Thursday, 5 September 2019

46.20-Eye woohoo

15 contestants joined the 46th season of the Smole but only three made it to the end: Ulrich Zimmer, Peggy Vox and Edith Wickham. They failed to add 100 points to the pot in the final mission, leaving the pot at 420/1200 points. One of them had to sabotage for the entire season. Which one of them is the Mole: the oldest woman, the charismatic businessman or the smart housewife?

As the finale approaches, some do some last-minute revision...

...some do some last chores...

...and some do what they have always been doing.


Edith: "Mrs. Vox, get me a glass of water."

Edith: "Don't act like you cannot hear me. I know you didn't go swimming today."

Peggy: "You're right. I'm ignoring you out of my own volition. After this season is through I don't have to deal with you ever again."

Ulrich: "Ladies, there's no need for all this. Let us focus on what is ahead of us: the grand finale. We are going to have to take the quiz shortly. I hope that we can give it our best."


It is time for the final quiz. As stated at the start of the season, time plays an important role. The slower contestant in this quiz will get a 0.5 score deducted from the cumulative scores. This could make all the difference in the world.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female? 
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: How old is the Mole?
A: 43
B: 46
C: 64

Q3: What is the Mole's occupation?
A: Business Magnate
B: Housewife
C: Unemployed

Q4: How tall is the Mole?
A: 162cm
B: 171cm
C: 197cm

Q5: What is the Mole's persona?
A: The Smart Mole
B: The Calculated Mole
C: The Aggressive Mole

Q6: Which floor does the Mole sleep on?
A: First floor
B: Second floor
C: Third floor

Q7: What kind of bed does the Mole currently sleep in?
A: The Lexington
B: LuxurLove Sleepset from Lothario Designs
C: Sleep-Slave Double Bed

Q8: What is the Mole's hair colour?
A: Brown
B: Blonde
C: Grey

Q9: In Mission 1, what was in the box the Mole fished?
A: Ulrich's exemption
B: Sandra's exemption
C: The Mole did not get a box

Q10: In Mission 1, who had the Mole's exemption?
A: Ulrich Zimmer
B: Nobody

Q11: In Mission 2, which political party was the Mole in?
A: Inkbeard party
B: Goldbeard party

Q12: In Mission 2, how many liberal policies did the Mole draw at random?
A: 1
B: 3

Q13: In Mission 3, which artists sang the songs the Mole heard?
A: Bruno Mars, Mako, The Black Eyed Peas, Blue, Clean Bandit
B: The Bee Gees, LeAnn Rimes, The Black Eyed Peas, LMFAO, The Beatles
C: LeAnn Rimes, The Black Eyed Peas, LMFAO, Taylor Swift, Clean Bandit

Q14: In Mission 3, how many times did you hear the same song as the Mole?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3

Q15: In Mission 4, in which order did the Mole pass by the pirate ship restaurant?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: The Mole did not pass by

Q16: In Mission 4, where was the Mole initially at?
A: An island
B: A beach
C: A boat

Q17: In Mission 5, who was in the same group as the Mole?
A: Sandra Rius and Peggy Vox
B: Sandra Rius and Benedict Foreman
C: Svetlana Partridge and Edgar Ellin

Q18: In Mission 5, how many votes did the Mole's goopy carbonara get?
A: 2
B: 6
C: The Mole did not make goopy carbonara

Q19: In Mission 6, who did the Mole face off against in the second round?
A: Edgar Ellin and Peggy Vox
B: Tyler Jackson, Edith Wickham and Sandra Rius
C: Sierra Das Auto and Sandra Rius

Q20: In Mission 6, how many different contestants did the Mole face off against?
A: 4
B: 5
C: 6

Q21: In Mission 7, which of the following answers did the Mole give?
A: Kidd, Trixie and Celeste
B: Red
C: Pasto

Q22: In Mission 7, did the Mole tip the busker?
A: Yes
B: No

Q23: In Mission 8, what is the product of the Mole's rolls in the first round?
A: 288
B: 40
C: 3

Q24: In which order was the Mole eliminated in Mission 8?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd

Q25: In Mission 9, what chess piece was the Mole?
A: Knight
B: Bishop
C: Queen

Q26: In Mission 10, which car did the Mole take?
A: Black car
B: Red car
C: Taxi

Q27: In Mission 10, who did the Mole speak to?
A: Nina Caliente
B: Gil Lai and Robi Baron
C: Tina Touch

Q28: In Mission 10, what did the Mole hear from one of the four Sims?
A: The Sim is vegetarian
B: The Sim is a Cancer
C: The Sim is a burglar

Q29: In Mission 10, who did the Mole throw tomatoes at?
A: Robi Baron
B: Tina Touch and Gil Lai

Q30: Who is the Mole?
A: Peggy Vox
B: Ulrich Zimmer
C: Edith Wickham

Ulrich: "The Smole is not about whether you know who the Mole is but how well you know the Mole. I can say I know enough about the Mole."

Edith: "My Mole has been the odd one out of the group the entire season. It was painfully obvious who it was. My Mole has survived until the very end. Therefore my Mole is correct."

Peggy: "The Mole this season is a clever and cunning one, doing things that would catch my attention but then making me second-guess myself and think, that's not the Mole. You couldn't fool me though. You're the Mole."


Time flies. Before you know it, it's the 46th finale ceremony. The season's contestants reunite and share their thoughts on the Mole.

Sanjay: "Ulrich is the Mole and I should have seen it right from the first mission. He couldn't fish to save his life but somehow he managed to pick fishing up so quickly and catch a box? That is suspicious."


Ulrich: "Thank you for teaching me how to fish."


Henry: "Yo! Gotta hand it to her, man. Mrs. Edith Wickham is a cunning Mole that you don't see coming...and I don't mean just because she's short. Her insistence in the second mission to nominate Ulrich, a member of the Inkbeards, was a blatant but neglected sign that she knew he was on the bad guy's side that time and she was helping him, and the baddies, to win."


Edith: "Production favours me. They insist that I be governor. I insist that Ulrich Zimmer be the ruler."


Megan: "I'm not could be Peggy. In the second mission, she managed to draw three fascist policies. Maybe she was hoping that since Svetlana drew it too she would look less suspicious and it would seem like an accident."


Peggy: "Oh. Can I pick the policies first? What? This is so rigged. 3 fascist policies again?"


Henry: "It's nice to see everyone again."
Megan: "Y-yeah...I...I suppose."
Henry: "Excited for the finale, huh? Me too."

Maria: "The Mole is Edith Wickham. In the third mission she plain refused to dance at some points in time. How was anyone supposed to sort everyone correctly if she didn't cooperate? Also, in that mission she was too slow in getting to the other beach so they ran out of time."


Edith: "They are out to make me a laughingstock! Horrible music and horrific getups? We do not need to show skin to dance. I am not training to be a hooker. And who do they think they are, telling me to move here and there? I only want to come here because it's cooler and there is a bathroom at least. Which barbarians didn't install a bathroom on the other beach? Do they want us to pee in the ocean? Disgusting."


Louis: "Dear Mrs. Wickham is the Mole. I find it uncanny that in Mission 6, she was able to make it past the first round every single time, as though she knew which light to stand under beforehand. It's why she kept insisting to choose first despite the lights seeming to be random."


Edith: "It appears that even the higher-ups don't like you. They would rather choose me."


Hailey: "Peggy must be the Mole. Looking back at Mission 3, she danced badly. I bring my nephew to his dance class every week and Peggy dances like how the children dance when they want to pretend they don't know how to dance."


Sierra: "Where did Peggy learn how to dance? And why did Megan move off the camera?"


Svetlana: "Peggy's the Mole. She chose the fittest partner during the rowboat race and stopped at nothing to get to the end. She wasn't willing to even try and earn points, all while pretending she just really, really wanted the exemption despite being miles ahead of everyone else."


Benedict: "Is that Tyler? We are way ahead of the rest. We can afford to stop and try to earn some points."
Peggy: "No means no. What if we lose the lead and exemption?"


Benedict: "I think Ulrich is the Mole. He played the Liar's Dice game very badly and clearly wasn't thinking of the pot. He had the most dice. He should have won. Instead he was second to lose all his dice."


"There are only 2 dice with face value 6. Ulrich has lost all his dice."


Tyler: "I have to pick one Mole and I think it is Peggy. Ulrich didn't have to lose in Mission 8 and Edith has done numerous things that don't add up as Mole. Peggy on the other hand messed up time and time again. In the final mission she steered the discussion in the wrong direction by planting an idea into everyone else's head."


"Contestants, you now have one minute to discuss before each of you begin to throw."
Peggy: "I think the odd one out is the woman in blue. She is the only one to keep time."


Edgar: "I never trusted Edith and I think I know why now. An old woman in the finale? There's got to be a mistake unless she's the Mole. In Mission 9 she didn't help the rest. In fact when she was the only one left she didn't let the rest help her either, telling them to keep quiet. No surprise that she lost the game and also 150 points."


Edith: "My king, I will do my best to protect you."
Ulrich: "I am sorry I cannot be of further help, Mrs. Wickham."
Edith: "Don't distract me!"


Sierra: "I believe the Mole is Edith Wickham. She is staying until the end, that is why she is so cocky. Other than that, in the final mission she wasted time arguing instead of asking questions. This caused the group to pick Nina Caliente by error."


Nina: "I said my star sign is Cancer, not that I have caner."
Edith: "Don't change your words."
Nina: "I didn't!"
Edith: "Are you saying I'm lying? Are you saying I heard wrongly?"


Sandra: "I had two Moles in mind: Edith and Peggy. The more I think about it the more I think Peggy is the more suspicious one. In Mission 6 for instance, she wanted me to not trust Ulrich and ignore his advice. In essence she wanted to force me into a dilemma and persuade me into using the 30 points to look into another contestant's quiz scores."


Peggy: "Remember that everyone is ultimately playing for themselves, Sandra. If you don't play hard you'll lose."


Sandra: "Unfortunately for her it didn't work. But unfortunately for me I didn't make it to the end either."

Sandra: "I just get this strong feeling I should have been in the finale."

"Contestants, welcome back. Most of you are dressed for an indoor event but it appears that you have forgotten this season's location. Regardless, all of you amazing, and the final three do too. It may be the fact that they made it to the end and have completed the whole journey. Very soon, one of them will be crowned as the winner and one will be unmasked as the Mole. Shall we invite them?"

"The first one to join us is an amazing contestant who rose to the occasion and beat their rival. Initially misled, this contestant maintained a clear head that allowed them to sieve out important details and see the Mole's true colours. This man aimed for the long haul and this man got it."

"This contestant is the winner of Season 46..."

"...Ulrich Zimmer!"

Ulrich: "Hej alla. I am happy to say that I have won the Smole."

Megan: "Ulrich won!"
Henry: "You go dude!"
Megan: "Erm,"

Sierra: "I told you Ulrich is not the Mole. I have good judgement."
Benedict: "Alright, alright, you win this bet."

Ulrich: "It is my utmost pleasure to have taken part and experienced a wonderful programme as the Mole for myself. Of course, the win is the cherry on top. It makes victory so much sweeter. Compared to my peers I believe I had a late start but that motivated me to work doubly hard to catch up to them. I managed to overtake all my competitors to win and I am proud of that."

"Ulrich, you get to take home the pot. Currently, it is at 420/1200 points. For putting yourself as the winner and actually winning, you get the balance 15 points, making it 435/1200 points. We will find out how many times the Mole was put down, if at all, later."

"There is only one seat left. That is reserved for the last of you. Who is the runner-up of Season 46?"

"This woman was the first to know who the Mole was. Initially underestimated, she quickly became  a force to be reckoned with. Her perceptiveness and knowledge brought her to the end but unfortunately she just did not know enough about the Mole, costing her the sweet winner's title. The runner-up is..."

Henry: "Uh...I think the suspense has been killed. We've been sitting here for almost 10 minutes now."

Louis: "Did something screw up?"
Sierra: "This is disappointing production quality."
Benedict: "Maybe the runner-up suddenly had cold feet."
Maria: "Get on with the show."

"There she is! The runner-up of the Smole, Season 46 is none other than Edith Wickham!"

Edith: "Go to hell, Mr. Zimmer. You are a scheming man who stole that seat from me."

Ulrich: "What? I earned it fair and square, Mrs. Wickham. And all the chairs are the same."

Edith: "I am aghast at the results of this competition. I am extremely sure that it is rigged. I was put at an unfair advantage with the time penalty in the final quiz. They knew I would be the slowest. They just didn't want me to win. How is that fairness? I knew who the Mole was since the first mission. I should be the one to win, not Mr. Zimmer or anyone else."

"You did remarkably well, Mrs. Wickham. While you were the recipient of the 0.5 penalty, that changed nothing about your placing. You were ultimately clearly behind Ulrich. Still, your ability to figure out the Mole almost instantaneously deserves to be lauded."
Edith: "Spare me the hogwash. You're just making excuses for yourself."

"The winner has you to thank for part of the pot. You were the first to put the Mole's name down in the second quiz. While you were fooled by Hailey, upon her execution you became more certain you were right all along about the Mole and her name found itself back onto your quiz answers. Altogether, Peggy's name was put down 13 times, so that's an additional 13 points to the group pot. Ulrich, you win 448,000 Simoleons!"

Edith: "Ugh. Incorrigible. Stop making that face at me, Mr. Zimmer. Be careful it doesn't stick."
Ulrich: "Too late..."

Edith: "It makes me secretly happy to know that Edith didn't win but does she really have to sit beside me?"

"Contestants, you now know the truth: Ulrich is the winner, Edith is the runner-up and the Mole is Peggy Vox. Speaking of her, let us invite the Mole of Season 46 to join us."

"Ladies and gentlemen, Peggy Vox! This unassuming housewife succeeded in turning your heads the other way at first, only to surprise you later with her sudden hunger for wins and exemptions. A competitive player by heart, she used that to her advantage as a smokescreen. She was a very driven player--driven to keep points away from the pot. Her goal was to make everyone a Mole. Her attempts at suasion were veiled attempts to tempt others to sabotage. If everyone sabotaged, it would be easier for her to hide and her sabotages would go less noticed. She fooled the majority here but she failed to fool three contestants."

"They are the winner, the runner-up and the fourth-placer, Sandra Rius."
Sandra: "I can't believe I was aligned with the Mole the whole time. I mean, in the end I suspected it but still, now that it's out in the open..."

Sanjay: "Peggy, how could you play my feelings like this? I trusted you not to be the Mole."

Peggy: "Hello everyone. I'm sorry to those who I fooled but it's my job and it's part of the game, so I guess I'm not all that sorry. Being the Mole was exciting. I knew I had to sabotage but I had to be smart about it so that I wouldn't get caught. That was how I came up with the idea to convince everyone to sabotage along with me whenever I could. I think I should congratulate the three who discovered it was me, even if one of them did so by luck because she thought this was Survivor."
"You did a great job, Peggy. You take home the bigger portion of the pot and can add 752,000 Simoleons into your bank account. Congratulations!"

"Peggy, would you like to walk us through your sabotages?"
Peggy: "Gladly. In the first mission, I laid low. It would be stupid to paint a target on my back so early. I tried my best to fish and motivated those around me to try their best to get a box too. All this was so that as many of us could have an exemption as possible. The more of us exempted, the more likely we would want to keep it instead of trading it for 150 points."


Peggy: "100 points on 9 exemptions. It is not a bad deal."
Edith: "Hogwash! Either we all get the exemption or none of us do."
Peggy: "You're just worried that you won't be safe."


Edith: "I knew you were up to no good."

Peggy: "No you didn't. You just thought I didn't know how to be a housewife. Which, I repeat, I do. Moving on, in the next mission I was part of the group of 10. Easier to hide and easier to directly influence the points. I knew who the members of the opposing party and it was no accident I had three fascist policies. I did everything in my power to make a fascist government. You could say I was the fifth Inkbeard party member."


"The last policy to go through is: everyone who sees an Inkbeard party member must bow down and kiss their feet or otherwise be sentenced to life in jail. 6 fascist policies have been enacted. No points have been earned. However, there are three Inkbeard Party members who get an exemption for the successful tenures. They are..."

"...Louis Chamberlain..."


"The first term begins. Henry is the candidate. Henry, who do you want to be ruler for this term?"
Henry: "Hmm, so many good choices, but I think I'll pick Louis. He's my lucky star."
"Everyone else, please vote if you approve of this leadership or not. We'll go round the table."

Peggy: "I approve."


Peggy: "What policy did you enact?"
Louis: "Every district will be ruled by one sub-governor. It's a fascist policy."


"...Ulrich Zimmer..."


Peggy: "I approve. We'll see how this goes."


Ulrich: "I am sorry my friends. Edith left me with no choice. I had two fascist policies so I chose to enact the one that forces everyone in Barnacle Bay to learn a Germanic language or be deported."


"The election has failed for a third time in a row. The following fascist policy has been drawn: the Goldbeard party is now limited to 6 seats in parliament, regardless of parliament size."


Sandra: "It's clear that it's Peggy's fault."
Peggy: "I finally understand how Svetlana feels. She's not from the Inkbeard party. I also ended up taking 3 fascist policies."
Sandra: "What a coincidence."

"Before the term ends, Peggy as governor had to silence someone, removing that contestant from the mission. Peggy, who did you silence?"
Peggy: "Sorry Mrs. Wickham. Nobody trusts you. There's no point in keeping you around."


"Henry is your new governor and Maria is your new ruler. Please head inside the policy room."


"Who is the formidable Blackbeard Neckbeard?"

Maria: "It is me."


Peggy: "The game had ended earlier than any of you realised but we continued to play it out all the way because why not."

Louis: "I was on the right track. I was searching for whoever was helping us. I just didn't track it down to you when you picked Henry, who was clearly innocent."
Peggy: "I had to. I couldn't make myself too obvious for the retro-analysers like you."

Tyler: "It was just weird to me that we had many correct answers but somehow an overwhelmingly large number of fascist policies were drawn. I thought someone was messing around and throwing away the liberal policies or rearranging them or something."
Peggy: "That was just bad luck. Or good luck in my case."

Peggy: "In the third mission I tried to mislead Ulrich but he was too resolute. I earned a tiny 20 points but I tried to keep the rest out by dancing badly on purpose so that you couldn't figure out which song I was listening to."


Sierra: "What is Peggy doing? Is she driving a car?"

Hailey: "I don't think she belongs. We should move Peggy over. Louis too while we're at it."

Sierra: "I disagree. Louis and Peggy are dancing differently."
Hailey: "Everyone reacts differently to songs. To me they're dancing the same song."


Edgar: "That was a pretty fun mission but very hard to do."
Hailey: "I knew it! You were dancing badly on purpose! I mean, so were others and Edith didn't want to dance at all but still!"
Tyler: "I'm not a good dancer. I've never danced before."
Svetlana: "I know I had a lot of fun though."

Megan: "I just realised every single mission I was in I embarrassed myself."

Peggy: "On to the rowboat race. The most direct way was to be crazy about exemptions, which I would still be if I weren't the Mole. I knew what was in store so I tried to weaken the other pairs while strengthening my own. That's why I picked Benedict. I hadn't made myself out to be really strong yet at that point."


Benedict: "I know you said no but Sierra's our last hope to earn points."
Peggy: "And we are so close to the exemption. I don't care if I have to take out the whole pot for it."


Benedict: "So that's why you wanted us to just keep rowing. I thought that we had a lot of time to do something, earn points and then get back and win the race but I didn't think much of it at that time."

Maria: "I needed the exemption more than you or Ben did, Peggy."
Peggy: "How was I supposed to know?"
Maria: "If only I didn't stop to rest. I would have won the race."
Sanjay: "Or you may have drowned."
Maria: "It's just so weird to lose in a race, although I know this is a different race from what I do."

Peggy: "For the fifth mission, I hoped to do very well so that all of you would have faith in me and predict that I would win, then at the third or so round lose on purpose. That didn't work out too well when Ulrich beat me in the second round. So I had to switch my tactics and predict who I thought wouldn't win."


Edith: "Basketball is a man's sport. Mr. Chamberlain is the only man."
Sandra: "That's sexist."
Edith: "You're sabotaging."
Peggy: "How much do we know about Louis? And given that nobody can get a two-win streak, Hailey is my pick."


Ulrich: "I am proud to have stopped your sabotage."
Peggy: "I won't lose sleep over it. I try to sabotage but I don't always succeed."

Edith: "Maybe if some of us helped instead of getting into each other's faces we would have done better."

Hailey: "You're just jealous your husband isn't as kissable as my Ben-boo. If we didn't have to sit here I would definitely sit beside my Ben-boo."

Benedict: "Tonight's not about us babe. Besides, you know what they say. Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

Hailey: "I will have to settle for eye woohoo."
Svetlana: "I'm all for love but let's not get too graphic. So Tyler, erm, how's the weather? Help me get that mental image out of my mind please."

Edith: "Gross. Some women show no self-discipline or inhibition."

Louis: "Remind me to settle some unfinished affairs later."

Peggy: "Moving on to the next mission! Sandra was right about me trying to persuade her to lose the points. I knew what was actually at the end so I knew Ulrich was lying but I couldn't just say the truth. My plan was never to make it to the end. I'm not interested in who wins or how well any of you did on the quizzes thus far. What I wanted to do was to try and talk to as many of you as possible to convince you to not waste the points betting on the unknown. If only Edgar spread the message..."


Peggy: "That sounds fishy to me. I bet what he actually had was an exemption but if someone else goes through the other door he'll have competition for the exemption. That's why he doesn't want you to enter the other room."
Sandra: "That...makes a lot of sense."


Tyler: "I want to know if there was ever a pattern to the lights. Otherwise it would be just random."
Peggy: "There was. It was actually written on the underside of the box of photos. Nobody found that."

Peggy: "I also knew the full mission for the next one. I had to make sure that we were all focused on the decoy task which was to run. Unfortunately Edgar and Sandra still ran away. At least that meant we couldn't answer the questions about the kids and Sandra didn't get 10 bonus points."


Edith: "He is a pathetic excuse of a man. I use a cane but I don't walk like an amputee."
Peggy: "There's no traffic. He doesn't need help. Let's not get distracted."

Edgar: "Are you sure? I think he needs help to cross the road."
Peggy: "Don't waste time, Edgar. Unless you are a Mole trying to sabotage."


Edith: "You also forgot to mention you cost us 10 points. You and Ms. Rius and Ms. Das Auto and Mr. Zimmer."

Sierra: "This was one of the missions I thought you were strange, Peggy. You talked about an exemption but you weren't at the front. You also called Despacito Pasto. But everyone else did weird things as well which confused me."
Sandra: "I really did what I thought was the right thing. I didn't expect the fight to actually have bearing on the mission and so some thought I knew beforehand what was going to happen."
Ulrich: "Like I told you Sierra, don't get too focused on the small details."

Edgar: "I had loads of fun playing gnubb with the kids. Why couldn't that be the mission? I also remember missing out on a bronze exemption. You guys did better than I expected."

Peggy: "In Mission 8, the only answer was to win. I tried to create confusion and distrust."


Peggy: "Why didn't you trust me, Ulrich? We should be working together to remove Sandra's dice but instead we're giving it to her. I propose we don't harm each other until we get rid of Sandra. Hence I will begin with a dice of 6."


Peggy: "Sierra, don't listen to her. If we work together we can stand a chance to beat Sandra and then it'll be a fairer fight. If you help her you're doing yourself a disservice."


Sandra: "It was pretty strange of you to suggest working together and being open with the Mole right there, listening."
Ulrich: "The Mole can hear but she cannot do anything because if she tries to use it against us it will be obvious she is the Mole."
Sandra: "I disagree. Peggy will just have tried to pretend she wanted the exemption and get rid of everyone else."

Ulrich: "I also wanted to win but I did not want to make it too obvious that I was thinking of Peggy as the Mole. She wasn't the only one playing mind games. I tried to trick Peggy into underestimating me to get rid of one of her dice. I also wanted Sandra and Sierra to focus on beating the real Mole so I lost on purpose."

Peggy: "I do know how to play chess. Just not when money is involved. I made bad moves on purpose while making it look like I was trying to win. Ulrich's poor skills helped to distract. My main goal was to lose, my side goal was to take all of you down with me."


Peggy: "Shit. I'll die no matter where I go."

Sandra: "I'm sure there's another move."
Peggy: "I have to move or I will get captured next. I can only hope the AI slips up if I move."


Edith: "The way the rest of you were playing I was convinced you were working with the AI. It was infuriating how badly you played that the queen herself had to step in and salvage this."

Sandra: "I did notice Peggy wanting to make some weird moves. I think Mrs. Wickham managed to do well here, however. She managed to counter some of Peggy's bad moves."

Peggy: "Finally, the last mission. I had the feeling the other two didn't trust me so all I needed to do was to insist on a different but wrong suspect then eventually give in to the rest. I knew what was different and thus tried to avoid talking about that."


Ulrich: "I think it is possible that we are thinking too hard about this and the answer is in plain sight. I will also choose the woman called Nina. Her twin sister appearing before must be a clue."
Peggy: "I suppose it is possible since we didn't really get much information out of her...okay. We will agree to hit everyone else but Nina Caliente."


Peggy: "I did initially want to slow down the questions I asked to get lesser information but halfway I thought it would be better if I overloaded them instead."
Louis: "Sure you did."

Edith: "You were just incompetent throughout. You couldn't even hit a grown man with a tomato."
Peggy: "It wasn't my fault he dodged! That was not part of the plan at all. And you were the one who insisted on the wrong Sim. Though I must thank you for losing the last 100 points by arguing with her and then insisting it was her."

Ulrich: "I was testing Peggy to confirm I was right. I suggested we each speak to one Sim and leave the last one alone and she readily agreed. That convinced me I was right about my suspicions."

Henry: "I feel so left out in the discussion. This is weird."
Megan: "Me too."

Sanjay: "Imagine how I feel."

"Those are the ten missions Peggy sabotaged. We understand how the missions alone may sometimes not be enough, so we always provide a little nudge in the right direction with clues."

"Hailey received a clue in the first mission. Everyone here had something in common except the Mole. If you had figured it out, you would have all the exemptions you would need because you would know who the Mole is."

"Edith, what is your favourite flower?"
Edith: "Do you really not know or are you senile? I mentioned this before. I love tulips. I grow a garden of it at home."

"Louis, what is your tissue made out of?"
Louis: "Tulip pulp. I personally go down to inspect the quality of the pulp and ensure it is not replaced with fake substitutes."

"Hailey, what is your favourite landmark?"
Hailey: "Windmills, duh! The closest I got to seeing one was at the mini golf course."

"Benedict, what is your favourite brand of milk?"
"Dutch Lady. I first encountered it while in Malaysia."

"Svetlana, what are your favourite colours?"
Svetlana: "I can't decide between red, white and blue. My house is full of these three colours."

"Sanjay, what was the most memorable question you had for your job interview?"
Sanjay: "The Dutch national flag problem. It is actually sorting the three colours Svetlana likes."

Edgar: "Here!"
"If you had dinner with someone as a date, would you pay for your date?"
Edgar: "Nah. We all worked hard for our own money. I believe in letting everyone pay for themselves and always do that."

Henry: "What? That's so ungentlemanly of you. You should always pay for your date as a man instead of going Dutch."
"Henry, what is your favourite food?"
Henry: "Licorice, hands down."
"The Dutch happen to have the highest consumption of licorice in the world."

"Megan, who was your song To Die For written for?"
Megan: "Loes Loos. She is a Dutch singer."

"Tyler, what is the newest language you have been learning?"
Tyler: "Dutch."

"Ulrich, what ethnicity is your mother?"
Ulrich: "Dutch."

"Sierra, apart from Germany, where have you lived?"
Sierra: "Holland."

"Maria, where did you travel to for a holiday last year?"
Maria: "Let me was Holland."

"Sandra, where did you go to for your exchange programme while in university?"
Sandra: "Rotterdam."

"Peggy, where was the only place you travelled overseas to before coming here?"
Peggy: "Perth."
"You've never been to the Netherlands?"
Peggy: "No."

Svetlana: "What? You told me you went to Europe!"

Sandra: "And you said you've been to the Netherlands!"

Peggy: "I lied. I didn't know what the common link was. I didn't even know this clue existed. I was figuring out with you guys. To not give myself away I said certain things to make sure I wasn't the odd one out."

"There is your first and biggest clue. All of you have encountered something related to the word 'Dutch', be it their national flower, national flag colours, except for Peggy. Hence she is the odd one out and she is the Mole. In fact, the reason why this was the common point is because of the Dutch show Wie is de Mol?, spelled as  W-I-E but pronounced 'V'. It sounds like V is the Mole. V for Vox. Peggy Vox. This is also referenced in the final mission, where the odd one out was because of Wie is de Mol."


Gil: "My family and I love to watch this programme called Wie is De Mol. It's a great bonding activity."


"It has been said time and time again is an important part of the season. You'll see why yet again."


"Your time on the quiz was 2 minutes and 11 seconds."

Episode 1 broadcast time


"The time you took was 3 minutes."

Episode 4 broadcast time


"Peggy Vox, the time you took on the quiz was 5 minutes and 20 seconds."

Episode 11 broadcast tme


"Peggy Vox, you took 5 minutes and 39 seconds."

Episode 6 broadcast time

"Peggy, your time was 5 minutes."

Episode 16 broadcast time


"Peggy, your time was 4 minutes and 27 seconds."

Episode 7 broadcast time


"Every time Peggy's quiz time was mentioned there would be a corresponding episode that is aired at that time too. But as the Mole, Peggy doesn't actually take the quiz and thus doesn't have a time. Her quiz times were actually the episode airing times."


AGE: 46


"The next clue is very in-your-face you would hate yourself for missing it. This is the 46th season. Peggy is 46. Coincidence? Not at all. All of you were specifically cast for a reason."


Q6: In Mission 3, which song is the Mole's favourite to dance to?
A: Roar
B: How Do I Live
C: Rather Be
D: Happy
E: How Deep Is Your Love
F: Party Rock Anthem
G: Into The Sunset
H: Shake It Off
I: Treasure
J: U Make Me Wanna
K: Come Together
L: I Gotta Feeling
M: None of the above


"In Episode 5, the songs heard were songs that all of you said you would dance to...except the Mole. The Mole likes to keep things like these a secret."



"The number 7 plays an important role in the next clue. In Episode 7, one of the tasks was to get a triple 7 on the slot machine. In that episode, the 7th picture showed you a clue if you clicked on it."

"Who is this woman? She is Peggy Vrijens from Season 6 of Wie is De Mol. Peggy V is the Mole, except it's V for Vox."



"The next clue can be found in a similar way. In Episode 12, after Benedict was executed, flashbacks of him were shown. One of the flashbacks was called 'Peggy is the Mole'."


The fighting politicians Morgan Inkbeard and Tobias Goldbeard


Juliet: "Despacito~"


"This clue is for those who tried to search Peggy's name online. The song the busker played in Episode 13 was a Spanish song. The two Sims fighting were politicians. The second mission was a political mission. Vox is a Spanish political party."


"Regarding the second mission, the policies were written on magazines. Vox is also the name of a magazine."


These are the four Sims: Tina Touch, Gil Lai, Robi Baron and Nina Caliente.


"On to the last clue. Other than the odd one out, the other three Sims were also clues. Their names were Nina, Robi and Tina. The first letters of their names give nRT. Scientists would recognise this as one side of the ideal gas law equation: PV=nRT. PV is Peggy Vox's initials."

"These are the clues of the season. Did you find them all? If not, try rewatching the season to see if you can spot them. It's been a wonderful season and we thank all participants and viewers for making this season yet another success."

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