Tuesday 24 September 2019

47.10-Strictly business

In the last episode, the contestants had to divide balls among everyone. Reynard and Sandra put too much on themselves and overshot the limit of 24 whereas Derek and Melvin had too few balls to earn any points. Jasmine and Monique managed to predict correctly how many balls they had so they managed to negate the penalty and Jasmine got an exemption for having the most balls under 25. However, the 0/140 points is a glaring hole in the 317/740 points that is the pot. Is it the work of the Mole or distrust in the group?

Venus: "What's the little puppy doing out here pouting?"

Reynard: "Just thinking about my family. I tried everything I could to save it but in the end Casey still chose to separate from me."

Venus: "Some love just doesn't last."
Reynard: "You think I should divorce her?"

Venus: "I didn't say that but if you feel things aren't working out, it's better to just cut it off. Seeing grown men be sad or worse, cry, is a huge turn-off."

Reynard: "We've been married for so long. It's so weird to just divorce just like that. My boys acted out when shit got bad the first time. We reconciled and I thought it could happen again but apparently not."

Venus: "You need someone who values you. Clearly that isn't Casey. Just look at me. I have no attachments and am carefree. I feel so happy."

Reynard: "You were married?"

Venus: "No but I've dated around. And I have a friend who's married. She was my best friend and I looked up to her but she would often try to boss me around. She made me feel like I could never match up to her. Now that she's not here I can do whatever I want. She can't tell me what to do or what not to do."

Reynard: "So you stopped being friends with her?"
Venus: "Not really but it just isn't as strong as it used to be. She's really smart and amazing, I'll give her that. I found myself trying to think in her shoes a couple of times...see, her influence on me is so strong I can't shake it off."

Venus: "You know, you're the first one I talked to about something so personal."

Reynard: "We both need a hug."

Monique: "Ahem."

Venus: "What?"

Monique: "Are you forgetting something, Reynard? Like the ring on your finger?"

Reynard: "I'm not wearing one."
Monique: "Don't try to be funny."
Reynard: "It doesn't seem to mean anything to her so why should it mean something to me?"

Monique: "I'm not going to meddle in your private affairs but Venus isn't as pure as you think. She has an ulterior motive for getting close to you."

Venus: "Shut up. You sound like Viola. You're not the boss of me. You can't tell me what to do. I love whoever I want."
Monique: "Weren't you into the rebellious type?"

Venus: "People change. Tastes can change too. Over the years I've refined my taste in men. Reynard is someone who is dependable and gives me a warm sense of security. He's someone I can settle down with."

Monique: "You're not ready to settle down."

Venus: "Who says?  If Viola can get married so can I."

Venus: "Reynard, break up with your wife. We'll get married."

Monique: "Think carefully, Reynard. Don't let temptation or personal affairs get to you. You're just here to play a game. If I were you I would keep it strictly business."


Melvin: "I feel like I'm still in the danger zone, Sandra. I managed to tease Henrietta's main suspect out from her and she's gone. I answered with the same suspect."

Sandra: "You can use what others say as a reference but ultimately you have to trust yourself."

Melvin: "I'd feel better if I can discuss with someone."

Sandra: "Do you want me to work with you?"

Melvin: "Is it alright with you?"

Sandra: "It couldn't hurt, I suppose."


Monique: "Are you just going to walk away without doing the dishes?"
Jasmine: "Do you expect me to clean it up myself?"

Sandra: "Yes? We're not your maids."

Monique: "We came here to play the Smole, not wait on you."

Jasmine: "We wouldn't have that problem if I could bring my butler here, but the stupid rules."

Monique: "You can't do anything about it."

Jasmine: "Maybe I can. I am famous after all and hold a lot of influence."

Monique: "News flash, diva. You're a nobody outside of Zimmaport. On the Smole we all start on equal footing."

Sandra: "Monique, careful. There are rumours saying that her brother killed his own son to cover up his crimes. The murderous streak could run in the family."
Monique: "You're right."

Jasmine: "Ha! You're scared of me. As you should be. I don't just talk to anyone."

Sandra: "The exemption has really gotten to her head. She's like another Edith."
Monique: "She'll meet her downfall. I'm not scared of her but we should just wait patiently as fate deals with her."


Derek: "Alright, game talk before we gotta do it again. Are we going for Venus?"
Reynard: "I can't see it anyone other than Venus."

Derek: "The two of you have gotten closer lately. Do you feel any Mole vibes from her?"

Reynard: "Actually, not really. Maybe I should reconsider? In fact she proposed to me."

Derek: "What?"

Reynard: "She sees me for who I am inside."

Derek: "But you're married!"
Reynard: "My marriage is on the rocks, Derek. Why prolong the agony?"

Derek: "What about your kids?"

Reynard: "They're older now. They'll understand. It beats them listening to their parents fighting all the time. We've already split unofficially anyway. She took Franklin to find her parents while I stayed at our house with Jerald."

Reynard: "I tried, Derek. I tried so hard to win her back. You saw it on Season 39, right? I had this big thing prepared. It was ruined by the rain but she should have felt the sincerity. If she doesn't appreciate my gestures it's her problem."

Derek: "I'm no love guru but I think she doesn't care for the extravagant gestures. Just like me and Dawn. I don't do anything big very often because she won't remember them. But it's the small things every day that makes me love her even more. It melts my heart to see her swoon over me every day like I'm her first love."

Reynard: "She doesn't see it that way. She thinks I'm a bum because I don't spend every minute of my life working my ass off. She finds it a burden to take care of me and thinks she's the only one who's putting in any effort for the family. She's still upset that Kathleen was interested in me. She embarrassed herself in Season 2 and needed a punching bag."

Derek: "If the two of you are constantly arguing, I think the two of you have to get to the root of the problem. Only when that is addressed will your problems go away. Coming to the Smole and getting involved with another woman isn't solving anything. Especially not when the other woman is Venus."


It is time for the quiz.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What hair colour was the runner-up in the Mole's previous season?
A: Black
B: Blonde
C: Brown
D: Red
E: Bald

Q3: How many contestants share a room with the Mole?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2

Q4: Which of the following contestants were from the Mole's previous season?
A: Lloyd Smart
B: Eileen Adorra
C: Douglas Chip
D: Sierra Das Auto
E: Chad Denizen
F: Giselle Onkat
G: Michael Anderson

Q5: In Mission 5, who sat opposite the Mole initially?
A: Melvin Willis
B: Derek Zora
C: Venus Ixora
D: Monique Plaita
E: Jasmine Risotto
F: Sandra Rius
G: The Mole did not sit initially

Q6: In what order did the Mole distribute balls in Mission 5?
A: First
B: Second
C: Third
D: Fourth
E: Fifth
F: Sixth
G: Last

Q7: In Mission 5, how many balls did the Mole put in the Mole's own chest?
A: 15
B: 8
C: 7
D: 6
E: 4
F: 2

Q8: In Mission 5, how many balls did the Mole have in the chest?
A: 6
B: 11
C: 16
D: 21
E: 23
F: 29
G: 34

Q9: In Mission 5, which chest did the Mole give the most balls to?
A: Reynard Connors
B: Sandra Rius
C: Jasmine Risotto
D: Venus Ixora
E: Sandra Rius
F: Monique Plaita
G: The Mole gave the most to more than one contestant

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Melvin Willis
B: Derek Zora
C: Reynard Connors
D: Venus Ixora
E: Monique Plaita
F: Jasmine Risotto
G: Sandra Rius


Venus: "I had a gut Mole from the start. As you interact with everyone you start to see that he's not so bad and it becomes harder to see him as the Mole...but I've come so far with Reynard in mind. I'm pretty sure he lied about spreading equally in the mission if he exceeded the limit. Do I change or stick with him?"


"Contestants, only seven of you left. You have made it to the halfway mark but for one of you, that is the furthest you will go this time."

"Derek Zora."

"Venus Ixora."

"Monique Plaita."

"Melvin Willis."

"Reynard Connors, Sandra Rius, one of you will be executed. There has been a tie this time, meaning to say that two of you had been scoring the exact same overall for all the past quizzes, and as a result the slower one will be executed tonight."

"Reynard Connors."

Reynard: "Fuck!"
"Unfortunately, Reynard Connors, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Reynard: "It's too soon. I wanted to play more. I wanted to get away from my life for a while and take a break, enjoy myself and not have to worry about my problems for a while. I thought I had the Mole. Don't tell me I was wrong the whole time? Sigh..."

"Thank you for joining, Reynard. We hope to see you again."

Playful Reynard is executed. Was he on the right Mole or did the Mole fool him?

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