Wednesday, 18 September 2019

47.07-Undo and redo

Previously, the contestants split into three groups as they took part in a mission first seen in Season 36. Only 43/200 points were earned this time, making the pot 257/520 points. Matty was a suspect for a few contestants and he was executed. Does that clear doubts or cause even more confusion? If Matty's not the Mole, who is?

Melvin: "I should have more faith in myself. I knew it wasn't Matty but I let Henrietta talk me into picking him and letting her get to my head. That can't be good for my overall score."

Matty: "I wish my time machine was here. Then I can go back in time and redo the quiz."

Melvin: "If the time machine was here, I wouldn't have to fear anything because I could always undo and redo it. I still haven't worked up the courage to talk to Derek yet. I got to get over myself."


Derek: "What now? You convinced me it was Matty."

Henrietta: "Just stop and think, will you? You're really not helping the stereotype here by panicking and not thinking smart. Just pretend we know who it is. We'll start over with a fresh eye."
Derek: "But--"
Henrietta: "We'll discuss this after breakfast."

Derek: "Why am I stressing out so much? I should be chilling and enjoying what the Smole is offering me."

Reynard: "Derek, are you in a coalition with Henrietta?"

Derek: "I...shit. You heard everything, didn't you?"

Reynard: "That bitch. I should have known she was forming side coalitions like we were her side hoes. She's playing all of us. For all we know she's trying to pick us off one by one."

Reynard: "I have an idea. We form our own coalition behind her back."

Derek: "Is that really a good idea?"

Reynard: "It's payback. Nobody messes with me and gets away with it. Come on. We'll work together and send her out the front door instead. Would you rather her keep using us?"

Derek: "You're right. Let's do it."


"Contestants, today I need you to be paired up again. Four of you will be celebrities and each celebrity will have a bodyguard."

Jasmine: "I recognise this mission. I played in it."

"Bodyguards have to protect their celebrities. Each bodyguard will receive a red disc which you can use to hit and eliminate other bodyguards. The bodyguards had to try and tap another celebrity to earn 20 points. As for the celebrities, just enjoy life and stay safe until the 2 hours are up. If there is only one duo still safe at the end of the mission, they will receive an exemption. This mission is worth 80 points. Good luck."

Jasmine: "It goes without saying that I'll be a celebrity. Who wants to be my bodyguard?"
Monique: "I'll do it. Having played this before you'll have an upper hand."
Jasmine: "Smart girl. Just don't let me down like my sister-in-law did back then."

Henrietta: "Melvin, I think you should be a celebrity. You clearly don't have the stamina to be a bodyguard."

Venus: "I'll be a celebrity but only if Derek becomes my bodyguard."
Derek: "I think I'll help Melvin instead. Someone his size needs a big-sized guy to protect him too."

Venus: "He can hold his own. We would be the perfect pair..."
Derek: "No means no, Venus."
Venus: "Fine."

Venus: "Melvin, you decide."
Melvin: "Me? I'm fine with anything. The two of you can work together if you want."
Derek: "No, I'm working with you, Melvin."

Reynard: "I want to pretend to be a celebrity. I don't have to do much and I can get an exemption. It sounds like fun."

Henrietta: "I'm going to be a celebrity too."
Sandra: "Then we have too many celebrities. One of you will have to be a bodyguard."

Venus: "Fine, I'll do it. I'll work with Reynard."

Henrietta: "Then it's me and you, Sandra."
Sandra: "We can do this. I'm a cop."


"Contestants, remember: If and only if one pair remains at the end will there be an exemption."

"The red disc will only be effective in hitting another bodyguard. Hitting yourself or a celebrity will waste your one chance."

"You have two hours."

"Starting from now."

Monique: "We should seek cover."
Jasmine: "I know what to do."

Jasmine: "Take instructions from me."
Monique: "Okay, tell me what we have to do."

Jasmine: "We can't disguise ourselves this time but we need to stay in the outskirts."

Monique: "Is that what you did last time?"
Jasmine: "Yes. I wasn't found for a while, but then my bodyguard slept on the job."

Monique: "You won't see me do that. I have one job and I ensure to see it through."
Jasmine: "That's what I want to hear."

Derek: "What do you want to do: go for points or an exemption?"

Melvin: "Normally I would say points but this time I feel like I'm in real danger. I would like to try and go for the exemption if possible."

Derek: "Understood. I'll do my best to protect you."

Sandra: "Follow me. We'll try to hide in a house."
Henrietta: "The good thing about the houses here is that there is more than one way of entering and exiting. I will sneak through the back door if you see a bodyguard incoming."

Reynard: "We should hide."
Venus: "Don't be such a scaredy-cat. That will do us no good. We've got to be proactive. Find the rest and get rid of them one by one."
Reynard: "But I want an exemption. Let the rest kill each other off. I don't want to be the first out."

Reynard: "Come on now."
Venus: "Ugh. Fine."

Sandra: "i don't think anyone is at home."

Sandra: "Let's go."
Henrietta: "Where are you going?"

Henrietta: "We can always hide in their house even if nobody is around."
Sandra: "You mean break in?"

Sandra: "That's illegal!"
Henrietta: "Nothing will happen to us. It's only for a mission."

Henrietta: "If you're uncomfortable you can head out the back and stakeout there instead. There's no door blocking the path to it."

Sandra: "No, that's trespassing. We shouldn't be doing it."

Henrietta: "Fine. We'll think of something else."

Melvin: "There's a bathroom here. Do you think I should hide inside?"
Derek: "What? Don't be silly."

Derek: "Do you not trust I can protect you?"
Melvin: "It's not that. You're the only male bodyguard."

Derek: "That's true...but I don't feel safe leaving you in there while I try to find the other bodyguards"

Melvin: "I'll be fine."
Derek: "If you're sure...then just stay inside. I'll come and get you when it's time."

Venus: "We can't just keep playing defense here."

Venus: "Reynard, what the hell?"

Reynard: "What? Let me feel like a child and have fun."

Venus: "Ugh. If Viola was here, what would she do?

Venus: "She would negotiate. I think I know who's the most willing to negotiate."

Jasmine: "It's too open everywhere."
Monique: "Shall we head inside a building?"

Jasmine: "No, I could be trapped in there. The last time I did this it was dark so it was harder to spot me and I had a disguise on."

Venus: "I see them."

Monique: "Venus is there. We have to run."

Venus: "Wait! I come in peace! I want to negotiate with you!"

Jasmine: "Don't listen to her. Get rid of her!"
Monique: "Let's hear what she has to say first."

Monique: "We can talk from here. What do you propose?"
Venus: "A truce! We can work together and get rid of the rest."

Monique: "How will we decide who gets the exemption then?"

Reynard: "Okay, this is getting boring. I feel really stupid now. Man, I really am old if playing with toys is stupid."

Reynard: "Venus, shall we get moving? It's not a good idea to stay in one spot for too long."

Reynard: "Venus! Venus? Where are you?"

Sandra: "I hear some shouting...over there! If I can hit them from here..."

Sandra: "I can only choose one."

Sandra: "Here goes nothing..."

Monique: "Ow!"

Monique: "A red disc...where did it come from?"

Monique: "This was an ambush?"
Venus: "I'm just as shocked as you are."

Jasmine: "Ugh, you really can't depend on others to save you."

Venus: "This wasn't a trap, I swear.  But since you're all alone now."

Venus: "Hey, come back here!"

Venus: "I won't bite! I'll just get rid of you instead!"

Jasmine: "These heels were not made for running on cobble."

Sandra: "They didn't notice me? What a relief."

Venus: "Gotcha."

Jasmine: "Damn you Venus."


Reynard: "Venus, are you here?"

Derek: "I can only stay in the vicinity if I want to protect Melvin."

Reynard: "Is Venus in here?"

Derek: "Well...ok."

Reynard: "Shit."

Derek: "You can't outrun me!"
Reynard: "I'll die trying!"

Venus: "I should get back to Reynard."

Reynard: "HELP! VENUS!"


Venus: "Oh crap! He's being chased!"

Derek: "And you're out."
Reynard: "Damn you. I wanted the exemption."

Derek: "No hard feelings."
Reynard: "I'll remember this, Derek."

Venus: "I can't get the exemption now but I sure as hell won't just give it to someone else."

Eduardo: "Ow! Who hit-a me?"

Derek: "Huh?"

Venus: "Crap crap crap crap crap. That stupid man got in the way."

Derek: "You're not going anywhere, Venus!"

Venus: "Crap!"

Derek: "Stop right there!"

Sandra: "Why is Derek chasing Venus? Didn't he already eliminate Reynard?"

Venus: "I'll try to waste his time and find Sandra. Hopefully she still has her disc."

Derek: "You can't outrun me."
Venus: "We'll see about that."

Derek: "And you're out too."
Venus: "Damn it Derek. Can't you be a nice guy and let me off?"
Derek: "I won't have you trying to touch Melvin."


Derek: "Come on, where are the rest?"

Sandra: "Derek, over here!"

Derek: "Something's not right. Why are you calling out to me?"
Sandra: "I want to strike a deal with you."

Sandra: "It's down to the two of us. Monique and Jasmine are out, and I saw you eliminate Reynard and Venus too."
Derek: "You were watching us?"

Sandra: "I still have my disc with me so I can eliminate you whenever I want. But I won't because I want to make a deal."

Derek: "What can you offer me if I let you off?"
Sandra: "Erm...You can ask me anything and I'll answer honestly."

Derek: "You're already an honest woman. Everyone can see that."
Sandra: "Tell you what. I'll go find Henrietta. See if she's willing to give you some info in exchange for safety."

Derek: "Something just doesn't feel right. Am I just going along with this? Or is she luring me away from Melvin?"

Derek: "Wait, why is she bringing me to Melvin? This is where he's hidden. Unless that's where Henrietta is too."

Sandra: "Henrietta, come out now. I have a deal with Derek."

Derek: "Think fast. Should I take out Sandra while I have the chance?"

Sandra: "Henrietta...ow! Derek!"

Derek: "Sorry. I had to. I don't think Henrietta is ever going to agree."

Sandra: "Good luck finding her."

Derek: "What is that supposed to mean? She hid her in the toilet too?"

Derek: "Melvin, you there?"
Melvin: "I'm here."

Derek: "Phew. Everybody should be taken out already except for Henrietta. Sandra led me here."

Melvin: "She led you here?"

Derek: "She wanted to make a deal with me. Let them off in exchange for information."

Melvin: "Oh..."
Derek: "I didn't want to put you in a spot. I know you really want the exemption and so do I. Who doesn't? So I followed her all the way here."

Melvin: "Something doesn't add up. Why would Sandra gamble on a deal and risk exposing Henrietta?"

Derek: "What do you mean?"

Melvin: "I don't think Sandra had her disc. Otherwise she would have gotten rid of you while she had the chance. I don't think Henrietta is here either. I would have heard something if that was true."

Derek: "She tricked me!"
Melvin: "But you still got rid of her in the end. You didn't fall for it."

Derek: "You're...right."

Melvin: "The last thing we need to do is to find Henrietta. We'll get points and exemptions. I'll help you. Everyone is already taken out anyway."


Derek: "We've got this. I can feel the exemption coming up."
Melvin: "We have to think like Henrietta."

Melvin: "Henrietta is someone who will only do something if it benefits her overall."
Derek: "So she won't just sit around doing nothing."
Melvin: "Yes, that's right. She'll probably be making notes or keeping an eye out on us."

Derek: "The pizzeria?"
Melvin: "Do you think she could be in there?"

Derek: "I don't think so. We've been here before. Surely she would expect someone to check there."
Melvin: "It won't hurt to check. But we have to walk faster."

Henrietta: "I can't just keep hiding. I need to know where Sandra is."

Derek: "She really is here!"
Melvin: "There she is."

Derek: "Leave it to me."

Derek: "You're out, Henrietta."
Henrietta: "What?"

Henrietta: "Argh!"
Derek: "Boo-yeah!"
Melvin: "That's the last one, right? We did it?"

"Derek, Melvin, congratulations. With time to spare, you managed to eliminate everyone else. You are the sole pair remaining, so both of you get an exemption as well as 60/80 points to the pot."

Melvin: "Yeah! We got the exemption!"

The pot now has 317/600 points. Melvin and Derek won't be going home. Who will?

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