Tuesday, 10 September 2019

47.03-Onions don't grow on trees

Previously on the Smole, eleven familiar faces had to remember what they learned in school. 114/220 points were earned and Stephanie beat the rest to get the first exemption of the season. Kenneth was executed first. Who will be executed next? Who is the Mole?

Derek: "Oh, Monique! What are you doing here?"
Monique: "I'm sleeping here."

Monique: "I came here on my own free will. Jasmine wanted the whole bed to herself and I didn't feel like fighting with her for the whole season."

Derek: "Oh...in that case, welcome to our cozy quarters."


Henrietta: "Hmm, should I be a nice little girl and play normally this season?"

Henrietta: "I never did promise Stephanie that I would be loyal to the coalition. I want to win, especially when I'm dealing with a group of could-be finalists who are less detached from the Smole than I am."

Henrietta: "And it's not a good idea to bring Stephanie to the finale if she's not the Mole. She's smarter...I just have to use her until time is ripe."


"Contestants, I need five contestants who want to see the big picture and five who have eyes for nobody else."

Sandra: "I'm a big picture kind of girl. And so is Stephanie I believe."
Monique: "As a businesswoman, I have to be able to see the bigger picture."
Henrietta: "Count me in for that group."

Reynard: "Eyes for nobody else...what could that mean?"
Venus: "Sounds like we get to flirt. I'm in."

Reynard: "Oh, in that case I only have eyes for my wife and no one else. Sounds like I'll be part of that group then."

Jasmine: "Clearly nobody else should have eyes for anyone else but me."

Melvin: "It could be that we have to search for somebody."
Matty: "I'm good at finding things."
Sandra: "A game of hide and seek?"

Melvin: "If nobody else minds, I'll be in the big picture group."


"For the five of you, in front of you is a grocery list. You will be helping to make a pizza. However, there are some ingredients missing, namely: tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, garlic and eggplants. You will each be provided a phone to communicate with your partner, who you can choose from the other group. You will have an overview of the garden with locations of all the harvestables. However, you will not be able to distinguish between them. You must rely on your partner to tell you what plant it is. Collect your ingredient and exit the garden within 30 minutes to earn 20 points."

"However, there is a lime tree in the garden too. You can earn an exemption for yourself if you are able to get your partner to harvest limes and leave in time."

"All of you are at different parts of the garden for a reason. Note that you must not see another contestant in the garden. If you do, you are eliminated and lose points. If both of you see each other, both of you are eliminated. Good luck."


This is an adaptation of Season 6's mission. They can earn 100 points here.

Monique has to guide Derek to pick onions.

Sandra and Reynard must pick eggplants.

Melvin's partner Matty must look for tomatoes.

Henrietta will direct Venus to collect garlic.

This leaves Stephanie with Jasmine, who must gather mushrooms.


Matty: "There could have been worse missions, like having to repair a TV or something."



Jasmine: "This is utterly ridiculous. You expect me to pick vegetables? I don't even know what I'm supposed to pick!"
Stephanie: "Jasmine, it's Stephanie. You need to find white cap mushrooms."
Jasmine: "Speak up, girl. I can't hear you."


Stephanie: "I received one exemption. Nobody is going to let me have another so I decided not to go for it. At the same time I could test Jasmine. If she insists on disobeying my orders or suggests an exemption then I'll know."


Venus: "There are a lot of plants here."

Henrietta: "What plants?"

Venus: "It's making my eyes tear."
Henrietta: "Answer my question."

Venus: "Sheesh. It's green...oh wait, is that the leaf?"

Venus: "No. It's a green berry thing."

Derek: "There's a big tree with round purple fruit."
Monique: "That's not it. Onions don't grow on trees."

Reynard: "Eggplants, eh? Do they have yolk in them?"

Sandra: "Oh that was just bad."

Sandra: "Reynard, stop!"

Sandra: "Turn around and run into the first clearing on the right!"

Monique: "What's that in front of you?"
Derek: "Garlic."

Reynard: "Whew! That was a close one."

Reynard: "There's a bunch of berries and herbs."

Derek: "These are just trees...oh wait, there's a grapevine."

Jasmine: "Why not we just harvest everything we see?"

Stephanie: "Because everyone needs to collect their own ingredient to earn points."


Monique: "Avoiding everyone was harder than I thought. We couldn't coordinate our moves with the other navigators so we just had to observe when we saw moving figures about to collide into our own."


Derek: "Why did you ask me to run into a dead end?"

Jasmine: "There's nothing here."
Monique: "Derek, exit."

Jasmine: "Did you just make me walk one whole round? What do you take me for?"

Stephanie: "I see a plant in front of you. What is it?"

Jasmine: "They're dead flowers."

Jasmine: "It's such a pity that they died so early. They must have messed with the wrong Sim."

Reynard: "Mary, Mary, quite contrary, what does your garden grow?"

Reynard: "Tomatoes and onions."

Sandra: "Matty and Derek need to collect it."

Venus: "What do we have here? Oh, bananas."

Venus: "That's what banana trees look like?"

Derek: "You don't need muscles to be able to harvest produce."

Monique: "Turn left. Those aren't what we're looking for."

Melvin: "Walk forward."

Melvin: "That was too close."

Venus: "Why are you asking me to hide behind this tree? I can't really turn around?"

Henrietta: "If you dare, I will murder you."

Melvin: "Tell me what the plants are on the way."
Matty: "I don't know. They all look the same. I think they're peppermints?"

Jasmine: "Finally, somewhere to sit."

Jasmine: "The garden is nice but you can't expect me to walk in heels all day."

Stephanie: "Jasmine, what are the two plants next to you?"

Jasmine: "A bunch of gross mushrooms. I mean..."

Stephanie: "Perfect. You just need to harvest it."

Jasmine: "What? You must be joking. Do I look like I'm dressed to garden?"
Stephanie: "You want to get out of here ASAP, right?"

Jasmine: "Ugh, fine."

Jasmine: "I better be getting an exemption for being the first to exit."

Jasmine: "I need a manicure, stat."

Stephanie: "Good job. Now just go straight."

Derek: "These don't look like they grow anything."

Melvin: "Keep walking to the end then turn left."

Venus: "I can't resist taking a peek."

Venus: "I don't see anyone. Why is Henrietta hiding me here?"

Reynard: "How long do I have to stay here?"
Sandra: "Just a while longer. I'll give you the cue."
Reynard: "I'm like a spy, just with a touch of dirt."

Derek: "Why do you keep asking me to walk forward? They are just a bunch of trees."
Monique: "You won't know until you go closer."

Sandra: "You can turn around and leave now."
Reynard: "Finally."

Venus: "I don't care. I'm not staying put and wasting time."

Henrietta: "How dare you!"

Jasmine: "I'm out. I need to go to the spa."

Sandra: "What's that tree?"
Reynard: "I'm not good with plants. I didn't study botany or herbology."

Reynard: "Kidding. I know you're just asking about the fruit. I don't see any...oh wait, I see limes."

Sandra: "Oh. We'll leave that for now. We'll come back to it once we found our eggplants."
Reynard: "I got one in my pants already."
Sandra: "You...oh. Ew."

Reynard: "Why do we need to get limes anyway? They don't go on pizza and we're looking for eggplants."

Sandra: "Oh, well you see...we can get bonus points if we pick it. Some other plants give bonus points if picked while others lead to penalties."

Derek: "Lettuce, lettuce, nothing, potatoes, nothing...wait, I think I see our onions up front."

Monique: "Pick them."
Derek: "Picking."

Sandra: "Wait, what's to your right?"

Reynard: "A hedge and two plants. And one of them has our beloved eggplants."

Reynard: "Too bad they're not as big as mine."

Sandra: "Oh god, please stop with the dick jokes."

Melvin: "Make a quiet run for it."

Melvin: "Did he see you?"
Matty: "I don't think so."

Reynard: "You don't appreciate my dick..jokes?"

Sandra: "...No. You got a laugh from me the first time. After that it just flopped."

Reynard: "Oof. You don't got to hurt me like that."

Sandra: "Anyway, let's head back to the limes."

Sandra: "Wait, stop!"

Sandra: "Run back!"

Henrietta: "What's in front?"
Venus: "Grapes."
Henrietta: "Move on."

Reynard: "I'm at the entrance."

Sandra: "Just make a break for it."
Reynard: "You sure?"
Sandra: "...Yes."


Sandra: "I wanted to get the exemption. I even fooled Reynard. But then I saw a dot moving on my screen and I had to make Reynard U-turn, and then he found himself near the entrance. I didn't want to risk it. Oh well. I hope the exemption curse doesn't apply to this season."


Henrietta: "What's that?"

Venus: "I'm not telling you until you tell me exactly what we're looking for."

Venus: "We could keep wasting time or I could just move on and you'll never know what it is..."

Henrietta: "Garlic. We're searching for garlic."

Venus: "Oh, you're in luck. It's garlic."
Henrietta: "Are you sure?"

Venus: "Positive. I'm harvesting it right now."

Henrietta: "Wait, stop!"

Venus: "Too late. I guess our job is done."

Henrietta: "Grr...yes. It is."

Venus: "And I'm out. Too bad I didn't see any ixoras or exotic plants. Monte Vista is disappointing."

Derek: "I don't see any limes."

Monique: "They must have already been taken."

Matty: "I'm not going anywhere, Melvin. My feet are screaming in pain. Sort yourself out and tell me exactly where you want to go."

Melvin: "You're right. Sorry. I haven't been very organised. We've combed everywhere but no sign of...wait, there's a whole portion I missed out. My fingers were blocking it."

Matty: "Seriously?"

Derek: "This is a lemon tree."

Derek: "Another pair must have taken the exemption, Monique. That's two less spots in the final 9."

Monique: "Screw it. We don't have much time. Follow my lead."

Matty: "Haven't we already been here?"
Melvin: "Take the next left."
Matty: "Which left?"

Melvin: "The second left."

Matty: "I see it at last. It's been hiding here the whole time."

Melvin: "Harvest it."

Matty: "How many do I take?"
Melvin: "All."

Melvin: "Now head back the way you came."

Melvin: "You might want to hurry because we're down to 5 minutes."


"Contestants, all of you worked hard today to gather fresh ingredients to make pizza. All of you came with the right ingredients but did all of you make it out in time? Matty was the last to leave..."

"...and he made it out in time."
Melvin: "Yes!"

Matty: "Did you really doubt me? I'm not slow."

Melvin: "Sorry, I didn't mean to doubt you."

Melvin: "Wait a minute, was that a dig at me?"

"100/100 points have been earned, making the pot 214/320 points. Hopefully you can keep th is up for the remainder of the season, but for now let's enjoy some pizza."
Henrietta: "Finally. I've always wanted to try a Monte Vista specialty."

"One of you will be doing the honours."
Derek: "Oh, I want to do it."

Derek: "We're using an actual wood fire oven."

Derek: "It's going to be great."

Derek: "This is so cool."

Derek: "Woah."

Derek: "Dinner is served."

Derek: "It smells amazing. See? I can do more than sports."

Henrietta: "I can't wait."
Jasmine: "This place needs a major makeover."

Monique: "Is there a catch to this? I haven't heard anything about an exemption yet. Maybe there's a secret second part."

Venus: "Needs more spices. Tastes like plebeian."

Monique: "Did you pick any limes?"
Venus: "No, should I have?"
Monique: "No, I was just asking."

Jasmine: "You call that pizza? Shouldn't it be round?"
Henrietta: "That's the American-style. This is why I like to travel. So that I won't seem like an ignoramus."

Reynard: "We sure worked hard for this. It tastes sweet."
Stephanie: "It's more savoury to me. I need to take a bath later to wash out the smell of smoke."

Sandra: "Cough! This pizzeria needs better ventilation."

The group did well today. Is the Mole trying to lay low?

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