Tuesday, 22 October 2024

59.17-The French eat rich

Previously, the final six had a chance to perform words or phrases via mime and cycle around the city centre for a chance to earn 90 points, of which only 15 were earned. With 315/690 points in the pot and no exemptions, Rudy could not save himself and became the next one to be executed. Only five women remain: who among them is the Mole?


Jordana: "It really never gets easier saying goodbye. I thought I was numb to it but I'm so sad to see all of them go. It's like empty nest syndrome."


The contestants are at The Catania Café for a hearty breakfast.

Sienna: "Limited time promotion: only one serving per set. Set A: French toast, fruit parfait, macaron. Set B: Crepes, pancakes, croissant. Set C: Cheese plate, waffles, eggs machiavellian. Set D: Muffin, cheese danish, donut. Set E: Baguette, brownie, quiche. "
Sheila: "Wow, a three-course meal. The French eat rich."

Jean-Luc: "Bonjour. May I take your orders?"
Mary: "They all sound quite sweet."
Sheila: "I'm not really hungry today. May I have a Set D?"
Sanaa: "I will take Set A. It sounds very French."
Mary: "I'll have Set C. I miss home food."
Sienna: "Do you have a preference, Jordana? I don't."
Jordana: "I'll take Set B if you don't mind. Sounds delicious."
Sienna: "Then I'll take Set E."

Jean-Luc: "Please wait while we prepare your food."
Sheila: "How do you say thank you in French? Merci?"
Sienna: "Why is the kitchen upstairs?"

Jordana: "How have you been liking France so far, Sanaa?"
Sanaa: "It is very different."
Jordana: "Do you prefer Egypt or France?"
Sanaa: "I think I need more time to get used to France."

Sienna: "Oh, thank you."

Mary: "Coffee. Just what I needed."

Sheila: "You don't drink coffee?"
Sanaa: "No."

Jean-Luc: "Set A is ready. Please collect your food upstairs."
Sanaa: "Oh. It is self service."
Sheila: "That's not suspicious at all."

Sanaa: "In here?"

Sanaa: "Hello. I am here to collect my breakfast."
Jean-Luc: "Bonjour. I am Jean-Luc Pivert, your next PKer. You may collect one meal of your choice, but think carefully."

Jean-Luc: "One of the meals contains 10 points while the other contains a correction. That correction is for me for the quiz tonight. If I have enough corrections to bring my score high up, I may join the game and take the place of one of you."

Jean-Luc: "The points are in the yoghurt."

Sanaa: "Can I trust you?"
Jean-Luc: "Of course."
Sanaa: "Why would you tell me where the points are if you can get a correction?"
Jean-Luc: "Because it's more fun that way."

Sanaa: "You are a competitor. I don't know if I can trust you."
Jean-Luc: "Is my face not trustable?"

Sanaa: "Okay. I will believe you. I will take the yoghurt."

Jean-Luc: "Putain. The double psychology did not work."

Sienna: "Why did you come back with yoghurt?"
Sanaa: "The next PKer is upstairs. You have to pick the food where you think points are."

Jean-Luc: "Set B is ready. Please come upstairs to collect your food."


Sienna: "I knew things weren't so simple. There were two rounds and in the first round, Jean-Luc would try to lead you to the corrections. We had to determine if he was telling the truth about the points being in the yoghurt."


Jean-Luc: "The points are in the yoghurt."

Jordana: "Why would you tell me that?"
Jean-Luc: "Why would I not? I am helping you fill the pot."
Jordana: "But you may not even be able to enter the game and get the pot."
Jean-Luc: "I have confidence in myself."

Jordana: "Hehe sorry but I don't trust you. I'm taking what I ordered."

Jordana: "What's this? Oh no. You were telling the truth."


Jean-Luc: "The points are in the yoghurt."
Mary: "I am sceptical."

Jean-Luc: "Believe what you will, madame, but I am telling the truth."
Mary: "What good does telling the truth do for you?"
Jean-Luc: "I feel charitable."

Mary: "That's such a weak excuse. But maybe you're pulling a fast one on me."

Mary: "I'll take the yoghurt. I need to save room for the second course."

Jean-Luc: "Ha ha! Fooled you."


Jean-Luc: "The points are in the yoghurt."

Jean-Luc: "You do not believe me?"
Sheila: "The best way to play is to not engage with you. I'll think independently. Hmm..."

Jean-Luc: "I'll take the cheese danish."

Jean-Luc: "Putain."


Jean-Luc: "The points are in the yoghurt."
Sienna: "Convince me."
Jean-Luc: "You have to believe me. I do not need a correction to enter the game."

Sienna: "The extra guarantee would not hurt."
Jean-Luc: "I want to win a big pot. I hear the pot is low now."

Sienna: "Are you truly that altruistic?"
Jean-Luc: "I am providing you a win-win situation."

Sienna: "I ordered quiche. I'm not in the mood for yoghurt."
Jean-Luc: "Are you sure? You did not come all the way to France just to eat French food."

Sienna: "Are you a replacement Mole?"
Jean-Luc: "I am not. Please, trust me."

Sienna: "The chances are indeed slim...so it makes sense that you want a high pot. But if you don't score well enough you might not even stand a chance."
Jean-Luc: "Trust me. Now it is either I know the Mole or not at all. There is no point entering the game confused."

Sienna: "I'll take the yoghurt."

Sienna: "Darn it!"


"Contestants, you have finished your first course. You have met your potential competitor. 30 points have been won and 2 corrections for Jean-Luc. But breakfast is not over. You may have noticed there are still two dishes each yet to be served. Maybe you'll find them more rewarding."

Sheila: "What's our plan?"
Mary: "There must be personal advantages available. Probably a dilemma against points."
Sanaa: "We should aim to win points. The pot is not high."
Jordana: "We won't know what there is."
Sheila: "If there are no more corrections then there is no incentive for him to lie."

Sienna: "Jean-Luc is a very good liar. I would caution against trusting him too much."

Jean-Luc: "Set A is ready for collection."
Sheila: "Go for the points Sanaa! Don't be tempted!"


Jean-Luc: "Welcome back Sanaa. There is one question I want to know: are you the Mole?"

Sanaa: "No. I could never be the Mole."
Jean-Luc: "Why not?"
Sanaa: "I would not be able to sabotage a lot of the missions."
Jean-Luc: "You could have been a replacement Mole like me."
Sanaa: "I am not."

Jean-Luc: "Then you will not be interested in the clue. Maybe you would prefer to add 20 points to the pot."
Sanaa: "Where is the clue?"
Jean-Luc: "The clue is in the macaron."

Sanaa: "How do I know if you are not lying?"
Jean-Luc: "I told you the truth earlier. You can trust me."

Sanaa: "If you enter the game, you will be at a disadvantage."
Jean-Luc: "Hmm. That's true."

Sanaa: "If you be honest with me, I will tell you where the clue is."
Jean-Luc: "I am honest the whole time."

Sanaa: "I will trust you again."

Sanaa: "A clue! Thank you."


Jordana: "Hehe! Bonjour again!"
Jean-Luc: "Bonjour. Are you the Mole?"

Jordana: "Hehe! I wish I was but I'm not."
Jean-Luc: "Why not?"
Jordana: "I would be too clumsy and also give myself away."

Jean-Luc: "I have 20 points for you, or an exemption for the next quiz. Which interests you?"
Jordana: "Ooh. The exemption."
Jean-Luc: "The exemption is in the croissant."

Jordana: "You lied to me earlier."
Jean-Luc: "Forgive me for that. Now I tell the truth."

Jordana: "I hope you are hehe."
Jean-Luc: "I gain nothing by lying."

Jordana: "Sorry, I really do not trust you."

Jordana: "Hehe! An exemption for me!"


Jean-Luc: "Mary, are you the Mole?"

Mary: "No. I'm not the Mole."
Jean-Luc: "Why not?"
Mary: "I didn't make that call. The pot would be close to 0 if I was the Mole."

Mary: "What do you have for me?"
Jean-Luc: "The points are in the waffles."
Mary: "And what are in the eggs?"
Jean-Luc: "Nothing."

Mary: "I find that hard to believe."
Jean-Luc: "I speak the truth."

Jean-Luc: "Do you not want to go for the pot?"
Mary: "No. At this stage, it's all about fighting for survival more than ever. Everyone should know who the Mole is by now. Every advantage counts."

Jean-Luc: "I'm afraid I have nothing like that for you."
Mary: "You say the points are in the waffles?"
Jean-Luc: "Yes. 20 points."
Mary: "You're not lying?"
Jean-Luc: "No."

Mary: "I'll take the eggs Machiavellian."
Jean-Luc: "Haha! I made you take 20 points."


Jean-Luc: "Sheila, are you the Mole?"
Sheila: "I'm not."
Jean-Luc: "Explain."
Sheila: "My fiancé was on the show too. I couldn't lie to him."

Jean-Luc: "I have two interesting offers for you. There are 20 points in the donut."
Sheila: "That's not very interesting. What is in the muffin?"
Jean-Luc: "I was afraid you'll ask. You can get an exemption to the finale if you make it to the final four."

Sheila: "Oh my goodness. And that's in the muffin?"
Jean-Luc: "Yes."

Sheila: "It won't do you good to tell the truth."
Jean-Luc: "I don't think you'll make it past this round."
Sheila: "Hey!"

Sheila: "So you aren't lying to me?"
Jean-Luc: "Believe what you will. I told you what I know."

Sheila: "This could be a reverse UNO. I'll take the muffin."

Sheila: "Oh my goodness! An exemption!"


Sheila: "I was still debating on whether I should lock in one suspect in this quiz because it feels like everyone knows who their Mole is. Now that there's an exemption I can win, I need to rethink my strategy. Maybe I should hedge my bets just enough to survive this round, then I'll be okay in the next. But the risk is that I don't get to use that exemption."


Jean-Luc: "Sienna, you made it this far. Is it because you know who the Mole is or because you're the Mole?"
Sienna: "I am not the Mole. I'm confident in my suspect."
Jean-Luc: "Are you sure you're not the Mole?"
Sienna: "Yes. I would be less passive if I was the Mole."

Jean-Luc: "If you claim you are a contestant, then you would want points."
Sienna: "I do."
Jean-Luc: "Then choose the baguette. 20 points are in the baguette."

Sienna: "How about the brownie? What's in the brownie?"
Jean-Luc: "Nothing."
Sienna: "Nothing?"
Jean-Luc: "Le rien."

Sienna: "It must be something very valuable. That's why you're not telling me."
Jean-Luc: "I am telling the truth."
Sienna: "You lied once."
Jean-Luc: "So why would I lie a second time?"

Sienna: "Hmm..."

Sienna: "I'll take whatever you tell me to take."
Jean-Luc: "You have to pick for yourself. The points are in the baguette."
Sienna: "Okay. I'll take the baguette."

Jean-Luc: "Good job."
Sienna: "You were telling the truth this time."


"I hope it was a fruitful morning. Some of you earned more points while others earned advantages for themselves. Sanaa earned a clue, Jordana an exemption for the next quiz and Sheila an exemption for the finale. 70/150 points have been added to the pot to make it 385/840 points. The Mole is winning, ladies."

Who will go home next? Will they be able to stop Jean-Luc from successfully entering the game?

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