Thursday, 26 September 2019

47.11-I have brains too

Last time on the Smole, the contestants replayed a mission from Season 14 and earned nothing. They kept the pot at 317/740 points. Jasmine managed to gain an exemption. At the execution ceremony, it was revealed that there had been a tie and Reynard was the slower one, causing him to be executed. Who will be executed next? Who is the Mole?


Derek: "Well...shit. My coalition buddy is gone. First Henrietta, then Reynard, what next? Me? I hope I wasn't the one who tied for the lowest with him, but if I was, I can at least eliminate someone from the list. Come on man. You can do this. Have faith in yourself. You're a pro at sports, and you're a pro at mind games. You just gotta show the world that it's true."


Monique: "Interesting that there was a tie and that two contestants had been scoring the same for the past 5 quizzes. I wonder who was the other contestant tied."


Sandra: "See? You're still here. You have nothing to worry about. Have more confidence in yourself."

Melvin: "It's not that I lack confidence. I had a really strong feeling I was wrong. I could be the one who tied for all you know."

Melvin: "But you're probably right. I sound paranoid to you right now, don't I? Sometimes first instincts are the most accurate. I should have listened to myself."

Sandra: "You didn't need my help at all. All I did was just help you figure out your own thought processes and who you really suspected."
Melvin: "You're right. I never once found out who you suspected."

Sandra: "A couple. But it doesn't really matter now. I think I have my answer and I'm going to go for it."

Melvin: "So early? I think it's a little risky."

Sandra: "You've just got to take the risk sometimes. That's what makes life so exciting. Besides, the reason I died last time was because I played too safely. As a result when only those who had the right Mole were left, I just didn't score well enough to get through. And that was with a perfect 10."

Melvin: "Who am I to stop you, right? Only you know what you want best."

Sandra: "Me and my dad."

Melvin: "Yeah, but your dad isn't here any more. So now it's all you."

Sandra: "Maybe...sometimes I like to think he's still with me, at least in spirit, guiding me to make all the right decisions. It could be him telling me to take a risk. Even if I lose, so be it. I got to take part in two seasons in a row."


Contestants had been asked to pick a number from one to six. 

Derek picks 1, Sandra picks 2, Monique picks 3, Jasmine picks 4, Venus picks 5 and Melvin picks 6. 

At Mucho Espresso Cafe, they will find 6 sets of cards corresponding to their numbers. In Season 16, contestants had to memorise their own cards. This time, they must memorise everyone else's. 

Every time a contestant is able to recreate another contestant's set of cards, 10 points will be added to the pot. This mission is thus worth 300 points. They have 20 minutes.

Each set also has one exemption card. Only if nobody recreates that set correctly does the owner get the exemption.

Contestants will have 3 minutes in total to look at the card sets which will be flashed across the screen in this room. They will go in the order of their numbers.

Derek: "This is my set. I don't need to care about my card. Next."

Derek: "Set #2. That's Sandra's."

Derek: "This is Monique's set."

Derek: "Jasmine's. Her exemption is it, hopefully. Next."

Derek: "Venus's card set."

Derek: "The last one which is Melvin's..."

Derek: "Oh, time is up. I hope I can remember everything."

Sandra: "I don't have the best memory but I know a couple of tricks to remember them, like mnemonics."

Sandra: "There are some similar images across the cards. Crap, which way did the first arrow face?"

Sandra: "3BSR..."

Monique: "Red balloon, cypress tree..."

Monique: "...tomato, brick..."

Monique: "I need to manage my time well. I can't spend too long on each one."

Monique: "Oh, time is up? That wasn't nearly enough time."

Jasmine: "I memorise loads of lines. This will be a piece of cake."

Jasmine: "Or not. This is hard."

Venus: "I can't remember what the first set was already. I need to go back to the first set."

Melvin: "Venus could not decide whether to wear a green dress, put on a blue tie or a silver skirt so she decided to eat a can of baked beans while she ruminated..."


"Contestants, you have 20 minutes to recreate as many sets as you can, excluding your own. Your time begins now."


Melvin: "We each had a laptop with the cards in a deck. We had to sift through each card and pull the ones we wanted out onto the board, matching their positions."


Sandra: "Crap, I don't remember. How many eggs did Derek have?"

Monique: "I may have to guess on this one. I'll come back to it later."

Venus: "Was the apple with Sandra? It was, right?"

Derek: "Everyone is struggling. This is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate my mental abilities and prove I have brains too."

Melvin: "She shot the the gun, then the apple...wait, no, I think it was the apple first because the gun is pointing left."

Jasmine: "That's two sets down. Time to move on to the third set."


"Time is up. Contestants, please stop what you are doing. We will now inspect your sets."

Sandra: "Crap. I think I failed this one."

Monique: "That was a close one. I had just put my last card down."

Derek: "I had to guess on a few. Maybe I'm not as smart as I thought."

Melvin: "I think I did well enough. Probably didn't get everything but I should have most of it right."

Jasmine: "Does anyone have lavender oil? I'm having a headache."

Venus: "I did the best I could."

"Derek, your first set is correct."

"Your second set is correct."

"This is also correct."

"So far so good. 4/4 correct."

"That's all five sets correctly replicated. Derek has brought in 50 points."

Derek: "I got them all correct? Awesome."
"This means that the only one who can get an exemption now is you, Derek. Do you want the other contestants to get your set correct?"

Derek: "Points are much welcome but I also hope they get mine wrong and only mine."
"We shall have to see. Let us move on to Sandra."

"Sandra, your first set is correct. You have taken away Derek's exemption."

"Your second set is also correct."


"Still correct."

"Sandra, you have a perfect score."

Sandra: "Really? My memory is better than I thought it would be."

"Nobody can get an exemption any more, but there are still many points to be earned. Monique?"
Monique: "Go ahead."

"You have got this completely right."

"No mistakes on Sandra's either."

"So far so good."

"No mistakes so far."

"Another 50 points."

"Nobody has lost points so far. Will you be the first, Jasmine?"
Jasmine: "We shall see."

"Your first set is correct."

"As is your second."

"Third is also right."

"Doing well so far."

"All five are correct."

Jasmine: "Naturally. I have good memory."

"Venus, let's check yours now."
Venus: "I think I have them all correct. Other than the high heels. I couldn't remember which ones faced right and which faced left."

"Venus, you have also brought in all the points you could here. It is all up to Melvin now."
Venus: "I knew I had it in me. The chances of me losing an exemption were too high so I had to make sure nobody else gets it but apparently I didn't really need to try so hard."

"Melvin, you memorised Derek's set correctly."

"As well as Sandra's."

"Doing well."

"This is also correct. It is all down to your last set. Can you max out your earnings in this mission?"

"Yes, you can."

Melvin: "Yes! We did it!"


"All 300 points have been earned. However, you can double the stakes here in a double-or-nothing round. One of you will be shown a new set. Replicate it correctly in 5 minutes and you can take 300 bonus points with you. Otherwise, you walk back empty-handed today. Do you accept?"

Derek: "We should do it."
Melvin: "I wouldn't take the risk."

Sandra: "300 points are a lot. Now's the best time to try and fill the pot. If we don't even try we'll definitely not be getting an extra 300 points."
Monique: "From another perspective, we stand to lose a lot. 300 points are a lot, as you said."

Derek: "We all proved to be amazing at memory."

Jasmine: "I would say the rest of you got lucky. I think I'm the only one who can remember."

Venus: "I also think we should do it. Jasmine, it's down to your vote."

Jasmine: "No. Why take the risk and embarrass ourselves if we lose?"

Derek: "We're split 3-3. Someone has to change their vote."

Melvin: "If you guys really want it..."
Monique: "We want more points but we have to be strategic. You shouldn't change your vote. The risk-takers should."

"10 more seconds to come to an agreement and pick someone, otherwise you will just leave with 300 points."

Sandra: "Come on guys!"

Monique: "300 points is a lot. If whoever is chosen succeeds, they can forget about pretending to be the Mole. If whoever is chosen fails, that would cost the pot a lot."

"Time is up. No decision has been reached. You still did well today. There are now 617/1040 points in the pot. Enjoy the rest of the day at this lovely cafe."


Monique: "It seems the service here is appalling. The servers don't know when to do their job."
Derek: "We should have done it, Monique. All Melvin had to do was to change his vote but you didn't let him."
Monique: "It's not wise, Derek. It's just a game. Move on."

Jasmine: "The mission's success is very shocking but I think the Mole banked on making it to the bonus round. Little did he or she realise that wasn't going to happen. It's nice to know we can stop the Mole once in a while."

Melvin: "My suspect didn't do anything really weird but perhaps the Mole doesn't mind giving us some money occasionally. Maybe the Mole was shocked by how good all our memory was and didn't want to risk actually bringing in 600/300 points."

Venus: "Everyone's a good actor. This is a tough season with a Mole who knows how to cover-up and blend in really well. I'm expecting some high-quality sabotage from him or her. But I'll be ready. I'm a fighter and I'm not going to give the Mole an easy time."

Despite 300/300 points earned, not everyone is happy about the results, especially not the Mole. Who is the Mole?

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