty: "Does it matter? Just flip the painting the other way around if it's wrong."
Henrietta: "I never thought I would see the day I looked like this."
Monique: "You look like a rebellious schoolgirl about to break out into song. They will be able to identify you instantly."
Monique: "Now come and help me."
Henrietta: "Hey you, get me the skimpiest dress you have."
Monique: "Really?"
Henrietta: "Hey, I'm already embarrassing myself. I'm not going to be the only one."
Monique: "I'm not worried about that. It's just for the Smole."
Monique: "I just am not sure if that's the right direction to go. I don't quite know what Nicki Minaj's iconic look is."
Henrietta: "I'm not too sure to but I know she's always showing cleavage and whoring around."
Monique: "So is your plan to make me look like a hooker?"
Henrietta: "Don't put it that way."
Henrietta: "You need to tuck in your belly."
Monique: "Are you calling me fat?"
Henrietta: "Nicki Minaj has long blonde hair. We'll need to give you extensions."
Monique: "I remember seeing her in black hair."
Henrietta: "I suppose she has both. She has very drastic changes in look."
Monique: "What about the hands? We've got to pay attention to every detail."
Henrietta: "They won't go so far. We need something that allows them to recognise you instantly. Your makeup should be crazy too."
Jasmine: "La~"
Jasmine: "Stop the clock. I think it's time."
"Time is up. You have drawn 43 unique hieroglyphs. You can earn 43 points but whether that happens depends on Jasmine."
Melvin: "We exhausted ourselves and drew so many pictures and you're telling me there are only 43?"
"For now, you are needed elsewhere."
Matty, Venus, Sandra and Melvin will be heading to Sunlit Stride Park where they can determine whether more points can be brought in.
The four of them will be in charge of identifying the famous characters. For every correct answer 25 points are earned.
The four of them have spent one hour trying to look like Barack Obama, Britney Spears, Nicki Minaj and The Incredible Hulk. The four of them have identified the close-ups correctly but have they reproduced the celebrities well enough?
Reynard: "Let's go guys."
Melvin: "Oh my gosh!"
Sandra: "Haha! Sorry, couldn't help myself."
Matty: "Oh shit. So glad I wasn't a part of that group after all."
Venus: "Mm, look at those abs. I like my men big and bad."
"Behold! The four in front of you are not your fellow contestants. They are famous characters which could be real or fictional. Identify them correctly and you get points."
Derek: "Kill me now."
Matty: "I think Derek is the Hulk."
Venus: "He's definitely massive but he's not the Hulk. The Hulk is green."
Matty: "A lot of men bared their top on screen. This is hard. He didn't even change his hairstyle."
Melvin: "Could he be the Wolverine?"
Sandra: "I don't think so. He doesn't look that rugged or have long black hair."
Melvin: "But his hair is black. That's probably why he didn't think of changing it. And his pants are ripped. It's like a werewolf transformation. I think he's the Wolverine."
Sandra: "If you're sure. I can't see anyone else."
Matty: "Now that you mention it I can't unsee."
Venus: "Doesn't Wolverine wear a necklace?"
Matty: "Maybe they couldn't find the right one. It's Wolverine, just agree."
Venus: "Fine. Let's move on to the next guy who must be Reynard."
Melvin: "I was going to say Reynard is Trump but then I realised he doesn't have a golden toupee."
Sandra: "I think he could be a businessman. His hair is grey so he's old."
Melvin: "Could he be Warren Buffet?"
Sandra: "I think he is."
Venus: "White, old, wears a suit and tie, yeah, sounds about right."
Matty: "That's Reynard. What about the rest?"
Sandra: "Henrietta is dressed like a schoolgirl. Her character must be really young."
Venus: "I can't think of anyone who looks like that."
Melvin: "Maybe they're going after a general feel. She's telling us she is a young girl of schooling age."
Matty: "She could be from a book or movie too. Hermione Granger? She's very famous."
Venus: "I was hoping it was someone more exotic but I guess magic is pretty exotic in itself. I approve."
Melvin: "Hermione?"
Sandra: "Hermione."
Melvin: "That just leaves Monique...I have no idea who she is."
Matty: "I never thought I'd see the day Monique shows her bra."
Venus: "Pfft. She's showing nothing. Those clothes and makeup are also so bad."
Sandra: "Maybe she's not a real character. That explains her doll-like makeup."
Matty: "I bet it's from some Japanese anime, although I don't recall anyone dressed in pink."
Venus: "She looks like a black-haired Barbie."
Sandra: "Maybe Monique just didn't want to dye her hair. I actually buy the Barbie possibility."
Melvin: "If you say it is then I guess it is."
Matty: "I don't think she's Barbie but for the life of me I can't remember who she looks like."
Venus: "Then just say Barbie."
Matty: "Barbie. Wait, what?"
"You have decided that Monique is dressed as Barbie, Reynard is dressed as Warren Buffet, Derek is dressed as Wolverine and Henrietta is dressed as Hermione Granger. Are they correct?"
Reynard: "Guys, I'm not Buffet, I'm Obama."
Derek: "I wore green gloves and socks for a reason, as well as these purple tattered jeans. I'm the Incredible Hulk."
Henrietta: "I'm Britney Spears. What a waste of my time."
Monique: "I am Nicki Minaj."
Sandra: "What? So we were completely wrong?"
Matty: "Nicki Minaj doesn't look like that."
"No points have been earned from this segment. However, 43 points can still be gained as long as Jasmine managed to stop the clock at the one-hour mark. There she comes."
"Jasmine, tell us: when did you stop the clock?"
Jasmine: "At 64 minutes. It's within the acceptable range."
"That means 43/200 points have been earned, making the pot 257/520 points have been earned. Trust the Mole to make sure the good times don't last."
Melvin: "I think the cosplay group could have put in more effort. Most notably they should have gotten spray tans or body paint. All of their hair was also wrong which is a big factor as to why we couldn't identify them."
After a long day, only 43/200 points were earned. The Mole is trying to stop the group's money-making tendencies. Will he or she succeed or will the group prevail?
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